I woke up on that Monday morning expecting major cramps. But to my surprise, I had no cramps. I had a weird feeling down below my waist. I hadn't left the covers yet so I placed my hands on my chest and to my surprise it was flat! I went to bed what I thought was girl and woke up as a guy! I had to go to school today.
I had no idea what I was going to do. I of course couldn't go to school as a guy, no way! So I got out of bed and went to my closet, it was the only thing I knew to do. In my closet I went looking for my normal skinny jeans and band shirt but they were no where to be found. There were jeans and Bermuda shorts as well as sports shirts. So I grabbed a pair of shorts and a random shirt throwing them on.
I picked up my phone off the night table charger and looked. I had no messages, typical. I wasnt popular at school, I was an outcast just like always. Oh well, I was use to it. Never a big deal before so why let it bother me now that I was a guy. Question of the day: What is my name? I know its not Rose like I thought it was yesterday. Thats too girly.... but I had no clue what it was. Ross maybe? Thats close to Rose.
I grabbed my bag and shoved my stuff in it just to run out the door. I walk out the door and what do I see in the drive? A 1967 Chevy Impala, black. My dream car, my way to get to school since I am 18. I couldn't wait to get there now, it was going to be a great day today.
I hopped in my car and drove to the high school, pulled in the lot 15 minutes before the day started so I walked straight to my first class, Gym. This shouldn't be too hard, after all I was fit and I had lost the extra weight that was on my chest. Time for the day to begin.
The whole school day went just like every other day and then I went home. I got my homework finished around 11pm and went to bed. The following morning I woke up and once again I was a female.