Being teleported via the teleportation capsule remained strange to Dan. For a split second, it was like he died and the gods tossed him into a virtual Afterlife. He then returned and was now in a hallway behind the space center's lobby. Who knew an empty hallway could look that edgy? Dan wanted to return to the virtual Afterlife. While he didn't feel 100% safe in it, it was still better than the hallway's edginess. He stuck close to Ben the entire journey down it. What awaited them out those double black doors: paparazzi or the cult? Dan wasn't sure which he preferred.
It looked like the cult waited for Ben and Dan. The space center's lobby was empty because it hadn't opened yet. A stream of light from the rising Sun passed through its glass windows and scanned the front part of it, but it was still dark in Dan and Ben's section.
Dan couldn't remember the last time he was in the lobby, so it made sense why what he saw wowed him: model spaceships dangling from the ceiling, robots hunkered down near each exhibit, and a model of PPMC in the front corner. It appeared like guests could go in it.
Dan broke away from Ben so he could explore the space center. His curiosity and excitement caught up with him. He found another aerotrim and tried it out. He returned to the machine with each round and gave it another whirl. The entire time Dan did that, he giggled.
Once he finally had enough of the aerotrim, he hurried to an astronaut cutout with a space-themed backdrop toward the front of the center.
"Welcome to Simulation Space," the Attractions Robot announced to him. "Put your face in the hole and experience a different kind of virtual reality."
"Ahem!" Ben snuck up on Dan. "We don't have time to play, Daniel."
"Oh, come on, Dad!" he groaned. "Just one game?"
"No! You're blasting off in T-minus two and a half hours. We've wasted enough time already."
A new voice chimed in. "Now, Ben, don't get on the boy's case for wanting to be a kid." Chenoa placed her hands behind her. "He can have a little fun before the mission starts."
"Thank you, Chenoa," Dan muttered. "I mean—thank you, ma'am."
She chuckled. "It's okay, son. You can call me Chenoa." From there, she pointed at the attraction. "I believe the Attractions Robot is waiting."
"So, how does this thing work?" Dan inquired, stepping up to the cutout. "It looks like a normal cutout to me."
"That's the point," Chenoa elucidated. "It's a disguise. But the real fun begins once you put your face in the hole. Give it a whirl."
"But, Chenoa," an impatient Ben argued, "PPMC."
"Oh, hush, Ben." She flicked his nose, and he flinched, reaching for it.
Her action reminded Dan of Becca. She used to flick his and Ben's noses, too. The memories ripped his excitement out of his system. He suddenly didn't want to try the game anymore.
As half-heartedly as he could, he said, "Let's go to PPMC," and jumped down from the cutout's stand. "Um, where do we go, Professor?"
Ben grinned. "Now that's more like it. Hike on!"
"But, Dan," Chenoa confusingly intervened, "I thought you wanted to try the attraction."
"Maybe after the mission," was his excuse.
Chenoa remained bewildered for the rest of the trip to PPMC. Dan understood why—he almost regretted his decision—but he had to escape from memories of his mom. That or he needed to avoid Chenoa as much as possible. He found himself whispering, "In forms both big and small," way more times than he needed.
Anticipation and anxiety swamped Dan when his party reached PPMC's launch pad. Swarms of people stood behind her gates, holding up holographic signs and souvenirs. Behind them was another display of holographic dinosaurs.
Seeing them, Dan smiled. He didn't care about the people—only the dinos. After all, dinos were the secure reason why he fell for Ben and Chenoa's shenanigans.
Molly was also waiting for him. Dan's hook-up was so close, yet so far away. He spaced out with the dirty thoughts and squeezed his legs. Hopefully, no one saw his erection.
"Attention, citizens of Greenville, South Carolina!" When did Chenoa get a microphone? Wow, Dan really wasn't paying attention. Chenoa glanced at him and faced the crowd again. "Today marks a historical breakthrough—the launch of the PPMC Project!"
"Yeah!" shouted the crowd.
A few of the four-legged dinosaurs reared.
"An extraordinary boy has been chosen as the Star of the PPMC," Chenoa continued. She grabbed Dan with her free hand and tugged him to her side. "What will Dan experience on his journey? What will he find, and what will he learn?"
Learn? Dan was only doing the project because of Ben and Molly. He blushed and looked away from the crowd, trying his best to keep his fist at his chest.
"As the Star of the PPMC Project," Chenoa added, "Dan will travel through a black hole, wormhole, and white hole to the Precambrian Time, the Paleozoic Era, the Mesozoic Era, and early Cenozoic Era. With that said, my friends, what does PPMC stand for?"
"The Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic Project!" the crowd announced. "The Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic Project!" They were getting more excited by the second.
As was Chenoa. "Correct! You all get an A on your Geology test!"
The crowd cheered and clapped.
"Now, Dan, do you have anything to say to your fanbase?" Chenoa held the microphone to his lips.
Caught in his conflicted emotions, Dan spat out three words without thinking: "Go eat dirt."
"Daniel!" Ben smacked the back of his head.
"Owww," he groaned, rubbing it.
"Woof," Chenoa said, still grinning, "it looks like someone's a little feisty." She removed the microphone and returned it to her. "Anyway, we're so happy you guys came to experience our 200-year-long project this weekend! Everyone at the space center is indebted to you. After all, Greenville's citizens encouraged us to finish PPMC. Now, who's ready to see the very first starship launch?"
"Me!" yelled the crowd. "PPMC! PPMC! PPMC!"