not turn it down, because it was my uncles. As we made our way towards the room in which I would dress, I could not help but feel dwarfed, by the size of the house, the weight of the expectations put on me by the people, it was all overwhelming. The world unfortunately is a very unfair place, that is not well known for being merciful, and it seemed in my case its mercy amounted to nil. I realized that I was lost in thought when Alex cleared his throat in front of me beyond the door to my room. “You are coming?” he asked a look of understanding on his face as he looked at me “yes I am coming” I said slightly embarrassed at having been caught unaware of what was going on around me. I walked into the room which had a full wall length window look out over the lake, you could see everything from the workers to the birds, even the fish jumping out of the water. It was truly beautiful, but most things are when you stop to appreciate them. The tux was sitting on the bed, black and somewhat stiff, the bow tie was a clip on, because I could never figure out how to tie one. I turned to Alex desperate to be alone “I am going to take a shower” I said pointing towards the door to the bathroom “oh yeah okay I will leave you to it then” he said turning to leave. “Alex” I called out as he made it through the door “yes” he replied peeking his head back through “did you mean all of those things you said earlier?” he smiled widely “of course” and then he was gone. I was not going to take a shower, but the appeal was too much to resist, I grabbed the stiff tux, and the bow tie that went with it, and made my way to the shower