Trial One~Time
Illya stood atop the rocky path, blocking their way. Tekina took a defensive position as she looked up at Illya. Every so often her gaze shifted as she searched for a clear opening to escape in case things went awry.
"We're just here to do some research. We came from Myahm Agana."
"I'm aware."
Kaito slowly reached back for the pouch hanging on his side, though he didn't get very far as Illya's eyes darted towards him the second she saw him move."I would advise against that."
Kaito froze but he didn't relent. "And why is that? You gonna kill us? We've heard a lot about you, the Mad Queen of blood and fire."
Tekina shot him a stern look, urging him to stop talking but of course he didn't listen. She tried to reason with Illya, ignoring Kaito.
"Look, all we want to do is collect some data on the land and it's species. We just want to observe them. I promise we'll be out of your hair before you know it."
Illya chuckled. "If what you say is true and you have no ill intentions, then why are you sneaking around out here?"
Kaito flared up again. "Are you crazy! We had to work our asses off to get past those centaurs in that forest!" He swung his hands towards the forest and gestured to it dramatically. "If we weren't sneaking around they would have killed us!"
Illya shifted her weight to lean on her spear. "That's the point." She looked towards Tekina and pointed at Kaito nonchalantly. "He's not very smart is he?"
Tekina sighed. "No he isn't, but he's right. This place was inaccessible when the previous King reigned due to the monsters he hypnotized. The weather wasn't exactly welcoming either. This is paradise compared to before. These lands only became un-isolated when you became Empress and enough time has passed that our superiors felt it safe enough to send in scientists to investigate. A chance to explore never before seen lands is an opportunity we can't pass up."
Illya put her hand on her hip. "'re one of their lab scientists aren't you." She meant it more as a matter of fact statement rather than a question.
Tekina nodded. "Yes. We are."
Illya sighed and began to stretch. "You scientists are the bane of Aganian people, an annoyance."
Tekina's eyes narrowed. "Forgive my tone, but it is because of us that our people are able to prosper with such advanced technology and innovative development. So I have to disagree with you. We are not annoyances, we're just trying to do our jobs."
Illya grinned, her expression darkening as her crimson gaze followed teir movements intently."Oh? Did I strike a nerve?" She asked tauntingly.
Kaito reached for his pocket once again. "Damn right you did!"
He pulled out several throwing stars, sending them in Illya's direction. She held her hand out and pointed towards the stars that barreled towards her. A soft chime resounded in the air as a clock like pattern formed at Illya's fingertip. It disappeared just before the throwing stars could reach her and the stars froze in the air before falling to the ground.
The sound of the metal stars hitting the rocky path beneath her feet was accompanied by a sinister chuckle. "If you want a fight, I'd be happy to give you one!"
Tekina stopped Kaito and stood in front of him. "Wait! We didn't come here to fight! If you let us pass we promise to send you a gift as thanks when we return home!"
Illya was silent for a moment. A smile eventually crept it's way onto her lips and she pulled her spear from the ground. "I have a different idea. You will leave and I will let you leave with a gift as compensation."
Kaito raised an eyebrow. "Huh? What...what gift?"
"Your lives," Illya stated bluntly.
Tekina clenched her fists. "Unfortunately we are unable to comply. We cannot return empty handed!"
Illya pointed her spear at them. "Well then I guess you won't be returning at all since you won't be alive for much longer."
Without another word Illya released a powerful blast of shi from her staff. Kaito grabbed Tekina and pulled her off the path just before it hit the rocks behind them. They ran back into the forest to find some cover, with Illya hot on their heels. The pair made it to the center of the forest and slid under a large burnt log.
"I told you she was crazy!" Kaito whispered.
"Ugh. We need a plan."
Tekina scanned their surroundings. In the distance she could make out the pathway remains that they had come up from. They weren't all that far from it. Thinking that they had run far enough from Illya, Tekina chanced another backwards glance to see if they had really been followed. The sounds of hooves clopping made her pull back. She was able to catch a glimpse of Illya sitting on the back of the elusive divine beast Cahris.
"You say your centaurs saw them come this way?"
Cahris' otherworldly voice resonated deeply through the still forest. "Yes. If they wish to leave, the only clear path is through here. Any detours and they risk getting trapped by fallen trees and being exposed by the scorched leaves beneath them."
Tekina tugged on Kaito's arm and pointed to the clearing. "When I give the signal, let's make a break for it." She whispered.
Kaito nodded and Tekina poke her head around the corner again. She looked towards the clusters of fallen trees behind Illya and then back at her bow. She tried to use her telekinesis and throw the bow far into the cluster to buy them some time to run but soon found out that her telekinesis didn't work on Illya or her weapons.
Her head reeled, trying to come up with a plan B. That's when she saw it. Instead of focusing on Illya, she used her telekinesis to pick up one of the fallen trees. Illya turned when she heard it move but was met with a tree trunk to the face. The force threw her off of Cahris' back. As she fell, Kaito took the opportunity to try and hit her again, this time with daggers. With unblemished precision, he launched his hidden daggers at her. One sliced right through the back of her heel, another zip past the side of her head, slicing part of her eye. Blood splattered onto the charred leaves beneath them as she fell to the ground, a hiss of pain slipping past her lips and small orbs of shi clustering around her wound. It may not have killed her, but he hoped that her injuries would have slowed her down long enough for them to make their escape.
"NOW!" Tekina shouted as she sped down the pathway, Kaito hot on her heels.
Illya's expression soured and her brows knit painfully as she placed a hand over her eye and groaned out a command. "Get them!"
They ran faster, the elegant footfalls of Cahris' hooves sped up behind them and soon they're weaving through the fallen trees and scorched path like wild phantoms, with the centaur close at their heels. A bone chilling screech erupted from Cahris as a bow materialized in her hands. She shot an arrow of fire that landed in front of the escaping duo and created a wall of flames.
"Shit!" Kaito cursed under his breath.
Illya was now on her feet and making her way towards them. Tekina quickly picked up another tree and flung it in her direction. Illya raised her hand and the second the trunk got close to her it, it burst into flames, embers sparked violently from the now destroyed tree trunk.
Her voice began to sound distant, like an echo and the land around them began to darken until they saw nothing but Illya's approaching figure. Her ruby eyes glowed in a hellish manner and her violet hair plumed behind her, giving her a Mephistophelian image. She brought her hand down and put it our in front of her.
"You thought measly daggers could kill me? How pathetic. I can't die. Believe me I've tried."
In last ditch effort to save themselves, Tekina unwrapped the chains around her waist and dropped it to the ground. It was longer than it had seemed when it was around her waist and had sharp spikes on both ends. Using her telekinesis she was able to lift the chain and launch it towards Illya. Illya made no attempt to dodge it. The chain pierced right through her abdomen. Tekina relaxed for a moment, thinking that it would have definitely killed her. Instead she was rewarded with laughter. low, velvety laughter.
"Heh.Nice try, but I believe I just told you that I can't die. Maybe you should listen next time. Oh, but I guess there won't be a next time! Too bad haha!"
Illya grabbed onto the chain and held it in place as she opened a portal. Another chain came shooting out from the portal and wrapped itself around Tekina. Gritting her teeth through the pain, Illya yanked both chains forward, causing Tekina to stumble forward as well. Tekina tried to pull back her chain but Illya fought each yank with one of her own. Illya tugged again and again, causing Tekina to inch forward each time. Kaito grabbed onto Tekina's waist and tried to keep her in place but with the the mere flick of Illya's wrist, Kaito was sent flying to the ground. She opened another portal beneath him, from which more chains flew out, binding him to the ground.
"You're not the only one who likes to play with chains." She laughed.
Tekina grounded herself and gave the chain one last pull with all her might. She managed to unlodge it from Illya's torso, but she was still holding onto it. Tekina noticed that the wound she had made was taking a lot longer to heal then the ones she has sustained prior. It wasn't until she heard Kaito pushing dissolving chains off of himself that she realized that the more magic Illya had to use, the quicker she'd exhaust her shi. That much she was certain of once she noticed that Illya had to disperse the chains she bound kaito with in order to put that energy towards healing herself.
Knowing that it was probably a good idea to put an end to things quickly, Illya violently jerked the chain forward, resulting in Tekina being dragged to her knees in front of Illya. She raised her spear and in one swift motion, swung it down with great force. Tekina shut her eyes and prepared for impact, but it never came. Slowly, her eyes fluttered opened and her face paled in horror when she realized that the tip of her spear was mere inches away from her neck.
Illya leaned in. She seemed to be examining Tekina's cloak. The demonic aura around them began to fade and it wasn't long before they could see thier surroundings clearly again.
"That belongs to the head scientist at the ancient lab right? Only a select few have it. So you work for the old hag?"
Tekina looked down to where Illya was pointing. "Old ha-you know her?"
Illya released them and dismissed the chains.
"Yeah. One of my scientists comes from the same clan."
Tekina and Kaito exchanged glances as Illya took a step back, brushing a hand over her torn clothes and gently rubbing her stomach as soon as the wound was closed, the lopsided uneveness of skin where it had torn lingered for a moment longer while she healed herself.
"A person from the Kisha clan works for you? Odd...we don't normally take up work from others..."
Illya smiled and extended her arm to Tekina. "He's more like business partner. Why don't you come back to the palace with me. I'll introduce you to him."
Tekina was hesitant to take her hand. Kaito just so happened to exclaim the reason why.
"You were going to kill us a few seconds ago and now you want us to follow you to your palace?" He said angrily.
Illya simply laughed. "Sorry about that.I thought you guys were one of the hack researchers of a lower branch. Had I known you were friends of the old hag I wouldn't have been so rough. I probably shouldn't kill her subordinates. She'll refuse to upgrade my equipment if I do."
Tekina and Kaito were in awe of this drastic shift in demeanor.
"So are you coming or not?"
Tekina hesitantly took her hand. "If you promise not to kill us then I guess so...though it doesn't seem like we have a choice in the matter."
Illya pulled her up. "Great! Hey tell the silver idiot over there to stop glaring at me and get his ass off the floor."
Tekina turned around and helped Kaito up.
"You're the one that put me there to being with!" He mumbled, running a hand through his silver locks.
"Let it go Kaito, at least were alive." Tekina whispered.
Illya pumped her fist in the air and spun on her heels. "Alrighty then! Let's get going!"