A/N: I really didn't want to make Micah an orphan in this story, because I felt like it made her sound a bit like a mary sue and I DESPISE those types of characters, but I couldn't for the life of me find a way for the plot to work if her parents were still alive... I'm really sorry if it makes Micah seem stereotypical
After this chapter a lot of plot development stuff is coming, and if it seems like I'm leaving a lot of things forgotten (Micah's necklace, the people watching her, etc.) I have lots of plans, and I promise you things will make sense eventually
Over the course of the story I plan to incorporate in more about Micah, Ella, and Damon's personality.
Please tell me if there's anything specifically about one of the characters you'd like to know and I'll try to include it. Sorry for the long A/N
I woke up suddenly, and drenched in sweat.
"Hey, are you okay?" My roommate, a broad-shouldered seventeen year old brunette girl named Kristin, was leaning over me.
"Yeah, just a dream." I said, feeling a large sense of relief. Just a dream.
"Well, you were shouting, so..."
"Sorry. I hope I didn't wake you up."
"Eh. It's fine." She said, heading back towards her bed and flopping down on it.
"Night. Thanks for waking me up." Kristin shrugged
"Not a big deal. Night."
I glanced at the clock. It was one a.m.
I didn't sleep anymore after I'd woken up from my nightmare.
When I yawned for maybe the hundredth time, Ella grinned at me.
"Tired Micah?"
"Not at all." I muttered, trying to focus on the worksheet in front of me and failing miserably. It wasn't really that hard, I was just exhausted. This two hours of sleep thing didn't fly for me.
On the brink of my losing consciousness the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. I sighed in relief.
"You're lucky we didn't have any tests today," Damon told me. I wasn't really feeling the whole friendly banter thing today.
"I'm going to go take a nap." I muttered. My friends shrugged and waved me off, Ella giggling quietly.
"Do you recon she'll make it to her bed before she falls over?"
"Probably not."
When I woke up from my nap at six o'clock, hungry, I jumped up and went over to the fridge before pulling out the stuff to make a sandwich.
Chewing happily, I sat back down on the couch.
I don't know when I stopped thinking about books and started thinking about the nightmare I had last night, but I did.
Unlike most people, I didn't really like dreaming. Probably because my dreams were rarely nice ones with fields full of flowers and rainbows. They were almost always nightmares, and never in my control. Thankfully, I didn't dream very often.
The worst kinds were the nightmares that you couldn't remember, in my opinion. Have you ever just woken up from a dream with a horrible feeling you can't shake? You go about the rest of your day carrying around the feeling that something is very wrong, even though you know it's just because of a dream.
I no longer had an appetite. Last night's dream was the worst kind, of course. A nightmare I couldn't remember. I sat there, still, for a while, but every time I thought I remembered a bit or a piece of it, it flitted away before I could comprehend what it meant.
Before I could drive myself any closer towards insanity from thinking about the dream, there was a knock at the door.
I sighed and got up, setting my unfinished sandwich on the kitchen counter as I passed.
When I opened the door, I was surprised to see Ella, grinning.
"Oh good your awake!" She said
"What're you doing here?" I asked and she pursed her lips and gave me a look "Not that I'm not happy to see you," I quickly revised. I was happy to see her. It was better than stewing alone in my own thoughts.
"Well, you seemed down today. So, I brought movies," she held up a plastic bag "I assumed your movie collection was pretty scarce," She was right. I didn't own a lot of movies, though Kristen did. "Plus, I haven't seen your apartment yet!" she grinned a little wider and flopped down onto the couch, taking my spot.
"I suggest you quiet down a little," I warned her "If you wake up Anabell, she'll probably strangle you."
"She's my roommate, along with another girl named Kristin. They're both in the grade above us," I informed her, flipping through the movies she'd brought. There were five to choose from.
"Why's your roommate asleep? It's like, six o' clock."
"She's an insomniac, according to Kristin. Sleeps pretty much whenever she can," I selected an action movie and waved it in front of her face.
"How about this?" She agreed and I put it in. We watched in silence for a while.
"You know, eventually I'm going to teach you to be a regular teenage girl. Then we can gossip about boys and do each other's hair." I must have made a face at this statement, because Ella laughed "Or not. You're more fun as an abnormal teenage girl anyways," I snorted
"Who're you calling abnormal?"
"Didn't say I wasn't," I grinned and shook my head before turning my head back to the screen. A thought crossed my mind.
"So…" I started "Why did you punch Sam?" I asked, readjusting on the couch, and watching her carefully. Because of Damon's whole 'not a big deal means they want you to ask' thing, I was curious.
"Said something about my parents," she muttered. She sounded more angry than anything else, really.
It wasn't a big secret that something bad had happened to Ella. She wouldn't elaborate to anybody, and I didn't pry. I wasn't the prying type of person; not to my friends at least. Which led me to wondering what Sam knew about Ella. And how.
My knowledge of Ella's background consisted of a.) She was an orphan, and b.) She hadn't been one for very long.
It turned out most people who came to the Base didn't have a peachy past. I found it odd an odd sort of a coincidence. I guess the Base turned out to be a sort of haven for most of the people who came here. Maybe that was why almost everyone who was accepted went. Because most of them wanted escapes from their crappy memories.
It wasn't really like I could blame Ella for not wanting to participate in story time. Whatever happened seemed like a big deal.
"I hope you broke his nose, then." I told her, and turned back to the movie.
We were silent for the rest of the movie, and we watched one more after that, switching to lighter conversation topics.
It was a little after ten o' clock when I'd helped put away Ella's movies, sent her away, and went to bed myself.
Thankfully, I fell asleep quickly.
A/N: Personally I thought it was a really sweet thing for Ella to bring movies to cheer Micah up.
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I need all the feedback I can get!