Hillary waves at her sister after dropping her off to Esmae-rose. Esmae-rose's mother, Clara, opens the door and Hillary drives off. " Billie, what a pleasant surprise !"
"Esmae didn't tell you I was coming ?"asks Billie politely.
"No, she hasn't. Come in, it's cold outside."
It really was cold outside. Winter hadn't officially started but the weather was already acting as if it had. Billie enters the house, shivering.
"You can wait in her room."suggests Clara.
Wait ? thought Billie. "Is she not home ?" Clara tilts her head in slight confusion.
"Did you two not plan this hang out ? No,Esmae is not home. Do you want me to call her ?"
" No it's fine, I can wait. I'm sure she'll come soon."
Billie goes into Esmae-rose's room and waits. 30 minutes later, still no sign of her friend. She sends texts but no response. After an hour Billie tries to call Esmae but no response. Two hours later, Esmae enters her room stumbling, unable to walk straight. She opens one eye as she notices someone sitting on her bed, arms crossed " What are you doing here ?"
"Are you serious ? You asked me to come over." Billie analyses her friend as her eyebrows start to frown.
"I forgot..You could've gone home, like you didn't have to wait for me."
"Do you hear yourself ?" Argues Billie.
"Not really now that you mention it, haha..They always put the music too loud.."
" Where were you ? I called you over 20 times and you still didn't answer !"
Esmae takes out the elastic out of her hair and throws herself next to Billie on her bed . " Oh my god, you sound like my mom."
" Why does your breath smell like that ?...Why do you smell like cigarettes ? Esmae ! Did you smoke ?"
" Maybe..."
"The Esmae I know wouldn't even get near those things. Where were you !"
" Gosh, I can't stand it when like people yell and carry on like that. I was with Ayman and his friends, is that what you like want to hear ?" Esmae puts a pillow on her head.
"So all the times you told me you had to do something you meant smoking and drinking with Ayman and his friends ?!" Billie pulls the pillow away from Esmae's face.
" That bitch Britney was there too today." Esmae giggles drunkenly. " It's her fault, she was like all over my man, so I had to prove to him that I can be bad too...She's the reason I'm so wasted." Continues Esmae.
"Bullshit ! Bullshit Esmae ! You could've killed yourself like that !"
"I didn't." She teased.
"Well you were pretty damn close !"218Please respect copyright.PENANA3DJAUZHn3g
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Esmae-Rose turns to Billie. "I just want him to look at me the way he looks at her, Billie..."
" Bullshit !" Billie shakes her head in disbelief.
"You're right.." Esmae straightens herself up and looks down at her legs.
"Thank you."
" Get the fuck out of my house. My mother will drive you home."
" What ? Esmae-"
"Why did I even like try to explain it to you? You're too stuck up to understand. You're nothing but a burden."
Billie's lips begin to tremble as she looks at her friend." You're drunk, you don't mean that..."
"Wanna know why we didn't invite you ?"
"No.. Esmae please stop talking.." the corners of her eyes start to dampen. Esmae finally lifts up her head and looks deep into Billie's watering hazel eyes.
"You weren't invited because we didn't want you there." Tears start flowing down Billie's eyes. Esmae looks at her unbothered and rolls her eyes before continuing. "Like why are you crying ? You certainly don't deserve to !" Taunts Esmae-Rose.
" Esmae stop !" Billie sniffles as she says that.
"Ohh toughen up bitch ! Now leave my house, you're hurting my brain." Rose puts her palm on her forehead, leaning her elbow into her knee.
" Is that all I am to you—Your second choice ?" asks Billie softly, wiping the tears that she tried so hard to hold in.
"Oh my fucking gosh Billie. Leave my fucking house !" Esmae gets off her bed and pushes Billie out of her room.
Billie rushes down the stairs to find Clara. "Can you drive me home, please."
"Esmae just arrived, are you sure you don't want to stay longer ? I can call your parents-"suggests Clara before getting cut off by Billie.
"They just called me. They want me home." She lied. But it was the only way for her to leave without making Esmae-rose's mom notice anything.
"Alright... Esmae-Rose, your friend is leaving !"
"We already said bye, she doesn't need to come down."
"Are you sure ?"
"Yes, I'm sure."
Clara drops Billie back home. Billie thanks her and hurries into her house. "You're here early.." says Hillary looking at the time on her phone. "Didn't you say you were coming back at 9 ?"
A man comes down the stairs. He's around 180cm (5'11"),has puffy black hair, a small mustache as well as a small beard. He's wearing a khaki hoodie with a matching sweatpant but you can tell that man is buff.
"I'm sure she came earlier to see me." he says. If it weren't for the two different eye colors, Billie would've never guessed who that was.
"Miles ?" guessed Billie, getting closer to the man.
"I told you, she'd barely recognize you." added Hillary.
"I didn't really change that much." replied Miles, hugging Billie.
" No, you definitely did. If I hadn't seen your eyes, I wouldn't have known it was you." Billie looks up at him, analyzing his face. Reality hits her back and the joy on her face morphs into a sadden smile.
"What's wrong ?" Miles looks at her concerned. She hesitates before answering. Telling them now will ruin the mood. I can't do that, thinks Billie.
"Nothing's wrong." she scoffs and rolls her eyes.
"My bad." Miles laughs it off.
"Aww" Hillary comes closer to her siblings and caresses the back of their heads.
"What ?" questions Billie.
" My favorite slaves are back together. I was getting tired of having only one." continues Hillary before being pushed off by her sister. Anitta walks in the room followed by Frank.
"What did I say about calling your siblings, slaves ?"
"That I have to be fully British to do that, my bad mom."
"Yeah, right. Go make the table, Hillary." Anitta rolls her eyes and kisses Billie on her forehead. Frank sits down on the couch.
"How's your girl, Zoey ?" he asks.
"Oh yeah ! Why didn't she come along ?" adds Hillary while getting the cutlery.
" She and I broke up...7 months ago... I'm fine though."
"I'm sorry sweetie..."
"It's alright...I'm hungry though. When are we eating?"
"In twenty minutes. Billie, go wash your hands."
The following week was the worst week for Billie. It used to be the same routine for her, hanging out with Esmae during first and second period, eating lunch with Britney, spending third period with Santiago and being with Esmae, Ayman, Britney and Santiago during their last period. Now she spends her first two periods alone, she spends part of her lunch break alone and the other part with Santiago. Third and Fourth period is also spent with Santiago.
"I haven't seen you with Rose lately. Did you ditch her for me ? I'm flattered." Santiago winks at her.
"It's the other way around, dummy. She ditched me for another boy."
"Is that boy her boyfriend perhaps ?"
"I seriously don't know. It's not like I'm close enough to ask now."
"I'm sure you two will make up soon."
"I hope so..."
"Can I ask you something ?"
"Go ahead."
" Are you seeing someone ?" His ears turned red as he saw Billie's expressions. Her eyes widen a little and her smile starts to fade. "I'm sorry, you don't have to answer-" adds Santiago.
"I've never actually...um, Dated anyone before." answers Billie. "You're staring too much again." she continues as she quickly glances at him.
"It's 'cause you have my full attention Bill."
"Bill ? Seriously ?"
"What ? You don't like it ?" mocks Santiago.
"Let me ask you this. Why do you hang out with me knowing that all of your friends don't like me ?"
Santiago grins. "Not all of them dislike you ?"
"Sure they don't." Billie shakes her head in disagreement. "So ?"
Santiago takes a deep breath, smiles pushing his tongue inside his left cheek making Billie only pay attention to his lips. "I'm happy when you're around. I want you around, Billie. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here would I ?" he answers with a smoky voice. Ayman comes by.
"Can I steal you for like a second Billie ? It's about Rose." He takes Billie's arm and moves away from Santiago. Santiago grins while they walk away.
"What is it ?" asks Billie.
"I lied, it's not all about Rose. I just like wanted to talk to you. Like I haven't been a good friend to you. I like abandoned you and that was just not cool like it was snake behavior like it's wrong you know. We stopped talking and suddenly we like became strangers again. I still want to be there for you and like as a friend I have to tell you this. Santiago is not the guy you think he is. Like he pretends to care about you but all he really wants to do is use your body. He flirts with girls all the time but once he's like done with them, he destroys their life, socially and physically..."
Billie doesn't hear a word that comes out of Ayman's mouth. Her eyes are locked with Santiago's deep brown eyes. She was right, his eyes are as beautiful as his face and soon enough she found herself lost in them.
"Billie !" Ayman looks back to Santiago. He stares at him with narrowing eyes.
"W-what ? What were you saying ?" asks Billie, finally letting go of Santiago's eyes.
Ayman leans in to Billie and she closes her eyes. "Don't stay too close to him, you'll end up getting hurt." he whispers in her ear. Billie opens her eyes and her ears get red. Ayman smiles at her before leaving.
"Do you like him ?" Questions Santiago as Billie walks back to him.
" Huh ? What ? Who ?"
He rolls his eyes. " I swear, you're more obvious than Pinocchio when he lies..." Santiago walks away with the broom. Billie grabs his arm, Santiago looks down and stares at their hands.
" I don't like him, Tiago."
"It's time you stop lying to yourself." Santiago pulls away his arm and looks her in the eye. Billie gets closer to him while staring him in the eye.
" I'm not lying. I can't like him. He dared to talk bad about my friend."
Santiago backs up. " Your friend ? Rose ?" he asks unbothered.
"He talks bad about you, Santiago. You're my friend." said Billie with a sweet smile. Santiago smiles back.
"Do you want to hang out after school ?" Asks Santiago changing the subject.
" Where ?"
"At my place. We can watch a movie..."
"Netflix and Chill ?"
"What ! No !"answers Santiago flustered.
" I'm joking. I'll get off at your stop with you."
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