When he first woke up in the morning, the first thing he did was go back to bed...or tried to in this case. Being the cuddler he knows he is—And proud to admit—it was a bit annoying when there was this odd lump getting in the way of his chest and the pillow.
After the five whole minutes of failing to fall asleep, he decided to find out what the lump was. His first thought was to stare, while in actuality, he was tempted to just fall back asleep. Whether it'd be normally, or through unconsciousness.
Because the last he recalled, while dreams are something he hardly remembers, he knows for a fact that he still has enough screws in his head to keep him from dreams like this. After all, he was a perfectly normal. He's straight, and likes girls. And most importantly, he was a guy.
...but apperantly in this dream, he's not. Because he don't remember guys having chests...well, girls breasts for that matter. So he did the first thing that came to mind in situations like these...he slammed his head against the nearest wall.
Three seconds later, he—Do I stll qualify as a 'he' when I'm lacking a man's most important organ?—was clutching his head in annoyance until the stinging pain went away moments later. The fact that his head was hurting proved that it was not a dream.
You couldn't get hurt in dreams after all, he should know. The dreams he does recall involves him beng attacked by a WereLion in the midst of his bed while being backed by psychotic Spider-Monkey's while another dream involved a robotic bloodthirsty puppy with scythes for arms that clawed at his head in a criss-cross manner.
...and those didn't hurt what so ever.
After figuring out it wasn't a dream, and that it was reality caused his thoughts to temporarily shut down as a single thought came to mind, 'DOES THAT MEAN I HAVE TO LIKE GUY'S NOW!!?'
Forgive him for his lack of priorities, but as he said before, he was straight...no offense to those out there with different preferences. Since he was either mysteriously transformed into a girl for some odd reason, or swapped souls with another him from a parralel dimension who was female, the fact that someone could be reading his thoughts wasn't so far fetched.635Please respect copyright.PENANANpcks3M50Y
Eyes narrowing in suspicion, he, or she in this position, huffed in annoyance. He could entertain thoughts of murdering the culprit for this later, but at the moment, finding out his position in this world is more important...at the moment.635Please respect copyright.PENANA8hntttacP7
If he really was in the body of his parralel female self, he's curious as to know how his female self thought and her situation. He always wondered what kind of differences there would be if he was born a girl instead of a boy. But before that, let's see where he was.635Please respect copyright.PENANAyi8yP9bwi6
Turning around, he twitched, before noting nothing really different, other than the fact that there was only one bed in the room, his. And since it looked a bit like his old bedroom, minus the little brother and his bed, he walked over to the desk.635Please respect copyright.PENANAZh9MKmpM72
Filing through the drawers was simple enough as he pulled out a couple journels. Journels that were filled with much more writing that his own, but the amount wasn't what he was paying attention to, but what was written.635Please respect copyright.PENANAnDcw1T0B8U
After flipping through the pages, he came to another startling conclusion. Girls were scary.635Please respect copyright.PENANAudGh0m9j6g
Granted, he didn't interact much with girls, or anyone in general for that matter, but the writing here felt much more descriptive and realistic compared to his own. And the fact that most people called his writing by such terms proved how good his female counterpart was. That fact that she had some fascination with detailed horror and gore had nothing to do with it.635Please respect copyright.PENANAaM9V0K9jcb
...For some reason he fet like crying.635Please respect copyright.PENANAuO2mZ1nBWv
Felt being the keyword, but at the moment, he was more interested in what he was reading. His female counterpart has good taste in writing, but regretfully, he needed to put it down for more investigation.635Please respect copyright.PENANAB7r3DWQQgj
Eyes driting to phone attached to a charger, he idly wondered if this counted as an invasion of privacy, but discarded that as soon as he snatched it. Technically, he was looking through his female counterparts phone, someone who was basically him in a sense.635Please respect copyright.PENANAw2BDlF1miA
The fact that he decided that his mind was switched with a parralel female version of him was something left unsaid.635Please respect copyright.PENANA7wEmGZqOj9
Flipping through her contacts, he idly viewed the ones sent to and from family members while looking towards unfamiliar names. Checking out the messages sent to and from, he honestly wondered if the only things different was the fact that his counterpart was a she.635Please respect copyright.PENANAv0jLxAiipy
There wasn't all that many contacts, but the majority of it were girls while there were a couple guys. He was tempted to delete the guy's contacts for some reason, tempted, but didn't as it wasn't his phone...kinda. This would probably be a good case of invasion of privacy, but then again, he didn't really care for that matter. If he ever met his female counterpart face to face, then he'll deal with it.635Please respect copyright.PENANA7kAuqNK38O
...he wasn't counting on it though, so he was pleasantly surprised when he found that some things discussed were about some favorite games, anime, or various other idle chat that he didn't really expect. And from the looks of it, one of two or them seemed to be taking some sort of Martial Arts. First one sounded like Taekwondo while the other was lost on him, had something to do with circular motions and...bone breaking.
...now he was really scared.
He knew that girls could be stronger than guys, heck, he's seen some get their head kicked by one...literally in some cases. Girls could be strong, very much so. The fact that there was a discussion about Martial Arts in such details, and that his body felt oddly flexible...wait.
Looking down, he hesitantly pulled up the shirt he was wearing—Apperantly they used different sleep ware at least—and felt like slamming heis head into a desk. Great, his female counterpart was toned as well. Now he's really fearing his chances of survival if he ever met her friends and they found out he wasn't their friend...technically.
Putting down the phone, he sighed in major irritation. On some parts, she was his complete opposite while on other's, she was just a tad better than him. Even though he was a guy, he was more of a bookish sort and didn't really like physical activity...or anything involving sweat and heat for that matter. He could run a bit, but had little stamina, so the phrase that 'Guys are stronger than girls' doesn't really work for him. And considering he just read about girls who did martial arts, and had proof to back it up judging from his counterparts lean and toned body, he was sure that he would be kicked three ways to Sunday if he ever picked a fight for some odd reason.
So...no, girls are not weaker than guys, and are in most cases, stronger. What's more, some of the anime I read being discussed where titles I thought only guys liked, so...yeah.
Guess this is to be expected. Considering he doesn't really interact much with people in general, listening in on both parties was a given, whether it was on purpose, or because I just couldn't move anywhere away from them.
He reads books a lot, and he's seen a lot of female characters in said books being the ones who wore the pants in any relationship. So this wasn't really all that different.
Shaking his head after a moment, he turned away from the desk as his his deepened. At the current moment, he had the option to set into the long awaited freak out stage that came along with turning into a girl, or he could just think about something completely random to keep himself from freaking out through curiosity alone.
He chose the latter option, and walked out of the room towards the bathroom.
'I wonder if my female counterparts pretty.' Always wondered what he'd look like as a girl.