The doorknob to the apartment was slowly turning red by the heat it was collecting, slowly melting before it fell off causing the door to open revealing the five demons and the two girls.
"Your Highness, was that use of magic really necessary?" Rhys asked.
Ash turns to him.
"Yes," He said with a slight growl to his tone. The cat, Tommy, walked in.
"It seems the spirit has allowed us entrance," Rhys said.
"Whoa! Cool," Noi ran inside.
Leif and Pierce both walked inside with Moon and Ava in their arms and laid them down on the couch on opposite ends. Noi was fascinated by Tommy.
"Hi spirit," he gasped, "I think the spirit might like me," He said before he poked the cat's nose making Tommy upset, and started chasing him with Noi screaming and running away.
"It's not friendly! Help!" He cried out.
"The spirit has decided that Noi must die," Pierce said.
"Good," Asch said.
Noi's screaming got louder.
"Noi! Die in silence, the last thing we need you doing is alerting the nearby humans!" Rhys scolded.
"Are we really going to let Noi die? I mean I'm all for it but," Leif questioned.
"That spirit seems harmless, but don't tell Noi," Rhys said.
Noi's screams continued.
Leif smirked and laughed, "His humongous suffering brings me joy," he said.
"Likewise," Rhys said.
"Enough! Scout the area," Ash ordered.
Rhys and Leif entered the bathroom.
"What is this?" Rhys asked.
They both walked over to a toilet.
"Some kind of portal?" Leif guessed.
"A lever," Rhys said and stretched his arm out about to push the button that was on top of the toilet before he was stopped.
"Uh, should you be touching that?" Leif questioned.
"We won't know what it does unless we closely examine it," Rhys said.
"Then let me," Leif moved closer to push the button.
"Leif wait!" Rhys said.
Too late. Leif already pressed the button, causing the toilet to flush.
"It's gonna kill us!" Leif shouted.
Ash and Pierce looked at where the scream came from.
"They're trained warriors, I trust they won't get themselves killed," Ash said.
Pierce grunts.
Ash turns towards a door.
"Let's investigate this door," He held out his hand as a fireball appeared and he was going to burn off the doorknob just like the front door. Before Pierce decided to do the common thing and just turn the knob, opening it, "It's unlocked," he said. When they walked in, they were in a room that was neat and clean with anime posters on the wall, there was a T.v from across the white bed, books on a nearby shelf, the wall was painted sky blue, and there was a dummy in the corner with swords next to it.
"This... is," Pierce couldn't get anything out.
"No, this-these must be warriors. The human must be sorcerers and imprison them in these walls," Ash said when he looked at the posters and the swords in the corner.
"But they both let their guard down so easily with us," Pierce said.
"Unless," Ash peeks out of the room, "We need to uncover the source of their power,".
Ava groans before she sat up straight with a gasp with a scared look on her face and slowly turns around, seeing Pierce's back walk into Moon's room.
"O-Oh my god, oh my god. H-How the fuck did they," Ava hears a groan and she turns around and sees Moon.
"Moon!" She got off the couch and shook her awake.
"What happened," Moon said.
"Moon, we need to get the hell out of here. Now!" Ava said.
"Wh-What is you-," She stopped talking when she sees Pierce and Ash talking in her room.
"Let's go," Moon said.
They both got up silently to not alarm anyone and slowly made their way down the hall while cautiously looking into Moon's room to make sure that the two boys weren't looking their way. But what they didn't see was Noi laying at the end of the hall with Johnny on his chest on the floor.
"I don't wanna die! I-I Ju-Just, Huh?" Noi began to realize that the cat wasn't doing anything, "The spirit spared me?" Noi looked up slightly and saw Ava and Moon.
"The humans are escaping!" Noi shouted gaining Moon and Ava's attention and they both ran down the hall trying to escape only to be cut off by Rhys and Leif.
"Heh," Leif lets out a chuckle.
Ava screams and runs the opposite way into the kitchen while Moon lets out a growl and grabs Leif's arms and threw him into Rhys, who caught him and they both fell next to Noi. Moon then follows Ava into the kitchen, summons a katana, and stands next to Ava, who has a frying pan. Moon heard them groan and then they were both in front of them before Leif lets out a gasp.
"A weapon!"
Pierce came out of the room with his sword out and everyone else took out their weapons.
"Back off or I will- I ca- I can scream!" Ava warned.
Leif smirked, "Wouldn't be the first time I made a female human scream," he said.
"Ew! Dude! No one needs to know that!" Moon said.
"Leif! Hold your tongue!" Rhys said.
"You know what I mean," Leif said.
"All I got was that you're a total flirt, !" Moon said.
Leif smirked at her.
"I thought I dreamed you guys up!" Ava said.
"So did I!" Moon said.
"They saw us in their sleep," Noi said.
"They must have the ability to foresee us coming. Humans in this world are powerful," Rhys said.
"What the hell are you guys talking about?!" Ava shouted.
Rhys puts his staff away, "Please we mean you no harm," he said.
"I thought we meant all the harm," Pierce said with a raised eyebrow.
"Ash isn't here," Rhys said in a quiet tone.
"Please we just need help and-" he was cut off.
"I saw you do magic power stuff! Are you Satan's servants!" Ava said.
"The Satan?" Leif rose an eyebrow.
"She means a demon," Rhys said.
"Please, We just want your help"
"Last time we help, your little friend stuck us up in a tree and left us up there! What makes you think we want to help you again!" Moon shouted.
"Hear me out, we come with peaceful intent to-"
"I uncover it," Ash's voice was heard in Moon's room as he walked out.
"The source of their power," Ash said.
"Ash and I found it before but we weren't sure," Pierce said
"What are they talking about?" Moon said to Ava.
"I don't know anymore," Ava said back.
Ash pulls out the item from behind his back with a smirk on his face. Moon's face darkens with a red blush while Ava stared wide-eyed at what he had in his hand.
A bra.
Ash had a light blue bra... in his hand.
"Whoa, what's that?" Noi questioned.
"The human is sorcerers while the hybrid is a warrior," Ash said.
"I can believe that," Leif mumbles, as he rolled his shoulders slightly since it ached from the fall he took when Moon threw him into Rhys.
"Rhys, here," Ash handed Rhys some type of book.
It was a bra magazine...
"Fascinating, it seems like a combat guide. It shows human females are engaging in a fierce battle with each other with these very garments," Rhys said.
"That doesn't look like any kind of combat I've seen?" Leif said with a raised brow.
Moon had her ears down, her tail tucked between her legs in embarrassment, and was very close to breaking.
Noi looks at the bra closer.
"It kinda big,"
That did it.
Moon jumped at Ash and tried to slash his neck but missed and slashed his cheek causing Ava to throw the frying pan at Ash with all her strength, and it ended up hitting him in the face hard so hard that it knocked him to the floor.
"I hope I left a bruise! You pervert!" Ava shouted before she and Moon run for the door with Ava screaming but they were both caught by Pierce.
"Let me go!"
"Put us down!"
"Leif, make peace with them!" Rhys ordered.
Ash groans before he stands up and lightly touch the place where the frying pan hit
"Let's just kill them and-"
"Your majesty! You said you wanted a prisoner! An informant if I do recall," Rhys complained.
"These are too powerful as a sorcerer, not to mention that the other one is also a warrior that could take us down. And they're annoying," Ash said, muttering the last part.
"True, but that could work in our favor. Realistically, we'll go through this kind of resistance with every other human we encounter. Just let Leif work his charm," Rhys explained.
"Hey, it's okay calm down. We're not gonna hurt you," Leif tried to calm them down but Ava just continues to scream out of fear with a frightened look on her face while Moon had a look of rage and was shouting.
"Hey, hey, look at me," Leif said before he gave a sharp tooth smile.
Ava just screamed louder and Moon just started shouting louder while trying to kick out of Pierce's grip.
"What did I do?" Leif was confused.
"Wow, I've never seen someone rejected your smile like that," Noi said.
"They seem to be immune to your charm. Perhaps it a cultural misunderstanding, They're gonna alert the other ear presidents. Calm them down now!" Rhys said.
Pierce ended up covering their mouths, but that only seemed to muffle their screaming and shouting.
Noi clapped his hands, "Good job pierce!"
"The noise is still unbearable! I'll shut them up!" Ash said and creates a fireball in his hands.
Moon sends a glare at him and tries to launch herself forward to Ash but was still held back by Pierce. Ash and Rhys flinch slightly at the action and Noi yelps and hides behind Leif, "We need them to trust us. Hurting them isn't going to help us. We'll just wait for them to stop, which should be any moment now," Rhys said.
Moon stopped shouting.
Pierce slowly removed his hand from Moon's mouth and sets her down to the floor and pats her head. Moon had no reaction at all, in fact, she had no emotion on her face at all. But she took a deep breath before exhaling.
"Okay, but first.." Moon said before walking up to Leif and slapping him in the face"I'm telling mom your still alive when I get back!"
"Good. now, if you let me explain-" Rhys was cut off.
"Ah! Nope! We can talk once she is calm," Moon points to Ava, who was still screaming.
Rhys sighs, "If it has to be that way, then so be it," He said. Moon nods before she felt something furry rub against her leg. She looks down and sees Tommy
"Hey, how you doing buddy?" Moon said and scratched the cat behind his ear making him purr before picking him up and walking to the couch with the five demons behind her.
3 Hours Later
She was still screaming.
"Why is this day taking forever!" Leif shouts while he was laying on the floor next to the couch.
"I can't take it anymore. Make her stop!" Noi screams out.
"Just kill her!" Ash said.
"Hey! No one is killing!" Moon shouts at him.
"Geez, if you guys are that annoyed I'll make her stop," Moon said as she gently takes Tommy off her lap and stood up from the couch.
"You could've made her stop?!" Leif shouts.
"Why didn't you do that earlier!" Ash shouts at her.
"Consider this as payback! Not only did you break into our apartment, but you also went into my room and took my br-" Her face started to get red, "My... my... belongings!" Moon shouts at him back.
"Our apologies, but please, do make her stop," Rhys said.
"Yeah, yeah, alright," Moon walks towards Pierce and Ava.
"Ava... Ava... AVA!" Moon shouted on the last one and clapped her hands to gain her attention because Ava kept on screaming but after the last one she stopped.
"T-That worked?" Noi said.
"Yeah, just call her names a few times and she'll usually stop," Moon said back to him before turning back to Ava, "Now, Ava. These guys have to tell us something so will you please not scream again. They're not gonna hurt us," Moon said.
"Much," Ash mumbled in before he was hit in the face with a pillow that was thrown by Moon.
Ava nodded.
"Okay, you can put her down," Moon said. And Pierce did just that, he set Ava down to the floor and pat her head just like he did with Moon. Ava was taking deep breaths before she stood close to Moon.
"Um, what the hell are you guys?" Ava asked.
"That doesn't matter, Now, tell us about your world or we'll-" He was cut off.
"Your majesty!" Rhys warned.
Moon Look at Ava" they're like me except they are demons, not hybrids." 394Please respect copyright.PENANA2rXThTaA5e
"oh.." Ava mumbled.
"Correct, Allow me to explain. We are from another world, and go by the name demons-" Rhys was cut off by Ava.
"Your name is demons?" she asked.
"No, we are demons-" he was cut off again.
"You're all name demons?"
"No, my name is Rhys and-" He was cut off again.
"Your world is Rhys,"
"Oh my gosh! Ava!" Moon cut in, "Why are you having such a hard time? They are from another world, their species are called demons, and his name is Rhys," She points to Rhys, "That's Noi," Points to Noi, "Pierce," Points to Pierce, "Leif," Points to Leif, "And that's Prince sassy pants but he goes by the name Ash," She points to Ash.
Ash growls at her.
"Whoa, she knew all of our names," Noi said with stars in his eyes.
"Yeah, because you all said it," Moon said to Noi before turning to Rhys, "Continue,"
"Right, we are from another world. Our home is being threatened by a horrible monster, who threatens to engulf everything we care about," Rhys explained.
"That's right, so we came to eurth to learn about it,-" he was cut off by Moon.
"Your pronouncing earth wrong. It's not eurth or ear-arth it's earth. Sorry, continue," Moon said.
"To discover if this world is suitable for us to... move our people here," Rhys finishes.
"Move?" Ava said.
"Your people here?" Moon said.
"Hey! That's not-" Noi was slapped by Leif.
"Just go with it!" Leif shouted in a whisper.
Moon turned towards them with narrowed eyes making them both stiffen up before they let out a breath when she shook her head in disgust of their lie then turned away.
"We truly have no idea where we are in this world or even how to begin living in it. So please, can a powerful sorcerer and a strong warrior such as you two help us?" Rhys said and kneel with the others soon following except for Ash, he only rolls his eyes.
"Give us a second. We're gonna be right back," Moon said before she grabs Ava's arm and went to the bathroom.
"Why are they going in the death room?" Leif said.
"Perhaps, to make communication," Rhys said.
"B-B-But what if they alert-" Noi was cut off.
"Patients Noi, we need to give them trust before we can earn it ourselves," Rhys said.
Moon was leaning on the door while Ava was splashing water on her face in the sink.
"This is a dream, right?" Ava said.
"I kinda wish it was, but then again I kinda wish it wasn't," Moon said.
"This has to be some kind of sexy dream one of us are having right now," Ava said.
Moon snorted, "Doubt that but then again there is no way that Jesus actually decided to drop off five hot demon guys at our door," she said.
"Maybe it wasn't Jesus that did it. Maybe it was... " Ava gasped.
"Ava we have to think smart," Moon said.
"Your right, we're outnumbered and my phone had gone off somewhere, Moon?" Ava looks at Moon who was checking her pockets and looked up at Ava and shook her head signaling that she also didn't have her phone.
"They must have taken it," Ava said, "There's no way they're actually devils right?"
"Demons," Moon corrected her.
"The only thing I've ever seen close to a demon are anime characters and... yeah that's about it, but that little fire trick the "prince" did, looked fairly real to me," Ava said.
"Really?" Ava said.
"Yes, and I'm pretty sure I told you twice already
"Ok Just follow my lead," Ava said before Moon opens the bathroom door, and Ava and her walked out seeing the five daemons guys in front of them.
"Okay! We can help you," Ava said.
"You can?" Rhys said in a bit of disbelief.
"Yes! We can! In fact, we know the perfect people who can help you," Ava said.
"Other humans?" Pierce said.
"Should we trust this?" Leif said.
"Anything to help us is greatly appreciated," Rhys said.
"Rhys! This is obviously a trap!" Ash said.
"No, I'm gonna put my faith in these two," Rhys said.
"Yeah, they seem kind," Noi said.
"R-Really?" Ava said with a surprised tone in her voice.
Moon on the other hand had a small smile on her face.
"Don't show them weakness Noi," Ash said.
"Prince Ash," Rhys warned.
Ash scoffed, "Fine,"
"Prince?" Ava said.
"Seriously, Ava where have you been this whole time," Moon said to her.
"It's none of your concern human. Now, take us to these humans that can help us and remember-" He took out Moon's bra and smirked, "I have your source of power," he said.
Moon and Ava had a deadpanned look on their face.
"Well, technically. You have mine, not Ava. But, whatever have fun," Moon said, "Even though, I might need that tomorrow morning, pervert" She mumbled the last part under her breath.
"Rrrriiiiiiiight? Okay then, let us take you to-"
Cut to a big building.
"The government!" Ava said.
"Fascinating! What is this government?" Rhys asked.
"Whoa! It's a giant castle!" Noi said.
"No! No, no, the government is a big organization that deals with politics and taking people's money while actually not doing anything with it... Those bastards," Moon said with a lot of sarcasm in her voice while also mumbling the last part of her sentence.
"Mon-ey?" Leif said slowly.
"Yep! Now, we're going to leave you guys here, okay? If you go to that door, you can go inside and ask for help, okay? See ya!" Ava said and grabbed Moon's arm and pulled her away with her. The guys just stood there for a moment looking at each other before walking up the stairs to go inside.
"Finally!" Moon said as she stretched her arms.
"Yeah, now that we got rid of them. We can finally go home and rest," Ava cheered.
"I am all for that," Moon said with a smile but then she frowned when a thought came to her head and stopped walking, "Hey, Ava. Isn't the government supposed to be close right now?" right after she said that a scream was heard.
"What the!?" Moon quickly turns her head back at the building.
"Oh, fu-" Ava didn't even finish her sentence and ran back to the guys.
"Oh, come on! We didn't even cross the street yet!" Moon complained before following Ava.
As they were walking back they saw prince Ash holding up a police officer by the collar of their uniform.
"What do you mean we can't go in?!" Asch shouted.
"Your majesty! Stop!" Rhys said.
The officer coughed, "I mean, we're closed today and we won't be open until Monday, please let me down," He said.
"Then this Monday! Better come now!" Ash started to power up an attack, "I just dealt with two of the most annoying females! And now this?!" Ash continued to complain.
"Are you insane?! We were gone for like, 10 seconds!" Moon shouted.
"No one is that stupid to do that to a cop! They really are from-" Ava said.
"Ash! We need to strategize!" Rhys said.
"No! I want this human died!" Ash said.
"Please it's my first day on the job!" The officer begged.
"Wait! Stop!" Ava tried to intervene.
"Stay out of this sorcerer!" Ash shouted at her.
"Oh for the love of-" Moon ran up the stairs and pulled Ash's grip away from the man's collar causing the officer to fall to the ground before grabbing the collar of Ash's clothes.
"Are you really that stupid?! If you kill him, more of them are just going to come!" Moon shouted at him.
"How can we trust you?" Ash glared at Moon.
"You don't exactly have a choice because of the situation that you put yourselves in! We'll admit this was a trap, but did you really expect us to believe that you guys are from Pyorrhea?!" Moon shouted.
They continued to glare at each other.
"Moon! Moon!" Ava called out to her.
"What?!" She called back.
Ava pointed to the officer on the ground. Moon turns to look at him and saw that he has his walkie-talkie out.
"Oh shi-"
"Officer requesting backup. I'm being attacked," The officer said.
"Oh! No, no, no, no! That's not necessary!" Moon lets go of Ash and snatches the officer's walkie-talkie from his hand.
"Moon! What do we do?!" Ava shouted in panic.
"Umm, uh..." Moon was also panicking but she started panicking more when she saw the officer starting to stand up and make a run for it, "Gah!" She ended up pressing a pressure point on the officer's neck and he fell, unconscious.
"Moon! Did you just kill him!" Ava said.
"No! I knocked him out! Hopefully, he will just think that this was all just a dream," Moon said as she puts the walkie-talkie back in the officer's belt and leaned him against the wall.
"Now, follow us!" Moon said as she and Ava ran back to the apartment.
The guys just stood there for a moment.
"Well?" Leif said.
"I trust them!" Pierce said and followed Moon and Ava.
After Pierce left, they all started to follow them.
They were all back in the apartment, where this all started.
"So you guys really are devils?" Ava said.
"Demons," Rhys and Moon corrected her at the same time.
"Whatever," Ava said, not really caring.
"So, you guys have nowhere to stay?" Moon asked.
"Nope, we don't have a home here on ear-arth," Noi said Moon just sighs not even bothering to correct him.
"Fine, you guys can crash here tonight," Ava said.
Ash scoffed, "We weren't going to take no for an answer. You two are our prisoners and you will do as I command," Ash said.
"Yeah, yeah whatever," Ava said.
"You really need to get your manners in check," Moon said.
"Look, we're just... tired from all of this. So you guys make yourselves at home and don't steal anything, blankets are in the closet, and don't come into any of our rooms! Okay? Okay," And with that Ava and Moon walked into their own rooms and closed the door.
"Closet?" Noi said the word with confusion written on his face. That's when they heard a door open. They all looked and saw Moon with her white hair in a bun as she was walking to the closet. "This is a closet," She said and opened the door showing the blankets, "If you guys want pillows I have spar in my room and I will go get them," Moon said as she left the closet door open and went to her room with Tommy following her to get the pillows, when she came back she handed everyone a pillow and went back to her room.
Ava opened her door.
"But I swear if one of us end up murdered in the morning we will come back and haunt you all forever!" And then she closed the door.
"At least that explains why they resisted me. They can haunt people," Leif said.
"They are powerful," Pierce said.
"Now that we establish a base camp. We have a lot to observe based on the events that happen today," Rhys said.
"Do you think there's any food?" Noi said.
"It could be poison," Leif said.
"It's probably best if we sleep tonight," Rhys suggested.
Ash sighs, "Ear-arth, a strange place,"
"You guys trashed my room!!" Moon shouted through her door. She didn't notice because of how tired she was but she finally notices how much of a mess her room was.
"This. Is. Absolutely. Insane," Moon sighs, she'll clean her room in the morning, she hops in her bed with Tommy by her side and finally closes her eyes to sleep