(Sweet Home Alabama Kris-)
(SHut the fuck up okay there not actually related so it’s fine)
(Sweet Home Alabama <3 No, I will not stop with the joke <3 KRIS THEY'LL BE STEP SIBLINGS MEANING SWEET HOME ALABAMA)
(Also isn't she like 14, and he is 17, may I say that is illegal 👁👁)
(Not just yet at least and if they were dating before he was an adult then they are protected by the Romeo and Juliet laws. So hah do your research and eventually, their parents break up due to a huge fight)
(BUt when he turns 18 technically it will be illegal, she’ll probably be like 15 when he's 18 so maybe idk depends on her birth year and date. The huge fight i mean is kinda better idk)
(Also Luke looks like a fuck boy;-; Is that your type o.o)
(Kinda lol. I just liked his fluffy hair. I’m having a hard time writing anything else would you like to help.)
I am having a hard time writing so if you have any ideas please message me okay....I'm having said friend from earlier help me.. But you guys can help too.