I don't really like romance in fantasy books.
Usually it all happens too fast, and is way too common. Not. Everyone. Needs. Romance. That's why I never got into YA books, series seems to have a love triangle or something along those lines (and some really unhealthy relationships if we're being honest).
I mean, like what you like! I'm not saying romance stories are bad or anything, just that they're not for me.
But, any story that has humans will have some romance. In Ghostwriter I just limited it to parents and like two couples. These two are one of them, and it sucks because I can say literally nothing about them without spoilers.
They're going to be a great couple, this sketch was from when I was thinking of doing an animatic of the two of them, but keeping all the facial details etc. hidden.
Animatics take forever though (I still need to work on my boy Salm's animatic(it's been like two months)) so if I'm not really committed to making it there's no point
Song would be Messed Up by Once Monsters