“Open the door, in the name of the New World!” The Security Force had caught up. Sparks flew as the door was being cut open.
“Are you coming? I have prepared enough food for 30 years!” Lotti looked at Hans and Heidi.
Hans thought for a second and smiled, “I don’t want to be a third wheel for six years, I want to witness the galaxy for the rest of my life.”
“Stop joking! They will not let you go easy!” Ivan struggled to speak.
“After you go, I will be the only one who could tame the engine. They will not dare.” Hans smiled.
Heidi was bewitched by Hans’ smile. Then she said passionately, “I will stay here! I am the only one who could cook with wood! If they dare to touch me, they would be living on emergency ration till death!”
Lotti smiled and nodded as she saw Heidi’s face blushed. Ivan wanted to hide his tears, but he could not hold back anymore. “The Ark depends on you now.”
“Open up!”
Yelling from the Security Force cut the conversation short. They looked at the door and knew time was up.
“It’s time, go.” Hans turned away and Heidi followed him.
“Goodbye! You guys take care!” Lotti waved.
Doors on the Kozak began to close, as the airlock of the garage began to rotate. After it went airtight, the external gate opened. The Kozak was ready to launch.
“Kozak, copy all the information and blueprints to the engineering database,” Ivan had trouble staying conscious. “Perhaps one day…”
Lotti looked at the screen, while she could not hear their voices, she saw Hans and Heidi waving for goodbye.
“This ship will launch very soon. After leaving the Ark, Faster-Than-Light travel will commence. Destination: Sol System.” After reporting, Kozak began to accelerate. Just before the moment they delinked from the Ark, Ivan and Lotti looked at the screen one last time. They saw the Security Force braking in then rushing towards the waving Hans and Heidi. Before they could see what happened, Kozak broke away and they could only see the exterior of the Ark.