It's almost prom. I've avoided Kayto for the longest time. It's felt like forever since I've seen my sister. And everything with Kayto is just so complicated. 2 weeks till prom. 3 days since the incident. I hate reality.
It just sucks. I hate reality. Kayto looks at me. I couldn’t stand being around him. He lied to me. He could've at least told me. It's like he can't share these things with me, like he doesn’t trust me. After class, it should be break. He goes up to me and taps my shoulder. I turn around, so my back won't face him. “Hey kat!” he says, like he didn’t just lie to me three days ago. “...” an awkward silence sits between us. “Hey, I'm sorry if I lied to you about Zara,” he says. Zara must be the pink girl's name. “But your being to dramatic, it's not like you’re my girlfriend or anything” that, that hit home. “I don’t have to be your girlfriend for you to lie to me, I don’t care who you talk to Kayto,” I say, my voice shaking, as I try to hold back tears. “But why must you know who I talk to, really, your being dramatic” “WELL ATLEAST IM NOT A LIAR!” I yell, I snapped. I turned bitter. At this point, the BEES are afraid of me. I run away, tears streaming down my eyes, messing up my mascara. I head to the basketball court. No one ever goes there. I've arrived and I see Corrina. Shes playing basketball. She shoots, she scores. “Oh... Hello.” says Corrina, unusually curtly. Hm? “Come on Corrina, get it over with, call me a slop! Squeeze lemons in my eyes! Throw a banana at my face! Make me eat poop! Insult me! I know you want to.” I say, trying to make my voice sound steady, like I'm stable, even though I'm not. “Well, I mean, you look like a mess-” says Corrina. “Your heart isn't in it” I say. “Why do even want me to insult you?” she says. “I don’t know. Just help me regain my kalopsia for a bit. Please?” I ask, sitting down on a bench. Corrina sits beside me. “Okay, how about this.” she starts. “You're so ugly, I can't even insult you. Your mother did when you were just out of the womb. I pity the fool who lives with you.” she says. I smile. “Thank you, Corrina,”
“Why are you here anyway?”
“Oh, basketball is a lil practice of mine, I want to go to the NBA when I'm older”
Hmm, the NBA? I thought she'd be a model or something. She doesn’t seem like the type to play sports, especially basketball.
“I thought you'd want to be a model. I mean you look like one, with your skirts and dresses. No offense-”
“Well, there's more to me that meets the eye” she says.
“Why are you here?” “Oh, I got in a fight with Kayto. Technically he lied to me, and I got upset, he called me dramatic and then I yelled at him and called him a liar.” I ramble. “Bruh-” she says. “i mean, I felt hurt when he felt like he had to lie to me...” “well, what did he lie about? It's fine, you can tell me "She smiles. ok, now this is weird. I give Corrina a confused face. “Are you on drugs? Or did you hurt yourself?” “Bahahaha” says Corrina, Laughing away. “Nah, I'm just in a curious mood~” she says. Hmm, I guess she had a change of heart. For an hour. I guess it be nice to let it out. “Hey... Since you're in a light mood, I might Aswell ask...” “What?” “Why, uhm, what happened between you and my sister?” awkward silence. “She lied to me. She lied to me. We, uhm... we were good friends, and we made a promise, never to turn on each other's backs. Angelica was picked on at school, so I normally helped her. We both loved basketball, and we played together all the time. I helped her play though. So, when she was nervous about the test, I let her cheat off me, even though I worked so hard on the test, I let her copy. And when she broke your stuffy, she blamed me, took all the credits for the test and said I was a cheater, stole my lunch money and called me a betty.” she pauses. “So, I learned how to fight, and then I bullied her back. And gained back everyone by using fear. Cause fear was the only way I could defend myself. To scare her. Though she thought it would end in elementary, she tried to wiggle her way back into my heart. And I scared her away. And I bullied her, up till high school, the present. She broke her promise. And she even forgot it. So, I hated her. And I still do. I use basketball to escape. So, I can relate with you in a way. We both have a kalopsia. Except, mine was made from sadness.” she finishes. She grabs her bags and fixes her hair. “Huh, I never really thought to see it from your side of the story” I say. “Like I said, there's more to me than you think” she winks, then throws her bag over her shoulder and leaves. “Peace, rat” Anddddddddd Shes back to normal.