careful not to grasp to tightly for fear of hurting him “my name is Vladimir” he said in a heavy Russian accent. “Joseph, it is a pleasure to meet you” I replied with a warm smile, gesturing towards the crowd I said, “I hope that you like people.” He laughed “of course! what kind of priest would I be if I did not like people?” She came down the aisle as music swelled, and the whistling of the wind mixed with the high and low notes to make an unnatural, and soothing symphony. It pulled my worries away like sand caught in the receding tide. Her green eyes met mine and it was like looking out over an ever-expanding valley tinged with golden flecks from the morning sun. Her hand slipped into mine, and my body warmed. All my anxieties, and worldly qualms calmed. I was no longer something separate but entirely hers. As quiet settled upon the atmosphere it magnified the tranquillity of my soul, the peace, and completeness bounding in its emptiness, like a ringing bell that never sounded. These people, my people could only guess at my happiness, in fact even I can only guess, nor will I ever fully understand it. It is in simple terms calmness of mind, and confidence in the future, in her I found hope that the world had not completely condemned me. In louder tones than I ever expected the priest to manage he said to the crowd at large “Welcome, friends, family, and beloved guests! We are gathered here today to witness the joining of these two souls in eternal union.” Nobody it seemed had any sense of union anymore in this world, yet every individual awoke with the word, as if it stirred some internal desire, they exploded in a chorus of applause. Perhaps because the happiness, or in the realization that some good may exist in this failing world. “In them we fondly seek a matrimony upon which to build, a hope, a direction, and a beautiful future to come!” I felt slightly taken aback. What was it they wished of this; how could they build off it? Somehow it seemed my own personal covenant of marriage presented, represented something to them. It amazes me how much they set in store by me.