Summary: Set in S8 in the future. Kat is alive and human. She and Damon have gone through the forgiven stage, even. Damon still wants to be human, so they look for a cure in caves, since it’s said to be there. When a cave in happens, can he find a way out, in order to save her, or will she die?
It was a dismal night, as Damon and human Kat walked through some cave-like tunnels. The caves were kind of underground. After she had recently come back to life, they’d patched things up and he no longer was waiting for Elena. They weren’t quite a couple, but they were on the verge of becoming one. They’d been down in the cave tunnels, looking for a vial of another cure. It was said that another cure had been found down there.
When they’d been down there for several hours, half way through the tunnels, there was a cave in on and around them.
When Damon woke up on the ground on his stomach, he smelled blood, but he knew he wasn’t hurt. It had to be Katherine.
He got to his feet and scanned for her. That’s when he saw her on her side, injured. He assumed that he’d been out for a while, since it looked like she’d been like that for a while.
He blurred to her side and gently got her on her back. He then rested a hand on the side of her face.
“Katherine, if you can hear me, I need you to wake up. Open your eyes for me.”
He took his hand away and took her jacket gently off. He then pulled the rebar out, tossing it to the ground, and used it to apply pressure to her lower stomach wound. He knew he needed her to wake up. There was blood on either side of her head, so he knew if she had any head trauma, she had to stay awake. Some things he knew from the 1864 war. Other things he’d learned when Elena had been learning to be a doctor.
A few minutes later, he saw her wake up, which somewhat relieved him, as he tied her jacket into place. Then he rested gentle hands on either side of her face.
“Hey, Katherine. Look at me,” he gently instructed. He knew she’d lost a lot of blood. If he didn’t get them out soon, she’d either die from blood loss or loss of air. He was a vampire. He didn’t have to breathe. But she did. “Katherine, I need you to stay awake. I’ll get you out of here. Just give me a little time. Stay awake.” He didn’t wait for her to say anything, since he didn’t expect her to. He kissed her lightly on the forehead and blurred off.
Forty-five minutes later, after getting a way out of the caves, he blurred back and knelt at her side. As he gently picked her up in his arms, she was barely awake.
Half an hour later, Damon watched her being rushed down the hall. At this point, she was fighting for her life, but he had faith. After all, she always pulled through.
A few hours later, she survived, so he took her home and to his room. Then he sat on her bedside and waited for her to wake up.
A few weeks later, after she fully healed, they became a couple. So, all was well that ends well.