The moon loomed over the decayed ruins of what once was a large and thriving Kingdom. The ruins were littered with bones and debris from fallen structures. It looked as if a great battle took place long ago but the city, the castle, and all its populace, had vanquished in the carnage. This fallen kingdom was once the capital of the country it lied in. Before it fell, it was the largest kingdom of humans, demi-humans, and creatures of all types. Now, it was a desolate waste land as the miasma slowly crept in over the years birthing the foulest of monsters.
In a graveyard behind the remnants of the castle, A woman was standing wearing a dark long hooded robe wielding a long metal staff. She was standing above a grave that she had just placed a small purple gem into the dirt in front of its destroyed gravestone. She walked towards the center of the graveyard and stopped. She looked upon all the grave plots that now had small purple gems buried halfway into the dirt. She jabbed her staff into the ground and pulled a book from out underneath her robe. She began to flip though its pages and stopped on a certain spell. She began to speak the spell outloud, “Reanimate cecidit animae in commutationem enim sanguis meus!” Then she quickly pulled a dagger out and slashed the palm of her hand open and went to each grave and let her blood paint over each gem she had placed. When every gem was covered in her blood she went back to where her staff was sticking out of the ground and grabbed the large orb placed at the top of it. Once her bloody hand touched the surface of the gem, all the gems she placed illuminated a blood red light far up into the sky and a black miasma swirled out of the orb. All the gems suddenly were sucked down into the ground as the ground began to shake beneath her. Fleshless bone hands began to shoot out of the ground as an assortment of skeletons and vile looking creatures that once were loved one’s pets buried alongside them, sprang up out of the dirt. As the dead were rising, she casted a low-level healing spell healing her hand. She smiled as the moans and groans of the arisen rang out into the open night.
“My children!” She called out. Please join my ranks of the dead and let’s get revenge on all those who tore this beautiful kingdom down and ended your lives! The Lord of Darkness has granted me the power in exchange of my soul to bring forth the justice to those who have wronged us! The dragons and all the lives in this kingdom were slaughtered in hatred of the harmony they once sang. Together we will destroy every kingdom that betrayed us!” The undead cackled and howled into the night sky as they vowed to seek their revenge. She walked towards the exit of the graveyard, where behind a giant wall, was a vast army of already risen undead souls. There was a great variety of skeletons with flesh and some without, gnarly and dangerous looking beasts, undead demi-humans and beastman of all types. There was even assortment of small to large undead dragons standing among the ranks. The newly risen dead marched out with her into the ranks of her army. She called out once again, “I have given you all the freedom of choice and mind. You will not be a slave to my control. All of you can make your own choices and live how you want. If you don’t want to follow my army you don’t have too. I have risen most of the fallen in this kingdom. I would be more than honored to have you all join us if you choose too.” As she addressed her soldiers, two dark cloaked figures suddenly appeared on each of her sides. When they appeared they were already kneeling to her. Not much of their body was showing due to the long hanging cloaks that draped down to their knees. Both of them were almost identical looking besides a long lock of braded hair that came out from underneath one of their hoods.
A male voice suddenly spoke, “Your highness, we regret to inform you that there is a large mercenary regiment approaching from the south. It looks like they are coming to investigate all the lights that shot out into the sky.” The necromancer looked quite pleased upon hearing this news.
She replied to him, “Perfect. We can see how much damage our newly acquired friends can do.” She turned back to her regiment of undead soldiers and cried out, “I have been informed that a bunch of soldiers are on their way here to retake our souls! Let us show them the true power of justice and add them to our ranks!” The undead army cried out a vile and haunting cheer as she raised her staff and a light shot out of it. Within seconds everyone presents suddenly became invisible and their sounds were muffled to a low murmur of background noise. After awhile a large symphony of footsteps began to draw nearer to the graveyard. The sounds of swords being pulled from their sheaths could be heard. Two men dressed in white knight’s attire stepped into the entrance of the graveyard. He could hear a low murmur of what sounded like a gathering of people. Everywhere he glanced to seemed to be empty. The two men crossed the graveyard and looked out through the exit across from the entrance. They didn’t seem anything and signaled to the rest of the men to enter. A large gathering of about fifty men dressed in armor and knights attire walked across the graveyard and to the original scouting soldiers.
One man began to speak, “That’s odd, it sounds like somewhere there is a large gathering of people, yet I see no one about.”
Another man turned and said, “Something is a foot. I can hear it too but I haven’t to come across anyone or anything since we’ve gotten here. I can’t believe this used to be the Great Kingdom Enos.” In the distance a man heard a loud rumble and turned to see if there was anything. He noticed a woman with a staff and long dark robe approaching them.
He drew a large spear and called out to her, “You there! Stop where you are and tell us who you are!” Something didn’t feel right about her to him. To be alone in the ruins of the old capital where monsters lived didn’t seem like a place for a lone woman.
She continued to draw near and spoke, “Who I am is of no concern to you. Go back the way you came, or I shall destroy every lot of you.” She continued to step towards them. A bunch of archers raised their bows ready to fire.
The soldier with the spear called back to her, “don’t come any closer or we will have no choice to open fire.” She ignored his warning and the archers all shot their arrows in her direction. The necromance cried out in enjoyment as she waved her staff in a purple light and all the arrows hung as if they were frozen in the air in front of her. The twirled her staff around and the arrows ignited into flames and shot back in the direction towards the archers. Some archers jumped out of the way in time while the remaining ones got hit by the arrows and then exploded into flames. The soldier with the spear cried out, “Everyone attack!” As many of the soldiers ran towards the necromancer, she waved her staff and a blinding light came from it while all her undead soldiers where suddenly revealed out of the nothingness. Skeleton soldiers came running in from the sides of the mercenary soldiers and began pinning men down to the ground while others tore off their arms and legs. Some of the skeletons where tearing off the flesh of the living soldiers and slapping it onto there barren bones. Some were reattaching the dismembered hands and feet to themselves in attempt to restore the missing parts of their bodies. Men cried out as giant undead orcs and trolls smashed them to pieces with giant clubs made from tree trunks.
“What the fuck is happening?” A soldier screamed out into the darkness while two giant undead dire wolves tore him into two pieces and began to devour what was left of his body. Some soldiers were still alive and killing the beasts before them.
One of them cried out, “Where did all these undead come from? We need to retreat before we’re all killed and report back to the boss!” He slashed his swords through one the troll’s heads while he jumped over it. When he landed, he slashed the back of another trolls legs causing it to fall to its knees while another man with a giant axe cut off the beasts head with one swift swing. The man with the axe cried out to the remaining soldiers, “Retreat!”
The few soldiers who remained all pulled a scroll from the pockets and screamed, “Lanuae Magicae!” The scrolls burned into ash as they held it and In a blue light they disappeared.