No Plagiarism!v7E3Q8I3LZ1Y6hftWf7Uposted on PENANA "Insynnner8 The Heretics"8964 copyright protection227PENANAoRNWDjVBYZ 維尼
"Insynnner8 Hérétíkinn."8964 copyright protection227PENANA1L8PpfRJLR 維尼
Speaking with lies and twisted truths, but nothing but lies.8964 copyright protection227PENANAzxj9gciYcW 維尼
"Ræða með lygum ok snúnum sannleikum, en ekkert nema lygar."8964 copyright protection227PENANA4RfMWhQW1U 維尼
You swear on a stack of Bibles that you are a prophet and speak God's word.8964 copyright protection227PENANA48dpdW7EC0 維尼
"Þú sverð á hlaði af biblium að þú ert spámaður og talar Guðs orð."8964 copyright protection227PENANAzlL1c2VnGH 維尼
You do nothing Godly or trustworthy 8964 copyright protection227PENANABiGySNQZ95 維尼
You speak and prophesize about things that are not true.8964 copyright protection227PENANA3cdfytmeaI 維尼
"Þú gerir ekkert guðlegt eða treystilegt. Þú talar og spáir um hluti sem eru ekki sannir."8964 copyright protection227PENANAX5hl8E4VIA 維尼
You mislead thousands of people.8964 copyright protection227PENANAlum74Cw3gB 維尼
You lead them straight to Hell.Certainly! 8964 copyright protection227PENANA3wLZTl9fmT 維尼
"Þú leiðir þúsundir manna á villur. Þú leiðir þá beint til Helvítis."8964 copyright protection227PENANAMwOrebtNbk 維尼
For greed and popularity.8964 copyright protection227PENANAdbzlEEEpqR 維尼
Fall from grace, like you ever had any.8964 copyright protection227PENANAxitQnWkJIl 維尼
Die heretic you are a merchant of lies.8964 copyright protection227PENANAdehWlV7Cuo 維尼
Prophesize of greatness that never comes.8964 copyright protection227PENANAsgtzVdQmXE 維尼
"Fyrir græðgi og vinsældir.8964 copyright protection227PENANAIjQQe82vWN 維尼
Fall frá náð, eins og þú hefur nokkurn tímann haft nokkurn.8964 copyright protection227PENANAWBXnQ2gIhi 維尼
Deyja hérétíkur, þú ert kaupmaður lyga.8964 copyright protection227PENANAK1HSHAF6Is 維尼
Spá um mikilvægi sem aldrei kemur."8964 copyright protection227PENANA8kFPT3MLUe 維尼
I hope you die a thousand deaths for each person you mislead.8964 copyright protection227PENANAZfz4KPVf8V 維尼
"Ég vona að þú deyir þúsund dauða fyrir hvern einasta sem þú leiðir á villur."8964 copyright protection227PENANAzOggRt1h6y 維尼
Insynnner8 The Heretic!8964 copyright protection227PENANAyCT1gSFxuT 維尼
Burn at a million degrees!8964 copyright protection227PENANAlU7gJJm8Eo 維尼
Your body turns to cinders and is made whole again.8964 copyright protection227PENANAltTxNIJhvr 維尼
Over and Over again you will burn for eternity.8964 copyright protection227PENANA8LV8mfbRKx 維尼
"Insynnner8 Hérétíkurinn!8964 copyright protection227PENANA0Kxv4dr096 維尼
Brenni við milljón gráður!8964 copyright protection227PENANAlbdmN39CW6 維尼
Líkami þinn snýst í öskju og er gert heilagt aftur.8964 copyright protection227PENANAJSjQVBL5Ny 維尼
Aftur og aftur mun þú brenna í eilífð."8964 copyright protection227PENANASsq6VBRxDY 維尼
Scream your lies in the depths of Hell8964 copyright protection227PENANAXvUr5ytbpM 維尼
Burn with the devil and his minions too.8964 copyright protection227PENANAOS9xp37VZu 維尼
"Skelfðu lygurnar þínar í djúpum Helvíti8964 copyright protection227PENANArQRyG2dqVU 維尼
Brenn með djöflinum og hans þrælum líka."8964 copyright protection227PENANA9VQNkvHZyo 維尼
Isynnnr8 The Heretic!8964 copyright protection227PENANAbeMivutGtY 維尼
Mock God and his word burn for eternity!8964 copyright protection227PENANA8dLqFi5ry5 維尼
"Insynnner8 Hérétíkurinn!8964 copyright protection227PENANANEgbnCoVYx 維尼
Hæða Guð og hans orð, brenna í eilífð!"8964 copyright protection227PENANAQ9ImQv9JAZ 維尼
Isynnnr8 The Heretic!8964 copyright protection227PENANAomKXTTmOhr 維尼
Molten brimstone from mountains so high.8964 copyright protection227PENANAM9KUH0eq2x 維尼
You earned your punishment you devil in human flesh.8964 copyright protection227PENANAIHP0KLc69o 維尼
Read your false doctrine to Hell's populous. 8964 copyright protection227PENANAw3vP3dYQKc 維尼
Constant screaming with no rest 8964 copyright protection227PENANAFwrB9XNbhb 維尼
Burn you liar, I hate you!8964 copyright protection227PENANAreD3pX6Whb 維尼
Your time has come due!8964 copyright protection227PENANAYIFihTA5o4 維尼
"Insynnner8 Hérétíkurinn!8964 copyright protection227PENANAKc5YjH7P0H 維尼
Fljótandi brennusteinn frá fjöllum svo háum.8964 copyright protection227PENANA3HMvogDujf 維尼
Þú hefur þig fyrir þínu refsingu, þú djöfull í mannalíki.8964 copyright protection227PENANA2HvkNqYY4b 維尼
Lesðu falska kenninguna þína fyrir Helvítis þjóð.8964 copyright protection227PENANATvXRUWpok6 維尼
Stöðug skrímsli án hvíldar.8964 copyright protection227PENANAbUpPCFpkPy 維尼
Brenn þú lygari, ég hata þig!8964 copyright protection227PENANAab4MuWO84y 維尼
Tíminn þinn er kominn!"8964 copyright protection227PENANACCASASZTiT 維尼
.8964 copyright protection227PENANATFy2E6TmAO 維尼