One day later. It’s five in the afternoon. The house of Terrence and Raquelle. The girl stayed home alone, while the man decided to visit his parents. But she did not have to spend her time alone because Natalia, Helene, and Sammy, who is always glad to see the friends of his owner, came to her. The girls are now sitting in the living room and talking about Edward, Terrence, and Peter’s meeting with the manager of “Against The System,” George Smith, and what happened after that.
“Yes, the band’s manager knows what happened and promised to cover them up for their fans,” Helene says, holding a glass of drink in her hands. “But it’s bad that their assistant heard their talk. Because he might betray them at any time.”
“Yeah, the problem with Blake, now…” Raquelle sighs tiredly, also holding a drink, stirring it with a straw, and drinking at times. “He insults them for nothing and reminds the guys of what they don’t wanna think about…”
“I agree…” Natalia pronounces with sadness in her eyes, caressing Sammy’s head. “Edward constantly suffers because of him… He always complains that Connor hates him.”
“Not only Edward. He dislikes Terrence and often tells him about his shortcomings.”
“Yesterday, he said Blake reminded him of the past that he doesn’t like thinking about.” Natalia drinks something from her glass through a straw. “I mean, Edward almost went to prison for what he didn’t do.”
“I know. Terrence said it. But Connor makes everything look like Edward killed but avoided the sentence thanks to the fame of his brother.”
“Do you think Peter feels better?” Helene sighs with sadness in her eyes, looking into the distance. “How he feels when hearing how he tried to kill himself again and again. And hear that the band was almost disbanded because of him.”
Sammy whines quietly, looking at Helene with sadness in his eyes, as he slowly comes to her.
“Ah, girls…” Raquelle sighs heavily. “Why does that guy behave like this? What did they do to make him hate them? The lads tried to befriend him, but Blake refused and started to turn his nose up.”
“Exactly!” Helene exclaims. “The guys aimed to get on well with those, with whom they were working. And they got on with everybody but Connor.”
“Yeah, as if he’s not afraid to get fired,” Natalia says thoughtfully. “He says what he wants and fears nothing.”
“That’s right,” Raquelle agrees. “He’s sure that the guys are allegedly unhappy to have to share the fame with each other. And Terrence allegedly allows Edward, Daniel, and Peter to use his former fame, even if he could’ve built a solo singer career.”
“And he assures him that MacClife’s time is gone,” Helene adds. “Everybody’s kind of going to forget Terrence soon. Blake says it would be a strong hit for him, knowing how much he appreciates his fame and craves to hear compliments all the time.”
“And he’s sure that the guys are only loved by teen girls, who like Terrence and allegedly promoted the band,” Natalia says confidently. “But we do know well that everyone loves the lads not only for their appearances, but also for their great talents. Yes, it goes without saying that they’re pretty boys that came up from the pages of a magazine. But every one of them is incredible at what they do.”
“Gosh, what an insolent guy!” Helene throws gloomily, letting Sammy smell her hand. “He’s young but so bad! Blake would better go on dates with his girls. Or go to study somewhere. Maybe, it can wash his brains…”
“No, he’d better sleep with a young girl or drink to hell,” Natalia replies confidently.
“How many girls has he had?” Raquelle asks and drinks a little bit from her glass. “Blake changes them every week… One, another, or flirts with those twins, who the lads talked about, again…”
“Yes, yes, they’re backup dancers for Brianna Armstrong. Edward says that when there are no young girls around, Blake hangs out with those twins.”
“It’s amazing that he hasn’t rejected them,” Helene laughs shyly. “He keeps dating them at times.”
“The guys think that Connor just wanna feel something new,” Raquelle smiles slightly, petting Sammy’s head when he starts walking near her. “He kinda wanted to experience a threesome. And those girls don’t mind and are happy to please that little Don Juan.”
“Oh, my God…” Helene pronounces a little shyly.
The girls shyly laugh and say nothing for two seconds, during which Sammy barks quietly.
“Alas, even Blake’s wish to have a threesome doesn’t save the lads from their helper,” Natalia sighs with sadness in her eyes. “He’s gonna keep talking about their shortcomings and reminding them of their sins that the media knows about. Edward is hurt by what Connor says, but he doesn’t show it. It hurts for him to hear that someone thinks he uses Terrence’s fame. That he would’ve been nobody and gone to prison if not for his older brother.”
“But we know that Edward doesn’t want to get benefits from being a part of the band,” Raquelle says confidently. “He’s always wanted to work on music. Remember, that guy always refused to ask his brother about a job or something like that. Until Terrence suggested he join the band, Edward didn’t wanna talk about it. And when he got the invitation to join the lads, he thought it was a joke at first.”
“That was one of the best decisions of the lads,” Helene says with a slight smile. “Edward became an incredible addition to the band and gave it something fresh and new. Their band started to sound much better after he started to play in it. And how alive the guys became! Just because Edward helps them shake up. And that’s why he was silently called the motor of ‘Against The System’.”
“Everyone says it.”
Sammy barks confidently again, and Helene yanks his ears with a slight smile.
“But that’s good Terrence closes Black’s mouth sometimes,” Natalia notices. “He does always defend the lads when Blake says something bad about them. But the behavior of that guy starts to irritate him.”
“Not surprised,” Raquelle smiles slightly and puts her glass with a drink on the coffee table. “Daniel and Peter are his friends, and Edward is his younger brother… And we all know that Terrence does appreciate his relationship with those, who are close to him.”
“They are all like brothers to each other,” Helene replies confidently. “Edward and Terrence are siblings. Daniel and Peter have been friends for ages and are quite close to each other. And the four became friends and got on well.”
“That’s right,” Helene agrees with a slight smile.
The girls laugh quietly, while Sammy sits next to his owner, Helene, looks at them amicably, and listens to the talk, moving his head around and breathing with his tongue hanging out. And a few seconds later, someone suddenly calls the doorbell. And it makes the friends surprised and look at each other questioningly.
Wow, how fast Terrence visited his parents!” Natalia frowns slightly.
“Who knows…” Raquelle replies as she shrugs. “But Terrence would open the door…”
“Are you waiting for someone?” Helene wonders.
“No… I’ll go to see who’s come…”
Raquelle gets up from the sofa, goes to the hall door, and opens it, while Natalia and Helene look at each other. And the girl is surprised truly when she sees Daniel, who smiles at her a little hesitantly, on the doorstep.
“Daniel?” Raquelle wonders. “I didn’t expect your visit…”
“Hey…” Daniel pronounces hesitantly. “Erm… Rachel…”
“You wanted to say, Raquelle?”
“Yes, yes, Raquelle… Raquelle…” Daniel glances down for a second. “I’m really sorry…”
“It’s okay,” Raquelle smiles slightly. “And what are you doing here?”
“Erm… I… I’d like to talk to your fiancé… What’s his name… Erm…”
“Yes, Terrence! Say, is he here now?”
“Erm…” Raquelle bites her lip slightly. “Actually, he’s not home… He went to visit his parents and hasn’t been back yet.”
“Sorry…” Daniel shrugs. “I’d love to talk to him… I thought I could find out something new…”
“Sadly, he’s not here.”
“Okay, I got it.”
“Listen, you can talk to me and the girls. With my friends, Natalia and Helene.”
“They’re here?” Daniel wonders.
“Yes, in the living room. We could talk to you and answer all your questions.”
“Oh, you know… It’d be great… Moreover, I wanted to talk to the girls…”
“Come in, then.”
Raquelle goes aside with a slight smile and lets Daniel into the house. The man enters it slowly and looks around, realizing that everything seems familiar to him again, and he has been here before.
“This place is also familiar to me,” Daniel thinks. “I’ve been here before… At the home of that guy… One of the brothers… The older one, I guess… Maybe, I could recall something that happened here… Just like it happened at the blond’s home…”
“Let’s go to the living room,” Raquelle suggests amicably. “The girls are there.”
Daniel still looking around follows Raquelle and comes to the living room, where Natalia and Helene are sitting. The girls get a little surprised when they see the man, and Sammy quickly recognizes him and starts barking happily and wagging his tail.
“Oh, Daniel!” Natalia smiles shyly. “Hi… What brought you here?”
“Hey, girls,” Daniel waves a hand with a slight smile. “Glad to see you.”
“Hi, Daniel,” Helene greets amicably. “How did you end up here? Did you find the address of Terrence and Raquelle’s house in a phone book?”
“Erm… Yeah… But now I understand I could find anyone… because… Because I kinda knew how to reach this place.”
“Really?” Raquelle wonders.
“Yeah. So… I would go anywhere if I wanted to go to the home of one of you or the third guy… One of the two brothers… With black hair…”
“You mean Edward?”
“Yeah. I recently went to him at one place… And then the other one joined… The one to be your fiancé…”
“Yes, yes, we know,” Raquelle smiles slightly.
“Hey, did you come here for nothing?” Helene asks. “Or do you do wanna know where Terrence lives?”
“Actually, I wanted to talk to Terrence, but… Raquelle said he was not here.”
“Yes, he’s not here,” Natalia shrugs. “Terrence is now at the home of his parents. And Edward, who is living with them yet.”
“I see… Then I wouldn’t mind talking to you if you’re all here.”
“With pleasure,” Helene smiles slightly.
Daniel cracks a smile and then moves his eyes to Sammy, who comes to him shyly and barks very quietly, being definitely sick of waiting for attention.
“Oh, doggy…” Daniel pronounces amicably. “Listen… I know you! It seems like you were at Peter’s home… The blond… Who watched you.”
Sammy barks confidently, wagging his tail happily.
“Yes, yes, I remember you,” Daniel says with a slight smile, petting Sammy’s head. “Hello again. Glad to see you…”
“By the way, it’s my doggy,” Helene recalls amicably.
“Yours? So, are you… Elena? Peter’s girlfriend?”
“No, I’m Helene.”
“Sorry, I forgot…” Daniel pronounces hesitantly. “Helene… Helene…”
Sammy barks quietly and spends two seconds enjoying the caress that he gets from Daniel, who smiles shyly, while the girls look at each other and shrug.
“Listen, Daniel, don’t be shy,” Raquelle says amicably with a slight smile, pointing at the sofa. “Come, sit down. Feel like home.”
“Thanks…” Daniel nods and sits on the sofa on the left of Helene, Natalia, and Raquelle.
“Maybe, you want something? Should I give you what the girls and I are drinking?”
“What are you drinking?”
“Erm… Okay… Bring it. I’ll drink it with pleasure.”
“I’ll do it now. Girls, talk to him.”
While Raquelle goes to the kitchen, Sammy stands next to Daniel and starts watching the man. He smiles shyly and starts petting the dog’s head again, slightly yanking his ears a little later.
“What a sweet creature,” Daniel says with a slight smile.
“Yeah, that’s my boy,” Helene replies amicably.
“I liked this doggy shortly after I saw him at Peter’s home. He was walking around him all the time. This doggy went where the blond did.”
“Sammy just loves Peter very much and has gotten attracted to him for a few months.”
“I think Peter loves him, too.”
“Everybody adores Sammy. This doggy can steal the heart of any person.”
“He surely got mine.”
Silence settles in the air for some time, during which Daniel has the pleasure to scratch Sammy’s neck, feeling quite comfortable with the girls and not wishing to leave them as well as he wanted to leave Blanca and her family yesterday. And later, Raquelle returns to the living room and gives the man a filled glass of fresh lemonade with a thin straw.
“Thanks a lot,” Daniel thanks gently.
“So, Daniel?” Raquelle asks and sits next to Natalia in front of Daniel. “How do you feel?”
“Quite good. Much better than a few days ago. My head hurts much less.”
“Did you recall something?”
“Alas, not yet,” Daniel drinks some lemonade through a straw, being pleased with the taste of this drink. “It’s all the same…”
“It seems familiar, but you can’t remember anything?”
“And you can’t even remember anything from what happened to you?” Natalia asks with sadness in her eyes.
“Nope… But I’m trying…”
“You don’t even have any feelings?”
“I only know that someone threatened me. And… Wanted to kill…”
“Verbally or with a certain thing?” Helene specifies. “Well… For example, a knife… A gun…”
“I can’t say it…” Daniel shakes his head.
“But why are you so sure that someone threatened you?” Natalia wonders.
“I don’t know… I just… I think so…”
“Maybe, you just made up your mind, while it’s not true?”
“No, no, I do really know someone threatened me. That’s not my fantasy…”
“And who could that be?” Raquelle frowns slightly. “Can you vaguely remember the one to attack you? Or do you think you know the one to beat you or hit you with a car?”
“I don’t know… I can say nothing… But I surely know someone wanted to do something bad to me.”
“My gosh…”
“I’m not lying, girls.” Daniel drinks some lemonade from his glass. “I don’t know who needed me, but that’s the truth…”
“Okay, Daniel, we believe you,” Helene says quietly. “Even if the situation is weird, we can believe something terrible really happened to you. You wouldn’t have been found in a terrible condition at the place where people didn’t go.”
“I’m sure about it. Just like I’m sure I know about Peter’s suicide attempt.”
“Yes, we know you called that memory,” Raquelle says softly.
“Listen, is that true someone was with me on the day of Peter’s suicide attempt?” Daniel frowns slightly. “All the men said it was Terrence, the eldest of the black-haired brothers.”
“Right,” Raquelle nods confidently. “That was Terrence.”
“Yes, Daniel, you two had been with me and my friend, Jessica, before Peter let you know about his plans,” Helene adds.
“Jessica? Who’s Jessica?”
“The friend of Peter and mine and his classmate.”
“Ah, right! Peter kind of mentioned this name…”
“That’s a dyed blonde, who is a little taller than me. She also had black hair roots. She has never worn feminine clothes and may be a little sharp sometimes.”
“Erm…” Daniel frowns slightly, hurts his brain to call memories of the dyed blonde named Jessica, and shakes his head slightly. “No, I can’t remember… The familiar name, but I can’t remember how that girl looks…”
“You will remember her when you get your memory back,” Helene replies confidently. “The important thing is that the one you were at Peter’s apartment with was Terrence.”
“I know I wasn’t alone. But I can’t remember who it was.”
“That was Terrence!” Raquelle exclaims. “My fiancé, whom you wanted to talk to.”
“Damn…” Daniel swears quietly, takes a big sip of lemonade, and puts his glass on the coffee table. “I forgot everything! I’m starting to be ashamed of myself!”
Sammy whines quietly, looking at Daniel with pity, while he runs his hands over his face.
“Listen, Daniel, maybe you vaguely remember the appearance of that man?” Natalia asks. “Tall or short… Thin or thick… Blond or brunet…”
“Erm…” Daniel stutters, biting his lip slightly. “I… I… I think that man has kind of dark hair… And… He was tail…”
“Terrence is also tall,” Helene notices. “6’4… Almost six foot…”
“It means nothing to me.”
“Try to think better, buddy,” Natalia says softly, locking her fingers tightly.
“I swear, girls, I can’t remember. Do you think I’m not trying to remember anything? I’m only doing this all day long to find out who I am, who you all are, and what actually happened to me!”
“We know, Daniel,” Raquelle pronounces quietly.
“Okay, do you remember what that person said?” Helene asks quietly. “Peter said you remember some pieces of phrases.”
“Yeah…” Daniel nods. “That person said something like… Peter couldn’t die… He was alive, but his pulse was weak… He started to shout, telling someone to call an ambulance immediately. He was very excited…”
“And any names?” Raquelle asks. “Except Peter’s one. Do you remember some names? Maybe someone mentioned Helene’s name or Jessica’s one…”
“No, he didn’t say these names… I remember the one called only my name and Peter’s one… I remember that person called me by the name when… He shouted… Told me not to faint… Because I felt bad… At the sight of blood…”
“Maybe, other names were mentioned?” Natalia asks. “Maybe, you have a feeling someone called another name? I dunno… What if Edward’s name was mentioned? Natalia? Raquelle? Or…”
“Wait…” Daniel sharply falls into silence and moves his widely open eyes to Raquelle. “Raquelle… Does it seem to me or… Did someone call your name?”
“You recalled something?” Raquelle wonders and puts her glass on the table after taking a sip. “About me?”
“I… I recalled… How… That person called your name… Yeah… Raquelle’s name… That happened… I know it…”
“When was it mentioned?”
“When someone and I saw Peter lying on the floor…” Daniel shakes his head. “It seems like… That person said something like… Don’t dare to faint because… Because 'I watched Raquelle enough yesterday, and waking you up would be too much'…”
Sammy barks with a quiet howl, still looking at Daniel with sadness in his eyes.
“Did you just recall it?” Natalia asks.
“Yup…” Daniel pronounces quietly. “I just started to recall something about Raquelle… And some pieces of phrases are pasted together… I mean… I know what someone said.”
“Okay! But you say you can’t remember!”
“So…” Daniel shakes his head. “I know not only Peter but also Raquelle… And maybe, Terrence himself… I mean, I knew him before the memory loss…”
“Of course!” Raquelle smiles slightly. “Although I wasn’t with you, I know what you said. Terrence told me everything.”
“Listen, what does ‘I watched Raquelle enough yesterday’ mean? Something happened to you before that event?”
“I could say so…” Raquelle, moving her eyes down for a second, tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “The case is… The day before Peter tried to die, I’d had something like a panic attack.”
“Panic attack?”
“This is the condition when you think you’re dying, but it’s not true. You feel terrified and think you’re about to pass out… You stop seeing everything around you… That’s a terrible thing.”
“And what caused it? You felt scared?”
“Yes… Terrence and I got into a situation when he did something that saved us but scared me strongly.”
“My gosh…”
“We did even fight because of that, and I ran away from him not to strangle him in anger.” Raquelle locks her fingers tightly. “But then I started to have that attack. That’s good Terrence found me and helped me overcome that attack. Though, he was terribly frightened and was about to have a panic.”
“You felt so bad?”
“Yes… I experienced such a strong shock that my brain couldn’t take it…”
Sammy whines quietly, moving his eyes full of pity to Raquelle, who takes her glass and drinks a little bit from it.
“What a twist…” Daniel pronounces with sadness in his eyes. “I’m very sorry if that’s true.”
“You’ll understand it when you get your memories back,” Raquelle replies quietly. “That event reminds us of many bad things that I wouldn’t like to talk about. And there’s no meaning… Because you don’t have to do with it.”
“It’s weird that I just recalled someone calling your name… I think I cared only about Peter and thought only about the fact that I saw him lying in his blood. And it was the only thing that left a bright print.”
“And didn’t it help you remember Terrence?” Natalia wonders.
“Would it help you remember him if I said Terrence was wearing black clothes and a black leather jacket?” Raquelle frowns slightly.
“Black clothes…” Daniel hurts his brain much harder, tries to remember what someone from his memory was wearing, and nods a few seconds later. “Erm… Yeah… That person was wearing black clothes. But not a leather jacket…”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. That man was tall, had dark hair, and wore black clothes.”
“I guess he could take it off and leave it somewhere not to dirty it with blood.”
“I don’t know, I can’t say anything…”
“Okay, let’s think that’s just something,” Helene says with a slight smile. “You recalled the mention of Raquelle, and that’s good. You’re really starting to recall something.”
“Yes, Daniel, be happy,” Natalia encourages. “If you keep doing this, you’ll get your memory back.”
“I’d like to believe it…” Daniel sighs quietly. “Though, I know not so much yet…”
“It’s okay, you’ll remember everything,” Helene replies confidently. “We’ll do everything we can. The doctor did say it’s a temporary thing, and you’d get your memories back slowly.”
“Yeah, I know…”
Silence settles in the air for a few seconds, during which Sammy barks quietly, and Daniel pets his head with a slight smile, while Helene, Natalia, and Raquelle take their glasses and drink lemonade.
“Erm, girls…” Daniel pronounces a little hesitantly. “Can I ask you something?”
“Yes, sure,” Natalia nods with a slight smile.
“Say… Do you feel happy when your men are next to you?”
“Yeah…” Raquelle, Helene, and Natalia smile widely.
“And do you wanna smile? Hug your men? Kiss them?”
“If I had a chance, I’d literally smoother my beloved man with kisses,” Natalia says confidently. “I can’t stand near him and struggle with a wish just to touch his hand. You know how bad I felt when my fiancé and I were in a fight but had to be together! I wanted to hug and kiss him so badly… I was ready to give a damn about everything for him to press me to him and make me remember that I’m still loved and wanted.”
“Resisting my pretty boy is impossible,” Raquelle smiles mysteriously. “And when we both are mad because of something or get too excited, I can’t think about any resistance. You know how much the blood bowls in my veins when my fiancé and I were in a fight but couldn’t resist the temptation. Oh, that was really hot! And I realized that a serious fight may sometimes lead you to a hot reconciliation, after which you forget about any offenses.”
“And the passion in my relationship isn’t so strong,” Helene says with a slight smile. “Though, my blond is really gorgeous and can drive me crazy. I’ve actually always been quite a shy girl, but for the one like my boyfriend, I’m ready to be much sassier and freer. And you can’t imagine how hard it was for me when we were just friends. I barely held myself down not to go too far and kiss him.”
“Do you wanna say all of that is love?” Daniel frowns slightly.
“Real love is something much deeper than just affection. This is the case when making your beloved person and knowing that they’re safe is more important to you. I’m ready for anything for Peter. For him to be happy. Not to ever think of trying to kill himself.”
“Love is when you don’t exist without your beloved person,” Natalia adds with a slight smile. “When they become a part of you, the loss of which doesn’t make you feel yourself. For me, Edward is the whole world, and I can’t imagine my life without him. Somehow, I was ready to give my life for him and would surely do it again if it saved him. I don’t wanna lose such a wonderful man that makes me feel like a little girl, who is out of any danger.”
“And I will lose the meaning of life if I lose Terrence,” Raquelle says with sadness in her eyes. “I can’t live without his love, care, and warmth. And I still regret not appreciating that treasure originally… The fact that I could’ve lost my fiancé and suffered while seeing him with another girl. Maybe, it’s hard for us to be together at times, but it’s harder to be apart. Even if you’re destined to be with someone, you shouldn’t naively think your life will be sweet. In order for the story to have a happy continuation, you shouldn’t hide from misunderstandings and hush up your problems. You should face them and overcome this way together, holding each other’s hand.”
“It seems like I’m starting to understand you…” Daniel smiles slightly, seeing the same thing in the girls’ eyes that he saw in Edward and Terrence’s.
“Hey, why did you ask?” Raquelle frowns slightly.
“Yeah!” Natalia exclaims. “Why?”
“Well…” Daniel shrugs and scratches the back of his head. “I just wondered… The guys talked about it, and I… I, honestly, forgot what that feeling is…”
“You forgot?”
“My gosh, do you feel nothing for Anna?” Raquelle wonders. “Or are you starting to recall something?”
“For Anna?” Daniel frowns slightly. “Who is Anna?”
“Your girlfriend,” Helene says with a slight smile. “Anna Seymour.”
“My girlfriend?” Daniel falls into a stupor for two seconds and shakes his head. “Anna?”
“Of course!” Natalia smiles slightly. “The one, for whom you felt everything we talked about.”
“Wait, wait, girls, I don’t get it…” Daniel jabs, raising his hands with the palms turned on the girls. “Do you wanna say my girlfriend’s name is Anna?”
“Yup, that’s her! A short red-haired girl with a baby face.”
“Anna was in the hospital when you were there,” Helene adds.
“Erm…” Daniel stutters. “She was? I can’t remember it…”
“You forgot her ‘cause she hasn’t visited you for ages,” Raquelle assumes. “But I’m sure you could recall something about Anna as well as you recalled something about Peter.”
“Yeah,” Helene smiles slightly. “That man is your long-time friend, and that girl is your girlfriend. You may not remember any one of us, but you must know those people.”
The more Daniel listens, the more he falls into a stupor, understanding that not anything different people say fits the real facts.
“Damn, why do they say my girlfriend’s name is Anna?” Daniel frowns slightly. “She’s Blanca! My fiancée! Erm… It seems like I’m starting to recall that girl… A red-haired one… But kind of vaguely… Hm… And it’s weird that I haven’t seen her for ages… She doesn’t care about me… Unlike these people. Maybe, all these people lie to me? Or does Blanca lie to me? Damn… I got confused!”
After exhaling silently two seconds later, Daniel decides to ask the girls about Blanca and try to find out what they know about the Spaniard.
“Wait, girls, isn’t my girlfriend’s name, more specifically, my fiancée’s name, Blanca?” Daniel asks hesitantly.
“Blanca?” Raquelle, Natalia, and Helene get surprised, while Sammy looks at Daniel questioningly.
“Yup… I thought… You could know something about that girl…”
“Sorry, man, but I don’t know any Blanca,” Raquelle says confidently.
“Me too!” Helene exclaims.
“I don’t have friends with this name,” Natalia says.
“So, can you tell me nothing about her?” Daniel concludes.
“Sorry, Daniel, but who’s Blanca?” Helene wonders. “Why did this name come to mind? Did you hear it somehow? So, can’t you forget it?”
“Do the men know something about my fiancée?”
“What?” Natalia wonders loudly. “Fiancée?”
“God, Perkins, what are you talking about?” Raquelle wonders. “What kind of fiancée? You weren’t gonna marry!”
“But Blanca is my fiancée…” Daniel throws his hands up, rounding his eyes. “She says we love each other and are gonna marry.”
“Daniel, what are you talking about?” Helene gets horrified. “Where did you get this thought? What fiancée! What Blanca! How did she come out?”
“She told me about that!” Daniel shakes his head. “Somehow, I talked to the girl, who introduced herself as Blanca Moreno. And she said we’re gonna marry, and she’s gonna move into my house soon.”
“Sorry, buddy, you’re obviously out of your mind,” Natalia says confidently. “We understand that anything might happen because of the head trauma. But you’ve never thought of marrying our friend. Whose name is Anna, not Blanca.”
“The men constantly joked at you ‘cause you didn’t rush to propose to Anna,” Raquelle adds with a slight smile. “And you said you’d marry her early or late. But you hadn’t done that before you lost your memory.”
At this moment, Sammy barks quietly.
“But she confirmed everything!” Daniel exclaims. “And I recently met her parents and younger sister. Blanca told them about our wedding, and they started to get ready. When I get well and remember everything, we’ll get married.”
“No, Perkins, you must be kidding,” Helene shakes her head. “I don’t know how Blanca Moreno came out, and whether she’s real, but you must not listen to what she says. That girl is not your fiancée. She’s a nobody to you.”
“Do you really know nothing about her?”
“We hear this name for the first time. The men don’t probably know her, too.”
“Hey, how does that girl look?” Natalia frowns slightly.
“She’s a brunette…” Daniel replies thoughtfully. “A short one… Thick… With dark, short hair and small, hazel eyes… Snub-nosed…”
“No, we don’t know any girl that fits this description,” Raquelle replies confidently.
“It’s not about Anna,” Helene shakes her head. “She looks different.”
“I’ve communicated with that girl since I ended up in the hospital,” Daniel confesses. “I spend time with you or Blanca… She tells me about her and shows me something… Helping me get my memories back.”
Being discouraged, Natalia, Helene, and Raquelle look at each other questioningly.
“Wow, girls, what a twist…” Natalia wonders truly.
“Yeah…” Helene agrees. “I’ve never heard about Blanca… Thick, with dark hair… This description fits a bigger part of my colleagues from my work and lots of people from this country.”
Sammy barks quietly.
“Listen, Daniel, where did you get this thought?” Raquelle wonders. “Maybe, you just saw a woman on the street and made yourself think she was your fiancée? There are many women that you could describe in this way. Not everyone is fabulous and thin beauties.”
“Blanca found me and said we had a relationship,” Daniel replies hesitantly. “At first, she said I was her boyfriend, but then she added that we were engaged.”
“God, what kind of bullshit!”
“That’s not true, Daniel,” Natalia says confidently. “Your girlfriend is Anna. Anna Seymour. A short, red-haired girl with green eyes and a cute baby face. Skinny, with a little sharp, small nose.”
“You haven’t gotten married yet,” Helene adds softly. “But you’re living together because she decided to run away from her parents. I mean… You lived…”
“Are you sure about it?” Daniel frowns slightly. “You confuse nothing?”
“No, Daniel, we confuse nothing,” Raquelle replies confidently. “You got confused, and you believe the lie.”
“Do you wanna say Blanca is lying to me?”
“If she’s real, she does,” Natalia says quietly. “If that’s someone from your imagination, get it out of your mind now.”
Daniel says nothing and just frowns slightly, getting absolutely confused and not knowing who to believe, while Raquelle, Natalia, and Helene look at each other and start to suspect that the man might have problems.
“Hm…” Daniel frowns slightly. “You say, a girl with red hair and a baby face…”
“We understand you can’t remember her,” Helene replies softly. “But that girl is your sweetheart.”
“Erm… I remember her vaguely… When she was in the hospital two times…”
“Right,” Natalia nods.
“Hey, why hasn’t she talked to me after I went home? And why was that girl crying and silent when coming to me? That Anna… Suddenly stopped visiting me. Even when you weren’t there…”
“We don’t know, Daniel,” Raquelle throws her hands up.
“The case is that Anna has disappeared…” Helene confesses hesitantly, fingering over. “But we don’t know where she is… She hasn’t answered our calls and messages for more than one week.”
“Do you wanna say you haven’t also spoken to her since that day?” Daniel wonders.
“Alas,” Natalia sighs heavily. “And it’s hard for us to confess it. Confess that Anna let the shock get obsessed with her and make her run away.”
“Is she so worried about me?”
“Exactly… And the bad thing is that our friend refused to help you for this reason. We understand her, but it was very mean to her.”
Sammy whines quietly, while Daniel starts to think of the vision of Anna, which has just come into his mind, but which he has forgotten because he has not seen the girl for a long time.
“You know, girls…” Daniel pronounces thoughtfully with a slight smile. “Although I barely remember Anna, she seems very beautiful. I thought so when I was in the hospital, and she went with you.”
“What do you feel when you think of her?” Raquelle asks softly.
“Erm… Something nice… But I can’t explain what… Though, she’s very beautiful… Really…” Daniel falls into silence for a second and looks at Natalia, Helene, and Raquelle by one. “You all are very beautiful girls as well. But… Anna differs from you in a good sense… She… Doesn’t look like other girls…”
“Because she has red hair?” Natalia laughs shyly.
“Not only… I barely remember her face and like it very much. A too young girl…”
“Would you love to hug or kiss her?” Helene smiles mysteriously. “Would you agree if Anna was here and asked you if she could kiss you?”
“Yup,” Daniel nods with a slight smile. “I wouldn’t kiss any girl… But… I would kiss her… With pleasure… Maybe… I would’ve done it in the hospital… But that girl ignored me… Didn’t wanna talk to me. As if she got mad at me…”
“Doesn’t your heart start beating faster when hearing her name?” Raquelle asks.
“Maybe… It… Really starts to beat faster… When I think of that red-haired girl… But I can’t understand why. It doesn’t happen when I look at one of you. You’re very beautiful, sweet, and kind, but… I’m not attracted to you…”
“I guess you just believe you forgot how to love,” Natalia assumes. “I mean, your memory forgot. But your heart still remembers those feelings and knows who it belonged to. Who it still belongs to.”
“I don’t know, girls…” Daniel sighs tiredly. “I don’t… I can understand nothing yet…”
“I'm so sorry that Anna disappeared at such a bad time,” Helene sighs with sadness in her eyes. “I think her help would be so good. Maybe, you can remember at least how to love someone… And maybe, after spending some time with her, you’d recall her and… Stop giving her pain.”
“Because of which she left your house…” Raquelle adds.
Daniel says nothing and moves his eyes to his hands locked tightly, while Sammy looks at him with sadness in his eyes with a quiet whine. Maybe, the man does not have memories of Anna. But if he had to choose between her and Blanca, he would definitely choose the red-haired lady. With the thought that she could be not as sticky as the Spaniard, who would probably control every single step of him if he dated her. Daniel starts to understand that every time he hears Anna’s name, his heart suddenly starts beating faster, a smile shows up on his face, and a nice warmth spreads all over his body. It does know he needs the girl, the love for whom he does not remember.
Terrence went to visit his parents, Rebecca and Jamie MacClife, with whom Edward is temporarily living. Everyone used to think the spouses were divorced after the scandal that happened between them. But thanks to Michael MacClife, Jamie’s older brother, the people found out that his brother and sister-in-law had been married for a long time and did not get divorced after splitting up and separating their children. Jamie and Rebecca had a pretty hard life, but they eventually found each other and their sons, who had been angry at their father for many years. The spouses are currently living in the same house and spending the money that Jamie is earning by working at his shipbuilding company, which he nearly lost because of his brother.
The MacClife family is now sitting in the living room and spending time together. And as they know how much their parents love listening to them singing, Edward and Terrence decided to make Rebecca and Jamie happy by performing the song that they have known since childhood thanks to their mother and father. While Edward is confidently playing the guitar that used to belong to his father, Terrence sitting next to him is just shaking along with a rhythm and clapping his hands or knees. The young men show their brilliant vocals again and make their parents proud of them. And the spouses notice that the brothers sing better and better, and their younger son has been more confident and is not afraid to show himself and his talent. The strong voices of the MacClife brothers, who really love singing their favorite songs together sound very harmonically and perfectly fit one another. And when they finish their performance with a cappella singing, their parents get delighted.
“Bravo, guys!” Jamie exclaims cheerfully, sitting on the sofa comfortably and not hiding his wide smile. “You were imitable.”
“You sing better and better, boys,” Rebecca notices with a wide smile, sitting on the sofa next to Jamie. “I see you have seriously started to work on your vocals and guitar play.”
“Yeah, lessons with teachers do good things,” Terrence replies with a slight smile, taking a glass of sweet water and drinking a little bit. “They say we do it well, but they taught us some things that helped us start to sing and play much better.”
“Your effort is worth it,” Jamie says confidently. “You two have been able to sing much better over the past few months. As they say, if you have a talent, you must develop it.”
“But we’re gonna work harder and won’t stop now,” Edward promises confidently, pressing the guitar to himself and quietly plucking the strings of it sometimes. “Maybe, we’ll be able to take much higher notes soon and drive our fans crazy.”
“They do go crazy when you start to sing,” Rebecca laughs shyly. “Believe me.”
“You know, when you do what you love and do it well, work is always good,” Terrence notices with pride. “And the reaction of our fans and close people is wonderful proof.”
“That’s why we say you chose the right way,” Jamie says confidently. “Music is your element. You were born to sing and play guitar.”
“We know, Dad,” Edward smiles shyly.
Silence settles in the talk for some time, during which everybody smiles shyly, and Edward takes the glass of sweet water placed in front of him and drinks a little, while Terrence takes his guitar and starts to pluck strings quietly.
“By the way, guys, what about your wedding?” Jamie asks cheerfully. “Have you, Raquelle, and Natalia decided when you’re gonna get married?”
“No yet,” Edward shrugs. “We’re just talking about what we like. No serious preparation has started yet.”
“Have no time?” Rebecca asks.
“We just don’t rush,” Terrence replies shyly. “The most important thing is that the girls agreed to marry us and are gonna be a part of our family soon.”
“That’s right! You should do your best to remember that day.”
“Oh, trust me, Mom, we will not forget our wedding day even if we exchange rings before the eyes of the bridesmaids and groomsmen in a very modest atmosphere,” Terrence notices cheerfully, still plucking the strings on Edward’s guitar.
“You know, if you do everything right, even the most modest wedding is gonna be memorable,” Jamie replies confidently. “Although your mother and I had a very modest wedding, we still remember everything like it happened yesterday. Even if it’s been more than twenty years.”
“For me, celebrating the wedding with the pretense of my close people would be the best thing,” Edward says with a slight smile. “My close friends and relatives… What could be more wonderful…”
“By the way, have you decided who is gonna be your best men?” Rebecca asks. “And who’s gonna be Natalia and Raquelle’s maid of honors?”
“Actually, we’ve already decided that Peter and Daniel are gonna be the ones,” Terrence confesses.
“Yeah, but if Daniel doesn’t get well, we’ll have to replace him,” Edward adds.
“If you hadn’t decided to marry on the same day, you could’ve chosen each other as the best men,” Jamie notices.
“I would’ve been happy!” Terrence exclaims. “For me, it would be an honor to give my little bro to his beloved girl personally.”
“And I wouldn't miss a chance to give my brother in good hands,” Edward confesses confidently. “I’d never miss a chance to give him to the stunning beauty personally. Make sure that Raquelle won't hurt him… And make her promise me that he will feel good with her.”
“Don’t worry, honey, your mother already got the girls’ promises when she was talking to them as the girls of her sons,” Rebecca smiles shyly, clapping Edward on his hand. “Raquelle and Natalia promised to make you and Terrence happy and haven’t disappointed your father and me yet.”
“Not just you,” Terrence laughs quietly. “Parker also got a promise from Raquelle when I introduced them to each other.”
“Your friend just wanted you to be happy.”
“As well as Joe and Cody when we talked the last time.”
“By the way, I haven’t seen Benjamin for ages. And his mother… I can’t remember when I talked to her the last time.”
“Oh, I haven’t spoken to her for ages, too,” Terrence says thoughtfully. “But Ben says that she’s fine.”
“Does that guy still date your servant?” Jamie asks.
“Oh, he does! Their affair is just starting! Blair is always happy and shines from happiness, and Parker puffed his tail much more.”
“Yeah, still hard to believe it…” Rebecca says confidently. “I don’t wanna be rude, but that guy didn’t have a taste for good girls. But now he chose a very sweet and decent girl…”
“I’m shocked, too,” Terrence chuckles quietly. “This guy has changed his mind by twenty-eight years. And Parker chose the one that differs from those he’d dated before.”
“Aha, for one night,” Edward laughs shyly. “Or a few hours.”
“C’mon, guys, the guy just sowed his oats,” Jamie says confidently. “Remember how many girls you had had before you chose Raquelle and Natalia. All in good time.”
“And actually, Ben is a very good and educated guy,” Rebecca adds. “Maybe, he acted like a womanizer, but his mother made him decent.”
“I’m surprised that I’ve been a friend of that monkey for so many years,” Terrence replies funnily.
“Yeah, I can’t imagine how could two headstrong peacocks get on well, though both of you consider yourself the most attractive and irresistible men,” Edward laughs, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You’re close to us, bro. You’ve lately been too insolent.”
Edward decides to say nothing with his parents’ pretense and just clicks his tongue quietly, shaking his head. Rebecca and Jamie look at each other with a quiet chuckle and listen to the sounds of the guitar that Terrence makes, as he slowly plucks the strings.
“Anyway, we’re happy you’re gonna have your life,” Jamie says confidently. “And you both are gonna live with your beloved girls.”
“And I’m so happy Mr. and Mrs. Rochester, Mr. Cameron, and Mrs. Middleton are gonna be our relatives soon,” Rebecca confesses with a slight smile. “They’re very good people, whom your father and I befriended quickly.”
“Mr. Cameron and Alicia literally jump from the happiness that Raquelle is finally gonna get married,” Terrence confesses. “They’ve been waiting for so long… And their dream is gonna come true.”
“And Natalia says the Rochesters are also very happy with her marriage with me,” Edward replies confidently. “And they say they’re thrilled to become the relatives of the MacClifes.”
“You’re gonna have wonderful relatives, my children,” Jamie notices cheerfully. “Natalia’s mother and father do adore Edward. And Raquelle’s aunt and grandfather love Terrence.”
“And the girls are happy you’re gonna become their mother-in-law and father-in-law,” Terrence notices.
“Natalia and Raquelle are such good girls. So sweet, educated, and caring. Just gems!”
“I think we’re all happy to become a family,” Edward smiles slightly. “We’re happy to accept them into our family, and the Rochesters, Mr. Cameron, and Alicia are gonna accept us.”
“And they’ve said many times that they’re glad to see you as husbands of Natalia and Raquelle,” Rebecca smiles slightly. “No other men seemed such wonderful candidates for this role.”
“And how delighted they were when we met and shared our impressions of the news that Edward and Natalia got engaged,” Jamie adds confidently.
“And trust me, Father, this couple will be together forever!” Terrence says cheerfully. “As well as I won't leave Raquelle.”
“No, no, I don’t want!” Edward raises his hands up. “Somehow, I almost lost her. I’m no longer gonna lose her and give to someone else. Natalia is only mine and nobody else.”
“Don’t worry, guys, they will not leave you,” Rebecca smiles shyly. “These girls are too attracted to you. And they will not leave you. Even if the whole world is against you two.”
“If Natalia wasn’t by my side, I’d literally be deprived of the second half of mine. Thanks to her, I finally found out that I could be really happy. And… I decided to change myself and my life.”
“I can say the same about Raquelle,” Terrence says with a slight smile, slightly touching the strings of the guitar with his fingertips. “I always say she’s my biggest inspiration and source of power. It might be hard with her ‘cause that girl is headstrong enough and loves making me nervous. But I’d get much worse without her.”
“And if you, guys, are happy with your girls, Rebecca and I are happy, too,” Jamie smiles widely. “We’re not worried about your future and not afraid you'll stay alone.”
“One of my wishes has come true: the two sons of mine are gonna be married soon,” Rebecca adds. “And my next wish is to babysit my grandchildren.”
“Oh, Rebecca…” Jamie shakes his head, laughing shyly.
“I want to babysit grandchildren, Jamie! I want our sons to have their own children.”
“I want it, too, but let’s not hurry them up. Somehow, Mr. Cameron and Mrs. Middleton hurried Raquelle to marry, and it almost led to sad consequences. They understood that all in good time. That until someone wants to marry or raise children, it will not give him or her happiness. And I support this position.”
“I just wanna say if you delay the birth of children, it will be much harder to give birth. Girls should give birth while they’re young.”
“Only if they’re ready for that.”
“But I think at least Terrence and Raquelle are ready. Something tells me they are going to make us happy with the news about expecting a baby very soon.”
“I’m personally ready,” Terrence smiles shyly. “I love children and can’t wait to become a father. And Raquelle doesn’t mind it…”
“After the wedding, Raquelle and you should think of at least one baby… And if you care about your career, you can make a child and keep working. You’ve got many helpers. You wouldn’t have to tear apart and go crazy, just like it happened to me and your father when we lived in poverty and raised you and your brother.”
“I know, Mom. I promise we’re gonna have a child. But when it should happen.”
“Don’t delay it, my dears. Moreover, it would be good for Edward to babysit his nieces and nephews to gain experience that he will need when he becomes a father. And Natalia would get experience…”
“Oh, Mom, Mom…” Edward laughs shyly, running his hand over his hair from the back of his head to the nape of his neck. “I haven’t gotten married yet, but you talk about my fatherhood.”
“Still, I think getting experience in babysitting your nephews and nieces would be good for you and your future wife,” Jamie notices.
“I would babysit my nieces and nephews with pleasure. But right now, I’m not ready for fatherhood. Though, I don’t hide that I’d like to have a baby in the future.”
“I don’t hurry you two up. You’ll be fathers when you’re ready, and when your girls want it.”
“But don’t forget that I can’t wait for the day when I pick up my grandson or granddaughter in my arms,” Rebecca says with a slight smile. “Don’t worry, your father and I will always help you with education if you have problems.”
“Honey, don’t hurry them up, please.” Jamie caresses Rebecca’s hand. “I completely understand your wish, but let the men and the girls become parents when they’re ready.”
“Did I say the men must become fathers right now? I just let them know I wanted to babysit my grandchildren. Moreover, the story of Terrence and Raquelle proved that a person would be happy only if they wanted to do something.”
“I promise, Mom, your wish will come true,” Terrence promises with a slight smile.
“Yeah,” Edward smiles shyly. “Don’t worry, parents, you will have grandchildren, and we’ll have children.”
“I hope, my dears,” Rebecca smiles slightly.
Silence settles in the air for a few seconds, which is broken by the sound that is spreading from the kitchen and makes everybody turn their heads to it.
“Oh, excuse me, I need to check out something in the kitchen,” Rebecca says thoughtfully. “Does anyone need something?”
“No, thanks,” Terrence replies, putting the guitar aside.
Edward and Jamie look at each other and shake their heads.
“Okay, I’ll be back now,” Rebecca says.
With these words, Rebecca stands up from the sofa and goes to the kitchen quickly, leaving Jamie, Terrence, and Edward, who watch her with slight smiles on their faces.
“Oh, your mother is incorrigible,” Jamie chuckles kindly, running his hand over his black hair. “She’s always had a love for children. If we hadn’t had such a hard life, she would’ve agreed to give birth to one more or two more children.”
“Definitely,” Terrence nods with a slight smile. “When I was a kid, I noticed that she adored children. When Mom took me somewhere to walk and saw mothers and children, she couldn’t go by without paying attention to them. While I was playing or was on the swing, she asked all women about their children.”
“And nothing has changed since that time,” Edward notices thoughtfully. “Mom still marvels when seeing a little baby carried in someone’s arms, seated in a wheelchair, or a pregnant woman. Somehow, I drove her to a store, where she saw a little baby that she called very sweet. I thought she’d come to that one and the mother and start to ask about everything.”
“Rebecca has always been like this,” Jamie waves a hand with a slight smile. “And she adored the child of her older sister and babysat the one with pleasure. And she helped her parents raise her younger brother.”
“Mom has a brother and a sister?” Edward rounds his eyes.
“Yeah, but she hasn’t spoken to them for ages. Her sister, her husband, and her son moved to another city, and her brother is living his life and doesn’t think of his family. He met a girl and started to live with her.”
“You knew them?”
“I only know her sister. Good woman. And her husband is good.”
“And did you speak to Mom’s nephew?” Terrence asks.
“Yes, when I dated your mother, I often met him and babysat that boy. But then your mother and I married and distanced from them… And then they left… So, we lost contact. Though, Rebecca misses her nephew and wants to know what he’s become.”
“My gosh… Mom never said it… I thought she only had me and Edward. That Grandmother and Grandfather died a long time ago, and she had nobody else.”
“I think the reason is that the brother of your mother was, saying softly, thankless. His parents and sisters educated him, and he became a bad man. And when he was a teenager, he did what got his family shocked.”
“My gosh…” Edward pronounces thoughtfully.
“Honestly, I don’t know much about what happened. But that’s something serious. Your mother and her sister would hardly say such bad things about their brother.”
“I see…”
“So, I want to ask you not to start this talk. I never talk to Rebecca about it and respect her wish. So, do the same, please. Let’s think this is a secret of the men. Okay, guys?”
“Okay,” Terrence and Edward pronounce with slight smiles.
Silence settles in the air for a few seconds, which Terrence breaks, locking his fingers tightly:
“Listen, Dad… Have you ever regretted not being able to raise a girl? Maybe, you wanted to have a daughter, not a son?”
“A daughter is good,” Jamie replies thoughtfully. “But I’ve never cared about the gender of a child. You should love them, no matter if that’s a boy or a girl.”
“And don’t you care that only boys are getting born in the MacClife family?” Edward asks. “And you’ve got four sons!”
“No. The most important thing is that a child is healthy. And happy. I don’t understand those, who want to have a boy or a girl. Loving your child, depending on their gender, is one of the worst things that a parent can do. Not worse than deciding to get rid of your baby like unnecessary trash by leaving them alone hungry and cold.”
“But did you believe you’d be the first one to break this chain and become the father of a girl?”
“I didn’t think about it. And I don’t want.” Jamie takes Edward and Terrence’s hands tightly, looking at every one of them with pride. “Because I’m madly happy I have amazing sons, who make me feel proud of being a father to them.”
“Don’t forget we aren’t the only children of yours,” Terrence recalls.
“I know, Terrence. And I’m a little sad that I’m communicating with only two sons of four.”
“Haven’t William and Jeremy tried to find you?” Edward asks.
“Nope, Edward,” Jamie shakes his head. “And think yourself, how could they do? William and Jeremy don’t have contact with me, Rebecca, and you…”
“Do you think they’re looking for you?” Terrence asks.
“I’d like to believe it. But Isabella could turn them against me and say many bad things about me.”
“Maybe they understood everything after growing up?” Edward assumes.
“I don’t know, I can say nothing. But sometimes I think I’ll never see them and see what they are, who they are, and who they are dating…”
“Don’t be so sure, Father,” Terrence says confidently. “I think you’ll meet them early or late. As I understand, Jeremy and William know the whole story briefly. And they’d love to know the truth. Personally from you.”
“Maybe, it will happen someday…” Jamie shrugs. “But whatever they think of me, I’ll love them and wish them only the best.”
“They aren’t young boys to believe what their mother says,” Edward notices. “They must have their own mind.”
“I don’t wanna always think about it. Because I have so much to do. Job and family… You and your brother are gonna have a wedding soon… And someday one of you will really give me and your mother a chance to babysit our grandchildren. Maybe, these beauties will violate the tradition of the MacClife family and give birth to girls.”
“My daughter would be as smart, beautiful, and purposeful as her mother,” Terrence assumes with a slight smile.
“Anyone would sell their soul to the devil for my daughter!” Edward says with his head proudly raised. “With such a stunning mother!”
“Whoever is born, I don’t doubt that my child is gonna be the best. Because it must happen in the case of Terrence MacClife.”
“Oh, damn, you really want me to grab a skillet and hit you on your head…” Edward moans quietly. “For not being able to live a day without talking about your wonderful, imitable persona.”
“You’re just showing off. But I do know you consider me an authority.”
“And I can’t have non-imitable sons,” Jamie says with his head proudly raised. “And actually, even if I’m no longer young, I can still call myself a truly handsome man. Your mother was madly lucky to get such a good piece.”
“Oh, my God, Dad…” Edward laughs quietly, leaning his head back.
“Take an example from us, kid,” Terrence smiles widely and ruffles Edward’s hair. “We wouldn’t advise bad things.”
“Good, son, that’s my boy!” Jamie exclaims cheerfully and gives Terrence a hand that he shakes tightly and claps on it with a free hand. “Learn, pretty boy!”
Edward says nothing and just laughs shyly. And a few seconds later, Rebecca returns to the laughing men.
“What are you talking about?” Rebecca asks.
“Well…” Edward chuckles quietly. “We’re trying to make Terrence shut up, ‘cause he started to praise himself again.”
“Yeah, but you’ve lately taken an example from Terrence himself,” Jamie notices confidently.
“Me? Terrence?” Edward strokes his hair down. “Oh, no! I don’t need it… To imitate some rooster…”
“Come on, we see everything!” Jamie puts his arms on the back of the sofa. “You’ve changed much in a few months! Thanks to your brother’s influence. And your daddy helped a little.”
“I do say Terrence MacClife’s influence is very strong,” Terrence says with pride. “Anyone would be better thanks to such a handsome and confident man like me.”
“Oh, my bandits, being bored with you is impossible,” Rebecca laughs shyly, standing behind Edward and Terrence, caressing the heads of the two men and stroking their hair down.
“And honestly, I’m surprised that our sons haven’t started to fight with each other yet,” Jamie laughs shyly. “Our boys do love dragging each other by the hair for a plate of fresh soup or a piece of cake.”
“I just educate my brother and keep him on a short leash,” Terrence throws his hands up with an innocent smile. “If Edward gets freedom, he might do what would make you spend a lot of time solving the consequences.”
“Oh, oh, who said!” Edward smiles slyly, crossing his arms over his chest. “As if you give fewer problems. To everybody that surrounds you. So, I have to pull you down by the collar sometimes.”
“Alright, Terrence, Edward, you’ll play daddies and educate each other later,” Rebecca says confidently, sits on the sofa next to Jamie, takes the glass of drink from the coffee table, and takes a sip. “You better tell Jamie and me what’s happening to your band? You’ve said no word since we started our talk.”
“And yeah, what about the story of Daniel?” Jamie frowns slightly. “I’ve lately been very busy at work and couldn’t listen to Edward.”
“Well…” Terrence replies thoughtfully. “Daniel has just been hit by a car under weird circumstances, and his concussion led to amnesia.”
“Yeah, partial amnesia. He forgot the guys and me and… Many things about his life…”
“But the only thing Daniel knows is that someone threatened him,” Edward adds. “We’re all trying to help him, but he only called up the memories of Peter’s suicide attempt. I mean… Recalled how his body was lying in blood and open veins…”
“My God…” Rebecca shakes her head, closing her mouth with a hand with horror in her eyes. “Poor guy…”
“But how did it happen?” Jamie wonders. “Who hit him? Why?”
“We don’t know, Father, and he doesn’t remember,” Edward shrugs. “But the situation is probably hard. Daniel says someone threatened him. He says it very confidently. We don’t exclude that he could get into something.”
“Did Daniel tell you nothing before the memory loss?”
“Nope,” Terrence shakes her head. “And we don’t understand when he did! Daniel was always in our view. We were busy shooting interviews and performances…”
“Maybe, it has to do with your fans and haters?” Rebecca assumes and puts her glass of drink on the table. “What if someone hates Daniel so much and decided to deal with him?”
“But why? What could that guy do? There must be a reason why someone hit him with a car… And threatened…”
“And what does Anna think of it?” Jamie frowns slightly. “What if she knows something? Daniel spent much more time with that girl than the others.”
“Anna disappeared,” Edward says with sadness in his eyes.
“Disappeared?” Rebecca asks. “What do you mean?”
“One week ago! She doesn’t answer our calls and ignores all messages.”
“Doesn’t it have to do with what happened to Daniel? What if someone had a grudge against Anna, too?”
“I don’t know, Mom,” Terrence pronounces thoughtfully. “But Anna visited him in the hospital for two days along with us, and then she kind of disappeared into the ground. She explained nothing and left Daniel, who needed her like never ever.”
“My gosh…” Rebecca sighs quietly. “What got obsessed with her? You said those two had true love! And the girls have shown their admiration many times.”
“We can’t understand it, either,” Edward throws his hands up. “But we’d love to have her help so badly…”
“By the way, do you have some things that would be clues?” Jamie frowns slightly. “Maybe…”
“Only a male ring and a jackknife. They were lying near Daniel when Peter and Helene found him unconscious.”
“Great, and where are those things?”
“I think Peter has them,” Terrence replies thoughtfully. “He said he’d leave them with him…”
“Listen, guys, maybe, you need to talk to Mr. Johnson?” Rebecca suggests. “And show him those things! What if he does something and helps you?”
“We don’t have witnesses, Mom,” Edward says. “A car shows up in the place where he was found once in an hour or two. We can’t prove that he was attacked. Moreover, Perkins himself isn’t able to tell what happened because he remembers nothing.”
“What if Victor really knows someone, to whom those things could belong?” Jamie asks. “What if there is someone, who’s been reported to the police?”
“Do you think someone, who threatened Daniel, beat him, and hit him with a car, is featured in the case of the police?” Terrence frowns slightly.
“Everything’s possible… But I would advise you to talk to Mr. Johnson. And show him the ring and jackknife that your friends found.”
“Ah yeah, is there blood on that knife?” Rebecca specifies.
“Yes, there is…” Edward nods. “I don’t know whose… But the knife was in blood… I guess someone could cut Daniel’s hand with it.”
“Someone cut his hand?”
“Exactly. And someone could threaten him with that knife.”
“Listen, try to show that knife not only to Mr. Johnson but also to Daniel,” Jamie suggests. “I’m not sure if it might help him remember something, but still… The knife was near your friend for a reason. Someone could accidentally lose it there when trying to run away.”
“He’s gonna only say it seems familiar to him, but he can’t remember anything,” Terrence says thoughtfully. “Daniel says it every time we show him something. Even the fact that he knows about Peter’s suicide attempt didn’t help him recall that guy.”
“But your father is right, guys,” Rebecca says confidently. “Show Daniel those things. It might be a good clue. And if the police open a case, these things could help them find the one to do that.”
“Oh, you know, honestly, we’re sure about nothing,” Terrence replies thoughtfully, running his hand over his hair. “We, Peter, and the girls do everything to help Perkins, but there’s no success yet.”
“So, do you think the fact that Daniel recalled how Peter almost killed himself is not a success?”
“We do, but that’s too little. And we’ve gotta help him get the memories back as soon as possible. Because of Daniel’s amnesia, our band is about to be disbanded again.”
“As I understand, don’t your fans know what happened?” Jamie assumes.
“Nope,” Edward pronounces quietly. “Our manager and I decided to play time to give Daniel a chance to remember everything. And we asked him to reschedule our performances, interviews, and shootings. George promised to solve everything and asked us to think only of helping our friend.”
“So, are you going to lie to everyone?”
“We’ll hide the truth as long as possible. Moreover, there is a threat that we might be betrayed…”
“The case is about Blake, the band’s assistant. He always presses on us, insults us, and even threatens to tell everyone about Daniel’s amnesia.”
“Yeah, Connor heard Edward, Peter, and me talking to George about what happened,” Terrence confesses. “And if it happens, we’ll have to tell the truth.”
“So, does that guy keep annoying you?” Rebecca frowns slightly.
“He never stopped. And we gave up on trying to befriend him. Because Connor doesn’t need it.”
“Don’t pay attention to him, guys. May that guy say anything. Consider him your hater that you don’t notice.”
“We wouldn’t do it…” Edward says hesitantly. “But Connor does love to remind us of some bad things from our past or blame Daniel, Peter, and me for using the famous name of Terrence…”
“But you know that’s not the truth,” Jamie replies confidently. “That you got success thanks to your talent.”
“He doesn’t confess it and says Peter, Daniel, and I are suckers that got stuck to Terrence and would’ve reached nothing if not for his fame, money, and authority in the show business.”
“Excuse me, Edward, but I don’t understand why you all worry about what he says,” Rebecca wonders. “And why you actually take his words so seriously. You knew that everyone wouldn’t love you.”
“Yeah, Mom, we got it. But Blake does just annoy us, you see. Do you think it’s a pleasure for Peter to hear how he tried to kill himself and was the one to blame for the band’s problems? Remember that his mother was an alcoholic, who didn’t care about him! That kind does press strongly! He reminds us of what we don’t wanna think about.”
“I’m gonna say more, he’s gonna hear it many times. It hurts, but he’ll have to.”
“And me… You all know that it’s unpleasant for me to talk about the past related to Uncle Michael… I do wanna forget it so badly, but that kid reminds me of it too hard. He reminds me that I almost went to prison for the murder of Nicolas Carter, which I didn’t commit. About how I almost went insane because of what happened to me because of him. How I literally thought I was a worthless piece of shit and wanted to kill myself because of being hopeless.”
“No, no, Edward, don’t say it,” Jamie calms down softly. “It’s all in the past. Michael will stay in jail for life. All his pals are also there. And you, thank God, didn’t go to prison. Though, it’s also madly hurtful for me to think of everything our family had to experience because of that asshole. We applied many efforts to restore justice.”
“I know… I just… I just did so much that was the reason why everyone was judging me. And they considered me a different man… When I wanted to help but eventually got big problems.”
“Edward, please, stop thinking about it,” Rebecca says confidently, sitting next to Edward doubling over and softly caressing his back. “It’s all over. Yes, Michael was poisoning our lives for more than twenty years, but he’ll no longer harm us. He’s gonna stay in prison for life.”
“But I understand Edward,” Terrence confesses with sadness in his eyes. “I also did so much that I regret… We all suffered because of Uncle Michael’s tricks…”
“Don’t think about it, guys,” Jamie advises confidently. “It’s impossible to live without making mistakes. Yes, you did something bad, but you’re smart guys and understood what you should’ve done.”
“Still, I must confess that we all sometimes think about it.”
“Right. But the past is the past. And you live in the present and think of the future.”
“Your father is right, boys,” Rebecca agrees with a slight smile. “When we always think about the past, we just lose our time, which is a valuable resource in our lives. Sometimes it makes people lose the opportunity to change their future for the better.”
“The most important thing is that the people you love know all the truth about what’s happening to your band and your life. And they will not reproach you for the mistakes of the past. Moreover, your helper knows just a part of what happened to you. What they publish in magazines and newspapers or on shows.”
“Blake is the type of person, who takes everything good from you and leaves something bad and sad,” Edward explains, running his hand through his hair. “Something like an energy vampire… You have a good mood when getting ready for a performance, but it gets much worse after you talk to that kid.”
“Yeah, talking to him impacts our performances…” Terrence adds. “Yes, we fall into music when performing, but not quite.”
“Oh, guys, why do you overreact to him like this?” Rebecca moans tiredly, rubbing her forehead with her hand. “Terrence, it’s okay your brother reacts because he’s just getting used to public life. But why do you react so? You’ve been in the show business for ages, and many people openly dislike you. And you never cared about it.”
“Right. But that man does his best for us to perform badly and say something wrong during an interview. When we ask Connor to leave us alone and do something, he showers us with mud much more. And I’m getting more irritated because he treats Edward, Daniel, and Peter terribly. Connor tolerates me more or less, even if he sometimes says I allegedly have mental health issues or act like a peacock. But he can’t take these three and feels no worry for them.”
“The best solution for your situation is not to provoke a stronger conflict,” Jamie says quietly. “May that guy say anything he wants. And you learn not to let anyone strike you down. Trust me, it might get much worse. You might hear what would make your hair stand.”
“And if you feel so bad because of him, get Blake fired and find a new assistant that will respect you,” Rebecca advises.
“We’d like to with pleasure, but there’s nobody to replace Connor yet,” Edward shrugs.
“Anyway, just do what you’re doing,” Jamie says confidently. “Do it for the people you love and for yourself. You work not for your haters, who would always find a reason to swear. Think of your girls, who inspire you, and do your best for them not to stop being proud of you. You know how it’s good to see a gloss in the eyes of someone, who you love, and who is happy with your success.”
“It sounds encouraging,” Edward pronounces with a slight smile. “Thank you so much…”
“Yeah, thanks…” Terrence thanks amicably.
Rebecca and Jamie say nothing and just smile shyly. Silence settles in the air for a few seconds before someone calls on the wired phone.
“I will answer,” Jamie says, takes the phone placed not far from him, and puts it to his ear. “Hello.”
Jamie listens to what someone says on the phone for two seconds.
“Yes, yes,” Jamie pronounces confidently. “Hello, Aaron. What’s wrong? Any problems?”
With these words, Jamie gets up from the sofa slowly and goes aside to talk, while Edward, Rebecca, and Terrence, frowning slightly, watch him for two seconds and look at each other.
“A call from ‘The MacClife Shipping’?” Terrence assumes.
“Probably,” Rebecca replies quietly. “Your father has lately had much work in the company. Some young people got a job as interns some time ago, and they don’t have any experience. So, the staff members have to explain everything.”
“I thought Father would hire only experienced people,” Edward confesses thoughtfully.
“But they’re just interns. They work a little and leave the company if Jamie isn’t happy with their work. Only the best people work with him. If someone learns something during an internship, they get a job.”
“I think many people are right when saying Father has a talent for ruling,” Terrence says with a slight smile. “He made the company’s business better after what Uncle Michael did for just a few months.”
“Thank God, the company is doing fine. Even if there are still some unsolved questions. That’s why Jamie spends days at work and sacrifices weekends sometimes.”
“I think Grandpa Manuel would’ve been proud of him,” Edward smiles shyly. “He always believed in Father and put big hopes on him.”
“That’s right. Your father is a very smart and purposeful man. And he’s got very good intuition.”
Terrence and Edward say nothing and smile slightly. And two seconds later, Jamie finishes the talk, comes to the others, and puts the phone in its place.
“Aaron, my right hand, called,” Jamie says confidently. “As I thought, the young interns did something wrong again.”
“And they want you to solve everything?” Edward asks.
“Yes. So, excuse me, my dears, I have to leave you. I will go to the company and see what they did.”
“Erm, yeah, guys, I’m afraid I need to go out for two hours, too…” Rebecca says thoughtfully, putting her finger on her lip. “I should go somewhere for my business…”
“I can drive you with pleasure if we’re on the same way.”
“Yes, same way.”
“Okay, I’ll take my phone and keys from the car.”
“Don’t be bored, guys,” Rebecca addresses Edward and Terrence, getting up from the sofa. “I’ll be back soon.”
“And don’t destroy the house when you play catch,” Jamie says funnily, as he gets up to the second floor.
“It depends on my bro,” Edward smiles slyly. “On whether he wanna be a good boy.”
“It depends on whether he’s gonna be a good boy,” Terrence says with the same smile.
“Don’t forget to close the door with a key if you wanna go somewhere,” Rebecca recalls confidently with a quiet chuckle, going to the stairs after Jamie.
“Don’t worry, I’ll do it,” Edward promises.
Rebecca and Jamie take some things, return to the living room some time later, and say goodbye to Edward and Terrence with a strong hug.
“Bye, bandits,” Jamie says goodbye and ruffles Edward and Terrence’s hair. “Be good boys.”
“Bye,” Terrence and Edward laugh shyly.
When they make sure they forgot nothing, Jamie and Rebecca leave the house. Edward closes the door and comes back to Terrence, with whom he stays alone.
“Wow,” Terrence puts his hands on his hips.
“Oh, yeah,” Edward agrees and scratches his temple. “Father goes to work almost every day. Sometimes he even sacrifices his free days, so they don’t mess up everything.”
“Listen, Aaron… Is that the man, who helped Father bring Uncle Michael to clear the water? Who worked at the company under the cover!”
“Yup, that’s Aaron Donalds. He said he needed a job. So, Dad suggested he return to the company. And as that man knows the work of ‘The MacClife Shipping’, he became his right hand.”
“My gosh… I didn’t know it…”
“I recently found it out. Aaron often goes to meetings as a representative of Father and doesn’t always stay in the company. But one day, I went to the company and met that man. I found out that he was his right hand.”
“He can count on that man,” Terrence replies thoughtfully. “Aaron wouldn’t mess it up and work for his benefit.”
“No, that man is good. He’s grateful to Father for giving him a job and paying enough money. So, he works too hard.”
Edward comes to the sofa, takes his guitar, and goes to the stairs to go up to the second floor. Terrence follows him in a slow step, slightly stroking down his hair on the way.
“Oh, Father has his problems, and we have tons of ours,” Edward says thoughtfully, getting upstairs and holding a railing with a free hand. “And we don’t know how to solve them.”
“Maybe, we should really show the ring and the jackknife to Daniel?” Terrence asks. “Why didn’t we think about it before?”
“I doubt it would help,” Edward shakes his head.
“Why? As Peter found those things next to him, it means they were there for a reason. There’s a chance that Perkins recalls something when looking at them.”
“You’ve said he’d probably be able to remember nothing,” Edward recalls gloomily. “Or Daniel would actually say he has never seen those things.”
“But it would be great to show those things to him,” Terrence says confidently, getting up to the second floor, catching Edward, and going somewhere down the hall along with him.
“Okay, then we’ve gotta talk to Peter.”
“Sorry that he didn’t think about it when Daniel went to his home. And Sammy didn’t hint that he should’ve shown those things.”
“What if Sammy is sure it wouldn’t help?”
“I dunno… But I thought and believed we should’ve risked. And talk to Mr. Johnson, as Mom advised.”
“But how can Mr. Johnson help us?”
“What if he really says something about the knife and the ring?”
“Even if he does, it wouldn’t get worse or better. We don’t have witnesses to what happened to Daniel. And the ring and the jackknife would hardly help us, even if we showed them to Mr. Johnson.”
“Oh, Edward, how do you know it?” Terrence moans tiredly. “We can just try! Just like we did when we drove Daniel where you met him and Pete. Yes, maybe, it wouldn’t help us, but we should try to do everything…”
“It doesn’t mean he’d recall one of us or the one to attack him.”
“I know, but what if we’re lucky? Father and Mother wouldn’t say anything for nothing, and Sammy wouldn’t have given Peter and Helene those things if they hadn’t had to do what happened to Daniel or someone, who threatened him, beat him, or hit him by a car.”
“Well, maybe, you’re right…” Edward replies thoughtfully. “But by showing him those things, we can only confirm the theory that he got attacked and his confidence about someone wishing to kill him.”
“That’s clear! He was found unconscious, in a terrible condition, with a cut hand. Of course, someone wanted to harm him.”
At this moment, Terrence and Edward come to the room they need, and the latter opens the door and enters it along with his brother. While MacClife, Sr., sits on the bed, MacClife, Jr., puts his guitar on the office chair and starts to look for something on the writing table.
“But I don’t understand something,” Edward says thoughtfully. “Let’s assume that Daniel has really been hit by a car, as we think, and the ring and the jackknife belong to the one to do it. But how did those things appear next to Perkins’ body if the one to blame was in a car?”
“What’s hard?” Terrence throws his hands up. “The one to blame left the car, and those things could fall outta the pocket.”
“Do you think someone hit Daniel, then got out, cut his hand, and left, losing it and the ring and leaving the guy to die?”
“It could be planned. A criminal could leave the car to see if Dan was alive. And… They couldn’t resist the wish to hit him and cut his hand.”
“So, did someone know he would be at that place?”
“I don’t exclude that someone could ask him about a meeting. Do it on purpose.”
“And Anna didn’t know it?”
“Daniel would hardly say it. She would’ve been scared, started to look for help, and gone to the police.”
“And if it was planned, it means Perkins could have serious problems that nobody knows about,” Edward assumes.
“And what did he get into?” Terrence wonders. “So that he was tried to be killed?”
“If I knew it… But I wonder if Anna’s disappearance has to do with what happened to Daniel? What if danger is threatening her, too?”
“I doubt it. Natalia found the keys under the rug near the hall door. Additionally, we didn’t find her stuff at Perkins’ home. If something happened to her, her stuff would’ve been there. So, I conclude that she left. Left at her wish.”
“Maybe…” Edward turns on Terrence, scratching the back of his head and leaning on the writing table with both hands. “And the case could be serious. If we found a few torn photos of Daniel and Anna and the broken framed photo in the living room.”
“That’s why I’m sure her disappearance doesn’t have to do with the business of our pal.”
“What if something happened when he was in the hospital? Anna suddenly broke any contact at that moment!”
“Possible, too.”
“Do you think they could have problems in the relationship before Perkins’ amnesia?”
“I wouldn’t exclude this theory,” Terrence replies thoughtfully. “There must be a reason why Anna left Daniel so easily. I don’t believe she could do such a mean thing to him and unconsciously prove that her words about love for him meant nothing.”
“Though, I must confess that she did a bad thing. I treat Anna very well and consider her my close person. But I didn’t expect it from her.”
“But the day before Daniel got hit by a car, we came all together in the country. Anna and Daniel had a perfect relationship and didn’t act like they hated each other.”
“Right… Those two got on well…”
“But they could fight on the day when Daniel got hit by a car? Or in the evening after we all came back home?”
“So, weren’t these two together?”
“Maybe, they were. But later they fought, and Perkins got out to walk in the city. And Anna stayed home and did her business.”
“Damn…” Edward frowns slightly and thinks for two seconds, starting to walk in circles in the room. “Was their fight too serious if Daniel got out of home, and Anna still remembers that and decided to leave the house? Use the moment, so to say!”
“No, I could understand that Daniel could get out ‘cause he wanted to calm down,” Terrence replies thoughtfully, looking aside. “Sometimes I also have not to strangle Cameron in anger.”
“And if it’s so, our theory about Daniel planning a meeting, on which he was tried to kill, can’t be the truth.”
“Right… So, you could just run into bad people accidentally. I dunno… He looked at them wrongly, saw something bad, or said something… Who knows…”
“But notice that Anna was truly worried when we were in the hospital. As if there was no conflict.” Edward shrugs. “I don’t know… Either something’s not right, or she just forgot about the conflict after she found out what happened to him…”
“Agree. We didn’t hear any bad words about him from her.”
“Oh, shit…” Edward exhales slowly, running his hand over his hair, and comes to the window, through which he looks. “Everything layers on one another again…”
“Yeah, and we don’t know how to solve it…” Terrence agrees, takes the mobile phone from his pocket, and checks out something after he feels a slight vibration.
“And we can’t just sit and wait.”
“By the way, you were right when we were in the hospital, and you said that was the beginning of our problems, and the fact that Daniel couldn’t take some high notes was prognostic. I didn’t wanna believe it, but I had to.”
“Honestly, I had a presentiment for a long time,” Edward exhales slowly. “But I tried to make myself sure that I was thinking of nobody the fuck knows what… And I blamed Connor… He kinda struck us down.”
“Yeah…” Terrence pronounces, still checking something on his smartphone. “On one day, Perkins spent time with us, laughed like an idiot, and ran after us with a water pistol. But the next day, he forgot who we were…”
“I also hardly believe how sharply everything changed.”
“I think Raquelle felt something, too…”
“Why? She said something?”
“Nope, she didn’t… I dunno… I just thought she was a little sad, even if she didn’t show it.”
“Hm…” Edward frowns slightly and turns to Terrence, leaning on the windowsill with both hands. “Haven’t you tried to ask her about it?”
“One time…” Terrence replies thoughtfully, moves his eyes off the phone, and looks at Edward. “But she said nothing… She said she was fine.”
“You know, Terrence, Raquelle has lately often been sad… On the day when Peter told us about Daniel’s visit to his home, the blond noticed she was upset because of something. And I thought so…”
“I thought the same… And she didn’t talk much.”
“Hey, didn’t you really fight? Maybe, something happened to you, but you don’t wanna tell anyone?”
“No, nothing happened,” Terrence shakes his head. “And I wouldn’t be silent if Raquelle and I fought. At least I’d tell you.”
“But she’s upset because of something.”
“But why? Maybe, she just thought up something stupid?”
“Anyway, Raquelle has nothing to complain about. She must be happy ‘cause she has everything.”
“Or the problem is about what’s happening. She is just worried about Anna and Daniel. One disappeared and broke contact with us, and another remembers the fuck nothing. Raquelle always takes everything that is happening to her close people seriously.”
“We’re all worried about them.” Edward begins walking into the room very slowly, while Terrence starts to look at something in the phone again. “The two are our friends.”
“But I must confess that at least Perkins has given us too many problems…” Terrence says thoughtfully.
“Yeah… But I’m glad George understands our situation and tries to help us.”
“By the way, we need to meet him on neutral territory and tell him that Connor heard us and might tell everyone about Daniel.”
“I’m afraid we’d avoid it if we tied him to a chair and get the mouth of that deadbeat closed,” Edward scoffs ironically, crossing his arms over his chest. “Then he’s only able to blink his eyes and try to hum something.”
“Probably, one day, we’ll have to do it. Or he’ll make us furious.”
“I’ve been dreaming of hitting him in the face. And hitting him on the balls, so he whines like a dog.”
“Well, seeing how disgustingly he behaves toward all of us, my patience is on edge.”
Edward says nothing, comes to the mirror, fixes his fringe that is done up with his fingers, and moves it to the side. Terrence continues to examine what he sees on his phone, being very interested and even excited. And a few seconds later, the man opens his mouth slightly and glances at his brother, making a calling gesture and jabbing excitedly:
“Edward! Edward, come here now!”
“What’s wrong, Terrence?” Edward frowns slightly. “Why are you so excited? Someone dared to post something bad about you?”
With these words, Edward comes to Terrence and sits on the bed next to him.
“You just look what they wrote here,” Terrence says and shows Edward something on his phone.
Edward looks at what Terrence shows him for a few seconds, rounds his eyes, and stops smiling sharply.
“Oh, shit…” Edward shakes his head. “What the fuck…”
Edward starts reading the article on a popular site dedicated to celebrities. It’s about “Against The System.” To be clear, about Peter and Daniel.
“The one to blame for the unsuccessful suicide attempt of ‘Against The System’s drummer has been found.
‘Against The System,’ the rock band that has recently released their debut single ‘The Story About Us,’ got into a scandal. We finally know who had to do with the suicide attempt of the drummer, Peter Rose, 27 a few months ago. That’s the band’s bassist, Daniel Perkins, 26. There is information that Perkins was mocking Rose, insulting him, saying he was talentless and ugly, and regularly putting him to psychological torture. These things did become the reason why the band’s drummer committed a suicide attempt and got his fans excited and made them pray for his health and send him nice words on social networks. The source says ‘Against The System’s bassist was beating the drummer cruelly, giving him serious trauma several times, and often threatened to deal with him psychically. However, the young men hide it, pretend that they have a perfect relationship, and call each other in any other way but brothers in public.
One of the fans says that Daniel gave them a reason to think that there was a conflict in the band for a long time. The bassist posted a photo on his Instagram (Dan_Chris_Perkins) from one of the past shows, in which you can see the men from ‘Against The System’. There was a signature, which hinted that Perkins kept putting Rose to moral and psychical violence even after the drummer’s suicide attempt.”
It’s possible to see a couple of photos of Terrence, Edward, Daniel, and Peter and together photos of the drummer and the bassist taken at a different time and posted by them on their Instagram accounts. And there is also a screenshot of Daniel’s Instagram, which the article is talking about, and in which there is really a picture with the following signature:
“@Dan_Chris_Perkins: My sidekicks @EdwardMacClife & @TerrenceMacClife rocked on again, and I got energy for a whole day. To deal with that ugly bastard @PeterJRose who's never been loved by anyone. I can’t wait for this pain in the ass to leave the band to the fuck.”
“One of the fans of the band had taken a screenshot before Daniel deleted this photo and posted it again on his Instagram with a different signature, in which there were no words about hate for Peter. The source says the situation in the band is very tense due to permanent conflicts between the two, and the managers are discussing it and thinking about kicking Perkins out and finding the one to place him.
‘The guys constantly fight, and Daniel is the one to start it, dreaming of getting rid of the man he hates,’ the source says. ‘Peter protects himself, but the pressure of his colleague is too strong, and he cannot deal with the man, who regularly puts him to violence and threatens to kill him if everyone knows about their fights. The guitarists, Terrence and Edward, try to stop this bullying, but they can do nothing, and the managers make them stay silent and pretend that everything is fine. We can’t exclude that Daniel will leave the band soon, and the band’s members’ surroundings are worried about Peter’s bad condition and are afraid that he might not take it and try to kill himself again.’
Daniel and Peter themselves deny these rumors categorically and try to prove to everyone that they have a long and strong friendship. As the source says, they do it on the order of their managers. Their colleagues, the vocalist, Terrence MacClife, 28, and the guitarist, Edward MacClife, 26, and ‘Against The System’s representatives keep silent or deny this information.”
Being overwhelmed, Terrence and Edward look at each other with horror in their dumbfounded eyes, knowing well everything the article tells about is an absolute lie.
“Shit…” Edward opens his mouth. “Just shit… Who wrote this bullshit?”
“My eyes popped out when I read this,” Terrence jabs.
“Hey, where did you find it?”
“My mention feeds on Twitter and Instagram are full of the plea to read something. Folks literally agreed to send me the same link. And the same is happening in my DM.”
“So, was this article recently posted?”
“It says the post was published yesterday. The people read it all and started to contact me.” Terrence feels that his phone makes a vibration several times, seeing lots of notifications on the screen of his smartphone. “Look, look! I’m still receiving notifications!”
“That’s insane!” Edward resents. “Who has nothing to do? What did someone think about when deciding to post this bullshit?”
“I don’t know,” Terrence reads the article on the phone again. “But that’s an absolute lie! Daniel has never said these things about Peter. And he’s never beaten him regularly. Never put him to violence.”
“Exactly! The lads are friends! They’re brothers that have never been enemies!”
“Fuck, did they go crazy there? What kind of fucking violence! Daniel didn’t let himself do it, even when he and Peter were in a fight.”
“Perkins isn’t as cruel as they wrote!”
“It looks like someone wanna get popular by using our names and posted this bullshit.”
“And yeah… How did the fan get the screenshot with this photo?”
“I dunno… But Daniel wrote nothing like this! Neither about Peter nor about any one of us!”
“And the asshole, who wrote this article, says Perkins is actually threatening Rose with murder if someone knows about his mockeries toward him.”
“No, no, it’s a lie! Absolute lie! Even if Perkins was mad, he kept worrying about the blond and truly wanted to help him. And after the meeting with Smith, in which he gave us a choice, Dan never said a bad word about Pete.”
“And we both know how he reacted when you found Rose after he had opened his veins.”
“But you and I allegedly cover them.”
“Listen, I’ll try to search for similar articles on the computer. Maybe, someone has written about it.”
Edward stands up from the bed, takes the laptop from the writing table, sits on the bed again, and waits for it to be turned on.
“And check out the mention feed on your account,” Terrence says. “You’re gonna be overwhelmed by what’s happening.”
“I can imagine what, seeing that your phone vibrates non-stop,” Edward exhales sharply. “But it’s much worse to imagine what’s happening in Daniel’s account.”
“I’m afraid, nothing good.”
Some time later, Edward opens the Internet browser, types something in the search bar, and views the results.
“Shiver me timbers…” Edward pronounces slowly with horror in his eyes, checking out something on the laptop by using the touchpad. “Many sites have written about this lie.”
“And everybody’s showering Daniel with mud,” Terrence notices, setting his dumbfounded look on the laptop screen.
While Edward keeps checking the information on the laptop, Terrence checks out Instagram and finds Daniel’s account where he finds the photo that the article talks about.
“Look, here’s the photo from the article,” Terrence says, showing Edward the photo on the phone. “It was posted one month ago. We were photographed bowing to the crowd. Every show gets better, and this one isn’t an exclusion! It’s all thanks to you, guys! So happy you love what my bros and I are doing for you. Thank y'all so much. Listen to our debut single ‘The Story About Us’ and share your impressions in the comments.”
“Ha, where’s an insult to the blond?” Edward scoffs loudly. “I don’t see!”
“Moreover, there would be a line if it was edited,” Terrence notices. “But there’s nothing. Daniel didn’t edit this signature. Even to fix mistakes in a couple of words.”
“I see…”
“Fuck, look what’s happening in the comments,” Terrence gets horrified, scrolling down the comments page. “Look, look, Edward!”
“It happened that our own fans started to bully Daniel? And our haters joined them!”
“Sort of… You’re a hypocrite, Daniel… A piece of shit… Are you really envying Peter? He’s much better and more talented than you! Get out of the band! Leave poor Pete alone! Scumbag! Peter almost died because of you! Because of you, the doctors barely saved him! You can pretend well, bastard, but the truth always comes to light…”
“Die and stop bullying our beloved blond. He’s way better than you, jackass. Why are the MacClife brothers silent and doing nothing? Why are their managers silent? How could they let that talentless bastard stay in the band? Kick that scumbag out! May he feel what the poor Peter had to take. I heard that Perkins suddenly disappeared and hope that the jackass was hit by a car to death. Nobody dares to treat such a wonderful guy like Pete like this. God sees everything and will punish that bastard…”
“Damn…” Terrence gets horrified, scrolling through the comments and shaking his head. “I’ve got nothing to say… They do bully the man… And even wish him to die…”
“If Daniel sees it, he’s gonna be overwhelmed…” Edward says with widely open eyes. “And he might easily believe that Peter tried to kill himself because of him.”
“I wish it didn’t happen, but I’m afraid we wouldn’t hide what’s written here from him. Either Daniel reads it on the Internet, or someone tells him. And I think he’ll believe them, not us.”
“Fuck, how could those people believe the bullshit that the media post? They recently said nice words about Dan, but now everybody wants him to die!”
“I’m so sorry for him, Edward… No good comments to defend that guy… I’m scrolling through the comment page and seeing nothing good.”
“Same about Twitter,” Edward says, checking out Twitter on his laptop and seeing that total chaos is happening there. “My notifications are blowing up with pleas to kick Daniel outta the band. Someone does even promote the hashtag #DanielGetOutOfATS.”
“Yes, yes, people add it on Instagram. They’ve posted tons of photos with this tag.”
“Fuck!” Edward gets horrified, opening his eyes widely. “Terrence, look! Many fans of us are talking about his confusion with high notes!”
“Oh, damn it!” Terrence sharply moves his eyes to the laptop screen. “So, were we right? Euphoria was gone, and people, who know music started to notice mistakes?”
“A fan from the last show posted the video, on which it’s possible to hear it well… She caught us when we three didn’t have time to realize what happened and help him.”
Edward plays the video and makes the volume on the laptop louder. Then Terrence and he can hear Daniel’s voice starting to shake when taking high notes. It hurts the brothers’ ears a little, and they wince slightly, getting horrified by what they found out.
“Fuck, I hoped for the best…” Terrence claps himself on his forehead. “Daniel was afraid that someone could record him singing badly and post it on the Internet. It happened! A fan posted a video, saying, ‘That’s the one, who calls his colleague talentless and ugly. Why did he the fuck decide to sign if he couldn’t take notes? I guess his voice was autotuned at the studio version because he sings terribly in live.’”
“And I’m afraid we can’t help him and stop the bullying,” Edward assumes with sadness in his eyes. “If we’re silent, we pretend that there’s no conflict. If we defend him too hard, everybody will say we do it by the managers’ order. If Rose starts to speak, people will think Daniel terrorized him. And if Perkins says something, he’s gonna be torn apart.”
“You’re right… We’re powerless…”
“And what do we do?”
“First, we’ll talk to George and find out what he thinks… I’m sure he has already seen this article or is about to do it. You know that Smith regularly checks out everything that fans write.”
“Here’s the reason to meet him as soon as possible.”
“I wouldn’t like to tell Peter and Daniel about this article, but they’d know it, early or late.”
“Yeah… One might find a reason to start to cut himself again, and another might believe this lie and change his attitude toward the blond.”
“I can’t exclude it. Now you can tell Perkins anything, and he'll believe it easily.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, which Terrence breaks after he exhales sharply:
“Okay, I can’t read this bullshit anymore.” Terrence puts his phone aside and runs his hands through his hair. “Stop…”
“Me too…” Edward jabs, snaps the laptop sharply, puts it aside, and runs his hands through his hair. “Or I’m gonna go crazy.”
“It seems like, everything’s getting harder. We can’t solve this tangled skein so easily… And I won’t be surprised if something else happens soon…”
“And I’m afraid to imagine what would happen later…”
“And the most important thing is that we can’t do anything to solve the situation.”
“First, we’ll talk to George. Maybe, he’ll tell us what to do.”
“I hope…”
Edward and Terrence seriously start to be afraid that they might get more problems than they have now. The brothers would really love to ignore the false article about Peter and Daniel. But since people believed it and began bullying Daniel so hard, they could not be indifferent. The guys do know the truth about what happened between those, who have been friends for many years.
Meanwhile, Peter is spending time at the home of Helene’s grandmother, Scarlett Marshall. A kind, smiling, and very pleasant-to-look woman of old age. Her face is covered with strong wrinkles, the veins on her arms are noticeable, her voice is very quiet and nice, her hazel eyes are a little lackluster but incredibly kind, and small earrings are put in her earrings. She is wearing a simple wedding ring made of gold on her left hand, and her clothes were bought many years ago and are not going to be trashed in the nearest time.
“You know, I’ve been lately so attracted to Sammy,” Scarlett says with a slight smile, sitting in her small room in front of a very old TV, sitting in a soft armchair placed near a window, and sometimes drinking coffee from her cup. “I’m making sure that he’s just a wonderful dog…”
“But you didn’t want your granddaughter to get a dog,” Peter replies with a slight smile, holding a cup of coffee on a small dish.
“Yes, I didn’t want it at first. But when I saw the puppy, Sammy, I fell in love with him. I couldn’t resist such a charming creature.”
“This doggy can get the love of any person. My friends fell in love with him literally, shortly after they saw him.”
“Helene said,” Scarlett laughs shyly. “But I’d be really surprised if someone minded such a good doggy.”
“One girl was afraid of him at first, but seeing that we played with Sammy with pleasure, she calmed down and got a love for him.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which Peter and Scarlett drink some coffee from their cups.
“By the way, how’s your friend doing?” Scarlett expresses anxiety. “Has something changed? Has he recalled something?”
“No, sadly,” Peter shakes his head with sadness in his eyes. “No changes… Expect the fact that he knows that I tried to kill myself… And honestly, my friends and I have already wracked our brains, reflecting on how to help him.”
“Oh, my gosh… I thought amnesia was supposed to last less.”
“Everything happens. Bad things always happen to us when we think our life is beautiful. As if someone in heaven decides that we’re too happy and forces us to pass some tests.”
“Yeah…” Scarlett sighs with sadness in her eyes and drinks some coffee.
“We had great plans for the future. But this event made us put them aside. And…” Peter says nothing for two seconds and shrugs. “If it doesn’t get better, we might actually forget about any dreams.”
“Oh… And Helene’s friend has disappeared… My granddaughter is worried about her so much.”
“She did a terrible thing to my friend. That girl swore her love for him for so long and said she’d go through fire and water for him. But her words turned out nothing when she left the poor guy that needed her help like never ever.”
“But agree it’s always hurtful when someone doesn’t remember you and asks who you are. Anyone would feel terrible. I’m sure Helene would feel the same.”
“But she wouldn’t leave me, No matter how hurt she’d feel, Helene wouldn’t do what was done to Daniel.”
“Yes, I don’t deny that leaving someone to be in trouble and to need help is bad.”
“But on the contrary, I don’t wanna believe she’s so bad and dared to leave her boyfriend in trouble. This girl has always been good to me, and I was sure my friend was very lucky with her.”
“I think that girl would calm down, show up, and explain it all, early or late. She can’t hide forever.”
“I can’t imagine how hurt my friend would be if he realized that his girlfriend did that to him,” Peter says with sadness in his eyes and drinks some coffee. “When he recalls everything and understands Anna betrayed their love and let him know she talked to the wind.”
“Ah, Peter, if I could help you…” Scarlett sighs heavily. “I can only advise you to wait for a while and don’t blame that girl for betraying. Maybe, you and your friends don’t know something, and she left your friend for a reason.”
“But which? They had a wonderful relationship!”
“Who knows. Maybe, they had problems, but they didn’t tell everybody about it.”
“I don’t know… Maybe, you’re right… But even if they had serious problems, the guys looked truly happy. If they had a fight, it would be clear.”
“I don’t know… Anyway, hold on, my dear. It all would be over early or late.”
“Thanks for the support, Mrs. Marshall,” Peter thanks softly with a slight smile. “But you shouldn’t worry. It… Has to do with my friends… But you have so much to care about.”
“The only thing I care about is my granddaughter, Helene. Her happiness. Her well-being. After my husband’s death, I live for her. And I pray that my girl feels good with you.”
“You know I’m trying to do my best for her to be happy,” Peter smiles shyly and takes a sip of coffee. “And I’m ready for anything for Helene. Because I want to know she’s happy with everything.”
“Yes, my dear, I know…” Scarlett drinks some coffee. “I’m very glad she’s dating such a great man like you. And that Helene did listen to my advice to pay attention to you. I liked you at first sight. And seeing how you took care of her even when you were friends, I wanted her to have the same caring man. Besides, you remind me of the young Roger. If you had dark hair, you’d be so similar to my husband.”
“Honestly, I’m sorry that I didn’t tell her about my love before… I was afraid she’d reject me… I thought about how I was humiliated before many people…”
“But the most important thing is that you revealed it to each other,” Scarlett replies confidently. “And made me the happiest woman in the world. You know how it’s nice to see the happiness in Helene’s eyes. She started to smile more frequently after you came into my granddaughter’s life. Though, my girl used to be too serious.”
“I don’t know what I would’ve done without such a wonderful girl,” Peter replies with a slight smile. “Since we met, I’ve been feeling much happier. Thanks to her care and support, I held on somehow and then found the strength to come alive.”
“My girl is ready to sacrifice anything for your happiness. I still remember how she suffered after you wanted to kill yourself. How much my granddaughter was crying… She literally ate nothing and didn’t sleep… Watching her gives me a strong pain.”
“I know… And I’m sorry she brought herself to that…” Peter falls into silence and glances at the window. “I’m sorry I didn’t trust her and explain why I wanted it… I didn’t actually trust those, who wanted to help me… I would’ve gotten lost in my problems that almost killed me if I hadn’t decided to tell everything.”
“Don’t think about it, Peter,” Scarlett puts her hand on Peter’s one and caresses it. “It all became your past. You’re happy now and dating the girl, who wouldn’t let you feel lonely and unnecessary. I think you showed great courage and faced your fears. Only a brave person with a strong spirit would go to see the enemy, not run away from them like a hurricane.”
“No, I was just sick of being silent and decided to speak out. And I felt a great relief after telling my close people what made me suffer for many years.”
“You did the right thing. When someone gives you help, you shouldn’t reject it. Not everyone is ready to turn on you. Most people just watch you suffer and keep going.”
“I know, Mrs. Marshall… And I will always be grateful to all these people for not leaving me.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” Scarlett smiles shyly.
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which Peter drinks some coffee from his cup.
“And I actually think you impact Helene well,” Scarlett notices. “Thanks to you, she blossomed, started to take care of herself much more, and dress up… She even became a little freer, as I think.”
“Helene has always been a beauty,” Peter replies with a slight smile. “A very smart one.”
“And her character got much better thanks to the love. You know that Helene and one more girl were bullying someone when they were studying at school… A girl… And her friend later…”
“Yeah, I know.”
“When my granddaughter was a kid, she didn’t understand she was doing a bad thing and was dependent on people’s opinions. Just like any child… I didn’t like what she was doing, but talking to her was worthless for some time. My husband and I couldn’t reach her and let her know that she shouldn’t have treated a person like that. And the one, who she called her friend, just wanted to seem better against the others.”
“I was overwhelmed when I heard it. I even thought Helene would do the same to me someday… I was scared that I made the same mistake twice and would be left and humiliated again. But now I understand that I did the right thing by giving her a second chance. Maybe, Helene was bad, but now she’s very good. And… It’s amazing… She’s a friend of the girls, whom she bullied… It’s so ironic…”
“And thank God, it’s all over. Helene realized that she was unfair to the girls and began to feel sorry for what happened.”
“Alas, she’s not the only one. Everyone joins strong people and starts to dance attendance upon them not to become victims. I actually understand your granddaughter, even if I would never do that.”
“I always told her that Natalia and Raquelle were very good girls. And Ashley, who bullied them, was a non-educated egoist. My husband and I never loved that girl and her parents and always wanted Helene to keep herself far from her.”
“And she listened to you. Or… The guys, who started to understand that they were unfair to Raquelle and Natalia.”
“I think Helene got a great relief when the girls forgave her.”
“Definitely. But if she’d known the girls of the men, to whom I wanted to introduce her, were her ex-schoolmates, Helene would’ve never agreed to go. But… As nobody knew they knew each other, we felt quite embarrassed at first.”
“That’s even good she didn’t know it. Thanks to that, Helene is quietly speaking to Natalia and Raquelle, and they blame her for nothing.”
“I’m glad the girls befriended quickly. Though, they don’t hide they originally did it for the lads and me. But then they just started to feel good together, and Helene joined their ladies’ company.”
“And I must confess that Raquelle and Helene’s lives are a little similar. There is something that makes the girls the same.”
“And… What?”
“For example, they didn’t have parents…” Scarlett replies a little hesitantly with sadness in her eyes. “Raquelle was raised by her grandfather because her parents died when she was about seven. And Roger, my late husband, and I raised Helene.”
“Erm…” Peter bites his lip. “Yeah… I know…”
“Have you ever wondered what happened to Helene’s parents?”
“Erm… Helene said that her mother died during childbirth, and her father died some time before her birth.”
“No, Peter, that’s not the truth. They both rejected her when she was born.”
“Rejected?” Peter puts the cup on the coffee table and looks at Scarlett with widely open eyes. “What?”
“Yes, you heard it right. My granddaughter’s parents didn’t need her, and my husband and I couldn’t leave her and educated Helene.”
“But why?” Peter shakes his head. “Why did they reject Helene?”
“This is a long story… And not very pleasant… It’s been more than twenty years, but I still feel hurt when I think about it.”
“So, do you want to say her parents are actually alive?”
“Supposed to be alive. They’re young enough yet.”
“My gosh…”
“I’ll tell you the story. I think you should know it.” Scarlett takes a couple of sips of coffee, puts the cup on the table, and folds her hands in front of her. “My daughter was only seventeen when she gave birth to Helene… The father of my granddaughter turned eighteen by that time…”
“So young?” Peter rounds his eyes.
“Yes, Wendy, my daughter, met Brooklyn, Helene’s father, thanks to their common friends at the age of fifteen. And they began to date some time later. Roger and I didn’t mind their relationship because that man was good, even if he was too dependent on his family’s opinion. He studied a lot, didn’t walk with suspicious people, and was always busy with something. His parents didn’t let him think of stupid things and tried to keep him busy. Of course, with some limits. Brooklyn had time to have a rest. And he had friends. Many friends. I mean… There weren’t so many bans. But they kept an eye on him.”
“And didn’t they mind his relationship with your daughter?”
“No, his family didn’t create barriers. They met Wendy, talked to her a little, and decided that she was good. But my daughter didn’t also speak to suspicious people, and my husband and I gave much attention to her education. Roger graduated from school as an A-student, got a prestigious diploma, and knew natural sciences until the end of his life. And I’ve always read a lot and tried to analyze every book. I’ve read so many books in my entire life and keep reading old and new ones. So, Wendy also read a lot and analyzed every single book. So… Brooklyn’s family should’ve accepted my daughter.”
Scarlett throws a sad look aside.
“At first, everything was alright: they dated and were happy,” Scarlett says with sadness in her eyes. “But one day Wendy suddenly felt bad… Roger, she, and I had breakfast. And when she got up, she almost felt. She said she felt dizziness and strong weakness. My husband and I thought it happened because of exhaustion and decided that she should’ve slowed down and had a rest from her studies. But when my daughter almost fainted before my eyes again, I immediately drove Wendy to the hospital. I thought of all the worst assumptions and prayed to God that she was fine. But when a doctor examined her and took some samples, we found out that my daughter was pregnant.”
Tears come to Scarlett’s eyes, and the woman shakes her head, while Peter watches her with sadness in his eyes, locking his fingers tightly.
“She was expecting a baby at the age of sixteen…” Scarlett pronounces in a shaking voice. “When I heard it, I almost passed out. That was a deep shock to me… And my husband was dumbfounded… Roger and I were ready for everything but our sixteen-year-old daughter’s pregnancy. Though, Wendy was also shocked and cried for a long time… We thought everything was innocent between her and Brooklyn, but she confessed that they regularly started to make love. And when we started to swear on our daughter for not hearing us when we talked about contraceptives many times, Wendy said she didn’t think of the consequences… She just wanted to give herself to her beloved man…”
Scarlett drinks some coffee from her cup and puts it on the table.
“When we found out about the pregnancy, we got mad at her boyfriend for seducing our little girl… But Wendy said she agreed to do it at her wish, and he didn’t force her… She begged me not to report him to the police and say anything to his parents. And when our daughter told us about regular sex with Brooklyn, we decided to do nothing. We calmed down and decided that Wendy would give birth. She’d give birth and keep studying, while Roger and I would educate her child. Although we were not rich, my husband earned enough to live more or less well.”
Peter listens to Scarlett closely but does not rush to torture her with questions because he sees that the woman has not said everything.
“Wendy also agreed to give birth, but some time later, she came to her father and me and said she wanted to get rid of the child,” Scarlett says quietly, wiping her tears off. “For me and Roger, that was a ban. We immediately banned her from getting an abortion and said she must have given birth. If she didn’t think of the consequences, she must’ve paid for it. Wendy was crying bitterly and begging us to let her make an adoption… She said she wasn’t ready to be a mother and didn’t need that child. We warned her she could have health issues after the abortion and might no longer be able to give birth. But it didn’t stop her, and Wendy kept talking about an abortion.”
“But did you persuade her to save the child?” Peter asks.
“Yes…” Scarlett glances aside and sighs heavily. “It took a lot of time, but Wendy carried it and gave birth, thank God. The truth is that it was a hard time for my husband and me… Our daughter never did what the doctors recommended and went to get examined by force. No, we understood it, she was a child and had to give birth to a baby. Roger and I encouraged her and promised to help her, despite nothing. But our daughter cried all day long and said she hated that child. She didn’t care about her pregnancy… And she actually changed a lot. She stopped studying, started to be mean to me and her father, got in touch with not very good people… As they say, she went insane…”
“Oh, my gosh…”
“And…” Scarlett sniffs and wipes tears from her eyes. “One day, she could’ve had a miscarriage… Wendy was taken to the hospital with strong pain in her stomach and heavy bleeding… Luckily, the baby was saved, but it didn’t make her change her mind. She used to be quiet, kind, and tender, but the pregnancy made her very aggressive, nervous, and rude… She said she would’ve rather lost her child… That she would’ve never loved the one… Roger and I felt madly hurt when hearing it, but we hoped a maternal instinct would come to her after the child’s birth.”
“But it didn’t happen?”
“Alas…” Scarlett looks at the shocked and sad Peter with wet eyes. “But thank God, my daughter carried the baby and gave birth in time, despite her total irresponsibility. Though, childbirth was hard… Doctors did a C-section… Wendy gave birth to a girl… Very beautiful and cute… I still remember her puffy pink cheeks… Very soft to touch… My husband and I couldn’t stop looking at her and were crying from happiness… We even forgot that our seventeen-year-old daughter, who wanted to kill that baby, gave birth to her.”
“And… Didn’t your daughter accept her after giving birth?”
“Sadly…” Scarlett shrugs. “When a doctor gave the girl to my daughter, Wendy didn’t even look at her and said she wanted to abandon the child. And I must confess that she got all the doctors excited… She cried, screamed, and cursed them… She didn’t want to feel the pain… But those people met many types of mothers and helped my daughter give birth as soon as possible. And they said if Wendy saw her daughter, she would forget everything and understand that she was an idiot when wishing to kill her baby. But alas… My daughter refused to look at her, carry her, or breastfeed her. It was a great shock for my husband and me. We spent a lot of time trying to change her mind. We said she should’ve just looked at the girl. Of course, she looked at her, so we stopped annoying her, but her heart didn’t melt. Wendy kept rejecting her.”
Scarlett makes sobs and shakes her head.
“That baby was almost taken away… But my husband and I didn’t think much and decided to take the girl with us, despite our daughter’s reluctance to see her. We couldn’t let a stranger raise her… Let our granddaughter be in an orphan house… And end up in a different family… When I looked at that baby, I fell in love with her immediately. My heart was bleeding from the thought that my sweetie would be growing up far from me. So, we cried when begging the doctor to give the girl to us, and they did it because we were her grandparents. That’s why Wendy got mad at us. But we went home all together and… Started to take care of the baby, for whom my husband and I bought everything.”
Scarlett moves her eyes to her hands, which have many veins, and looks at her wedding ring.
“Roger and I thought Wendy would fall in love with her daughter early or late,” Scarlett says in a low voice. “But no… No miracle happened… Her condition got us really anxious, and my husband and I decided to bring her to the doctor and leave her in a clinic. We blamed hormones and postpartum depression… But one day, Wendy left home and warned nobody. She took her stuff and left… Nobody knows where… We immediately called all her friends and went to the police. They had been looking for her for a long time, but they did not find her. Sadly, she never came back and left her child on her own.”
Scarlett closes her mouth with a hand and shakes her head, while tears get out of her eyes.
“Thus, that little baby got only her grandmother and grandfather…” Scarlett says with sadness in her eyes. “But we decided to raise her and not to give her to strange women and men… To do our best for her not to feel lonely. And because my daughter didn’t even think of naming the baby, my husband and I named her Helene Miranda and gave her our last name, Marshall. Sadly, Brooklyn didn’t recognize her as his daughter. But if he had done it, my granddaughter would’ve gotten the last name, Gibson. We didn’t think a lot because I always liked the name Helene. And Miranda was a very good woman, a friend of my husband and mine, who helped us raise a baby for some time. But then she had to move to another city, and we lost contact. And we had to stay on our own. But Roger and I didn’t regret anything. Looking at our beloved granddaughter, we were sure that all these sleepless nights, tears, experiences, efforts, and money would be worth it.”
Peter cannot say anything for a few seconds because he is in a stupor and cannot find the words to describe all the feelings that he has after hearing the story of the life of Helene, who was abandoned by her mother.
“I’ve got nothing to say…” Peter breaks the silence quietly, shaking his head. “Helene is a child abandoned by her mother… I can’t believe it…”
“And the worst thing is that she bullied Raquelle, who didn’t have parents, either,” Scarlett sighs heavily. “She was laughing at her because she was an orphan, who lived with her grandfather in poverty… Though, my girl was also the one…”
“It’s unbelievable…” Peter closes his mouth with his hand, looks at the floor, then sits next to Scarlett and caresses her shoulder softly. “I’m very sorry, Mrs. Marshall. About you, Helene, and Mr. Marshall.”
“I haven’t accepted it, even if I’m now able to talk about it more or less quietly. But I cried an ocean of tears and almost fell into depression. I thought my husband and I educated our daughter right, and she would accept responsibility for her actions. But no… She rejected her daughter and ran away. And I don’t even know if she’s alive now… Wendy can do nothing… She couldn’t do… She didn’t get an education and didn’t work… Didn’t clean, didn’t cook… Where did she go? What was she doing? I still ask myself about it…”
“But what about Helene’s father?” Peter wonders. “Didn’t he help you raise the granddaughter?”
“Nope,” Scarlett replies with sadness in her eyes. “When Brooklyn found out about my daughter’s pregnancy, he was also shocked and didn’t think his sex with Wendy would lead to her pregnancy. But some time later, he calmed down and said he agreed to accept the baby. That’s why Wendy originally wanted to give birth and was happy with her condition. But later, he took his words back and said he’d leave my daughter. He did it in quite a rude way.”
“Ran away from responsibility?”
“Almost. But actually, his parents impacted him. Brooklyn’s relatives got horrified when they heard about an extramarital child of two parents being under the legal age. They were much madder than Roger and me because they wanted that guy to graduate from school and university and find a good job. Their control over Brooklyn got much stronger, and he couldn’t fight it back. He went to Wendy under their pressure and said he had left her and her child. After that, my daughter started to beg me and her father to allow her to get an abortion. She didn’t want anything to remind her of what he did to her. That’s why Wendy hated Helene. My granddaughter reminded her of the time she wasted on Brooklyn, whom she called a weak, mamma’s boy. She said if he had loved her and their daughter, he would’ve fought against the whole world.”
“And hasn’t Brooklyn shown up for all this time?”
“No. There has been no message from him for more than twenty years. Moreover, his parents sent him to study abroad, so he didn’t have a chance to date my daughter and his child. And I think he forgot her… Who knows, maybe, Brooklyn is living with another woman and educating children from her… I can say nothing. My husband and I had to meet those people several times and didn’t get on well. They told us they did all of that, and that guy wouldn’t leave his studies for the child from a little whore. This is what Brooklyn’s family called Wendy… His parents had treated her well. But when she got pregnant, she became a party prostitute.”
“So, did you and Mr. Marshall raise Helene alone?” Peter asks with sadness in his eyes.
“Yes, nobody helped us but Miranda. Still, it was easier because we were together. Although Roger worked, he didn’t make me do everything and helped raise Helene. My husband knew how hard it was for me and did everything he could, despite the tiredness after a long day. I don’t know what I would’ve done without him. And even now, when it’s been three and a half years, I can’t accept his death.”
“Excuse me, Mrs. Marshall, does Helene know her parents abandoned her?” Peter asks hesitantly.
“The problem is that she doesn’t.”
“Oh, no, Mr. Marshall…”
“I’m afraid to tell Helene the truth because I don’t know how she would react… And I don’t want her to have any bad thoughts about her parents. Yes, they left her and didn’t want her to be born, but we could understand them. Her mother was a child, and her father wasn’t able to go against his family.”
“But you must understand she’d know it, early or late.”
“Yes, Peter, I completely understand it, but I don’t have the courage to tell Helene that her parents abandoned her. I mean, her father did before her birth, and her mother… Wendy could’ve actually killed her daughter if Roger and I had let her get an abortion.”
“Didn’t her mother feel hurt for her daughter?” Peter wonders. “I know she wasn’t ready to be a mother at seventeen, and Helene’s father left her… But… It’s her baby… And you promised not to leave her.”
“We don’t also understand how Wendy could abandon such a sweet girl… Yes, age… But sometimes young girls become wonderful mothers, even if they’re children. I also gave birth to my daughter when I was nineteen, after I got married to Roger at the age of eighteen. But I didn’t even think of abandoning my daughter, and I knew I should’ve educated her. I thought I taught Wendy what was right, but no…”
“I can’t get it all. I don’t understand people, who leave their children.” Peter runs his hand through his hair. “Why… I still can’t understand why my own mother didn’t care about me. I had her, but I didn’t have her…”
“At least, your mother didn’t reject you, even if she could’ve easily kicked you out or given you to an orphan house.”
“Remembering that terrible life, I would’ve preferred living in an orphan house than with a mother, who noticed me only when I had some money. To take it from me and buy another bottle of vodka.”
“Whatever she was, you shouldn’t be mad at her. Maybe, life made her start to drink. Maybe, she was left as well as Brooklyn left my daughter.”
“It doesn’t matter now.”
“It hurts to know that there are women like your mother or Helene’s mother. But alas… Not every woman loves her child and is ready to take responsibility for it.”
“Poor Helene…” Peter pronounces with sadness in his eyes. “I’m afraid to imagine what she’s going to feel when she finds it out.”
“I know I should tell her the truth about what really happened to her parents. But I don’t know how. When she grew up, my husband and I lied to her. There were many tears, but Helene accepted that and stopped asking questions. But now she’s gonna have to know that her parents are supposedly alive.”
“Do you want me to talk to her? I can try to find the words and calm her down.”
“No, Peter!” Scarlett exclaims and takes Peter’s hands softly, looking at him with pity in her wet eyes. “I’m begging you, don’t tell Helene what you have heard.”
“But, Mrs. Marshall… You can’t be silent forever. Helene has a right to know the secret of her birth.”
“Please, honey, tell her nothing. I promise she will know everything someday. I just need to get ready and find words.”
“Will you really do?”
“Sure. I’ll have to do this.”
Peter thinks for a few seconds about whether he should stay silent or tell Helene the truth, understanding that this case does not have to do with him, and Scarlett should solve this problem with her granddaughter.
“Alright, Mrs. Marshall,” Peter nods with sadness in his eyes. “I will tell her nothing yet. Moreover, that’s none of my business. You and Helene should solve this situation.”
“Thanks, Peter,” Scarlett thanks with a slight smile. “Thanks a lot.”
“But you will have to confess everything, early or late.”
“I know. But I’m afraid to imagine her reaction.”
“The important thing is to tell her the truth. Helene should know everything.”
Then Peter and Scarlett hear a loud feminine voice from the hall:
“Don’t need to tell. I know everything.”
Scarlett and Peter close their mouths with hands with rounded eyes, getting horrified that Helene heard what they were talking about.
“Helene…” Peter pronounces hesitantly.
“Honey, you…” Scarlett says much more hesitantly.
“Is that the truth, Grandmother?” Helene asks with tears coming to her eyes, as he comes closer to Scarlett and Peter. “Mother rejected me after I was born, and Father did it before?”
“My girl…”
“Answer my question! Is that true or not? Say it again, looking into my eyes!”
“Did you…” Peter pronounces in a shaking voice. “Hear… Us?”
Two seconds later, Scarlett being a little white gets up from the sofa and comes to the crying Helene, while Sammy comes into the room and looks at everybody questioningly.
“Helene…” Scarlett pronounces softly. “Granddaughter… Let me explain it all…”
“Don’t explain everything to me!” Helene says a little louder, stepping back sharply. “I heard everything you said! I heard you talking about me and decided to listen. And I got horrified when you said my mother rejected me, and Father was too cowardly to fight for her.”
“Don’t say it, my sunshine.”
“Will you defend them? Say that I should love my parents? That nothing bad happened?”
“They gave you life…”
“How could you say nothing about it?” Helene asks in a shaking voice. “How? Why did you do it with me?”
“Helene, please, calm down,” Scarlett says, taking Helene by the shoulders softly.
“Don’t touch me!” Helene steps back from Scarlett with tears in her eyes. “Don’t touch me! I can’t believe you did this to me!”
“No, no, honey, I…”
“You’ve lied to me all my life!” Helene shouts. “Lied! You and Grandpa Roger were lying to me all my life! You lied that my father died before I was born, and my mother died during childbirth. Though, they actually rejected me! And that I had to make you say it because you had always told some tales. I was a child!”
“Your grandfather and I wanted to make it better,” Scarlett excuses herself with pity in her eyes. “We didn’t want to hurt you.”
“But you did it! You did it by telling me an insolent lie! You made me believe my parents were good and didn’t leave me! I talked to them and thought they could hear me like an idiot… But they the fuck are alive and healthy and enjoy life!”
“I swear, Helene, I wanted to tell you the truth…”
“Stop!” Helene makes a loud sob. “I heard absolutely everything! And I know how you betrayed me!”
“Helene, please, calm down,” Peter says softly, coming to Helene and taking her by the shoulders. “What you’re talking about!”
“Don’t touch me, too!” Helene sharply pushes Peter off herself. “You decided to agree with my grandmother against me and say nothing!”
“Helene…” Peter pronounces with horror in widely open eyes. “Helene, don’t say it… Please…”
“Don’t even start to excuse yourself! I will not believe any of your words!”
“Your grandmother really wanted to tell you about it, but she didn’t know how. Mrs. Marshall was afraid of your reaction.”
“And did you decide to be silent?” Helene sniffs loudly, understanding that she is literally burning from anger. “You chose silence! You decided to say nothing about what I should’ve known when I asked about my parents for the first time!”
“Honey, please…” Scarlett pronounces with pity in her eyes. “Don’t be mad at Peter. He’s guilty of nothing for you. It’s all my fault…”
“Why, Grandmother Scarlett?” Helene asks in a shaking voice. “Why? What did I do that you and Grandfather decided to do such a cruel thing to me?”
“No, sunshine, don’t say it…”
“I can’t believe you two lied to me. You made me believe that my parents did a very bad thing to me. Mother wanted to kill me! And Father didn’t care about his daughter.”
“Nobody would’ve let your mother kill you. Your grandfather and I were responsible for her and made such important decisions. And your father was just too weak to fight with his family’s pressure.”
“Don’t excuse them!” Helene shouts with tears. “They left me! And you and Grandfather pretended that it was good!”
“They were children…”
“Stop! I don’t want to hear your excuses! You told Peter all the truth! And he the hell decided to go against me and hide the truth!”
“Helene, what are you talking about?” Peter wonders with horror in his eyes, caressing Helene’s shoulders again. “I’ve never gone against you and will not do it!”
“But you did!” Helene cries and sharply pushes Peter off her. “Instead of telling me the truth, you decided to keep silent and agree with my grandmother!”
“I just thought that…”
“I do not need your excuses, Rose! What you did is enough!”
“Helene, please…”
“I can’t believe it… I can’t believe my boyfriend decided to do such a mean thing to me. I was an idiot when I believed you’d never betray me. But you did that to me…”
“You’re unfair to me,” Peter says in a shaking voice, looking at Helene with widely open eyes. “Why do you do this to me? I did nothing bad to you.”
“You betrayed me, Rose! You agreed with my grandmother and stood by her side!”
“Helene, wake up!” Peter begs a little louder. “Think of what you’re doing!”
“Just don’t find excuses. All the words of you and Grandmother will seem an insolent lie that I do not want to listen to.”
Peter tries to come to Helene and hug her, but she pushes him off rudely, sniffing quietly and shouting loudly:
“Don’t dare to touch me! Stinker! Betrayed! I hate you! Hate!”
Sammy whines with pity and sadness in his eyes, while watching the discouraged Peter and Helene shouting loudly and Scarlett crying quietly.
“Jesus Christ, Helene…” Scarlett gets horrified. “How can you talk to Peter like this? He did nothing to you.”
“Stop it!” Helene shouts with tears in her eyes, starting to wave her hands sharply. “Stop it! I am sick! Sick of you defending each other so hard! I a-m s-i-c-k!”
“We completely understand your feelings, sweetie,” Peter says quietly with sadness in his eyes. “But we wish you nothing bad.”
“Fuck, close your mouth!” Helene raises her voice much more and grabs her hair. “Just shut up! I don’t want to hear and see you!”
“Helene…” Scarlett pronounces quietly.
“You have to do with it, too, Grandmother.” Helene shakes her head, looking at Peter and Scarlett. “I would’ve never thought my close people would betray me. People are right when they say you can’t blindly trust everyone because you’d get a knife in the back early or late.”
Helene makes a sob, closes her mouth with a hand, and runs to the bathroom so fast that Scarlett and Peter do not have time to react, and Sammy watches his crying owner being close to hysteria and whines with pity.
“Helene, wait!” Scarlett says loudly. “Honey! Let us explain everything!”
Scarlett shakes her head with wet eyes, while Sammy comes to her and touches her leg with a paw, showing his regret.
“God, I wish I told her everything earlier…” Scarlett says with tears in her eyes. “Why did my husband and I think that telling about Wendy and Brooklyn’s death was much better? Why?”
“Yeah…” Peter sighs heavily. “I didn’t think she’d make me guilty… Guilty of just wishing to let you solve your problem.”
“Forgive me, Peter…” Scarlett apologizes in a shaking voice and sniffs quietly. “I’m the one to blame… I shouldn’t have told you about it and gotten you involved in our businesses… Forgive me, for Christ…”
“No, no, Mrs. Marshall, don’t apologize. You’re guilty of nothing.”
“Now my granddaughter is going to hate me and you.” Scarlett makes a quiet sob. “What an idiot I am… Idiot…”
Sammy whines with pity again, while his sad eyes are set on Scarlett being white and shaking. Peter pets the dog’s head, moves his eyes to the woman, brings her to the sofa, and, caressing her shoulders, seats her down.
“Mrs. Marshall, please, calm down,” Peter says in a soft voice. “I don’t want you to feel bad.”
“I didn’t want it…” Scarlett keeps excusing. “I didn’t want it to end like this…”
“Listen, go to the kitchen and drink water, and I will try to talk to her and solve everything.”
“She will not listen to you.”
“I will try.”
Peter softly caresses Scarlett’s shoulders and goes to the bathroom quickly. Sammy glances at the crying woman and then follows the blond. When he comes to the bathroom, the man finds out that the door is closed and locked from the inside because he cannot open it when he pulls it on himself slightly.
“Helene!” Peter exclaims excitedly and knocks at the door with a fist. “Helene, open the door!”
“Go away!” Helene demands loudly and rudely in a shaking voice. “I don’t want to see you!”
“Let’s talk about everything. Don’t run away from me.”
“Get out! Did I say something unclear?”
“You’re unfair to me, sweetie. I didn’t think of betraying you and promised your grandmother to let her tell you everything. It would’ve been worse if you had heard it from another person.”
“I don’t care about your excuses!”
“Please, Helene, open the door!” Peter begs with pity. “I will not leave until you talk to me.”
“We have nothing to talk about!”
“Please, don’t hurt me,” Peter says in a little shaking voice, feeling that his heart is beating fast from the excitement.
“Go to agree with my grandmother about something else! Or ask one of our friends to agree against me. So, I get the fuck worse!”
“Please, Helene, let’s not fight. I don’t want it. Everything was so good before! Why would we ruin what we just started to build?”
“You ruined everything! You’re the one to blame!”
“Don’t say it, honey…” Peter shakes his head.
Sammy standing near the locked bathroom all this time barks quietly and starts to scratch the door with a paw, whining with pity and showing true anxiety about his owner.
“Open the door, I’m begging you…” Peter begs with pity and knocks at the door with a fist again. “Helene, please, let me help you! And let Sammy in. He wanna be with you and does worry about you…”
“I said, GET OUT!” Helene screams at the top of her lungs.
Sammy keeps scratching the locked door with a paw and starts to whine with greater pity, as if he says, “Please, Helene, let me in… I wanna help you! I want you to stop crying! I want you to stop crying and blaming Peter for what he didn’t do.”
“Don’t give me pain…” Peter pronounces in a much stronger, shaking voice, understanding that his eyes get wet because of the tears coming to them. “Don’t push me to hell from where I barely got out… I don’t wanna go back… Please, Helene… Don’t let me go…”
While Sammy throws a look full of great pity on Peter, who is literally crying, they hear a sound a few seconds later, which means that Helene unlocked the door, after all. The man uses the moment immediately, entering the bathroom along with the dog. He sees the girl sitting on the cold floor with red and wet eyes, crying bitterly, bending her legs at the knees, looking white enough and shaking slightly from moral and psychical tension.
“Helene, sweetie…” Peter pronounces, gets down on his knees before Helene, hugs her tightly, and presses her to himself, sitting on the floor later. “My girl…”
“Let me go, Peter…” Helene says in a shaking voice, sobbing loudly. “Let me go! I don’t wanna see you!”
“It’s okay, sweetie, it’s okay,” Peter, caressing Helene’s head, kisses her on the top of her head. “Calm down, please.”
“How could you?” Helene starts to try too hard to get out of Peter’s grip. “How could you do it to me? I did everything for you, but you did such a disgusting thing!”
“Listen, I understand you don’t wanna believe it and are mad that the truth was hidden from you,” Peter replies softly and quietly. “But trust me, nobody wanted to betray you, as you think.”
“I didn’t expect that from you, Rose. I did not. I thought you’d always be by my side… But you agreed against me. With my own grandmother.”
“I’ve always been by your side and will not betray you.”
“And she’s bad! She put a knife in my back.”
“You shouldn’t be angry at your grandmother. Mrs. Marshall would’ve told you the truth, early or late.”
“No, you both wanted to hide the truth from me!” Helene cries. “You decided to punish me! Though, I don’t know why!”
“What are you talking about, sweetie? Nobody wanted to punish you!”
“I thought you’d be by my side! But you did decide to keep silent, as well! Look into my eyes and pretend that you know nothing.”
“I thought it was right because it has to do with you, your grandparents, and your parents!”
“You must have told me the truth!” Helene makes a couple of loud sobs. “Must!”
“Get it, I don’t have to do with this story. Your grandmother already started to regret telling me about your parents.”
“I have always shared my secrets with you and hidden nothing! Why don’t you want to stay honest with me? You always say you’d better tell the truth than lie! It happens that it’s the fuck nothing! That you talk to the wind.”
“Please, Helene, don’t say it,” Peter says softly with sadness in his eyes, caressing the head of the crying Helene. “You’re hurting me.”
“Are you the fuck not? You just did it!”
“You don’t know what you say. Is it bad to let people solve a problem you don’t have to do with? Would it have been better if you had heard it from me?”
“I wanna hear nothing! Get out of here! I don’t wanna see you!”
“I want to support you.” Peter moves a few strands of hair off Helene’s eyes. “You’re just shocked. Shocked by what you heard. And you don’t know what you say and do.”
“I do understand!” Helene shouts loudly. “I understand I’m surrounded by betrayers! For whom, I do everything! But who do not want to thank me! Who use my kindness!”
“Nobody’s going to leave and betray you.”
“Get off me, asshole! Being with you is disgusting!”
“I completely understand your feelings and would feel the same if my parents rejected me, and my mother wanted to kill me. Sometimes I think she really wanted it, but something didn’t let her do it. Maybe, she was also prevented from doing an abortion, just like Mrs. and Mr. Marshall did to your mother.”
“I don’t care about what you say. Get out!”
“You must be grateful to your grandparents because you stayed alive thanks to them, and your mother gave birth to you. You could’ve lived in a different family with nobody knows who… They would’ve been your family only in the documents, not by blood… And who knows how they would’ve treated you. But you were growing up with love and care and got everything you needed.”
“Stop, I am sick! Sick!”
“What if you found out that your grandparents left you, too? What would you feel? You would feel much worse! You would be mad at them! And as they literally saved your life, you must be grateful to them and have no right to be mad at them.” Peter exhales with closed eyes. “If you need someone to take it out on, let it be me. I will bear it. But please, don’t be mad at Mrs. Marshall.”
“I would prefer knowing the truth from the beginning than believing what never happened!” Helene says loudly, choking with tears. “Why did they the fuck lie that my father died before my birth, and my mother heroically gave her life when giving birth? So many years of lies! I cried because of my parents, thinking they died, for so many years.”
“I completely understand you, Helene. I know you feel like you were splashed with cold water. At first, you were caressed and then suddenly got a knife in the back.”
“Now I understand why they didn’t want to show me my parents’ graves. Because they do not the fuck exist! Grandmother and Grandfather explained their refusal with the fact that I was too young to go to cemeteries. I should’ve guessed that something wasn’t right.”
“Many adult people don’t let their children go to a cemetery for the same reason.”
“But they didn’t let me go there even when I grew up,” Helene replies loudly with tears. “Even when I was an adult, they refused to show the graves. But they found different reasons. A lack of money and time to go to Kingston, something hurts, or something else.”
“I’ll never forgive them. Never! And I’ll never forgive you for daring to agree to hide the truth from me. You all lied to me! Lied!”
“Please, understand your grandmother. She and your grandfather wanted to make it better. They didn’t want…”
“Leave me the fuck alone! I don’t want to see you!”
Helene tries to get out of Peter’s strong grip again, but he does not let her go and presses her closer to himself, making the girl much angrier, while she is obsessed with anger and does not want to hear anyone and anything.
“Let me go, Peter!” Helene demands loudly and rudely. “Let me go, I said! Let go! Let go, asshole!”
“Please, Helene…” Peter begs with pity in his eyes.
Sammy being near all the time watches what’s happening with sadness in his eyes and whines quietly.
“I want to see nobody!” Helene says loudly, still trying to get out of Peter’s grip. “I don’t! Leave me all alone! I’m sick! I don’t want!”
“Helene, Helene, listen, look at me,” Peter says quietly and grabs Helene’s face tightly, making her look into his eyes. “Listen. I know you feel bad now. But please, let me help you. Just say what would help you get better. What do you want?”
“I want you to get out of here to the fuck! And NEVER COME BACK TO MY HOME!”
“I will leave you in this condition. Do what you want with me: beat me or insult me. But I won’t let you stay alone. If you feel pain, tell me about it. If you wanna hit me, do it! I will bear anything! Just let your emotions out and let me help you!”
“Go to comfort my grandmother. And don’t get close to me!”
“Imagine yourself instead of your mother. What would you feel if you were sixteen and expecting a baby?”
“Even if I got pregnant at sixteen, I would obviously keep my baby! I'd rather kill myself than agree to kill a child or let someone kill it. If my mother was ready to kill me, I would never do it.”
“But she decided to save your life, after all.”
“And then she left me!” Helene shouts. “Like an unnecessary doggy! It’s something like, ‘Live as you want, daughter, but I give a fuck about you! Thank my father and mother for letting you be born!’”
“Yes, she did a bad thing, I don’t deny it! But don’t forget about her age… The fact that the woman was a child.”
“Who cares? Killing your child is unforgivable!”
“I know, sweetie, I know.” Peter presses Helene closer to himself, kisses the back of her head, and snuggles his nose in it, running his free hand over her back. “I completely get it.”
“You understand nothing! NOTHING! LEAVE ME ALONE! LET ME GO!”
“Hey, hey, quiet, don’t scream,” Peter calms down in a soft, quiet voice, shaking the crying Helene like a child. “Don’t scare your grandmother.”
Sammy softly touches Helene’s shoulder, as he is whining with pity in his eyes, and snuggles his nose in the palm of her hand as if he begs the girl to calm down and stop treating Peter like this.
“Listen, sweetheart, let’s do something…” Peter says in a quiet voice. “You’ll take a nap for two hours, and then you’ll talk to your grandmother quietly.”
“Are you kidding me?” Helene wonders loudly with tears and steps back from Peter sharply, hitting him on the chest with her fists painfully. “What kind of fucking nap? A few minutes ago, I found out that I was abandoned, and my close people conspired against me. And I feel like someone spit in my face! And you the fuck to ask me to TAKE A NAP?”
“Trust me, you’ll get much better if you take a nap. You’re now obsessed with emotions and don’t know what you say and do. But I’m sure you’ll regret it and be ashamed of everything that is happening.”
“I will not! I NEVER WILL!”
“Just do what I say.”
“Go to hell, Rose! I do not want to talk to you!”
Helene presses her knees against herself and starts crying much more bitterly, burying her face in them. Peter hugs the girl and presses her to himself again, caressing her back and head and kissing her forehead, back of the head, or top of the head sometimes. She tries to get out of his grip again, but he does know he must not leave her alone and is manfully ready to tolerate her strong hits on his chest and arms.
“Let me go, Rose!” Helene demands rudely, giving Peter a couple of slaps with no regret. “LET ME GO, I SAID! LET GO!”
Sammy looking at Helene with pity in his eyes and putting his tail between his legs from the fear of her loud shouts, starts whining quietly again. On the one hand, it’s madly hurtful for Peter to hear these things from his beloved girl and get slaps from her. But on the contrary, the man completely understands her emotions and thinks she just needs to calm down to think and speak adequately. Now the girl is obsessed with emotions. Not the best ones. And he does know that a person may do many terrible things in this condition.
“S-h-h, it’s okay, sweetie, it’s okay…” Peter says in a whisper, pressing Helene closely to himself and caressing her head. “I’m here…”
“I don’t want to see you…” Helene makes a quiet sob. “I don’t want to talk to you…”
“I’m here, sweetie. It’s okay.”
While Peter is hugging Helene tightly and pressing her to himself, Sammy puts his paw on her lap, whining with pity and touching his owner’s face with his nose. While she does not pay attention to the dog…
“I feel so bad…” Helene says in a strongly shaking voice, hiding her face in Peter’s chest. “Very bad…”
“I’ll do my best to help you,” Peter promises quietly, stroking Helene’s hair slowly and running his fingertips over the skin on her head. “I promise I will not leave you… Because I should… I’m ready to bear anything from you… Absolutely everything…”
Helene says nothing and squeezes Peter’s unbuttoned shirt with her hand and pulls it up slightly, still sobbing constantly and hiding her face in the man’s chest. He looks at her with sad eyes full of pain and suffering and caresses the brunette’s head with slow movements, pressing his sweetheart closer to himself, while she is losing the energy to fret and fume.
“Say nothing…” Peter whispers, shaking Helene like a child. “Just mean you can always count on me. I know very well what it means not to have someone, who could listen to you and support you. I mean, I had the people, who could give me help, but I refused to get closer to them, hoping to get through that by myself. And that was my mistake. But that’s good I realized it in time… And I want to believe you’d do it, too. Maybe, not now, but a little later. Any pain goes away slowly, not immediately. My wounds didn’t heal shortly… And I don’t hide that I still suffer from the consequences of what happened to me. I’m still fighting with myself… This fight is super hard for me, but I’m holding on. Thanks to you and my friends. If I didn’t have such wonderful people, I would’ve killed myself a long time ago.”
Peter falls into silence for two seconds and snuggles his nose at the top of the crying Helene’s head, hugging her tighter and caressing her head, while she sobs much quieter.
“Raquelle felt all the same when she found out about her parents’ death,” Peter recalls softly, quietly. “It was hard for her. It’s hard for her now. And it got much harder after she found out that her parents died because of the terrible man. That girl shouldn’t have also gotten mad at her grandfather, who just didn’t wanna give her pain. But, thank God, she understood why he did that.”
Peter glances aside and sighs quietly, while Sammy keeps watching him and Helene, whom the man’s hug impacts in a good way because she no longer tries to get out and is just crying bitterly.
“You shouldn’t be angry at your grandmother, Helene. She’s your only family member. Your grandfather died, but it would’ve been hard for him to know you were angry at him and your grandmother. Yes, Mrs. Marshall should’ve told you the truth. And she does know she made a mistake. But she’s always wished you happiness and doesn’t wanna hurt you. Maybe, the fact that you are mad at her is a normal reaction to some extent, but it’s not a reason to reject her. Take it out on anyone but that woman. As I said, choose me. I’ll bear it.”
Peter falls into silence again for a few seconds, buries his face in Helene’s shoulder breathing in the smell of the lady’s velvet skin, and caresses her cheek, while Sammy puts his face on her laps and whines quietly.
“I will do it,” Peter promises in a low, shaking voice. “No matter how hurt I feel, I’ll let you make me the thing to beat. I’ll never forget that you saved my life. I will always be grateful to you for that. Don’t forget that I madly love you and am ready for anything for your happiness and calm. Not to see tears and sadness in your gorgeous eyes. To see your smile that makes me happy. It’s gonna be hard, but I swear I’ll survive it. I promise…”
Peter understands that it’s a little hard for him to breathe and feels that his eyes get wet from tears coming to them.
“Please, Helene, don’t do this to me…” Peter whispers and kisses Helene on her cheek. “Don’t do this to your grandmother… Don’t do it to us… You give us pain… A strong pain… And don’t make Sammy suffer. Look how it’s hurt for him to see you like this.”
Sammy barks quietly with pity in his eyes while watching Peter barely holding himself down not to let emotions out and Helene being in a hard condition. At some moment, the man leaning on the cold wall with his back, moves his eyes to the dog, and looks at him with sadness, pressing the girl being much quieter to his chest.
“It hurts to see her like this, buddy,” Peter says with sadness in his wet eyes and sniffs quietly. “I can’t… Though, I know I must hold on for her. Because she needs me.”
Sammy whines with pity in his very sad eyes again, as if he also wants to cry because of his owner and her boyfriend, comes to Peter, touches his face with his nose, and licks his cheek.
“Why is this happening, Sammy?” Peter asks quietly. “Everything was fine. We were happy and enjoyed the band’s first success, the upcoming wedding of Edward and Natalia and Terrence and Raquelle… There was no reason to suffer. And then we started getting one problem after another…”
Sammy whines with pity and sadness in his eyes, pressing himself closer to Peter, who caresses the dog’s stomach. But he does not feel better because the pet is trying to comfort him somehow. His amber eyes are full of tears, and his body shakes from the strong tension in every single muscle. And some time later, Peter realizes that Helene suddenly fell into silence. The man glances at the girl, whose head is resting on his chest, and notices that her eyes are closed, and her body seems more relaxed than before.
“Helene…” Peter pronounces quietly and puts his hand on Helene’s cheek, which he caresses tenderly. “Helene…”
At first, Peter starts to worry because he believes Helene fainted because of a strong shock. But he looks at her and listens to the sounds better and notices that her chest is raising and lowering, and she is breathing quietly and regularly. It lets him know that she calmed down, and he exhales with relief silently.
“It’s gonna be okay, sweetie,” Peter whispers softly, caresses Helene’s head and cheek carefully, kisses her forehead, moves some strands of hair off her white face, on which there are wet tracks, and tenderly wipes off tears under her eyes. “I promise.”
Sammy whines quietly again, but Peter, putting his finger on his lip, shushes, letting him know that he would not better make sounds. The dog quickly understands what’s wrong and just presses himself to the blond, sometimes throwing glancing at Helene sleeping on the man’s chest. And some time later, Scarlett goes to the bathroom hesitantly and rounds her eyes after seeing what’s happening.
“Oh, God, Helene…” Scarlett pronounces with tears, closing her mouth with a hand. “Helene, my girl, what’s going on?”
“Sh-h-h…” Peter shushes, putting his finger on his lip. “Don’t worry, she’s okay. She just fell asleep, not fainted.”
“Felt asleep?” Scarlett asks in a whisper.
“Yes. At first, I also thought so, but no.”
“Oh, I got so scared…” Scarlett puts her hand on her heart. “I thought she couldn’t bear this shock.”
“I think it’s good that your granddaughter fell asleep.” Peter caresses Helene’s head tenderly. “Let her sleep a little… Maybe, she’d calm down when she wakes up.”
“Yeah, you are right… May the girl sleep… She doesn’t sleep enough because of her job.” Scarlett glances at the sad Sammy and pets his head. “Sammy, my boy… I’m sorry about bringing your owner to this. I’m the one to blame…”
Sammy starts to whine very quietly and shows something in the air with a paw, looking depressed and anxious.
“Oh, gosh…” Scarlett sighs heavily and moves her eyes to Peter. “Listen, Peter… Can you carry Helene to her room? I will get some water, so you calm down a little.”
“Yes, sure,” Peter nods, caressing Helene’s cheek tenderly and holding her with a second arm. “I will carry her.”
“Come to my room. I will go there.”
Scarlett leaves the bathroom, inclining her head and sniffing quietly. Peter looks into the distance for two seconds, but then he places Helene on the floor and gets up on his feet. Then the man places his hand under her back and another hand under her knees and carefully takes her in his arms, so that her head rests on his shoulder. Sammy leaves the bathroom first and closely watches what’s happening, and Peter carrying the sleeping Helene in his arms goes behind him while one hand of hers is lowered and moving in the air, and another hand is bent at her elbow and pressed to the man’s chest. The blond quickly goes to the girl’s room and places her on the bed carefully. The man caresses his sweetheart’s cheek tenderly, kisses her forehead, and watches her for two seconds with sadness in his eyes, seeing that she moves slightly and winces but does not wake up. Then Peter goes to the room of Scarlett, who gives him a glass of water, along with Sammy.
“Water?” Scarlett pronounces quietly.
“Yeah…” Peter replies quietly and thoughtfully, takes the glass, and drinks some water to wet his dry whistle. “Thanks a lot…”
“How are you feeling?”
“Fine, don’t worry.”
“Right? Maybe, I give you a sedative?”
“Don’t need, I’m alright.”
“So, as you wish.”
Scarlett sits on the armchair, Sammy comes to her and puts his face on her laps, and Peter sits on the bed, as he exhales slowly.
“How do you feel?” Peter asks anxiously.
“Upset,” Scarlett replies with sadness in her eyes, petting Sammy’s head. “Just in case, I took some sedatives. My heart is beating too fast.”
“You don’t need a doctor?”
“No, no, Peter, don’t need. I’m fine.”
“Oh…” Peter runs his hand over his white face. “What a situation…”
“I agree. Of course, I was ready that she would be shocked. But I didn’t think she’d have this reaction.”
“I think she didn’t have this hysteria when Mr. Marshall died,” Peter assumes thoughtfully. “But this time, she surpassed herself. I couldn’t recognize Helene.”
“Yeah… And it’s okay she’s mad at me, but she made you guilty, as well.”
“I didn’t also think my wish to let you talk about everything without me could make me guilty,” Peter replies tiredly, doubling over and looking at the glass in his hands.
“You know, honey, I think you shouldn’t be angry at her. I know you felt hurt when hearing those words, but remember that Helene did not just understand what she said and was obsessed with emotions.”
“I’m not angry at her. But I must confess that hearing all of that was hurtful. I did everything for her, but she treats me like this.”
“You think it was nice for me to hear that? I thought my granddaughter would understand me. But no…”
“It was a strong hit for her.” Peter puts the glass on the table with a heavy sigh. “I felt a strong pain when I was watching her like that… I hardly held my emotions down.”
“I heard what you said to her,” Scarlett replies softly. “My heart was tearing when I was listening to you both. And even I thought Helene would love to leave you.”
“I just tried to persuade her not to be angry, at least at you. I said I was ready to bear any hits and any of her hysteria. If she wants to take it out on someone, let it be me.”
“Are you sure you will take it?” Scarlett gets up from the armchair, sits next to Peter on the bed, and takes his hands. “You’ve got many problems. For example, the case of your friend. Who you worry about.”
“Don’t worry, Mrs. Marshall, I will bear it. I know I must take it all and wait as long as I have to. Anything for the one I love and owe because of much.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” Scarlett cracks a smile. “You’re doing the right thing by not going to leave her. Though, you must be ready to hear her screaming at you. Insulting… Humiliating…”
“Not only screaming. Helene was also beating me. She gave a few slaps in the face. Strong enough…”
“Oh, God…”
“It’s okay. May she beat me, not raise a hand on you. I will bear everything, and then she will calm down and not be able to keep being mad. This is the only thing I can do.”
“It hurts for me to know it’s happening,” Scarlett confesses with sadness in her eyes. “I didn’t want you to fight with her, and my granddaughter to treat you like this.”
“Me too, but I promise I’ll hold on,” Peter exhales sharply and hugs Scarlett around the shoulders. “You will see Mrs. Marshall.”
“God shall help you, Peter,” Scarlett sighs heavily and rubs her forehead with a hand. “Gosh, I’m so ashamed… I should’ve told her everything before and not delayed it until the end. But Roger and I decided to hide the truth about Wendy and Brooklyn… And I’m paying for that, hearing those things from my baby.”
“It hurts for me to say it, but I’m afraid Helene might be angry at you for some time,” Peter says hesitantly. “Just… I just think of the case of Raquelle and her grandfather… She was also angry at him for a long time, didn’t talk to him, and could be mean…”
“But that girl was a little kid. Raquelle found out about her father's and mother’s deaths at a very young age. But Helene is not a child to act like a rebellious teenager. She’s an adult girl.”
“Just give her time. She’d take the negative out on me and calm down.”
“Of course, I will give her time to get cool and accept this situation. Though, I’ll always be by her side because I love my girl so much.”
“I will also be waiting for her to calm down and let her know she could always count on me. And…” Peter falls into silence to swallow up nervously. “I’m ready that… I wouldn’t get any thanks from her. At least now. I’ll be ready to get hits and hear insults, and humiliations…”
“Are you not afraid to break down? What if your friends’ efforts are worthless? They barely saved you and got out of depression, but you might easily bring yourself to the same hole.”
“Sometimes we have to sacrifice something for a close person. But I’m ready for that and will do my best to survive this time. No matter how long I will have to wait.”
Sammy whines quietly, looking at the sad Peter, and comes to him to let the man pet him. While Scarlett shakes her head, caressing the man’s back softly.
“By the way, do you really think your mother wanted to kill you?” Scarlett asks hesitantly. “Do an abortion?”
“I don’t exclude it,” Peter replies in a low voice, petting Sammy’s head with both hands and yanking his ears. “Maybe, she was also banned from getting an abortion and agreed to give birth under the pressure of some people.”
“But she would’ve left you somewhere or given you to an orphan house.”
“Maybe, she accepted that for some time, but then something happened, and her attitude toward me got worse. My mother supposedly started to drink after my birth and… I think something made her regret giving birth to me.”
“Maybe, your mother treated you well, but you can’t remember that because you were a kid?”
“Maybe… But I don’t think so. My mother always treated me like something unnecessary… When being sober, she didn’t just notice me, but after drinking to hell, she insulted and humiliated me and could easily raise a hand.”
Sammy whines quietly and puts his face on Peter’s laps, looking at him with sadness in his eyes.
“You know how much I sometimes wanted to hug her and hear she loved me…” Peter says quietly and runs his hand through his blond hair. “But sadly, my mother never loved me… I mean, she despised me… Someone wants to distract from their parents at a certain age, but I wanted to be as close to them as possible. I wanted my mom to love me… To have a father, who would’ve taught me to be strong and confident. But I was all alone… I had nobody to ask for help and support.”
“I completely understand your feelings, Peter,” Scarlett says with sympathy, caressing Peter’s shoulders and still hugging him tightly. “There is nothing bad with wishing to be closer to your mother. Any little child gets attracted to her.”
“Sometimes I even wanted someone to take me to an orphan house. I thought someone would’ve needed me there. Someone would’ve loved me and seen me as a guy, who wanted to talk with someone, play, enjoy his life, and know he wasn’t terrible. I didn’t want to be the thing to beat for people. But sadly… I was always the one.”
“But now you’re surrounded by wonderful people that would be happy to support you and help you in a hard situation.”
“I know. My close friends became the family that I never had.”
“By the way, I advise you not to hide what happened between you and Helene from them. Maybe, they will help you overcome this hard time and not break down.”
“No, no, I will not hide it. I will tell the guys what happened. May Helene decide if she wants to say it, but I don’t want to lie to my friends anymore and pretend that everything is fine.”
“That’s right, sweetie,” Scarlett smiles slightly. “In these cases, you always need someone to support you.”
Peter cracks a smile at Scarlett, who slightly fixes his hair and caresses his head and cheek, while Sammy looks at them with pity in his eyes and whines quietly.
“When do you think Helene will wake up?” Peter asks. “How long will she sleep?”
“I don’t know,” Scarlett shrugs. “But we don’t better wake her up. May the girl sleep for a while. Though, I should think of giving her tea with some sedative.”
“If she starts acting like this again, she’d really better take something.”
“And you can sit with her until she is awake if you want.”
“Yes, I will stay with her,” Peter replies quietly. “I’m absolutely free today. And a little later, I will walk with Sammy. Something tells me Helene won’t care about it.”
“Thank you so much, Peter,” Scarlett says with a slight smile. “I will go to drink something. But if you need something, let me know.”
“Sure. Thanks a lot, Mrs. Marshall.”
Scarlett looks at Peter and Sammy, the head of whom she caresses, with sadness in her eyes, gets up slowly, and leaves the room. The man also gets up from the sofa and stands in the same place for two seconds. And then he looks at the dog not stopping to look at him.
“C’mon, Sammy,” Peter says quietly, scratching Sammy’s hair. “Let’s sit with Helene for some time, and then I will walk with you.”
Sammy barks quietly and comes to the exit first. And two seconds later, Peter also leaves this place and goes to Helene’s room. After they enter it, they see that the girl is still sleeping. At some moment, Peter looks at Sammy, who whines quietly, feeling that his owner feels very bad. The dog slowly comes to the bed, on which the girl is lying, sits down, and looks at her face, which looks peaceful but a little pale, her closed eyes move slightly, and her chest is getting up and down, depending on breathing in or out.
After hesitating for some time, Peter comes to Helene with a slow and hesitant step, sits on the bed, and caresses her hand carefully, watching her with a sad look full of pain and sadness.
“You’re a strong girl, Helene,” Peter thinks, stroking Helene’s short, disheveled hair placed on the pillow. “I know you can get through it. If you’re mad at me, I’m ready to wait for you to let your insult go. I will never forget what you’ve done to me. And now it’s my time to pay you off. Somehow, you tolerated my depression and sacrificed yourself for me, but now I will do it. It’s gonna be madly hard ‘cause I haven’t recovered after what happened to me. But I’ll bite the bullet and brace myself…”
While Sammy puts his face on the bed next to Helene’s hand and sniffs it with his little wet nose, Peter caresses the girl’s head and slowly slides to her cheek, the skin on which is incredibly soft and smooth.
“I shall find the strength to bear any of your insults, humiliations, and hits…” Peter promises, takes Helene’s hand carefully, and caresses it softly. “Despite nothing, I will always be by your side, and you can count on my support at any time. Just say what you want, and I will do my best to help you. Not to see your sufferings and tears. They’re killing me…”
Watching Peter, who looks at Helene with pity and sadness in his eyes and runs the back of his hand over her cheek, Sammy presses himself closer to him, whining quietly and wishing to help him and his owner.
“Ah, Sammy…” Peter whispers, sighing heavily. “It’s also hurtful for me to see your owner like this… You know how bad I feel… But now we’re gonna have to wait. Though, I don’t know how long Helene is gonna be mad at us and accept what she found out.”
Sammy licks Peter’s nose shyly when he bends on him and caresses his face with both hands, making him crack a smile.
“It’s okay, we’ll survive it,” Peter whispers confidently. “I’ll do anything for Helene. And I’ll stay by her side, despite nothing. I promise, Sammy. I will not leave your owner and will help her overcome it. No matter how hard I feel.”
Peter pets the sad Sammy whining quietly and scratches his hair for some time. But at some moment, the man gets up from the bed, gets down on his knees, and keeps petting the dog until he puts his paws and face on his shoulder. The blond hugs the dog, feeling a little better but being worried that he might break down and break his promise if Helene keeps treating him so terribly.
The next day, Edward, Terrence, and Peter scheduled a meeting with George. They agreed to meet at four hours in the evening at a small café where nobody would overhear them. The truth is that only Terrence, Edward, and George met at the café and ordered a cup of coffee or tea and some food, comfortably sitting on a rounded table near the window.
“Hm, Peter is kind of too late…” George says thoughtfully, dissolving sugar in a cup of tea.
“He said he was in a traffic jam where a car accident happened,” Edward replies quietly, opening a small pack of food.
“I thought his voice was kind of weird,” Terrence says thoughtfully, drinking coffee from his cup.
“What do you mean?” George wonders, taking a few sips of tea.
“I don’t know… But he was kind of quiet and a little sad.”
“I think the current situation is the reason. The guy is just worried.”
“Maybe, something happened to him?” Edward asks.
“But what?”
“What if he was also affected by Connor’s influence and started to fall into depression?” Terrence assumes.
“Actually, we all depend on it,” Edward replies gloomily and takes a sip of hot coffee.
“Yeah, it seems like that guy really gets good emotions out of you,” George replies thoughtfully. “You all get so gloomy when you talk about him.”
“By the way, George, we would like to talk to you about Blake…” Edward says confidently.
“I can’t help you yet, guys,” George shrugs with sadness in his eyes. “I don’t have familiars that could replace him.”
“Yeah, but actually, we want to talk about something different,” Terrence confesses thoughtfully. “There is something we would like to tell you.”
“Speak.” George puts his cup on the table after drinking a little bit from it. “I’m listening.”
“The case is that we met Connor after our last talk,” Edward explains. “He said he heard our talk about Daniel. And he reminded us of everything we told you.”
“Yes, George, it’s true,” Terrence confirms with anxiety. “And we’re afraid that he might betray us at any time. Tell people something or publish it on the Internet.”
“So, is that why you asked about a meeting at this café?” George frowns slightly.
“Yes, we were afraid he could hear us again,” Edward nods confidently. “Talking about these things at the studio or the agency is dangerous because that little boy goes anywhere and finds out the latest news from the most talkative people that work at these places.”
“We wanted to warn you, so you were aware,” Terrence adds. “We can say we’re kind of in the hands of Connor. I don’t think he’s bluffing. That guy would do anything to ruin our lives.”
“Yeah, if he tells everything about you, it will be a catastrophe,” George says thoughtfully, stroking his chin. “His actions are too bad, even for a non-controlled teenager.”
“And you tell us not to pay attention. Connor would make the dead rise up! I’m truly sorry for his parents, who got that monster.”
“Me too. It seems like they didn’t beat him with a belt enough, and he thought he could do anything. I mind these methods of educating, but there are children that could be kicked only with a belt.”
“Connor is very insolent and absolutely non-educated,” Edward notices gloomily.
“And he insults us for nothing,” Terrence adds. “The last time, that kid decided to recall all of our sins that people have known about for ages. Seriously, we needed a little bit to hit him. Being with him for more than one minute is impossible.”
“So, I got it,” George nods and takes a little sip of tea. “Okay, guys, don’t worry, I will think about this situation.”
“We’re already thinking about who could replace Blake.”
“And don’t forget that you should do something to make Daniel remember everything as soon as possible.”
“What we can do?” Edward throws his hands up. “The situation seems hopeless.”
“So, don’t you have any ideas?”
“The parents of Edward and me suggested something,” Terrence replies thoughtfully and drinks some coffee from his cup. “We talked to them yesterday, and they advised us to show Daniel something that Peter and his girlfriend found near him on the day when we found out about Perkins’ amnesia.”
“So, might those things have to do with what happened?” George asks, taking a sip of tea.
“The dog of Peter’s girlfriend would’ve hardly given them those things if they couldn’t help us,” Edward shrugs.
“Okay. Then show Daniel what you have. It doesn’t mean it will help you, but you will at least try. Maybe, one of those things belongs to the one to do that to your friend.”
“Our parents said the same…” Terrence says thoughtfully. “I mean, they insisted on it.”
“But, honestly, we aren’t sure it will help,” Edward confesses.
“Anyway, try,” George advises. “And you also better talk to someone in the police. Who knows… Maybe, those things belong to some criminals that are featured in some cases.”
“And we know who we could trust,” Edward says, eating a little bit of something from his pack. “The father of Terrence and mine has an old friend. He works for the police and has become a captain. That man has always helped Father when he needed help.”
“That’s excellent, Edward! Don’t waste time, guys, do it as soon as possible! If you want your friend to remember everything soon, do anything you can. Early or late, you will hit the bullseye.”
“We will do it,” Terrence promises quietly. “But we have a little hope.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which Edward, George, and Terrence drink coffee or tea and throw a short look at two people passing by, as they enjoy the nice music playing here.
“Listen, how long will Peter be in a traffic jam?” George asks thoughtfully.
“Who knows…” Terrence shrugs.
“You may be stuck for a long time,” Edward notices.
“You know, guys…” George pronounces hesitantly and slightly rubs his forehead. “I thought about something… That’s good he is not with us. Because I have a talk for you two. A bad enough one.”
“What’s wrong, George?” Terrence asks with anxiety.
“Do you think something is happening to Peter?” Edward rounds his eyes.
“No, no, the case is not about him…” George shakes his head and fixes the glasses on the bridge of his nose. “I mean, the case has to do with him. The case is that I found out something that makes me worried yesterday. What you may dislike…”
Edward and Terrence glance at each other and move a questioning look at George, who puts his cup on the table after taking a couple of sips.
“And what?” Terrence pulls the words strongly.
“The people have been bullying Daniel on social networks,” George says with sadness in his eyes.
“Bullying?” Edward asks.
“He is charged with bringing Peter to the suicide attempt. For allegedly putting him to regular violence and bullying him psychologically and morally.”
“Oh…” Terrence exhales sharply. “Yes, we know it.”
“We read an article on a certain site,” Edward confirms with sadness in his eyes, nodding slightly.
“I guessed you knew it,” George says quietly.
“Since yesterday,” Terrence replies. “I was at the home of Edward and our parents. They left for their business, and we stayed together. At first, we talked about the situation with Daniel, and then I opened the article on my phone. The people started to send it to us on Twitter and asked us to read it. So… We did it.”
“And then we found much more similar ones on other sites and got shocked when we saw what our fans said about Daniel,” Edward adds.
“They do bully the poor guy,” George notices with anxiety. “I got my eyes socked out! It even led to wishing him to die.”
“We know, George.”
“Those articles are false!” Terrence says confidently. “How could they dare to post that? Yes, Peter and Daniel really had a big fight, and the band was about to break up. But Perkins never did what the authors of that bullshit said. Even when he was mad, Daniel didn’t do those things to Peter.”
“I know, Terrence, I know,” George nods with sadness in his eyes. “But proving it is going to be very hard. Many people may think it’s PR that you organized because of the album release.”
“So, do you think people would believe we spread this false rumor to get popular?” Edward rounds his eyes.
“But we aren’t idiots to slander our friend like that!”
“Still, some people think so.”
“No, that’s outrageous!” Terrence exclaims. “Where did this rumor come from? Who spread it?”
“Everybody started to hate Daniel immediately!” Edward adds. “They’re bullying the guy, who is guilty of nothing, and asking us to kick him out of the band. I mean, they do tell him to leave.”
“But aren’t you going to do it?” George asks.
“Of course, no!” Terrence exclaims. “We will not kick Daniel out! And if we have to, we will defend him from attacks.”
“Yes, we must not let them blame him for making Peter wish to kill himself,” Edward adds confidently. “Because that’s not the truth. We do know the reasons why he wanted to do it, but they don’t have to do with Daniel’s alleged bullying that they talked about.”
“And they dared to say he constantly beat him, insulted him, humiliated him, and even threatened to kill him if someone knew about their conflict. He allegedly made him pretend that everything was fine, and they were best friends.”
“Yes, yes, I know,” George nods and takes a sip from his cup. “I was examining everything they were posting yesterday and today’s morning. And I thought your fans didn’t even notice the news that Daniel got hit by a car that we spread. They don’t care about it. They’re sending him bad words, blaming him for hypocrisy, asking you to kick him out of the band, and really wishing him to die. Everybody started to feel much more sorry for Peter and defend him too hard.”
“But that’s unfair!” Edward exclaims. “Daniel’s guilty of nothing! He’s never treated Peter the way the articles talked about.”
“Poor Daniel…” Terrence shakes his head, running his hand through his hair. “I can imagine how shocked he’ll be if he reads all of that.”
“And he remembers nothing…” George notices thoughtfully. “He might easily believe that he and Peter were really enemies.”
“Listen, maybe, we should make a statement that this is an insolent lie?” Edward suggests. “They bully and sling dirt on our friend for nothing. And would we be silent and pretend that it doesn’t have to do with us? We must defend Daniel and make the one, who spread this freaking lie, post a rebuttal.”
“No, no, it will not help you. It will make the situation worse. Your fans think Peter and Daniel act like friends in public on the order of the managers and allegedly because of Perkins’ threats. They wouldn’t believe you two. They may think your managers told you to be silent and support the theory that your colleagues get along well.”
“We know, but we must not silently watch our fans bully Daniel for nothing,” Terrence replies confidently.
“You better be silent yet,” George replies thoughtfully, scratching his beard. “The people are excited now and are going to watch Daniel and Peter very closely. More specifically, the way they interact with each other. They will be looking for the smallest hint of something bad. If the two, one of them, or you two try to prove that’s not true and show your friendship on cameras, people will hardly believe it.”
“Peter is a victim, nobody denies it. But not Daniel’s. Daniel didn’t bring him to a wish to kill himself.”
“Oh, Terrence, why you prove it to me… I do know everything. But you see, explaining something to someone to be excited is worthless. And trying to defend and whitewash your friend too hard will lead to nothing good. I will hold up a similar example. There is a famous couple. They seem to be perfect role models, and everyone loves them. But one day, someone finds something that makes them think this couple has problems, and everyone discusses their breakup. The couple proves vehemently that everything is fine, even though they are no longer together. And if one day they betrayed themselves, people would say the two lie. You have a similar situation.”
“But we must deny this rumor!” Edward replies determinedly. “We must not let them keep bullying Daniel. If Perkins himself sees it, it’s going to be a catastrophe.”
“Yeah! Your situation is much harder because Daniel remembers nothing. Now he is more vulnerable than ever. Your friend would obviously believe this lie and might wish to leave the band under the pressure of your fans. That guy is not able to defend himself and deny what he’s blamed for.”
“Something tells me that not only our fans are bullying him,” Terrence assumes, locking his fingers tightly and putting them on the table. “Yes, a part of them believed this bullshit, but there is a little percent that would be by our side. Our loyal fans, who love us four.”
“I’m afraid absolutely everybody believed this lie,” George assumes with sadness in his eyes and drinks some tea from his cup. “Your management team and I haven’t found good comments about Daniel. No sympathy, no regret, no attempts to figure everything out.”
“That’s why we must stop it!”
“I’ve said you can do nothing now. You can post something on Twitter or Instagram, that’s okay. But you may make it worse. The best thing you can do is to wait for a few days until emotions get weaker.”
“Real fans of Daniel would never believe what they wrote about him because they know and see that he and Peter are friends, almost like brothers,” Terrence replies and drinks some coffee from his cup. “I think this case might show our real and fake fans.”
“Although I’m furiously minding this injustice deep inside, I must admit that we’re really powerless,” Edward exhales sharply. “Whatever we do, they won’t believe us.”
“Yeah, I think George is right… I ran into it when acting in movies. And we all know Raquelle’s story when she was also slandered. When she thought I did it. At first, people showered her with mud, but later they calmed down and got a total retraction.”
“Nevertheless, we can try to do it,” George shrugs. “Reply to a tweet on Twitter, post something on social networks… Or your management team could release an official statement. If you want, you can threaten to sue the one to spread this rumor. Give them a choice: publish a retraction and apologize, or get ready to be sued.
“We should think about it…” Edward says thoughtfully. “But if the bullying doesn’t stop, we’ll really have to sue them. Tell them to publish a retraction… And if we got some money, we could give it to an orphan house or donate it to a foundation.”
“Donating is always good. And when you don’t tell anyone about it, that’s much better. As everyone knows, people don’t talk about good business everywhere.”
“Agree,” Terrence agrees. “Good idea.”
“But we will talk about it later. Now, I advise you to wait. And not to tell Peter about it for some time.”
“But he will know it anyway.”
“I know, but I wouldn’t like to hurt him. Any reminder of that time can make him recall everything he had to take.”
“We thought of telling him nothing, but we know Peter would know it early or late,” Edward replies. “As well as Daniel.”
“And while we should explain nothing to Rose ‘cause he knows everything, it’s going to be much harder in the case of Perkins. We could hardly make him sure it’s a lie if he believed it.”
“That’s why I tell you, guys, do your best for him to remember you and his whole life,” George says confidently. “Look, how many problems you’ve gotten! I wish something else didn’t happen! I’m not sure if I can keep helping you. The situation might get out of control.”
“We understand it, George,” Terrence says quietly.
“I know the mission is hard, but…”
George does not speak his mind because Peter, who has already ordered a cup of coffee and some food, comes to him, Terrence, and Edward, who are sitting at the table. He looks sad enough because of what happened to Helene yesterday, but he decides to delay his personal problems for later and focus on the band’s business and the problems with Daniel.
“Hello, everybody,” Peter greets without emotions. “Sorry for being late. I was in a traffic jam for an hour… Two cars crushed one another and closed half of the road.”
“It’s alright,” George replies with a slight smile. “Hello, Peter.”
When Peter puts everything he holds in his hands on the table, he greets George with a handshake, shakes Edward and Terrence by the hand, and claps them on the shoulder or back. Then he sits down at the table and starts to check out what he bought.
“Did I miss something?” Peter asks.
“Nope, we’re still trying to find out how to help Daniel and what to do for him to remember everything before Connor wants to open his mouth,” Edward shrugs.
“But we can’t find a way yet,” Terrence adds.
“I see…” Peter says thoughtfully. “So, did you talk about the situation with Connor?”
“Yes, the guys told me he heard you,” George nods.
“Good…” Peter opens one of the packs with food and eats it, drinking coffee with no sugar at times. “By the way, do you know what someone says about Daniel and me? You read the article?”
George, Terrence, and Edward look at each other a little hesitantly and scarily.
“Article?” Terrence asks hesitantly.
“What kind of article?” George frowns at his eyebrows, locking his fingers.
“About Daniel allegedly bringing me to the suicide attempt,” Peter replies quietly.
“So, do you know everything?” Edward asks hesitantly.
“I read it on the Internet during breakfast,” Peter replies.
“And did you see everything they posted on social networks?” George asks hesitantly.
“Yes, I scrolled the feed with tweets through the hashtag #DanielGetOutOfATS. My mentions and feeds on Instagram and Twitter are tearing from mud for him and words of support for me.”
“We’re still shocked,” Terrence exhales sharply.
“My eyes popped out when I saw that!”
“They started the real bullying against Daniel!” Edward exclaims. “It all went so far that they even wish him to die! Because he allegedly put you to psychological and moral violence and terrified you.”
“That’s unfair! Everything written in that article is an absolute lie! Absolute bullshit! Daniel has never beaten me and terrorized me!”
“We know, Peter, know,” George says quietly.
“Who is that idiot to post it? Because of them, everyone is openly bullying Daniel, telling him insults, and wishing him to die in every single post of him. He’s bullied for nothing! That guy is guilty of nothing!”
“We know the truth, but nobody will believe us.”
“I can personally deny that lie to stop that farce! Daniel does not have to do with my wish to die! He must not suffer because of the stinker, who spread this rumor.”
“No, Peter, you must especially not say anything,” George shakes his head.
“Why I must not?” Peter resents. “My friend is blamed for what he didn’t do, and I must be silent and do nothing? I will not leave it unnoticed! I’m personally going to sue the stinker, who wrote these things if they don’t post a retraction and apologize. To Daniel.”
“Calm down, Peter, don’t get excited,” Terrence says quietly. “We’re also resentful and mad, but we really better stay silent for a while. Any word from us would sound like an excuse.”
“Damn, what if Daniel sees that and believes it? How would we make him sure that’s not the truth?”
“Good question…” Edward pronounces thoughtfully. “And we should also find a way to defend Daniel from those, who are bullying him. Who knows what they’d come up with. What if they wanted to kill Perkins right at his home.”
“We must defend him,” Peter replies confidently. “Do something to stop this bullying. Daniel shouldn’t suffer because he was charged with such terrible things. Because he did nothing!”
“You better wait for a few days,” George says quietly. “Do nothing and focus on helping Daniel. It would be much better than proving that he is not guilty too hard.”
“My gosh…” Peter runs his hand over his face, exhaling slowly. “Everything happened at the same time… Amnesia and the charge for the suicide attempt… How do we solve it?”
“Listen, what if Connor has to do with that?” Edward assumes.
“Connor?” Terrence asks.
“What if he made his threat come true? I mean, he went further and blamed Daniel for treating Peter terribly!”
“C’mon, Edward, what could that boy do? He would hardly find someone to write the false article! He is not Simon Ringer!”
“But he could post something on the Internet. Register a fake account on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and something else and post the screenshot of the signature that Daniel allegedly left for one of his photos.”
“Do you think Blake went so far?” George wonders.
“I wouldn’t be surprised! Connor finally got a chance to shower us with mud and destroy the band. And he started with turning the fans against Daniel. Now everybody’s defending Peter and feeling sorry for him. But soon, Blake might say something that would make them turn their backs on him. And then he’ll deal with Terrence and me.”
“What if that’s true?” Peter asks. “In this case, Connor would not just betray us. He’d behave much worse by blaming Daniel for what he didn’t do.”
“I don’t also think Blake did that, but that’s possible,” George notices, taking off his glasses, cleaning them, and putting them on again. “Anyway, he is the main suspect.”
“If he did that, we would immediately dismiss him,” Edward says confidently.
“Yeah, we will do it without him,” Peter adds.
“If that really has to do with spreading the false info, may he look for a new job,” George says quietly.
“We will not forgive him and will make him pay for his words that he didn’t prove. Connor didn’t want us to treat him well. Okay, so, we will behave badly toward him.”
“He will personally apologize to Daniel if it’s his work,” Edward replies confidently.
“Yeah, we will teach him good manners,” Terrence promises. “If his parents didn’t do it, we will do it.”
George, Peter, Edward, and Terrence think about something with sadness in their eyes while drinking tea or coffee and eating what they bought when they entered the café.
Meanwhile, Anna is sitting at home in her room and still worried about what’s happening to her. The girl cannot come to herself after Daniel cheated on her before her eyes and is not happy that Julian treats her not very well. At least, today she can exhale with relief because this man has important things to do, and he “let” her stay alone. At first, the girl seriously thought he would help her forget the bad things and begin to smile again, but now she does not think so. Julian does not give her the warmth that she is used to. To be clear, spending time with him makes her feel much worse. That’s why Anna starts to miss her friends, whom she ignores just because she is sure that they will try to persuade her to help Daniel.
At heart, she completely understands that she does a bad thing to her friends and a much worse one to her boyfriend. But her offense is too strong. Jealousy does not let her swallow up all the bad things, brace herself, pretend that she saw nothing, and help Daniel remember everything. Anna remembers about his amnesia and even feels a little sorry for him. Maybe, she would even go to his home just to talk, without telling him that she is his girlfriend. But at these moments of passion, Anna recalls the scene of the kiss in the hospital room and bans herself from thinking about it. Even the fact that he has amnesia cannot change her mind and make her think that he would not have kissed another girl if he had remembered he was not single.
However, the offense against Daniel does not prevent Anna from falling into an ocean of memories and recalling the amazing moments, which he gave her, and which she will always keep in her heart. His tender kisses that caused a shake of the whole body… When his lips touched any part of the girl’s body, everything turned upside down, something did not let her breathe, and her heart started to tremble nicely and was about to jump out of her chest. Even a slight, innocent kiss on the cheek could make her smile and feel happy. This man could say nothing and was able to make her feel beloved and desired with just one kiss. And he was very good at that…
And what kind of unbelievable pleasure she got when kissing him! Kiss his soft lips… There was a wish to stay in his strong and tender arms forever and fall asleep with the best thoughts… The tender and nice way his hands caressed her face, back, waist, neck, and her whole body was just incomparable. Only Daniel could hug and press Anna to himself, so that she felt the happiest, most favorite, and most protected girl. Only next to him, she could be a queen. His princess, as he often called her… And how good it was when his fingers were tenderly rummaging about her hair… His hot breath on her skin that made her heart stop for a moment… The beautiful words that he said to her… His nice, low, velvet voice that she could listen to forever… His brown, kind and expressive eyes that looked at her with such a tender gaze… His soft chocolate hair, stroking which gave her pleasure… How great it was to press herself closer to his chest, on which it was always warm and comfortable. Or put her head or hand on it. His heartbeat always made her feel better and calmed her down… And the skin on his long neck always had a nice natural smell or the smell of his favorite perfume that drove her crazy and stayed in her memory forever. However, his whole body spread a dizzying smell that got her much more attracted to him…
Thinking about all of that, Anna cannot hold down the tears rolling over her cheeks and does not even try to wipe them off. That’s why salt drops fall on her laps and leave wet tracks on her cheeks. Ah, she wishes she could turn time back to feel all the emotions that make her blood run faster, make her breath heavier and more irregular, and make her legs weaker. How much the girl wants to hear at least one compliment or the banal “I love you” said with all the heart in a low and creamy voice that she felt in love with as much as his incredibly beautiful eyes. She madly misses the tender warmth and the feeling of total safety that only one man could give her.
Yes, Anna’s father, Maximilian, can say something nice to his daughter, hug her, kiss her on the cheek, the back of her head, her forehead, and the top of her head. He can caress her head, back, hands, shoulders, and cheeks. But that’s not what she wants… The love for the one, who stole someone’s heart, is different. Something different that Anna is craving now…
“I need you so badly, Daniel…” Anna thinks, sitting on the bed and viewing some photos on her phone with tears in her eyes. “I can’t do without you… I do need your love and care… I’ve been living without you for some time and missing you so badly. I’m missing what you gave me. The way you could make me feel beautiful and desired.”
Anna closes her mouth with a hand, shakes her head, and sniffs, barely holding herself down not to cry much more bitterly.
“Why did you do this to me? Why? Did you lack something? What did I do? You had a choice: to kiss or not… But you chose the first one and broke my heart. You didn’t push that bitch and did let her kiss you. And you didn’t mind it. Yes, you’ve got amnesia and can’t remember me, but… Did you feel nothing? Didn’t your heart tremble even once? Didn’t it tell you to stop? And I feel unhappy because of you. Because you betrayed me. Betrayed our love. Which I took care of so much…”
Still sobbing quietly, Anna puts her phone on the table near the bed and doubles over, running her hands over her face and running her fingers through her hair.
“Who could replace this person?” Anna thinks, looking into the distance. “Who could hug me the way Daniel did? Kiss me the way he did! Say beautiful things! I do miss his tender kisses, strong arms, unforgettable hugs, and nice words… I’m afraid I can’t meet another man, who would give me all of that or be much better. None of the guys that I had loved made me feel those unforgettable things… Daniel was the best thing that I’ve had in my life… He always knew how to drive me crazy. Next to him, I was different, but I liked it. And now I’ve changed again. But I feel terrible.”
Anna glances at the window and sniffs, closing her mouth with a hand.
“And I miss the guys,” Anna thinks with sadness and tears in her eyes. “I miss them so badly… Raquelle, Natalia, Helene, Terrence, Edward, Peter… I need you… I do want to tell you about my pain, but I can’t… You’d say I should spend time with Daniel and help him remember everything. But I’m too angry at him… And I wanna do nothing for him… He didn’t deserve it. None of you know how terrible that man is. We’ll see what Perkins will tell you when he remembers everything. And I’m sure you all will be by my side because cheating can’t be forgiven.”
Anna starts to look at her hands.
“Though, I know you all think I did a bad thing, not knowing the real reason. Yes, I get it… But I can’t do anything with me, my offense, and my jealousy… Maybe, I really did a bad thing, not finding the strength to pretend that I didn’t see what Daniel did and to help him remember everything. But…”
Anna doubles over and closes her face with both hands.
“Maybe, the guys are right if they think I left Daniel at a hard time… What if someone used him? What if that was a crazy fan of him, who knew about his situation? Maybe, that bitch told him something, and he believed her and let her kiss him? What if Daniel is not guilty and just became a victim? And I did a bad thing and betrayed our love?”
But then Anna thinks of the kiss between Daniel and Blanca again and shakes her head, trying to ban herself from even reflecting on what is actually the truth.
“No, no, I shouldn’t think about it…” Anna thinks, wiping off tears under her eyes and sniffing quietly. “It can’t be the truth… I’m just too in love with Daniel and trying to think he’s perfect. Excuse his terrible actions… Forget it, Anna, forget… You were betrayed and saw it. Don’t hope Perkins will remember everything, come to you, get down on his knees, and say he loves only you. And if he does it, you shouldn’t forgive him. That man doesn’t deserve it. Whatever he says, you must not believe him. Don’t even dare to feel sorry for him, Seymour. Accept it and get him out of your head. You’ll meet a more decent woman. And that betrayer must stay in the past.”
Anna sighs heavily and glances at her mobile phone lying on the bedside table next to her bed, on which she is sitting. The girl thinks of typing the number of one of her friends and telling them about her unbearable pain. At some moment, she slowly moves her hand to the phone. But later, she sharply moves it off, telling herself to stop thinking of the wish to find someone to talk with among her friends.
“No. No… I can’t… I can’t… I can’t… They’ll make me help Daniel. But I don’t want it… I can’t… I can’t pretend that everything is fine. I will surely give him a couple of slaps in the face if I see him. And I’ll strangle him when he starts to excuse his act. No, I shouldn’t call them… I’m not able to fight with those, who are pressing on me. Neither Dad, Julian, nor my friends… I’m powerless… And cowardly…”
Realizing the absolute hopelessness makes Anna cry much more bitterly. The shaking girl doubles over, closes her face with both hands, and lets all of her emotions get obsessed with her, feeling like a little, unprotected girl that nobody wants to pity and protect.