"100 years ago, out of the ashes of the Fallen cities, INTEL was created. It served, mainly two purposes. 1, to discover and annihilate any further threat to humanity, and 2, rebuild the damage cause by the Falling," I took in every word. Ms. Ichen, our history teacher was an excellent story-teller. "INTEL scoured the world for it's best and brightest. Without opportunity, many genius minds were left to rot with poverty and misfortune. The Base was created from this need. 100% self-sustaining, The Base can house nearly a million people, and is continuing to grow. It generates all it's own food, as well as recycling its water." The screen behind her flipped to the next picture with a wave of her hand, showing a large water plant "Here, most struggles do not exist."
The screen behind Ms. Ichen faded to black, and the class shifted in their seats, anxious for the bell to ring. I was almost disappointed when we had to leave; I had questions to ask. I told Damon and Ella to wait up for me and approached our teacher.
"Why aren't some of the cities rebuilt?" I asked her. She smiled fondly at me, typing something quickly into her com watch before answering.
"Their left as a tribute to the people who lost their lives in the Falling."
That was the story and they were sticking to it, weren't they? It was what everyone had said when I'd asked. Word for word.
For some reason, having been part of the INTEL program for nearly 3 months, I didn't really believe the whole 'tribute' thing. I'd met one of the INTEL leaders, there were 9 of them, one for each town, and they didn't exactly seem like emotional people, with cold smiles and greedy eyes. At least, that's how the one I met seemed. They didn't fancy answering questions either, nearly always deflecting them.
Irregardless, I nodded my head like a good girl and thanked her, before leaving the room. I stepped out of the room just in time to see Ella slug the taller twin in the face. Sam, that was his name.
I glanced at Damon, who looked just as surprised as I did. Ella wasn't a violent person. Sure, she had a bit of a temper, but didn't everyone? I'd never seen her this angry.
"Someone's going to hear about this, Roy." Sam said, clutching his nose angrily. Honestly, it didn't seem like much of a threat. And it was hard taking him seriously when there was blood dripping from his nose. Man, could Ella punch.
"Go ahead, you coward. Like anyone will believe I gave a guy nearly twice my size a bloody nose." Ella crossed her arms defiantly. I looked around the hall way before smiling at the boy. It wasn't a nice smile.
"Weird, no witnesses. Funny, I don't think the camera can see this part either…" I cocked my head and looked around "Nope. You really should get that checked out, by the way. It could be broken."
When Sam left, glaring daggers, I turned to Ella.
"So… what did he say?"
"He was an ass. Not a big deal."
"Whatever." I shrugged. I played the role of good friend. I'd done my job.
"You know, when she says 'not a big deal' you're supposed to ask for more information, Micah."
"Not a big deal usually means someone doesn't want to talk about it."
"You've never had a whiny friend that says one things a means the opposite?"
"Nope," I said, popping the P, and taking out my hair tie and untangling my braid " My friends are pretty simple. We're not a complicated bunch."
"I can see that." He snorted. I contemplated elbowing him, but my hands were busy re-braiding my hair. Ella did it for me.
"Yeah, I can totally imagine you hanging out with a bunch of whiny girls. The only friends you can get."
"So what does that make you?" Having finished my braid, he got an elbow from me this.
"You know, you're-" I stopped in my tracks. Was that woman staring at me? Her black hair was chopped short and her eyes were dark. She reminded me of the town leader I'd met, but I didn't recognize her. I knew instantly that she was, in fact, staring at me, because when I looked up at her, her eyes darted away. She looked like someone important.
"You guys know who that is?" I murmured. Damon and Ella had stopped when I had, and were now looking at the same woman who was now chatting to some guy.
"No, why?" Ella asked.
"I…" I shook my head "Never mind, I'm probably just imagining things." I said and continued on
"So, the great Micah Viano is finally losing it." Damon grinned at me and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, whatever…" but I wasn't in the joking mood anymore.
Why would someone be watching me? I hadn't done anything wrong. Were they some sort of stalker? No that's ridiculous. It's not like she was following me. Probably completely coincidental.
By the time Ella waved her hand in front of my face I'd convinced myself that the odd woman's staring was simply a figment of my imagination, and that suited me just fine.
I was being chased. As I ran down the metal halls, feet clanking loudly off the floor, I could feel myself growing tired.
Somehow, I knew the people chasing me wanted to hurt me.
I took too many turns to keep track of.
"Micah! Stop running, dear!" I didn't recognize the voice. It was full of fake cheerfulness "We're just going to take you to your parents, you silly girl." This tone leaked venom, but the sentence made me slow down. My parents…
No. They were lying. My parents were dead. My mother died when I was so young I couldn't even remember… I never knew my dad.
Even though I knew it, I couldn't keep running. I was slowing down. I turned right when I wanted to go left. Suddenly, I was no longer in control.
I was watching myself, now.
I watched as I stopped moving completely, turned around, and leant against one of the metal walls. I looked terrified. My hair was down and wild around my face, my eyes wide with fear.
'Run!' I wanted to tell myself, but I couldn't speak.
"Micah…" a woman rounded the corner. She had a fake smile on her face and one hand behind her back. Still, other-me wouldn't run. She just stared at the woman. I recognized her as the woman who'd been staring at me…
"I'm sorry, Micah. We had to do it."
"Do what?" Other-me said. The woman ignored me and shook her head sadly
"I'm sorry, truly," She frowned, one hand still behind her back "But they wouldn't stay away. We couldn't let them take it. Not after we'd worked so hard…"
"What the hell are you talking about?!" Other-me screamed at her "You're insane, that's what you are!"
"Oh, dear…" She touched my face and other-me tried to jump back, but I was already against the wall.
"Don't touch me, you crazy bitch!"
"You don't have to end up like them… You can help us. We want you to help us. You have so much potential… Beauty, smarts, an iron will."
Suddenly, I was myself again. The second I found out I could move, I tried to dash away from her, but she caught my arm and frowned, a malicious glint in her eyes.
"Oh, Micah…" she said, shoving me back into the corner of the metal room "You had so much potential…"
Then she moved the arm she'd had behind her back into my view.
And she shot me.