Two men were crouched in some bushes in the dark and misty Forrest of Sablewood. One was a half elf with light-green hair, the other was a human man with short spiky white hair and dark glasses on. While they were crouched, they were whispering to each other. “Do you think those things know we’re here?” The half elf asked the human.
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The human, known as Onyx, retorted sharply, "If you don't cease your chatter, they'll undoubtedly sense our presence!" Onyx, a monk, wielded a mace in one hand and carried a warhammer strapped to his back, alongside an assortment of vials containing various potions and holy water. Beside him stood Osirus, an elf cloaked in a long, dark brown trench coat concealing an arsenal of flintlock guns, bombs, and enchanted ammunition. A medium-sized sword nestled discreetly at his hip served as a backup weapon for close combat encounters. As the duo awaited silently, a diminutive elf maiden descended from the treetops wielding a longbow, landing gracefully between them.
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She murmured softly, "Two of them are approaching along the path. They should emerge shortly.” Elbowing Onyx and Osirus aggressively in the sides to make space in the dense underbrush, she continued, “Don't be alarmed, though they appear ghastly now, they were merely decrepit ghoulish looking zombie humans before their transformation."
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In response, Onyx retaliated with a playful elbow jab of his own, quipping, "Ah, so they wear the guise of death for now?"
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Indeed," responded the elven maiden. "And they brandish scythes, imbued with a deadly curse. A single strike could seal one's fate." With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, she mimicked wielding a scythe, violently driving her fists into Osirus's chest, before concluding, "Silver is their bane in this state; thereafter, obliterate what remains of their brains to thwart their regeneration.”
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Osirus interjected skeptically while brushing away Osira’s over aggressively playful attack, "Are you certain, Osira? I don't wish to meet my demise based solely on your word. Mother often remarked about your lack of discernment between left and right."
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Enraged, Osira punched Osirus's arm and whispered, "Mother never made such a claim!" Their banter ceased abruptly as two ghostly figures descended the path. Osira swiftly ascended the tree from which she had descended, seeking concealment from the approaching wraiths. Meanwhile, Onyx extracted a larger vial from his belt and hurled it into the air above the oncoming specters. A gunshot erupted from the underbrush, shattering the vial preemptively before impact, causing the wraiths to writhe in agony as smoldering wounds blooming across their spectral forms. Emerging boldly from the foliage, Onyx strode forth, his Warhammer resting casually upon his shoulder.
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"Salutations, fiends! I am Onyx, and I shall send you back whence you came," he declared boldly. The wraiths emitted a chilling chuckle in response.
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"Think a trifling wound such as this could vanquish us? Your feeble attempts are futile," mocked one of the wraiths as they chuckled in unison, their voices echoing hauntingly through the forest.
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Undeterred, Onyx abruptly hurled his warhammer at the nearest wraith, catching it off guard. To the wraith's astonishment, the warhammer pierced its spectral form, creating a devesting hole that prevented regeneration. As the wraith reverted to its human form, it choked on its own blood, unable to speak as it collapsed to the ground. Suddenly, a small spherical bomb soared from the bushes and landed perfectly in the monster's open chest cavity, detonating on impact. Upon detonation, silver shards and shrapnel exploded within the monster's chest, splintering through its body and shredding the remnants of its brain into a pinkish-grey mush, which ejected from its exploding corpse, painting its companion's body with its foul entrails.
Enraged by the sudden demise of its companion, the wraith emitted a terrifying screech that echoed through the deepest recesses of the forest, while its comrade's remains spontaneously erupted into purplish smoke and ash, leaving behind a small crystal pulsating with an otherworldly glow.402Please respect copyright.PENANAfF4zbiERII
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Beneath the wraith, a radiant magic circle with hundreds of intricate designs shimmered into existence ensnaring the creature in its ethereal grasp. Emerging from the shadowed embrace of a nearby thicket, a petite demi-human fox maiden stepped forth, her ethereal incantation weaving through the air like a mesmerizing melody. With each step, her tail danced gracefully behind her, almost keeping pace with the rhythm of her chant. In both hands, she brandished a towering staff intricately carved from a mystic white oak of the Sacred Sylvan Glade, its height eclipsing even her own stature. As a celestial breeze imbued with otherworldly energy enveloped her, her ears twitched in response while the divine zephyr caught her cloak, causing it to billow wildly behind her, whisking the hood from her head, unveiling her face.402Please respect copyright.PENANAMxY3oOyw93
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Within the same breath that she started her incantation, her eyes ignited with a fervent arcane glow as she uttered, "Lux Divina!" A radiant burst surged forth beneath the wraith, reducing it to naught but wisps of purple ash. Even the soul crystal spawned by the creature's demise dissolved into a mere violet mist within the radiant blaze.402Please respect copyright.PENANAn0i9LP4hFK
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Osira emerged from the verdant canopy above, leaping into view with a resounding cry. "Kitsune! You've obliterated the soul crystal! Our reward for that one is lost to us now!" Landing gracefully beside Kitsune, she playfully smacked the back of her head, her voice slightly tinged with reproach. "You must exercise caution before invoking such potent magic, you mischievous little Foxling." With a instigating glint in her eye, she teased Kitsune by ruffling her ears, but Kitsune remained unfazed by Osira's scolding, seemingly entranced by having her ears ogled.
Looking up at Osira with apologetic eyes, Kitsune spoke, "I'm sorry! I was simply overcome with excitement to use the new spell Master Theo taught me!" Basking in the glow of Osira's unsuccessful endeavor to unsettle her by meddling with her ears, Kitsune persisted, her voice infused with sincerity, "It was my first attempt outside of training at blending ethereal magic with divine magic on a creature. I had no idea it would yield such unexpected results; I swear!"
Osirus came waltzing out from the foliage behind them, deftly holstering one of his small flintlock pistols. With a sardonic lilt to his voice, he proclaimed, "Worry not, foxling, we shall simply deduct the expense from your earnings and consign you to forage amongst our refuse." Laughter erupted among the group, leaving Kitsune to blush deeply in embarrassment.
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After retrieving his Warhammer and the soul gem from the first wraith, Onyx joined them and playfully quipped, "You'll need to contend with Nox, Ragnar, and Ragnus for any leftovers. They tend to get rather territorial over any bonus morsels they're granted alongside their regular meals."
With her voice laden with despair, Kitsune protested, "I surely could never contest with dragons or dire wolves, that's hardly fair!"
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Despite her mostly human appearance, Kitsune bore fox-like ears and a bushy fox tail. Small patches of fur adorned the tops of her hands and feet. Preferring to go barefoot due to the claw-like nails on each toe, she eschewed shoes or boots. A mage of considerable skill, Kitsune specialized in elemental, ethereal, and divine magic. Additionally, she possessed expertise in surgical practice and was skilled in the art of alchemical science and potion-making, serving as an accomplished apothecary.402Please respect copyright.PENANAzl7iLjdVNe
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Her expertise across different medical arts rendered her an invaluable addition to any adventuring party, yet her skills surpassed mere medicinal practices, healing, and combat magicks, extending to proficiency in melee combat. The mystic staff she wielded, gifted by Master Theo, served not only as a potent catalyst for enhancing spell power but also possessed the unique ability to transform instantly with single word incantations, into an array of formidable weapons. In its base form, the staff resembled a creation of mystic white oak, but at her command, it could metamorphose into weapons such as an axe. In this state, the staff served as the shaft and handle, while the blades materialized as pure ethereal energy. Furthermore, it possessed the capability to morph into various bows, with the drawstring woven from pure ethereal energy, summoning magic arrows upon being drawn.
Osira chimed in reassuringly, "Fear not, Kitsune. Should such a fate befall you, I'll gladly share my portions. But do try to exercise a tad more caution before unleashing your crazy spells next time."
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In the midst of their mirthful banter, a sudden eruption of crimson sprayed across Kitsune and Osira's faces, freezing them in shocked silence. From the shadows emerged a sinister scythe blade, tearing through Onyx's chest with an ominous, otherworldly force. As the blade withdrew, Onyx convulsed, expelling a torrent of blood before collapsing to the ground. A noxious purplish miasma seeped from his grievous wound, tainting the air with an unsettling aura, while the blood that pooled around him darkened to an ominous shade of black, heralding an ill omen over his companions.
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A sinister voice shattered the silence, its demonic resonance reverberating through the air. "Foolish fucking creatures," it hissed, each word dripping with malice. "You have slain my brethren. You will pay... with your lives..."
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In response, a wraith materialized before them, its form ominous and foreboding. With a menacing swing of its giant scythe, it aimed to strike them down, but they leaped and dodged just in time. Osira and Osirus, swift as the wind, leaped into the canopy above, seeking higher ground.
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In a frantic attempt to stave off impending doom, Kitsune's piercing cry, "Scutum Praesidium!" rang out, invoking the protective sanctuary of the light goddess. A shimmering barrier of divine light encased her and Onyx, a fragile defense against the encroaching darkness. With every ounce of her magical prowess, she channeled healing magicks, desperately attempting to mend Onyx's grievous wound before it was too late.
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Meanwhile, the wraith, a harbinger of malevolence and death known as Necroth, relentlessly pursued Osira and Osirus through the ancient woods. With each swing of its scythe, mighty trees crashed to the ground, their splintered forms bathed in an ominous purplish miasma that poisoned the very air. The forest echoed with the sounds of destruction as the spectral entity carved a path of chaos and despair, its relentless pursuit driving Osira and Osirus to the brink of exhaustion as they fought to elude its grasp.
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Osirus bellowed, "By the gods, how have we been so reckless?!" With nimble agility, he continued his aerial assault, leaping from tree to tree and hurling his silver-laden bombs down upon the wraith. Yet, despite the explosions damaging the creature, it seemed only to stoke its fury, driving it to slash with increasing ferocity.
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As Osira vaulted from some canopy, the wraith's scythe sliced through the tree she aimed to land on, sending her hurtling toward the forest floor. With lightning speed, Osirus sprang from his perch within the dense boughs, intercepting his falling sister with a swift grasp. From within his trench coat, he withdrew a gleaming chain whip, swiftly lashing it to a nearby tree branch above. With a deft swing, they propelled themselves to another sturdy bough, continuing their perilous ascent through the tangled forest canopy.
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Amidst the lingering shadows of trepidation, Osira spoke, her voice tinged with both shame and gratitude, "I owe you my thanks for braving such peril to rescue me. Never did I imagine you'd risk life and limb for little ole me."
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As they leapt from one tree to the next, with the wraith's scythe cutting through the boughs beneath them, Osirus chuckled. "You honestly doubted I'd come to the aid of my little sister? Mother would be livid if I allowed harm to befall you! She'd likely transform me into a tree or some equally absurd shitty punishment!"
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As the wraith grew weary of pursuit, it flung its scythe toward their path, cleaving through the trees ahead. Osirus agilely leaped to a nearby tree, narrowly avoiding the wraith's weapon, but Osira's misfortune led her to tumble towards the earth, pinned beneath the fallen trees. With only one arm free, the weight of the tree trunks bore down mercilessly, slowly crushing the life from her body. The sickening crunch of bone echoed through the forest as her legs were shattered one by one, each snap accompanied by a chorus of agonized screams. Amidst her torment, the wraith's demonic laughter reverberated, a chilling symphony of malevolence as it relished in her suffering, slowly unearthing her from beneath the splintered remains of the trees.
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Its voice echoed in a chilling cadence, a herald of horror that sent shivers down the spine. "Filthy. Fucking. Creature," it spat with venomous contempt.
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With the final log cleared between it and Osira, the wraith surprisingly found her pointing a wand in its face out stretched in her one working arm as she screamed with every last ounce of her being, "Annihilare!" unleashing a blinding burst of red and yellow light from the wand. The eruption engulfed everything in its path, obliterating not just the wraith but also the surrounding trees, nearby creatures, and even the earth beneath her feet. As the dust settled, Osira lay amidst the devastation, her cloak and tunic torn away, revealing her exposed breasts and lower extremities.
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She lay amidst the wreckage, a grotesque tangle of shattered bones jutting through her rent flesh. With one arm extended as if reaching for salvation, her eyes, spiraling in a daze, sought answers from the void. "Did I... vanquish it?" Her voice, barely a whisper, was drowned out by the eerie silence of the aftermath. Her arm fell limply to her side, the weight of exhaustion dragging her further into darkness.402Please respect copyright.PENANA3u1A1VVnhx
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Osirus came leaping from the only nearby treetops untouched by the blast, landing beside her in the crater. "Holy shit! Osira, what in the nine hells were you thinking?" With no hesitation, he gathered his exposed and gravely injured sister into his arms, ensuring to snatch the wand, and vaulted back into the safety of the trees, heading swiftly towards Kitsune. "Please, don't you dare die on me, Osira!" Osirus's voice rang out, desperate and pleading, as he bounded from tree to tree, taking leaps he wouldn't have dared under any other circumstances.
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Spotting Kitsune below, still in the midst of her efforts to heal Onyx, Osirus leaped down to join them. Gently laying Osira on the ground, he draped his trench coat over her still form. As Kitsune dropped the protective barrier, she turned her gaze towards Osirus, concern etched deeply into her features.
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Kitsune’s voice fumed with with horror and concern as she acknowledged Osirus return and said, "I knew something dreadful had transpired when I witnessed that explosion." Completing her spell on Onyx, she continued, "He should recover; I've employed every incantation at my disposal to break the curse and mend his wounds. However, he'll remain incapacitated for some time, unable to move or speak. It's likely he'll remain in a coma until his body regains its strength." Turning her attention to Osira, she began to cast another spell.
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As Osirus stood by, he could hear the grotesque symphony of bones snapping and shifting back into place as Kitsune worked her healing magic on Osira's broken body. The cacophony was so chilling, it sent shivers down his spine, threatening to unsettle his stomach. Suddenly, Osira's eyes began to flicker open, her body jolting back to consciousness amidst the macabre orchestra of healing.
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"Hey guys," she murmured weakly. "Did... did I vanquish the wraith?"
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Osirus's voice echoed with fury, "You not only slew that abomination, but you ravaged a considerable swath of the forest and nearly perished in the process." He thrust the wand back into her trembling hand, his gaze stern. "Stow it away in my coat for safekeeping and refrain from fucking touching it again."
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The wand Osirus handed her bore the ominous name, the Wand of Annihilation. It was a gift bestowed upon her by Isaac after a perilous dungeon raid. This artifact possessed formidable power, capable of obliterating nearly anything in its path, even its wielder. Known for its unpredictability, the wand boasted a 99% chance of inflicting serious harm or death upon both its target and the one who wielded it.
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Crafted by an ancient golem, a masterful wizard but an amateur artisan in the realm of magical items, the wand's creation came at a cost. The golem, after testing its destructive capabilities, met his demise in a cataclysmic explosion, leaving the wand abandoned in his cavern for millennia. Over time, the mountain housing the cavern became tainted by miasma and plagued by malevolent creatures spawned from its depths. Isaac acquired the wand during his quest to unearth ancient relics and purge the land of the monsters bred by the miasma. He bestowed it upon Osira as a grim gift, deeming her melee skills weak compared to her excellent archery aptitude. Recognizing her need for a potent weapon to serve as a last resort until her melee skills improved, Isaac entrusted her with its formidable but harrowing power.
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Osira replied, "I loathe that cursed object. It nearly kills me every time I wield it, but there's no denying its effectiveness." She attempted to move her limbs, but only her one good arm responded, the rest still rendered immobile.
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Osirus retorted, "In truth, you're quite fortunate. Given the number of times you've invoked that cursed wand, it's a wonder you're still breathing."
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Kitsune continued to channel healing magic into Osira, her brow furrowed with concentration. "It appears that all your critical injuries have been tended to. However, your bones are still mending, and the magic requires time to complete its work. You must remain still for a day or two." Exhaustion weighed heavily on Kitsune's voice as she paused, her breaths coming in short gasps. "In fact, I fear I may have overexerted myself as well. I... need to take a nap." With that, she collapsed, her face landing directly into Osira's chest, and succumbed to unconsciousness.
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Osira's cry of pain echoed briefly through the clearing, but soon she closed her eyes, her expression softening as she began to stroke Kitsune's head gently. "It's alright," she murmured, her voice laced with fatigue. "At least everything's still in one piece. If only I had a more generous larger bosom to cushion me from your head. You'll have to mend those bones again, Foxy." With those words, Osira's strength gave way, and she too succumbed to unconsciousness once again, her body slumping into exhaustion.
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“Aint this fuckin great,” Osirus muttered to himself, surveying the scene before him with a perplexing mixture of exasperation and dark humor. "How in the hell am I supposed to haul these unconscious degenerates back to camp?"