Molly spent the night, but Ben put her in the guest room two doors down from Dan's. It probably was for the best. Dan doubted he would keep his hands off her if she slept in his room.
He tossed and turned in bed but could not fall asleep. By midnight, the full moon's glare smacked him like a baseball bat, and he turned his back on it.
Dan coughed into his pillow. "What's the PPMC?" he asked against the silky fabric. Why did he feel like it and his dream were connected? Oh gosh. Why did his father want to take him to the city?
Around 1:00 a.m., Dan got up and went to his desk. He sat down and brought his computer to him, waving his hand over the keyboard. A holographic screen appeared above it, small at first, but then Dan pressed the enlarge button. He sat back and waited for technology to work its magic.
The screen expanded and circled Dan. Microsoft 3000 was behind him, and the World Wide Web was in front. It looked like an entire galaxy adorned his room, but icons were in it instead of stars.
He picked up his keyboard and walked around his room, scrolling through pages and icons until he finally found Google. Dan typed "PPMC" into the search box and waited. He was surprised to see only a few articles, and none gave him the information he sought. They merely read, The PPMC Project is finally finished in Greenville, South Carolina. Dan would have to try harder than Google to solve the mystery.
"Oh, Mother," he groaned, falling onto his bed, "I really need you." With those words, he shut off his computer and fell asleep at the foot of his comforter.
Only two hours later, someone kicked his door open. "Rise and shine, Dan! It's a beautiful day!" Ben snatched his covers away, and Dan jumped.
He felt for his sheets, but Ben sat on his hand.
"Come on, kid. We have a busy schedule today. Molly and Geico are waiting for us downstairs."
"Five more minutes," Dan mumbled, removing his hand from under Ben's pants. He crawled to his pillow and put it over his head.
"Oh no, you don't." Ben stole the pillow and playfully bumped Dan with it. "When we get to the city, you can hoverscoot. Haven't you always dreamed about hoverscooting in Downtown Greenville?"
Dan had. It would be a nice change from the Valley of Green, flying through the skyscrapers and around the space center. Maybe just the skyscrapers because he didn't like space that much. It was strange because geologic time started with the Big Bang.
"All right, Dad, you got me." Dan met his overly zealous eyes. "Downtown Greenville, here we come."
Dan changed into his overcoat and gathered his suitcase and hoverscooter. He tightened his gloves, bumped the floor with his heel, and studied himself in M-34's mirror.
While he adjusted his belt, M-34 said, "You look fine, Dan. Don't fret."
"Are you sure?" Dan hand-pointed at his belt. "I don't think this belt suits me. What if Molly notices?"
"She doesn't care what you wear as long as you're there to say goodbye to her." M-34 handed Dan his hoverscooter and trilobite fossil. "Don't be a baby."
"I'm not a baby! I'll show you, M-34!" Dan, though, paused halfway out his closet and groaned. "Ugh, this bites!" He didn't know why he was so nervous about saying goodbye to Molly. It wasn't like he was attending boot camp. Trips with Ben usually only lasted a weekend at most. However, it was hard to ignore his gut when it screamed he would be gone longer. Why did his dad want to take him to Downtown Greenville? What was this PPMC Project? There was only one way to find out.
Dan went downstairs and met up with Geico, Molly, Ben, and Claude on the front driveway.
"Dan!" From out of nowhere, Molly dove and hugged him. She sniffled into his left shoulder pad, leaving Dan in awe.
"What the heck, Molly?" He gently pushed her off. "It's not like I'm going off to boot camp. Good morning to you, too."
"Sorry. I'm just going to miss you." Molly rubbed her eyes. "You get back safely now, kay?"
"Uh... kay?" Why was she acting strangely? Was what was going on in Downtown Greenville supposed to be a secret?
Dan left Molly and tossed his suitcase and hoverscooter into the trunk of Ben's car. He sweated in his overcoat due to it being a sweltering hot morning. Was it South Carolina heat he felt, though, or anxiety? It was probably both, to be honest.
He dug his computer out of his suitcase and moved to the car's passenger side.
Dan started to open the door, but Ben said, "Now, just wait a minute, Dan the Man! We can't leave until you say goodbye to Claude and Geico."
"Ugh." Dan tossed his head back. "Seriously, Dad? Is that necessary?" Boot camp or not, he wanted to get the heck out of dodge. He could already see himself hoverscooting through Downtown Greenville.
Ben scowled and pointed at Geico. "Yes, it is, Daniel. Get your butt over here and say goodbye."
"Please, Dad," Dan said, scoffing, "don't be like Mom." Regardless, he followed his orders and came within reach of Geico and Claude, narrowing his eyes. "Goodbye, Geico and Claude."
"Danny Boy!" Geico squeezed him so tightly that Dan's spine popped. For a full minute, he kept him confined to his mechanical body, but his apron softened the torture.
"Geico, let me go right now!" Dan choked out. "I can't breathe!"
"Oh. Sorry, Danny Boy." Geico freed him.
Dan coughed. His body ached with Geico's squeeze.
Before he recovered, Claude whined and tackled him, knocking him into the front yard. His tail wagged, and he gave him several slobbery kisses.
"Claude!" Seriously, what was wrong with everyone that day?
Molly approached them and helped Dan up. She kneeled to Claude and scratched his head. "It's okay, Claude. You'll see him again." She smiled at Dan. "Don't worry, Dan. Geico and I will look after him. Now, off you go. The city's waiting." She stood and pressed against him, warm hands massaging his chest.
Oh boy, that was enough to get him to say something he had wanted to tell her for a while.
Dan leaned into Molly's ear and whispered, "You know, Molly, I'm still a virgin."
"Oh." Molly giggled and shot him a seductive look. "Let's talk about it when you return."
"Really?" Dan barked.
Molly shushed him and nodded.
"Yes!" Without thinking, Dan kissed her forehead and sprinted to the car. "Let's go, Dad! Chop, chop!" He danced in place and tucked his computer under his arm, clapping. "I am seventeen! I am seventeen!"
Ben glanced at Molly. "Molly, what did you say to him?"
"Oh, nothing that would interest you, Mr. Matton," she answered, rubbing Claude's head again.
"Come on, Dad!" Dan tried again. He ducked into the car and poked his head out the window like a dog. "We need to beat the traffic!" Two more days. He and Molly would finally get their chance to shine in just two more days. He was so excited that he turned on his computer and started the next part of his book.
He continued to write, even when Ben finally joined him in the car and asked, "Are you ready, Dan the Man?"