“Fucking Bitch.” I shouted, “Luke there are children!” She said, “And It’s not like I’m talking about Sex!” I said even louder, getting some disapproving stares from parents. “True. But, little ears.” I laughed at her disapproving tone as I lifted her up over my shoulder and threw her into the water. I took off the jacket I was wearing so I wouldn't ruin it. She stood up and shook her head "I hate you" She said "No you don't" A little kid started walking up to us, "My mommy says your a bad influence and should leave." I bent down to where we were face to face. "Tell you mommy that she only says that because your daddy's dick can't get up anymore and she wants me but she can't have me." “Okie” The little girl ran back up to her mother and I could hear her repeat everything I had just said. I covered my mouth and couldn’t stop laughing. "Oh My God" The mother started walking up to me. I pulled together what was left of my composure. She slapped me, "mmm harder Mommy" I laughed " What is wrong with you telling a nine-year-old that. " "Hmm I don't give a shit! What's wrong with you telling a nine-year-old that I'm a bad influence and should leave a public place." She looked at me like I was a disgrace. "You're an asshole" I bit my lip " You call me an asshole like its a bad thing." I smiled she looks at Bea and disapproves of her swimsuit silently. "You and Your escort should leave now." I picked Bea up and put her on the dock and pulled myself up. I walked her to our towels back on the beach. She laid down and I placed my body over hers and put my hand around her neck. The Karen was watching, I leaned down and gently bit Bea's neck. She walked away disgusted and I flipped her off as she walked by then blew her a kiss with a slight pout. Her daughter walked up to me again and spoke the cutest little phrase ever "I love how you stood up to my mommy." She says then starts to speak again "She doesn't approve of how I think I might like girls..." She trailed off "It's fine I support you and your mommy can go fuck herself." I kissed the little girl's forehead. "I disown you Samantha" The Karen yelled the little girl started to cry"It's okay Sammy. I can be your new parent, I'm Luke and this is Beatrice. I like boys and girls. And Beatrice here like everyone no matter the gender or race" I said I hugged her tightly and rubbed the back of her head.