No Plagiarism!r2XWa2G5jp8cVPDaN9dtposted on PENANA Alone8964 copyright protection641PENANA4IEyyeazaT 維尼
The wall dripped8964 copyright protection641PENANAFkaeZKVI3e 維尼
Along the splattered lines8964 copyright protection641PENANAWdYoCpymOp 維尼
Down their ruby lanes8964 copyright protection641PENANAtcbx2lWYOV 維尼
To the mountain on the floor8964 copyright protection641PENANAUUjMShzp9o 維尼
No molehill could be so large8964 copyright protection641PENANADI7EOBFRK5 維尼
As this mountain on the rug8964 copyright protection641PENANAQrKGM0u0iq 維尼
Crimson rivers, scarlet lakes8964 copyright protection641PENANAh0d33MirqG 維尼
A crumpled, scarred up meadow8964 copyright protection641PENANAddlLMgm2TZ 維尼
The mower lay still8964 copyright protection641PENANAH7hgUMrkm9 維尼
Deep in the puddle beside8964 copyright protection641PENANA2RSeP7CnH7 維尼
A vulture no longer circling,8964 copyright protection641PENANAEN3itBoIzQ 維尼
A falcon shot down from flight8964 copyright protection641PENANAfGFVf6bZzA 維尼
One instance8964 copyright protection641PENANAhnCf6UPHAd 維尼
One argument8964 copyright protection641PENANAClmVOkW2y4 維尼
One life8964 copyright protection641PENANAYyHTJs1rW5 維尼
One mistake8964 copyright protection641PENANAS2zK8XdCY7 維尼
But then it had been a time long coming8964 copyright protection641PENANAjE9Tyc3v8j 維尼
Patience only lasts so long8964 copyright protection641PENANAv7sbd4LZpE 維尼
If only it hadn’t felt so wrong8964 copyright protection641PENANAC3Hk5j0T6I 維尼
Even from someone else’s hand8964 copyright protection641PENANApd6RzuLVcA 維尼
The door locked shut8964 copyright protection641PENANAvnmHMh2cQR 維尼
Now I was alone8964 copyright protection641PENANAStsnaisotn 維尼
With a secret hard to bear8964 copyright protection641PENANAXHrddnXPlD 維尼
And a mess to clean8964 copyright protection641PENANAL3qwVDgF7C 維尼
As much as I hated him8964 copyright protection641PENANAFKpuwyuPa0 維尼
As much as he hated me8964 copyright protection641PENANAVd5tSeC5XH 維尼
I wish I had been his undoing8964 copyright protection641PENANA25jyXsePbN 維尼
But alas, it wasn’t me8964 copyright protection641PENANAWYVTMkKALj 維尼
They won’t believe me8964 copyright protection641PENANAPeFYIZMNQq 維尼
That I know too well8964 copyright protection641PENANAMFyrinSxq3 維尼
The police shall hound me down8964 copyright protection641PENANAFXIkIYmOJ9 維尼
But for what cause?8964 copyright protection641PENANAjToC11Qqyc 維尼
Maybe I should have stopped it8964 copyright protection641PENANAtVvqQ7b7by 維尼
Maybe I should have cared8964 copyright protection641PENANAurXLCV4G7s 維尼
Maybe I should have never told him8964 copyright protection641PENANAeIQUW63pHW 維尼
Maybe I should have run8964 copyright protection641PENANAo0plS0iUCD 維尼
I’ll lay it low for now8964 copyright protection641PENANAEMoEN0Ncxq 維尼
Playing the cards he’s dealt me8964 copyright protection641PENANAWXSQvP8CYQ 維尼
It’s not like this is my first frame8964 copyright protection641PENANAtS8srciS4L 維尼
And probably not either my last8964 copyright protection641PENANApRYB9tJ2v4 維尼
He’s a crafty bloke indeed8964 copyright protection641PENANALBvngF2PBr 維尼
To have gone through so much de-tail8964 copyright protection641PENANAkOn3q5lnGY 維尼
Just, I’d like to know why?8964 copyright protection641PENANAMkoyR9QuE1 維尼
What had I done to warrant this?8964 copyright protection641PENANAonIU6CCatV 維尼
I’m sure the answer will come8964 copyright protection641PENANAncgdbkSReX 維尼
With time. They always do.8964 copyright protection641PENANAvvhd3a7qvP 維尼
For now I must bide my time8964 copyright protection641PENANARmY69H3B3s 維尼
And think of what to do8964 copyright protection641PENANA75Wgv3H6R6 維尼
There is but one I know8964 copyright protection641PENANAB7v1mscvdQ 維尼
Who’d ever maybe believe me8964 copyright protection641PENANAdpHoseWfTF 維尼
I know it’s an iffy plan8964 copyright protection641PENANAlWkV2F9go1 維尼
But surely she will aid my side8964 copyright protection641PENANATnuhRDTXur 維尼
Because, it wasn’t me8964 copyright protection641PENANAUJ5JZ2PNpd 維尼
I’ll swear it all year long8964 copyright protection641PENANATPV5i5tLE3 維尼
For once, it wasn’t me8964 copyright protection641PENANAx72QfuOa2C 維尼
Though I rather wish it were8964 copyright protection641PENANAVwmbb9zjmu 維尼