This will be a long chapter:))
Midoriya's pov-
I heard a car pull up, and I just knew that it just HAD to be Todoroki and Kaminari. I knew that because it was Endeavors car that Todoroki was driving.
Kaminari was the first to come in.
Next, Todoroki came inside.
"Such.... happy music.." He said, shivering a bit. I ran over to him, giving a warm hug.
"Does this help a bit?" I asked jokingly. He nodded, a small smile on his face.
We went out of the kitchen into the living room and sat on the couch. I'm sure that Ashido has something fun planned.
Scary, but fun.
"Alright. I've got some games." Ashido announced. "We'll be playing Truth or Dare, Never have I ever, Spin the Bottle, and maybe a few card games."
"Okay.." Tsuyu said in suspicion. "What are we gonna play first kero?"
"Let's have a vote!" Uraraka decided.
First, we're playing Never have I ever. Second will be Spin the Bottle. Third is Truth or Dare.
"Rules are simple," Kaminari began "We all hold out one of our hands. If there is something that we haven't done, you put down a finger. First person to make a fist loses."
"That's not exactly how-"
"Alright then!!" Ashido yelled in excitement. "Jiro, you go first. Since this is a Valentines sleepover, make it about your love life."
"Fine. Never have I ever had a first kiss." Jiro confessed. Everybody except for Mina put down a finger.
"Oh come on!! I wanted to see what it was like to kiss Higakure!" She shouted.
Next, Uraraka went.
"Never have I ever...hmmm... held hands with the person I like." Tsuyu, Iida, Yaoyorozu, and Kaminari all put a finger down.
Now I know that Uraraka doesn't like me, because she tends to grab my hand all of the time.
"Izuku! Your turn!!" Ashido shouted at me.
"Hmm.. okay. Never have I ever had my crush confess to me." Everyone put down a finger.
"No one?" I asked "Okay. Todoroki, do you wanna go?"
"Sure. Never have I ever... gotten a kiss from my crush?"
Everyone but Ashido put down a finger, once again.
"Your turn, Kaminari."
"Alright!! Never have I ever done the you know what."
Everyone put a finger down.
"Oh my! That's good!" Yaoyorozu said in astonishment.
"Ochako, Iida, Tsu, Jiro, Momo, Shinsou, and Kaminari all have one finger left!" Ashido announced. "Also, Iida, your turn."
"Okay then. Never have I ever... slept on the shoulder of my crush or had my crush sleep on mine." He said, a smug smile on his face appeared as he shot me a quick glance.
"Uraraka, Tsuyu, Jiro, Yaoyorozu! You haven't?" Ashido asked them.
"Good game." Kaminari shouted, running over to them and shaking their hands.
"Let's just play the next game..." Tsuyu said, sad about her loss. Ashido pulled a bottle out from behind her. It came... out of nowhere?
"Since you suggested it, you'll go first!!" Ashido said as she spun the bottle. It landed in between Iida and Uraraka.
"Who do I kiss, kero?" Tsu asked.
"Both of them!!" Ashido shouted. Tsu gave them both a small kiss on the cheek. But, she didn't go back to her seat, because she was now sitting in between the two of them.
"Shinsou now!!" Ashido shouted, again.
"Can you talk quieter?" he asked as he spun the bottle. I'm guessing that it was somehow rigged, because it landed on Kaminari. Instead of kissing him, Shinsou ruffled his hair and called it good.
"Shoto. Your turn!" Ashido said, taking Shinsou's request and being quieter. Ashido spun the bottle for him, and wouldn't you know...
Wait. ME? No. No no no. I can't kiss. He'll just uh... give me a kiss on the cheek! YEAH he will do that... right?
Todoroki's pov-
I stood up from the couch and came over to him and sat on my knees.
"If you don't feel comfortable with this, we don't have to do it." I offered.
He shook his head. "E-everyone else had to do it, so w-we have to do it too. A-and anyways, it's just a small k-kiss on the cheek"
I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. His face turned red as a freshly bloomed rose.
"Aww, that was weak! I expected more." Ashido said with a sigh.
"This game is kinda boring" Shinsou stated, obviously bored. Some of the others nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, kero. We should play another game soon." Tsuyu commented.
"Fine!!" Ashido gave in. And with that, we began truth or dare.
Midoriya's pov-
This is the game that Kaminari and Ashido have been waiting for this whole time.
Truth or dare.
The game where they can make us say things and do things by request. Only a pus... I mean chicken would pass up a truth or dare question...
I brought stuff just in case things end up getting fucked up.
"Kaminari," Ashido called "You'll be going first."
Kaminari, obviously not knowing who and what to ask, took a few seconds to think.
Not me not me not me...
"Yaoyorozu!" He finally said "Truth or dare?"
"Since I don't want to be doing any absurd things in the middle of the night," she began "I'd rather choose truth."
Kaminari once again took a bit think of a question to ask. Once he finally had one, a sinister smile appeared on his face.
"ADMIT IT!" He shouted unexpectedly, pointing a finger towards her "YOU'RE BISEXUAL AREN'T YOU???"
"It took you long enough. I came out last month." She said plainly.
"Damn it. Now I remember. What a waste of a truth..." He said in defeat, passing his turn to Tsuyu.
"Ochako~San? Truth or dare, kero?" She asked without hesitation and looking next to her at Uraraka.
"Hmm... I guess maybe dare." She said, not really knowing how to reply.
"Your crush is in the room right, kero? Confess to them."
"AHH! You're totally right. But I... Tsu. Uh..." I could tell what she was getting at. "Tsu. I uh.. I like you."
Gasps came from the others. Ashido and Iida clapped for her. But what happened next, wasn't very unexpected.
"I give up, kero." Tsuyu said with a red face "Would you maybe want to be my girlfriend?"
"YES!!" Uraraka shouted, giving Tsu a big hug.
"ROMANCE BABY!!!" Ashido shouted. "I'll go next."
Oh geez... not me!!
"Izuku!" She called out to me
"Oh, I choose dare." I replied, trying to stay cool.
"First, go get the biggest and softest blanket that you brought." She told me, and I did so. The biggest and softest blanket I brought was a yellow one that said 'All M' on it in blue letters.
"Now, go sit on Todoroki's lap and snuggle." She added.
"Okay, will do..." Then I processed what she said. "Wait, what?"
"It was my dare, you have to do it!" She eagerly reminded.
"And this is why I don't play Truth or dare with shippers." I mumbled under my breath and looked away.
I then went over to Todoroki, who had a nervous look on his red face. He pulled me onto him. Todoroki wrapped the blanket around the both of us as we watched the others play the game. Todoroki was warm, and I could feel his soft hands which were wrapped around me.
This is weird. We're only friends, though we are acting gay for each other. I don't get it. Is this just what friends do to each other? Do boys normally hold each other close and kiss to show affection? Do boys usually get red in the face when they are around each other?
And that strange feeling is back again. I've labeled it as 'love' or having a crush. The weird feeling of comfort and safety I feel near him. The rapid pounding of my heart against my chest and longing to see him more. To be around him and always be there to stand up for him. I get the feeling that I can actually be myself around him. I just want him to smile and be happy. I want to be with him all of the time
This feeling... this making me sleepy.
Nap time, I guess.
Todoroki's pov-
"Todoroki, why don't you go?" Iida suggested to me. I nodded in response.
"I'll give you a dare!" Ashido offered to me. But I shook my head.
"Iida suggested it. And yes, dare." Sorry Ashido, but I trust Iida more right now.
"CONFESS!!" He shouted. The others had no idea what he meant. Ashido looked the most puzzled of them all.
"What? Shoto has a crush?" Ashido asked Iida.
"Yes." He replied. "And he will confess to him... right after he wakes up."
Ashido squealed when she realized what he meant.
Word Count- 1519