While Maximilian and Lillian get a little confused because of this unexpected meeting and try to find the words to say, Ryan breaks this awkward silence at some moment, locking his fingers tightly:
“Hello… It’s the unexpected meeting.”
“Oh, we didn’t also think you’d be here…” Maximilian replies hesitantly.
“But what are you doing here?” Lillian asks. “Are you sick?”
“Oh, no, no, Mrs. Seymour,” Ryan shakes his head. “I’m absolutely healthy. Don’t worry… I’m here because of my business. I should’ve gotten something from the doctor and consulted about one personal question.”
“That’s how…” Maximilian pronounces thoughtfully.
Ryan says nothing and, frowning slightly, glances at those, who are standing aside and watching him with interest, and moves his eyes to Maximilian and Lillian.
“Yeah, excuse me for my curiosity, but…” Ryan says hesitantly. “What are you doing here? And who are these people, whom you had been talking to?”
“Oh, you see, Ryan…” Maximilian stutters, locking his fingers tightly. “There is something…”
“Erm… Excuse me, Mrs. Seymour… Do you remember that I told you something about Anna?”
“Of course, I do,” Lilian nods.
“Have you told Mr. Seymour about it?”
“Yes, I know it,” Maximilian confirms.
Being absolutely sure that Ryan is the ex-potential fiancé of Anna and the younger brother of Julian, Daniel comes to him confidently, feeling a little tense, however.
“Excuse me…” Daniel pronounces in a little shaking voice. “You said something about Anna?”
“Do know her?” Ryan frowns. “Are you her friend?”
“Well… I’m… Not quite…”
“But why do you know it?”
“This is the one, who literally ruined your wedding with Anna,” Lillian explains quietly.
“That’s him?” Ryan rounds his eyes and sharply moves them at Daniel. “You must be Daniel Perkins?”
“Yes, it’s me…” Daniel nods. “Ryan… Am I right?”
“Right,” Ryan gives his hand to Daniel to shake it, and Perkins shakes it hesitantly. “Ryan Potter, to your service.”
“Nice to meet you,” Daniel pronounces a little hesitantly and swallows up nervously.
“I’ve heard a lot about you. Anna and her parents told… And Julian and Father also know about you.”
“Julian is your brother?”
“Yes, older. The age difference is eleven years.”
“I heard you get on badly with him.”
“Right. I have a very bad relationship with him. Just like with my father. And I’ve never approved of what they are doing. Especially, now, when they plan something against Anna.”
“Did you suspect it or know it for sure?”
“I knew it for sure.”
“And you were right,” Maximilian says with sadness in his eyes. “Your words have been confirmed.”
“When I met Mrs. Seymour, I decided to warn her that Anna must’ve been saved from those people.”
“I’m going to be honest, I didn’t believe you and Lilian. I thought that was delirium and believed it was an attempt to slander Julian.”
“It’s true,” Lilian nods. “We even had a big fight because of it.”
“But in the end, Julian took off his mask and revealed the real him and his real plans.”
“He insolently used the fact that the Potters were always holy for the Seymours,” Ryan confesses. “He was sure you wouldn’t believe Anna if she said something bad about my brother.”
“I know. And forgive me, please, for not believing you and thinking your words were bullshit.”
“It’s alright, Mr. Seymour. I get it.”
“Gosh, I’ve known you for ages and always thought you were holy. But I thought that nasty scumbag Julian really wished Anna the best.”
“I’m trying to help Anna somehow and save her from what my brother and father want to do to her. Maybe, I can’t start a war against them because I won’t deal with the two. But I can warn the girl’s parents that she must run from Julian.”
“But what do they want?” Peter frowns slightly, coming to Ryan as well as Helene, Edward, Natalia, Terrence, and Raquelle. “If you are Julian Potter’s brother, you exactly know what he and his father want from Anna.”
“I guess Father wants revenge on Mr. and Mrs. Seymour for what happened in the past,” Ryan replies thoughtfully. “Many years ago, Anna’s parents made an accident mistake, because of which he lost almost all of his money and spent a lot of time getting everything back. He pretended that the conflict was solved, but it was not… My father is a very vindictive man. He still cannot forgive the Seymours for that. And he and Julian are terribly afraid of being beggars.”
“They hate beggars?” Lilian specifies.
“Yes. Beggars are dust to them. Doormats you can rub your feet against. While I don’t care if I’m rich or poor, Julian and Father wake up at night with a cold sweat when they dream of themselves living with homeless people in the garbage. The case is not about prestige. The case is about money. About a good life.”
“What does he think of the situation with the wedding?” Terrence frowns slightly.
“He is mad, too. Father cannot actually tolerate cases when his plans get ruined.”
“Is that true Julian was originally supposed to be Anna’s husband?” Daniel specifies.
“True. Father counted on that. And Anna’s late grandparents insisted on this marriage. The Seymours looked for one benefit, and Father wanted another. First of all, he just wanted to get his sonny married, who is going to turn forty soon and has not become a husband yet. But Mrs. Seymour magically persuaded Father to have a wedding for Anna and me. But it was also canceled. You know why.”
“But why did those people decide to take revenge on Anna’s parents by picking her as the victim?” Helene wonders with her scared, widely open eyes. “She is not guilty of them!”
“It was Julian’s idea. And Father agreed with pleasure. One would’ve kind of dealt with Anna, but another would’ve dealt with her parents.”
“And what was his mission?” Natalia asks.
“The brother’s mission was doing his best to bring Anna to the state when she wouldn’t be able to fight with him. Make her do everything he and Father say. He wanted to play with her like a doll. A marionette.”
“And does Julian want to marry Anna?” Maximilian asks.
“No, I don’t think he wants to marry her. Julian can’t love and doesn’t know what it is. He is cruel and cold. He doesn’t know about mercy. He is too vindictive and evil. People shouldn’t mess up with them, otherwise, he will mercy nobody.”
“But why does he need her?” Raquelle wonders.
“I guess he needs a victim. I can tell you more – Julian cannot take girls or women at all. He does not consider them human. He says a girl is a creature without rights that has no right to open her mouth when she is not asked.”
“Well, we do not doubt it,” Edward replies thoughtfully.
“We saw it with our own eyes,” Terrence adds.
“What?” Ryan frowns slightly.
“It’s true, Ryan,” Peter confirms.
“Oh…” Ryan clears his throat quickly. “Excuse me, why are you all curious to know everything about Anna and my brother?”
“We are Anna’s friends,” Natalia replies, pointing at all of her friends. “The girls and I have befriended her since school, and the men became Anna’s friends later. Now, we are all trying to help her and save her from your brother.”
“Friends?” Ryan thinks for two seconds, starts to look at the girls closely, and puts his finger to his mouth for a moment. “Wait, girls, are you Anna’s friends? School!”
“Yes, that’s us,” Helene confirms confidently.
“I don’t remember all the names, but I know there is a girl named Raquelle Cameron among her friends.”
“This is me,” Raquelle lets know and points at Natalia and Helene. “They are Natalia and Helene.”
“Nice to meet you,” Ryan nods with a slight smile. “I am Ryan Potter.”
“Nice to meet you,” Natalia pronounces amicably.
“It was an honor to hear a lot about you from Anna.”
“Do you speak to her so well?” Helene asks.
“Yes, before the story of the wedding, we were friends. But somehow, she disappeared, and we stopped speaking.”
“How long have you known her?” Raquelle asks.
“I’ve known her since a young age. We were ten or eleven when we met. Our families have known each other for many years. They knew each other when the grandparents of Anna and me were alive.”
“Excuse me for my curiosity, haven’t you tried to contact Anna to warn her about your brother?” Peter asks.
“If I could,” Ryan shrugs. “She changed her number a long time ago and didn’t talk to her parents for a long time. And I didn’t speak too much to them. I recently found out that Anna established her relationship with her father from Julian. And her mother.”
“I got an excellent chance when Anna moved into her father’s home after breaking up with Daniel,” Lillian confesses.
“Julian and Father talked about what happened between them. Anna told my brother about it when he was at Mr. Seymour’s home. My brother had known nothing before. Neither about her connection with her father nor about her breakup with her boyfriend. After her escape from home, we all lost contact with Anna.”
“I remember,” Maximilian nods. “I had talked about it with your brother before she came back home. We talked all together, and then my daughter left with him at Julian’s invitation. Anna refused at first, but that man insisted, and I said she'd better have fun. Because my daughter cried for the whole week in her room and barely got out somewhere.”
“I get it…”
“I thought it would be easier for her to accept the breakup with his help. I was sure that Julian came into Anna’s life in time and could help my girl come to herself. But… Everything got much worse…”
“Mr. Seymour…”
“Oh, God…” Maximilian puts his hand on his forehead, exhaling slowly. “What an idiot I was… I did push my daughter to the edge, even if I could’ve saved her… If I had paid attention to the signs that Anna gave me, we would’ve had a little chance to avoid what happened to her.”
“Better late than never,” Ryan shrugs with sadness in his eyes. “At least, now you know everything and will not leave it unnoticed. As I understand, Julian has revealed the real him and all the plans of his father.”
“Yeah, but our daughter did suffer because of that stinker and is here in a hard condition,” Lillian says in a shaking voice and makes a quiet sob.
“What?” Ryan gets horrified, rounds his eyes immediately, and swallows up nervously. “Anna is here? The hospital? But what happened to her?”
“Your brother beat her,” Daniel replies with sadness in his eyes. “To half-death…”
“What? Beat to half death?”
“My friends and I meddled and saved Anna from death in time. Julian was shamelessly beating her without any reason. Right before our eyes.”
Getting sharply white from horror, Ryan opens his eyes widely, and shakes his head, looking into the distance.
“My gosh!” Ryan exclaims. “My gosh… Julian… B-beat Anna?”
“If we hadn’t been there, your brother would’ve easily killed Anna,” Edward notices hesitantly. “Done his best for us to never see that girl.”
“Damn! I did know that Anna would end up in the hospital because of all the acts of beating.”
“Did you know it?” Natalia frowns slightly.
“Yes, I did. Julian praised himself to Father when telling him about ‘how he kicked that gal again and did not let her forget how any woman must behave.’ I tried to change his mind, but they ignored me at all. I am nobody. An invisible.”
“Sick bastard!” Peter resents quietly.
“Gosh, why is he so aggressive toward her?” Raquelle wonders. “Why does Julian hate Anna?”
“Are there any personal reasons?” Natalia makes a quiet sob. “Why does he hate such an innocent girl, who has never hurt a fly?”
“I suspect that the reason is the canceled wedding, but I can’t say anything,” Ryan replies thoughtfully. “I don’t know… Maybe, he loved her… But knowing Julian, his love wouldn’t be what girls usually expect. For him, love is when a man gives a girl jewelry, expensive clothes, and money. My brother is sure that if a girl gets all of that, she must be silent and be happy. Tenderness, care, and support are not about him. He doesn’t want to give attention to a girl but demands that she gives it to him.”
“That’s why I was sure he didn’t know what love is,” Terrence assumes gloomily.
“For him, love doesn’t mean what it means for other, normal people.”
“Listen, Ryan, forgive us for saying such bad things about your brother. But let’s be honest, that man is horrible. Nasty, shameless bastard.”
“No, no, it’s alright, don’t worry,” Ryan says confidently. “I can’t also say Julian is good. Vice versa, he’s always been a bastard. The cold, unbreakable, and rude scumbag. I would say my brother is kind of mentally sick. That’s why I’m a little afraid of him and try to keep myself far from him. I can’t resist him if we have a fight.”
“What can you say about your father?” Daniel frowns slightly.
“He is a despotic man, who would step on others for his goal. He is too mean. And I try not to stand in his way.”
“Norman has always been a rat,” Maximilian notices thoughtfully. “He only thought of his best! When we worked with him, he always made claims that gave benefits only to him.”
“Have they always been so cruel?” Helene asks hesitantly.
“Always,” Ryan nods and exhales sharply. “But I’ve never known why. Why they have so much hatred, even for innocent people… Why they’re so evil and despise those, who are worse than them. Father tried to make me the same and said it was the only way to reach something. But I didn’t want to become the same scumbag and refused to obey him… That’s why Father started to hate me.”
“Wow…” Edward pronounces thoughtfully.
“Nobody but my mother could control them. She was the only one, who knew how to settle them down. When she was alive, my brother and father somehow kept their emotions inside. But after she died, everything immediately changed. My relationship with them got much worse. They tolerated me with her pretense, but then they started to treat me like a doormat.”
“We know, Ryan,” Lillian agrees with sadness in her eyes. “Your mother was a very good woman. I often remember Genevieve and miss her.”
“I had an excellent relationship with her. Mother was a generous woman that I miss so much. But my father treats me like ballast. So, I’ve felt so lonely at my home since she died…”
“Yeah, everything got worse after Genevieve’s sudden death,” Maximilian sighs with sadness in his eyes. “Who knows, maybe, what happened to Anna wouldn’t have happened if your mother had been alive. Maybe, my daughter wouldn’t have had to suffer so much… What if Genevieve had opened the eyes of Lilian and me by telling us that Julian was a bastard.”
“It would’ve hardly helped her. Julian and Father wouldn’t have refused to take revenge, no matter who Anna would’ve been married to: my brother or me. If she had become a part of our family, those people would’ve made her life hellish. And she would’ve suffered anyway if she had not done it.”
“Yeah…” Lilian pronounces thoughtfully. “I don’t even know if we should be happy that the plan of the wedding didn’t come true… Anna would’ve suffered anyway.”
“I think you should be happy. If she’d gotten married to Julian, she would’ve hardly gotten divorced so easily.”
“Damn, why did everything happen at the wrong time?” Daniel exhales sharply, putting his hand on his forehead. “I could’ve protected Anna if we hadn’t broken up. If I had known the whole story earlier, I wouldn’t have let her come to that man and his father. With me, she would’ve been safe.”
“Excuse me, Daniel, how much do you know about this story?” Ryan frowns slightly.
“Not very much. Anna said her parents wanted to get her married to you. And you have an older brother, who seemed cold to her. I didn’t think Julian and Norman would be so dangerous. And… Maybe, now, I understand why Anna didn’t want to marry you so badly. Not only because she didn’t love you, but also because she was afraid to join the family that would’ve turned her life to hell.”
“By running away from home and deciding to live with you, Anna just delayed her suffering. Delayed the moment when Julian and Father would turn her life into hell. They had been planning something bad against Anna and her family for a long time. If she hadn’t met you, that girl would’ve started to suffer much earlier.”
“Excuse me, Ryan, has Anna really known what Julian is from the beginning?” Edward asks.
“She was definitely afraid of my brother and shaking at the thought that she would become his wife. Anna always said Julian spread coldness and contempt. That girl always wanted warmth and care. But my brother would never give it to her. And she knew it.”
“So, we don’t have to doubt that Daniel is right about her attempts to avoid marriage with him,” Peter replies confidently. “I noticed that Anna was afraid of Julian when I met them together.”
“I guess you don’t have to be a psychologist and know people to understand who you feel comfortable with, and who you don’t,” Ryan assumes. “You just need to listen to your feelings. Anna did it and realized that she should’ve stayed far from Julian.”
“And she wanted to decide what to do with her life,” Maximilian adds thoughtfully. “We all thought she was a child. An inexperienced child without rights that could ruin her life. We wanted the best for her. But we meant the life with a provided man.”
“That’s right,” Lilian agrees with sadness in her eyes. “No talk about love. We didn’t care about it because we never knew that feeling and didn’t teach our daughter to feel it. We thought you should’ve played a wedding with someone you would never count money with. With a man, who could provide for his wife and children.”
“I’m sorry that Lillian and I understood our mistake too late. Anna was smarter than her parents and went against the traditions that she didn’t like too hard.”
“I’m glad you understand it,” Ryan says quietly.
“Now, we will not approve of our daughter’s marriage with Julian,” Lillian says confidently. “None of us will let Anna become the wife of that sick bastard. This time, she was madly lucky to stay alive, but she might die the next time.”
“I’m by your side, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour,” Ryan says amicably. “If you need help, I’m ready to do my best. Of course, I could hardly fight with Julian, but I could get any information. You know well that I’ve always treated Anna well and considered her my close person.”
“Thanks for your help, Ryan, but I’m not sure if you could do a lot,” Terrence replies hesitantly. “You might become a victim of your father and brother. You say you can’t fight with them.”
“Right… I don’t fight because I would be, saying openly, weak. But there is something good for me. That would let me keep staying invisible.”
“What?” Raquelle frowns slightly.
“My father and brother don’t guess that I’ve been watching their tricks and trying to find out everything and do just something without blackmail, fights, and war for a long time. For them, I’m a forever botanic that stays in his room all day long with his nose put in books, is stuck at the university on lectures, or passes exams.”
“What if they catch you?” Natalia shows anxiety.
“I have to protect myself. I have to, I shall learn to protect myself with fists and words.”
“Are you sure you could do this?” Helene asks with a scare in her eyes. “That man is dangerous! The four men barely made him leave Anna alone, but you are going to be alone. The guys say if Julian has a knife or another gun, you will be dead.”
“I know, but I’m not afraid of them.” Ryan raises his head proudly and looks at everybody confidently. “I was silent and let them mock Anna for too long. Stop! I’m sick of listening to Julian having the pleasure of telling Father about one more act of mocking Anna. While that man does not move his eyebrow and does not think it’s terrible. That’s wrong, though! A man has no right to raise a hand on a girl! Julian is not afraid of beating Anna shamelessly, thinking he is educating her.”
“So, are you by our side?” Raquelle asks.
“Absolutely. Even if they are my family, I want my father and brother to pay for everything they have done to Anna and her parents. And if I can do something, let me know. I’m ready to help you with anything.”
“Don’t worry, Ryan, they will pay,” Natalia replies confidently. “Mr. and Mrs. Seymour have already talked to our familiar policeman and agreed on the meeting tomorrow. They’re going to talk about this situation and show the video of your brother mocking Anna.”
“Do you have a video?” Ryan rounds his eyes.
“We do,” Daniel nods and points at Peter. “Thanks to him. This guy met Anna and your brother at the shopping center, saw him beating and insulting her, and recorded a video. At first, the men and I saw it, and then Mr. and Mrs. Seymour did.”
“I guess it’s a great proof of Julian’s fault.”
“Undoubtedly!” Peter exclaims. “The video clearly shows the faces of your brother and Anna. Julian would not find excuses even if he wanted.”
“Yeah, but Father has a couple of familiar people, who are working in the police… One is an investigator, and another is a sergeant. I’m afraid they may know everything and tell Father about you.”
“So, were we right about a pal of your father working in the police?” Edward concludes.
“You have gone to the police?”
“Mr. and Mrs. Seymour have done it. They talked to the one, who didn’t listen to them and refused to accept a report about hurting Anna psychically.”
“Ah, yeah…” Ryan, frowning slightly, strokes his chin. “I heard Father talking about their visit to the police.”
“It explains everything,” Daniel exhales sharply.
“And Julian has a familiar, who saw Anna in the hospital one day.”
“So, does he know she was here?” Natalia concludes.
“He does. The familiar told him that he saw her with a few girls and men, who, as he assumed, were Anna’s friends. She kind of went to the room of a man almost every day.”
“That was me,” Terrence says quietly. “And those people are all of us.”
“Really? Have you been released?”
“I was released today in the morning.”
“So, it’s getting clear now,” Maximilian says thoughtfully. “I suspected it was possible, but I didn’t think it would happen. Now, there is no doubt that someone told Norman about the visit of Lilian and me to the police and Anna’s trips to the hospital.”
“But how did they find out if they were off for some time?” Lillian throws his hands up. “Did they lie? Or did they get a call?”
“They left for a short time,” Ryan confesses. “They said they’d leave for one week, but they came back two days later. Though, they didn’t rush to announce their return and decided to watch Anna and her parents secretly. They wanted to see how they would behave.”
“Were you home?” Maximilian asks.
“Why should I have gone with them? I don’t work at their company! And I don’t want to, to be honest!”
“Alright…” Helene nods. “But how did they find out about the police and the hospital?”
“Father just received a call from someone from the police, and Julian’s pal called him.”
“Say, Ryan, did Julian tell Anna to meet him today?” Daniel frowns slightly.
“Erm…” Ryan shrugs. “I think, no, I heard nothing about it.”
“Yeah, where did you find her?”
“You need to spend thirty minutes to go there,” Terrence says thoughtfully.
“So, didn’t Julian agree with Anna on a meeting?” Natalia rounds her eyes. “She met him by chance? And didn’t she know that he came?”
“I know nothing about it,” Ryan shakes his head and puts his hand on his heart. “I swear! If I knew, I would say it. I don’t have the meaning in lying to you.”
“Alright, Ryan, don’t think about it,” Lillian replies softly, caressing Ryan’s shoulder. “Anna has already suffered because of him…”
“But we still don’t know why Anna lied to her father about a place where she went,” Raquelle notices, embracing herself with both arms.
“I think Lillian is right, guys,” Maximilian says thoughtfully. “Lied or no – it’s alright! Nothing would’ve changed if Anna had said she just wanted to walk or go to the meeting with Julian. We wouldn’t have known where to find her. She wouldn’t have said where she went. If we assume they did agree to meet.”
“We wouldn’t have found her if we hadn’t been so luckily,” Daniel shrugs. “My friends and I were lucky that we were going by and saw Julian beating Anna shamelessly.”
“I hope she’s going to be okay,” Ryan expresses hope. “It would be unfair if something happened to her. Anna must not become a victim of my brother. She’s a very good and kind girl, who has done nothing bad to anyone. And Anna is not guilty of my father going crazy because of his wish for revenge. That he decided to use the help of Julian, who would have the pleasure of pretending to be sassy and terrifying the girl, who couldn’t answer him.”
“Now he will not dare to come to her,” Maximilian says confidently. “That snake will pay for what he did to our daughter. We have united for one goal and will do our best for that man to get punished as hard as possible. The men have a checked policeman, and Lilian and I have wonderful lawyers, who we’ve been working with for ages.”
“The men and I will give our everything to defend your daughter against Julian,” Daniel says confidently, looking at Peter, Edward, and Terrence.
“We will give him a lesson in good manners,” Peter adds confidently.
“Well, the girls and I will be responsible for her mental state,” Raquelle says confidently, looking at Natalia and Helene. “We will do our best to help Anna come back to a normal life. We’ll help her become herself again. The Anna she has always been.”
“It’s going to be hard and take a lot of time,” Natalia adds. “But we are ready. We will not leave our friend in trouble. As well as she didn’t leave us when we felt bad.”
“Count on me, as well,” Ryan says confidently. “I shall always come to you to help.”
“Thanks a lot, Ryan,” Maximilian thanks with a slight smile.
“And yeah, Ryan, for God’s sake, don’t tell anyone about what you heard from us and our meeting,” Lillian begs with pity in her eyes, putting her hand on her heart. “Will you be a keeper of our secret?”
“Undoubtedly, Mrs. Seymour,” Ryan nods confidently. “I will not tell my father and brother what we agreed about.”
“The bigger, the better.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which Ryan smiles shyly and glances at Terrence, Edward, and Peter.
“So, if we have to unite, it would be great to introduce ourselves,” Ryan adds thoughtfully.
“My name is Terrence,” Terrence introduces himself and points at Edward and Peter. “This is Edward. And this is Peter.”
Peter and Edward nod with a shy smile on their faces when Terrence introduces them.
“Nice to meet you,” Ryan says amicably and shakes Terrence, Edward, and Peter by the hand. “Are you Daniel and Anna’s friends?”
“Best friends,” Daniel pronounces with a slight smile.
“Great,” Ryan cracks a smile and looks at Edward and Terrence better. “Erm… Excuse me, Terrence, Edward… Let me ask you… Are you relatives?”
“We are brothers,” Edward replies confidently. “Siblings. Terrence is older, I’m younger.”
“I must confess that you are very similar. A little bit of effort before people barely differ you from each other.”
“Everybody says it,” Terrence laughs shyly. “And some people tell jokes.”
“But you aren’t similar to your brother,” Peter notices thoughtfully, putting his hands on his hips. “There’s something similar… But you are different people.”
“Thank God!” Ryan exhales sharply. “I don’t want to be similar to my crazy brother. Sometimes I actually want to forget that I have the one.”
“I believe you barely took after your father,” Maximilian frowns slightly.
“Right. And this is one of the reasons why he hates me. He treats Julian better just because my brother is his image, meaning his appearance and his character.”
“Are you similar to your mother?” Helene asks.
“I am very similar to my mother. While Julian took nothing from her, I got almost everything.” Ryan shows the inside of the crook of his arm, on which there is a small, light brown birthmark in the form of a star. “Look… My mother had the same birthmark in the same area. She said that I've had it since I was born, but Julian doesn’t have it.”
“Yeah, I remember that birthmark,” Lilian nods. “Genevieve talked about it…”
“Excuse me, Ryan, how did the two treat your mother?” Raquelle frowns slightly.
“They were afraid of her, but they disliked her,” Ryan replies quietly. “Because of her harsh character and the fact that she didn’t approve of anything they were doing. And to be honest… They weren’t too upset by her death. But they were grieving for their friends and familiar people. They were kind of devastated and didn’t know how to live without her. But at home, my father and brother were literally happy that Mother was gone.”
“Didn’t they have to do with that woman’s death?” Helene asks carefully.
“They?” Ryan rounds his eyes. “Do you think Mother didn’t die naturally?”
“You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if Norman had to do with that case,” Maximilian confesses hesitantly. “Genevieve was too young to die from natural causes.”
“Yeah, she was somewhere around forty or forty-five when she died,” Lilian frowns slightly.
“You know…” Ryan pronounces thoughtfully and thinks for two seconds, frowning slightly. “Honestly, I’ve lately been thinking about it more and more. I didn’t use to think about the cause of her death because I was deeply shocked and didn’t know how to keep living. I was in despair and blamed the whole world for what happened.”
“Didn’t anyone find out the reasons for her death?” Helene wonders.
“They put on the death certificate that the reason for her death was a heart attack.”
“And how was her health?”
“Wonderful. Mother never complained about heart issues. She only talked about little problems after the second birth, but they were gone. Nothing more bothered her.”
“It causes some suspicion,” Raquelle notices thoughtfully. “The healthy woman suddenly died from heart issues…”
“Now I’m starting to think her death wasn’t natural. Mother was really too young.”
“It would be great to know if your father really had to do with your mother’s death,” Natalia says thoughtfully. “Haven’t you thought of trying to search for something? If you did it, we would have another reason to get that man arrested. The planned murder.”
“Yeah, but how?” Ryan throws his hands up. “I’m not sure if I could find dirt on Father and proof of his fault for Mother’s death.”
“But I wouldn’t refuse to check this version,” Lillian replies confidently. “Having heart issues at this age is kind of suspicious. Some people have them, but there are not so many. And Genevieve was always quite strong. Just like her father, the general of the army.”
“I don’t know, Mrs. Seymour…” Ryan sighs tiredly.
“What if you try to find out something?” Edward suggests. “You said your father and brother consider you invisible. So, if you do everything carefully, they will not guess you are looking for proof of the planned death of your mother.”
“Yeah, Ryan, try to check out the stuff of your father or brother,” Terrence adds. “While they aren’t home! Yes, sorting someone’s stuff out is bad, but you’re doing this for the better. And if you prove your mother died because of Norman, he’ll be put in prison alongside his sonny.”
“Oh…” Ryan sighs again. “Alright… I will try to find something and proof, but I’m not sure if I can do it… What if Father got rid of all the tracks a long time ago.”
“You’re a smart guy, Ryan,” Maximilian notices confidently. “I’m sure that you can find something interesting and use it. Or maybe, your father will betray himself someday, just like Julian revealed his plans for Anna. And if you react at the right time, you can do your best for your own father to be on your hook.”
“Now you have a great chance to know the real reason for your mother’s death,” Daniel adds confidently. “If you say that woman was young and didn’t have health issues, you need to reflect on it.”
“I will reflect on it, I promise,” Ryan replies thoughtfully. “And I will help you with everything about Anna. And if I find out something, I will let you know it.”
“But be very careful,” Lillian warns. “If Julian and Norman find out that you’re planning something against them, they will bear a grudge against you and wish to deal with you.”
“It’s going to be alright, Mrs. Seymour. I shall be as quiet and invisible as a mouse. My father and brother will not get me caught.”
Silence settles in the air for a few seconds, during which every one of them thinks about something and goes on different sides of the hall. But later, a doctor with dark hair at the age of thirty or thirty-five comes to them, holding a paper in his hands, comes to everybody and looks at all of them.
“Eh-h, excuse me…” the doctor pronounces a little excitedly, clearing his throat. “I need the relatives of Anna Seymour, or the people, who drove her here.”
Everybody immediately surrounds the doctor, looking at him with some hope and fear in their eyes and being nervous because of the fear of hearing something bad.
“Yes, yes, we are her parents,” Lillian says excitedly, grabbing Maximilian’s arm tightly. “Please, doctor, tell us what happened to our daughter.”
“Do not waste time and tell us everything,” Maximilian adds in a little shaking voice.
“I can say something…” the doctor replies thoughtfully. “The health of that girl is satisfactory, but it's too early to say about her absolute recovery. Judging by the many old and new bruises and blood spots on her body, Ms. Seymour has been beaten strongly. Many times. Moreover, she has a lack of weight and a strong exhaustion of her organism.”
“But will she live?” Daniel asks excitedly with widely open eyes.
“Luckily, there is no threat to her life. If she has good therapy, she can get well quickly.”
“Does she have any traumas or fractures?” Peter asks.
“I must confess that this girl is very lucky. She does not have fractures as well as traumas of the head.”
“Really, nothing?” Terrence wonders.
“Nothing. And this type of luck is a super rare thing. People are often diagnosed with at least brain damage after these strong hits. However, that girl has nothing that would make us worried. To be honest, I am really surprised.”
“Is she unconscious or awake now?” Raquelle asks in a little shaking voice.
“Ms. Seymour is unconscious yet.”
“And when will she wake up?” Natalia asks excitedly.
“I think, soon. Anyway, Ms. Seymour will not be unconscious for a long time.”
“And when are we able to visit her?” Helene asks hesitantly.
“I cannot let you go to her room. At least until tomorrow. But the doctors are already bringing Ms. Seymour to a regular room. Unfortunately, all the single ones are taken now, and we will move her to a two-person one. And then we will see it.”
“But could we see her at least from afar?” Raquelle asks with sadness in her eyes. “Please, doctor, at least for one minute!”
“I can let you do it. But I repeat, none of you is allowed to go to her room until tomorrow.”
“Excuse me, doctor, but how is everything horrible?” Lillian asks hesitantly with a scare in widely open eyes. “Does she have such terrible bruises on her body?”
“I am going to be honest, ma’am, I was deeply dumbfounded when I saw her like that,” the doctor confesses, putting his hand on his heart. “For the years of my work, this is the first case when a girl was brought here after a strong beating. I’ve seen many young boys and adult men, who ended up here with blood and bruises after a fight. But I’m working with the beaten girl for the first time.”
“Trust me, we are all shocked,” Ryan says thoughtfully.
“That girl was brought here by these three young men.” the doctor looks at Daniel, Edward, and Terrence. “I saw them because I was near the reception. They warned that she might have fractures and traumas of the head.”
“Does she really have nothing like that?” Edward frowns slightly. “Are you not lying to us?”
“Really, young man. She has nothing but bruises, a lack of weight, and exhaustion. That girl was definitely born in a shirt. Only one person in a thousand people has this type of luck.”
“There’s a part of the truth,” Maximilian confesses thoughtfully. “Anna was born in the eighth month of pregnancy and was premature.”
“Premature birth,” Lilian confesses. “She was born with a very low weight and poorly developed organs. Anna did not cry after she was born and just barely made some sounds. I barely had time to look at my daughter because she was immediately taken to the intensive care unit. The doctors were fighting for her life for a long time and said my girl would not survive. Later, they started to get ready to bury her. But when she was literally left to die, Anna magically started to get well and survived.”
“My gosh…”
Meanwhile, the girls and the men look at each other, being a little shocked by Maximilian and Lilian’s confession.
“Excuse me, doctor, does she have such a great lack of weight that you are so worried about it?” Peter shows anxiety.
“No, a lack is not very big, but she’d better gain at least two kilograms,” the doctor replies confidently. “If she loses two or three more, anorexia may threaten her. And you do know that it’s a horrible illness that often happens to young girls.”
“She lost weight from stress,” Helene assumes quietly. “Anna suffered a lot because of the man, who beat her.”
“I understand, but a lack of weight is as bad as a surplus.”
“She has always been skinny enough, but now looking at her makes me horrified,” Daniel notices, grabbing his throat with a hand. “It was easy for me to carry her in my arms… And I felt her stuck bones.”
“You must watch her weight and make sure she eats well. I do not scare you, I am telling you the truth. If that girl keeps losing weight, she will have serious health issues. I know some similar cases: one girl got stomach issues, another had female issues, and a third got tons of illnesses. Because of a great loss of weight.”
“We know.”
“You did say you were her boyfriend. So, you must be responsible for her. And not let her be beaten again. Unless it’s your work.”
“Come on, doctor!” Daniel gets horrified. “I would never dare to! I did not raise and do not raise a hand on women!”
“I warn you, young man, if we know that you did that, we will have to report you to some services.”
“No, doctor, you shouldn't have such a bad thought about him,” Peter stands up. “Our friend cannot do this. He wasn’t the one, who did this to Anna.”
“Anyway, there is a criminal in the case of Ms. Seymour. So, I would recommend that you go to the police and report it. I do not exclude that danger is threatening to that girl.”
“We are thinking about it and will not leave it unnoticed,” Maximilian promises confidently.
“I guess you will need a medical report, which will help you apply the form. When the time comes, let me know it.”
“We will surely ask you for help.”
“Please, doctor, do your best to help our friend,” Helene begs with despair and pity in her eyes. “Anna must not die.”
“It would be unfair if she died because of that horrible man,” Natalia makes a quiet sob.
“We don’t want to lose her,” Edward adds with sadness in his eyes.
“She is so young,” Ryan pronounces quietly. “Her life is just getting started…”
“Please, young people, don’t worry,” the doctor says softly. “I completely understand your anxiety. But I want to remind you that death does not threaten your friend. You brought her here in time. But if that girl had been beaten for much longer, and nobody had helped her, she could’ve died for sure. But Ms. Seymour is under the doctors’ attention, and her state does not make us worry too much.”
“Will she really not die?” Raquelle sniffs quietly.
“Not die.”
“Thank you so much, doctor,” Daniel thanks truly. “You make us exhale with a relief.”
“Everything is going to be fine, sir, don’t worry. Your girlfriend will live. And when she wakes up, we will just watch her condition and get ready for the release after she gets better.”
Daniel glances aside and swallows up nervously, while his friends watch him with sadness in their eyes, feeling truly sorry for him and guessing what he is thinking about, even if the man is trying not to show his feelings too openly.
“Alright, follow me,” the doctor says thoughtfully. “I shall show you the room of the girl and go to work.”
Everybody nods silently and follows the doctor, who feels truly sorry for them and wishes them to hold on. On the way, Natalia, Raquelle, and Helene sobbing quietly press themselves close to the depressed Edward, Terrence, and Peter, who are doing their best to comfort them. Maximilian being quiet at first sight hugs Lillian shaking and crying around the shoulders, acting like they have gotten divorced and have always loved each other. Daniel follows everybody alone with both arms crossed over his chest, and inclines his head slightly, thinking about something that does not make his mood better. And Ryan being not far from Lilian and Maximilian watches Perkins at times with sadness in his eyes and feels truly sorry for him.
The way to the room does not last for too long. Nobody has time to realize that the doctor turns on them and points at the small window of the room where the unconscious Anna is lying. While the men swallow up nervously and look at her with sympathy, the girls start to cry bitterly, and Mr. and Mrs. Seymour barely hold down their wish to scream from horror with a feeling that their hearts squeeze painfully. They can see all of her old and newest bruises on the open parts of her arms that stand out against her deathly white skin. A few thick tubes are set in the crook of her arms and tuned to some machines, there is a catheter in her nose that supports her breath, her eyes are closed tightly, and her hair no longer looks well-groomed because she stopped taking care of it a long time ago. Certain machines make regular sounds and display some data on the screen, which could be understood by a doctor, and there is a bottle with something that slowly gets into the girl’s vein through a thin tube.
“You can watch her as long as you want,” the doctor says quietly with sadness in his eyes. “But I repeat, you are not allowed to visit her until tomorrow.”
“We got you, doctor,” Ryan nods.
“Good…” Then excuse me, I have to leave you. But if you have any questions, you can find me on the latest floor of the hospital in the room that is on the left side of the elevator. But I do not exclude that you might have to wait because I may check my patients.”
The doctor throws a sad look at Anna being in the room and leaves to do his business with a quiet sigh. While the others keep watching the unconscious, white girl with horror in their eyes, not being able to help her.
“Oh, God…” Natalia pronounces in a quiet, shaking voice. “Anna… Friend…”
“I don’t know what to say,” Raquelle whispers with tears coming to her eyes. “She’s got so many bruises…”
“She’s beaten black and blue.” Natalia closes her mouth with a hand and sobs quietly. “What happened to her!”
“What a beast Julian is…” Helene shakes her head with dumbfounded, wet eyes. “To beat the unprotected girl like this…”
“I was ready to see something terrible, but…” Lillian pronounces in a low voice and makes a quiet sob. “But I wasn’t… Ready for that… I… Never thought I’d see her like this.”
“My gosh…” Maximilian whispers, shaking slightly from the tension. “She was hiding those bruises from all of us… And she was silently tolerating that bastard’s mockeries…”
“I’m worried about her…” Raquelle confesses and sniffs quietly. “She’s so young and unprotected… But she’s suffering…”
“How I want to come and hug her tightly,” Helene says with tears in her eyes. “Save that girl from anything bad…”
“No, I can’t look at her…” Natalia shakes her head and closes her mouth with a hand. “I can’t!”
Natalia turns around sharply and presses herself closely against Edward, who caresses her head, and whispers something to calm her down. While Helene and Raquelle try to get comfort from Peter and Terrence, who are hugging their beloved girls tightly.
“I’m shocked…” Ryan pronounces with widely open eyes and puts his hand on his forehead. “I never thought my brother could do that… I didn’t think… He’d beat a weak girl so strongly.”
“And we called that snake good for so many years,” Maximilian shakes his head. “But he is a beast! The same scumbag as his vindictive and nasty father!”
“Julian went too far this time… Too far…”
“It’s alright, that scumbag will get what he deserves,” Daniel promises in a low, rude voice, clenching his hands into fists tightly. “I swear he will feel the same pain that she felt. I shall use his methods against him.”
Daniel growls quietly, imagining himself beating Julian with great pleasure.
“No mercy for you, sick motherfucker,” Daniel frowns strongly, breathing heavily enough and getting every muscle of his body tense. “Anyone, who dares to do something terrible to Anna, will pay a high cost. I will bury you, Julian Potter! I swear, motherfucker… I am even ready to kill you, so my beloved girl lives a quiet life. I give a fuck about being put in prison! But I will be quiet that Anna will not shake at the thought that someone will wish to beat her. I swear, Potter… You will pay for all her tears!”
At some moment, everybody moves their eyes full of sadness to Daniel, who is literally shaking from how tense his whole body is.
“I understand him…” Edward thinks, hugging Natalia tightly from behind. “I’d feel the same if I had to see Natalia instead of Anna. Ugh, I’m shaking at this thought! I won’t bear it if I have to worry about my sweetheart… Without her, my life won’t make sense…”
Understanding that he is shaking strongly, Edward hugs Natalia tighter, kisses the top of her head tenderly, buries his nose in it for two seconds, and runs the back of his hand over her little wet cheek.
“Ah, Daniel, I do understand you…” Peter thinks with sadness in his eyes, caressing Helene’s head. “Maybe, everybody guesses what you’re thinking about, but I know it for sure. I know how hard it is for you… If I were instead of you, I wouldn’t have the strength to accept it. Oh… Hold on, man, you’re strong. We all are by your side and will do our best to help you and Anna…”
After sighing quietly, Peter hugs Helene a little tighter and kisses her temple, while she sometimes sniffs, tries to hold herself down somehow, and caresses softly the man’s arm that is wrapped around her neck.
“Easy to guess what everybody is thinking about,” Terrence thinks, looking at everybody with sad eyes. “Anyway, I’m by your side, guys. Especially, yours, Dan. I understand your feelings and know how hard it is for you. But I believe it’s gonna be fine. Just hold on, old man, hold on… Don’t give up… You must get through it. Because you’ve got the power of will. Since you didn’t break down when you had to grow up suddenly, you can do this now.”
Terrence presses Raquelle closer to himself, kisses her on the cheek tenderly, and moves a couple of hair off her eyes, while tears roll down the girl’s cheeks slowly. But two seconds later, Raquelle turns on her fiancée and presses herself closely to his chest, in which she buries her nose, wrapping her arms around the small of his neck, still crying bitterly and not being able to believe that it’s really happening to her friend.
Maximilian and Lillian are also standing in front of the room, hugging each other, and watching their daughter with wet, widely open eyes. It’s impossible to say that these two are divorced husband and wife, who never loved each other. The man is hugging this crying and shaking woman so touchily, and she snuggles to him like he is her air… Something she needs to calm down… Their hearts are tearing apart at the realization that their beloved child is now lying unconscious on the hospital bed on an IV with terrible bruises on her whole body. Standing next to them, Ryan is trying to comfort them, even though he understands he cannot do anything in this case. He is madly ashamed of everybody for the actions of Julian and Norman and afraid that they may consider him mean and nasty and start to keep themselves far from him. Even if everybody is nice to him and completely understands that he should not pay for what he does not have to do with.
Everybody spends some time watching Anna silently. A little later, Terrence looks at the others with sad eyes, feeling how his heart squeezes badly at the sight of the devastated men and women. There are Lilian and Maximilian hugging each other tightly and looking at their daughter with wet eyes with the hope that she will wake up. There is Peter pressing Helene, who is crying bitterly, to his chest and caressing her head softly. There are the depressed Natalia and Edward trying to comfort Daniel embracing himself with both arms and literally shaking at the sight of his unconscious and beaten sweetheart. But Ryan tries to comfort every one of them by saying something or clapping them on the shoulder and comes to Terrence and Raquelle, who move their depressed glances to him.
“I hate my brother…” Ryan confesses quietly with sadness in her eyes. “I hate Julian for what he did to the innocent girl.”
“It’s okay, he will pay for everything he has done,” Terrence replies confidently.
“I am even ashamed of calling him the one. Ashamed of being the brother of such a nasty and mean bastard… Ashamed of being a son of such a horrible father, who encourages all of that…”
“Don’t blame yourself for what happened,” Raquelle says softly. “You’re guilty of nothing. The fault is on those people.”
“I know, but I’m ashamed… Ashamed of looking into the eyes of people, who know that my family is guilty of the problems that the Seymours had to experience.”
“Don’t be, Ryan, we blame you for nothing,” Terrence encourages, clapping Ryan on the shoulder. “We will not do.”
“But…” Ryan swallows up nervously, locking his fingers tightly. “Even if I’m ashamed… I shall help you… I shall do my best to help you put those snakes in prison.”
“We believe you, Ryan.” Raquelle nods. “Thank you again.”
Ryan says nothing and just nods and glances at the others, who come to him, Terrence, and Raquelle at the different time.
“The only thing that makes me happy is the doctor’s words,” Helene says with sadness in her eyes. “He said nothing threatens Anna. And she doesn’t have trauma or fractures.”
“And to be honest, I’m really surprised,” Maximilian replies thoughtfully. “After so many strong hits…”
“I hope the consequences will not come out later,” Lillian expresses hope with anxiety in her soul. “Maybe, nothing threatens her life now, but everything may be changed later, and she may be bout to die.”
“No, Mrs. Seymour, it will not happen,” Daniel pronounces quietly. “It will not happen if she is not next to that man again. But we will not let it happen.”
“I’d like to believe you…” Raquelle sighs heavily with sadness in her eyes. “I would like…”
“The most important thing is that she was saved in time,” Natalia adds quietly.
“I think the doctor would not be silent if there was a threat that the consequences would show up later,” Ryan assumes. “But he did not say that…”
“That girl was really born in a shirt,” Edward says thoughtfully. “The fact that nothing happened to her after what she saw is a miracle!”
“Hey, I didn’t know Anna was born weak and premature,” Helene confesses.
“It’s true,” Lilian nods. “And actually, my whole pregnancy was endless hell, to be honest. I felt so bad that I lied, ate, and slept all day long… I wanted everything to be over. And it did… On the thirty-second week…”
“The doctors were sure that she would hardly survive,” Maximilian adds with sadness in his eyes. “She kind of had no chances. We believed it after a few weeks of hell. Everybody literally gave a damn about Anna. But at some moment, that girl started to surprise them and get well too fast.”
“She aimed to live,” Raquelle cracks a smile. “She was strong and stubborn to some extent.”
“She survived then and can do it now,” Natalia adds.
“She did,” Ryan notices. “Everything could’ve been much worse. I guess Anna has a very strong guardian angel.”
“You’re right, she is under the protection of Gods,” Lilian nods.
Everybody says nothing for a few seconds, watching the unconscious Anna with hope and truly wishing her to overcome everything she has to experience.
“So, I think we all better go home,” Maximilian says hesitantly, looking at everybody with sad eyes. “There’s no reason to stay here.”
“Yeah, let’s leave this place,” Lillian nods. “We all need to have some rest. Especially, you, men.”
“Oh, after that hell, it’s going to be hard to relax…” Edward replies thoughtfully, running his hand over his face.
“Agree,” Peter agrees. “I am still shaking…”
“Hard to deny it,” Ryan pronounces thoughtfully. “But we should be ready for what’s waiting for us. This story is not over yet.”
“Go home, but I’ll stay here for some time,” Daniel says quietly without emotions.
“You wanna stay?” Natalia rounds her eyes.
“Yeah. I wanna watch her for some time… And then I shall go to my sister’s room and tell her about Anna.”
“Sister?” Lilian frowns. “You have a sister?”
“Yes, younger. Name is Cassidy.”
“I didn’t know you had a sister,” Maximilian says thoughtfully. “Why is she here?”
“It’s a long story, I will explain everything later. But I think she is going to be released from the hospital soon. And I shall introduce her to you later.”
“I would be happy to look at your sister,” Lilian cracks a smile.
“Yeah…” Daniel pronounces thoughtfully and falls into silence for two seconds. “I got an idea… I want to try to agree with the doctor on bringing Anna to Cassidy’s room. There are two beds there, and my sister takes one of them.”
“So, they don’t feel boring?” Terrence asks.
“Sort of… And I won’t have to tear myself apart between Anna and Cassidy.”
“What if Anna doesn’t want to see you?” Peter asks hesitantly.
“I don’t care. I shall come and visit her and my sister. Even if Anna and I say nothing to each other. Even if she wants to insult me again or… Hit me…”
“So, as you wish,” Maximilian shrugs.
“Let us know if you agree,” Lillian adds.
“Sure,” Daniel nods. “I will talk to the doctor today or tomorrow…”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which everybody looks at each other or glances at Anna.
“Erm, I think I will go,” Ryan says thoughtfully. “I have so much to do… But I have a little time…”
“Sure, Ryan, we get it,” Maximilian says goodbye amicably. “Goodbye.”
“Goodbye, dear,” Lilian says goodbye with a little false smile.
“Goodbye,” Ryan says goodbye, shakes Maximilian and Lillian by the hand, and nods at the others. “See you soon.”
“Goodbye…” everybody pronounces at a different time.
Ryan turns around and goes somewhere slowly but confidently, while the others watch him.
“Maximilian and I will go, too,” Lillian says with sadness in her eyes. “We will try to find the strength to fight for the peace of our daughter.”
“We are sorry about you being interfered with this story,” Maximilian apologizes quietly.
“Don’t apologize, Mrs. Seymour,” Raquelle replies quietly. “We did want to help you and your daughter.”
“We know, Raquelle. And we are happy none of you refused to stand by us.”
“We will do our best,” Natalia promises amicably. “The men will take care of protection, and the girls and I will provide for calm.”
“With God’s help, darling,” Lilian pronounces softly. “We believe in you.”
The men and the girls find the strength to smile with the corners of their mouths and say nothing for two seconds.
“Alright, we’d rather go,” Maximilian says, clearing his throat quickly. “We have some businesses.”
“Don’t dare to hold you,” Helene shrugs.
Maximilian and Lillian shake the men and girls by the hand.
“See you soon,” Lillian pronounces gently.
“See you,” everybody replies quietly.
Two seconds later, Maximilian turns around and leaves slowly, inclining his head and looking down with sadness in his eyes. Lillian looks at Anna with pity in her wet eyes, sighs heavily, turns around, and follows the man, who hugs her around the shoulders. While Daniel, Terrence, Raquelle, Edward, Natalia, Helene, and Peter watch Anna’s parents with sad eyes until they hide.
“You were right, guys,” Natalia says thoughtfully. “They’re really not so bad. But listening to Anna’s stories, I thought those people were terrible, unfair, and didn’t understand her.”
“They just didn’t understand each other,” Terrence replies quietly. “They wanted different things… Though, Anna has always loved her parents. And they love their daughter with all their hearts.”
“I think they should’ve just sat down and talked quietly,” Helene assumes. “Anna wanted to reach them and get the love that she lacked. But they kept their feelings under the key and were cold even to their daughter ‘till the end.”
“But now the door is open, and they revealed their real emotions and feelings,” Daniel replies. “You saw Anna’s mother… How she was shaking when crying bitterly and watching her daughter.”
“We were all shaking because of that,” Raquelle sighs quietly with sadness in her eyes. “And her father would’ve also become emotional. It was clear he blamed himself for everything literally more than her mother.”
“He’s just sorry about not hearing Anna and not believing her when she was screaming out for help,” Edward says quietly. “If he’d listened to her, everything could’ve been otherwise.”
“Even if he’d done, he would’ve done nothing,” Daniel shrugs. “His threats wouldn’t have stopped Potter, and he would’ve kept beating and terrifying Anna.”
“You’re blaming yourself, too…” Raquelle notices. “As much as Mr. Seymour.”
“It’s okay, Raquelle, I’ll overcome it,” Daniel nods, raising his head a little. “Will…”
“Do you believe yourself?” Peter frowns slightly. “It seems like you speak and don’t believe your words!”
“No, Peter, I do really believe. I’ve got hope. A little one, but still. Luckily, the doctor’s forecasts are good, Anna won’t die, and Mr. Johnson will help us catch that stinker. Maybe, Ryan will find dirt on his father and find out whether he had to do with his mother’s death.”
“Think?” Natalia asks hesitantly.
“Sure!” Daniel smiles falsely. “Think positively, guys! We can do it! Together, we’ll get what we want! Everything’s okay so far, and we’ve got a high chance to take a prize.”
Although nobody believes that Daniel is so sure about what he says, everybody decides to say nothing and just support Perkins, who needs it so badly.
“Well, you’re right…” Edward nods. “Now we know what we could grab and hold. And we have the support of Anna’s parents and Mr. Johnson. I see no meaning in saying the case is hopeless.”
“Yeah, at least, we don’t stand in the same place,” Terrence expresses confidence. “Everything isn’t so bad about Anna’s condition, and there’s hope. Everything’s fine yet.”
“I do mean it,” Daniel crosses his arms over his chest. “Together, we are stronger!”
“That’s good you don’t give up,” Peter encourages with a slight smile. “The case is hard but fixable. We just need to wait for a while.”
“And I am sure that our efforts will be worth it.”
“You’re right,” Helene nods. “It will…”
Daniel nods with a false smile, while his friends try to seem confident enough, silently noticing that the guy is holding on well enough, despite any little thing. The men and the girls say nothing for a few seconds and just watch Anna, whose bruises on her whole body make their hearts squeeze painfully.
“Okay, guys, let’s leave…” Natalia suggests hesitantly, scratching the back of her head. “Today was pretty hard and exhausting.”
“Erm, should I drive someone home?” Daniel asks, looking at everybody.
“Oh, no, thanks…” Terrence pronounces hesitantly and looks at Raquelle. “Raquelle was supposed to come in her car.”
“Yeah, we’ll go in mine,” Raquelle nods. “Maybe, we’ll leave it on the road and walk a little.”
“And you, guys?” Daniel asks, moving his eyes to Edward, Peter, Natalia, and Helene.
“Edward and I will catch a taxi,” Natalia says quietly. “We’ll go to his home… Or my mine… Or somewhere else… I dunno… We’ll decide it on the way.”
“And I will accompany Helene to her home, and then I’ll see it,” Peter says.
“As you wish, then,” Daniel says quietly.
“See you tomorrow then…” Helene says thoughtfully.
“See you tomorrow.”
Daniel says goodbye by hugging all the men and the girls, who also share an amicable kiss on the cheek with him.
“Bye, guys,” Daniel smiles shyly. “Take care of you.”
After waving their hands at Daniel, Terrence, Raquelle, Edward, Natalia, Peter, and Helene go down the hall, while the man watches them with sadness in his eyes and his arms crossed over his chest. Then he exhales sharply and runs his hands over his face, as if he is being happy that he no longer has to pretend to be optimistic. Perkins does not rush to leave the hospital and is still standing in front of Anna’s room and watching her with a heavy heart, barely holding his tears down at the sight of this heartbreaking scene.
“I’m sorry, Anna,” Daniel thinks with sadness in his half-wet eyes. “You’re here because of me… I didn’t protect you earlier. Damn… I wish I was there and died… Not you… Oh, fuck, that fucking day… Why did I the fuck go somewhere after our conflict? Everything would be alright if I hadn’t made that mistake! Fuck, I’m so dumb! The idiot that ruined everything… I’m very sorry, sweetie… I swear I didn’t want it! I’d do anything for you to avoid all of this. I could even get amnesia again! I could behave like a baby, who knows nothing, again. Be surprised by everything… Try to remember my close people… If it saved you, I would overcome all of that again.”
Two doctors go by Daniel, talking about something and throwing a short look at the man crossing his arms over his chest.
“I will find a way to give you your quiet life. With my friends or without, but I will do it. You will no longer come to that stinker. Over my dead body… That motherfucker will pay me for everything he has done to you. Just like his father. Nothing will make me give up. I fear nothing and am ready for anything. You’ll be saved, Anna, I will give my everything for this. For my love to you, for your quiet life… For the promise that I gave your parents… For the wish to prove to you that I regret the cheating and want to fix everything. Even if I have to do it all alone, I will get what I want…”
Ah, how much Daniel wants to go to the room, come to Anna, sit on her bed, take her hand, say something nice, caress her face, and kiss her tenderly… He does want to give a damn about all the doctors’ bans and be next to his beloved, helpless girl. Nevertheless, the man holds himself down too hard and watches Anna for some time, feeling how every single beat of the heart makes him feel pain in his chest. And then he exhales quietly, running his hand through his disheveled hair, and decides to go to the cafeteria to drink water and get rid of the strong thirst in his throat. Daniel silently says goodbye to Anna, turns around, and slowly goes down the hall, putting his hands in the pockets of his short denim pants but then crossing his arms over his chest and going by many people, who are going somewhere and notice nothing around. The man looks at some of them with his dead eyes and looks at everything he sees in the wide halls that are well-lighted with halogen lamps.
After going downstairs lazily to the first floor, Daniel looks at what surrounds him, passes some distance, and finally comes to the cafeteria, where there are not so many people, to his surprise. Not thinking too much, he comes to the cashier, in front of which there is nobody, taking shabby bills from his pocket on the way, counting the amount that he needs, and asks the cashier:
“A bottle of water, please.”
The woman silently takes a bottle of water from the refrigerator and points it to Daniel, who gives her money and takes the purchase and a small change. After this, the man looks around, finds a table placed near the window in the quietest place, goes to it, and sits down with his back turned upon everyone. After leaning back in the chair, Perkins opens the bottle and half-empties it for a few seconds, feeling how nicely his throat gets wet. He felt so hot due to the very warm weather and strong tension that even the air conditioning working in the hospital did not help him. But thanks to the cold water without gas, he gets a little better.
After drinking half of the bottle, Daniel looks into the distance with dead eyes and falls into his thoughts again. The deeper he withdraws into himself, the more nervous, tense, and obsessed with a sense of fault he gets. His hands squeeze the bottle tightly as if it helps him keep his emotions under control and not to get emotional before the eyes of so many people, most of whom are kind of trying not to break down so hard. Probably, if not for a sense of love and responsibility for his words and promises, Daniel would give a damn about everything… But he understands that nobody will fix his mistakes for him, and nothing will get better by itself. Besides, if the man hides in a bush, it will mean just one thing – his inability to pay for the consequences of his actions and his reluctance at least to try to fix his mistakes.
Sitting on the table, looking into the distance with his dead eyes, squeezing the bottle of water tightly, or putting it from one hand to another, Daniel has fallen into his thoughts so deeply that he notices nothing around and forgets he is in a public place where there are many people, many of whom glance at him sometimes, probably feeling sorry for his grief they do not know about. It’s not excluded that Perkins would keep sitting here all alone and sorting his thoughts out until he was kicked out of here by force. But at some moment, someone comes to his table quietly, and the man does not notice it at all.
“Don’t I bother you?” someone asks hesitantly.
Daniel shakes his head sharply, moves his eyes to someone, who addresses him, and is surprised when he sees Ryan.
“Ryan?” Daniel pronounces amazingly. “Are you still here? You said you had something to do.”
“It can wait,” Ryan replies thoughtfully. “It’s not so important.”
“That’s how…”
“Talk?” Ryan falls into silence for two seconds and looks at the depressed Daniel better. “Don’t you mind if I sit down?”
“Well, if you want it,” Daniel shrugs without emotions.
Ryan sits on the table in front of Daniel and breaks the silence two seconds later:
“Worried about Anna?”
“Yeah…” Daniel pronounces hesitantly, scratching the back of his head. “We are all worried about her.”
“You know, I quickly realized that you were the Daniel, who Anna talked about.”
“You were too tense when you came to me.”
“You know the reason.”
“I was actually closely watching you all this time. And I saw how much you were worried about that girl. I’d say, even more than your friends did.”
“I just want her to be alive, healthy, and happy.” Daniel puts his bottle on the table. “The help that I’m giving her is the promise to Maximilian and Lilian to defend her and the wish to know that she will be safe and live a normal life.”
“Not only this. Are you also trying to make amends to her for making that terrible mistake?”
“Erm…” Daniel stutters. “How do you know it?”
“I heard about that situation when my brother and father talked about it. And they mentioned that Anna told Julian about how you betrayed her by kissing another girl before her eyes.”
“Oh…” Daniel exhales sharply and leans on the table with his elbow and his head with a hand. “I am… I got a chance to prove that I’m sorry about what happened. I can’t sit with my hands folded.”
“I get it. And I think you’re doing the right thing.”
“Oh, to be honest, I don’t hope for anything… I just want to end this story and live my life. Spend time with my friends, take care of my younger sister… I can’t focus on it until the problem of Anna is solved.”
“She is hurt, Daniel, and that’s fine,” Ryan replies quietly. “You would also be mad if Anna kissed another man before your eyes. Even if she didn’t remember you.”
“Right… I get wild at the thought that another man could be next to her.”
“So, understand her. If she didn’t love you, Anna wouldn’t have reacted to your love affairs.”
“I never wanted to cheat on her. I didn’t even think about it. I felt very good with her and was sure that she was the girl I needed.”
“I think she will realize it when she calms down a little. Anna must understand that the betrayal happened against her wish. Stop thinking you waited for the moment to run away from her.”
“I don’t exclude that I will not get Anna’s forgiveness. Whatever I do. She always said she could forgive many things except cheating. She never changed her mind about it.”
“There’s a key that will open the door to her soul and reveal her real feelings. It’s forgiveness. Or at least the understanding of the fact that you are partly guilty. Anna should let her offense go, so her mind gets clear, and she realizes her feelings for you. And I’m absolutely sure that the girl loves you. Even after what happened. Yes, she’s going to deny it too hard, but she knows it’s the truth deep inside.”
“I swear, Ryan, all I do is for Anna’s safety. For her quiet life that will have no place for your brother and father. For the promise to her parents. It’s more important to me than our relationship.”
“I know, but you will have to decide what to do, early or late.”
“Anna wants to decide nothing. She did decide to leave me and pronounced herself a single girl. Though, I refuse to accept it now and still think that girl is only mine.”
“You love her.”
“It changes nothing anyway.”
“What if it does?” Ryan smiles mysteriously.
“I will not even get any thanks from her for saving her from Julian.”
“She will appreciate your efforts for sure. Silently. Of course, you will hear nothing like that from her. But someday Anna will confess that she needed your help.”
“It doesn’t matter to me now. I only think of ending this story as soon as possible. And I’m not doing this for thanks. I’ll go until the end, even if I know I will hear nothing good from her. It’s my duty.”
“Of course, that’s excellent, but please, don’t hide your real emotions from your friend. They do know what you have on your mind. As well as Anna’s parents.”
“I don’t hide it,” Daniel shrugs. “I just see no meaning in whining and saying it to everyone. I don’t deny that I’m unhappy now, but I don’t want to play on pity. I don’t want to be a whining boy.”
“I think you’re just trying to show happiness. I mean, confidence, not happiness. The confidence that everything will be okay. You want to make everybody think you are determined, but you literally want to hang yourself.”
“I’m not the type of person that gets something by whining and telling emotional stories.”
“You know, I think Anna’s parents liked you,” Ryan smiles slightly. “They were very nice to you. Though, they had wanted to hear nothing about you before.”
“They’re wonderful people. I’m glad I got on with them.”
“And I’m absolutely sure that they will only let their daughter be with you now. Not for benefit and status, but for happiness. I guess the Seymours have finally realized what kind of happiness Anna wanted.”
“Everything will depend on Anna,” Daniel shrugs. “I don’t want to run after her, chase her like a maniac, and persuade her… She must decide what’s going to happen.”
“No, Daniel, this type of decision must be made together. You and she can’t make each other responsible. It’s your relationship. You’re the only ones to decide what to do with it.”
“I don’t make her responsible. I just gave her a chance to decide on our future. Whatever Anna decides, I will accept her decision. If she wishes to break up, I shall let her go and wish her happiness. And if a miracle happens, and she forgives her, I will do everything to become the man that girl dreamed of.”
“Trust me, your story will not end like this.”
“I try to be a realist and rate the situation soberly.”
“Love cannot be forgotten and gotten out of the heart so easily.”
“Yeah, forgetting love is hard, but it’s possible. You just need a lot of time and patience.”
“Partly true. But I think that’s not the case of you and Anna. She seriously fell in love with someone for the first time. She only had short meetings with boys that her parents disliked and always rejected. And she accepted it quietly. Moreover, Seymour spent a few years on her studies at the university and couldn’t think of hanging out with men. But when she met you, she realized she had found the one. And the fact that Anna decided to run away with you and lived in your house for almost one and a half years says about many things.”
“And those years were the best in my life,” Daniel confesses with sadness in his eyes. “I stopped feeling so lonely at my large house for the first time in many years. Anna made it a truly paradisiacal place that I wanted to come back to over and over. But now she has left… And my house is not good to me now…”
“She was very serious about you, Daniel,” Ryan says confidently. “Anna found you a partner for life. You did make her realize that she wanted to decide how she wanted to live. You gave her the happiness that girl always dreamed about.”
“And I ruined her happiness… Oh… Daniel says nothing for two seconds and moves his sad eyes to the bottle of water in his hands. “Brainless idiot…”
“I would even say she got a little mature next to you. I used to think Anna was a child to some extent. Maybe, the reason is that you’re older. But that girl used to be surrounded by people of the same age as her.”
“I think I also grew up thanks to her,” Daniel says thoughtfully. “I became more responsible… Much smarter… I learned to think of the consequences. I started to think differently… Like… An adult. I used to think like a little boy, who wanted to be responsible for nothing and just aimed to have fun and hang out. But now I feel like a real adult man.”
“What did you think of girls?”
“They were fun for me. I dated many of them and felt cool with every one of them. But if someone had told me I would’ve met a girl, who I would love to marry, a few years ago, I would’ve laughed loudly.”
“Didn’t you want to marry?”
“Not marry… To lose freedom… Become a marionette in a girl’s hands. It has always been important to me. But after a long, toxic relationship with a girl, who crossed all the lines, I swore I’d break up with anyone to dare to take control of me. That’s what made my relationship with Anna worse at times. I doubted if I should’ve married her, even if she was perfect in everything. With her, I felt as free as I did before. But I always expected something bad. I waited for her to tie me up to the battery and tell me to praise her constantly and spend all my money for her.”
“I get it…”
“But now I am sure she won’t do that. And now I don’t doubt that I don’t want to be with any other girl but Anna.”
“Had you wanted to marry her before you broke up?”
“I thought about it. But I always delayed it and didn’t rush to propose. And Anna didn’t annoy me with her wish to have a wedding. I never heard anything like that from her. I dunno… Either she was ready to live with me even without marriage… Or… She was just waiting. She was too shy and educated to ask me about the wedding.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which Ryan thinks about something and glances aside.
“You know…” Ryan pronounces hesitantly. “I must confess… I didn’t want to marry Anna.”
“Didn’t want?” Daniel wonders truly.
“Don’t get me wrong, the case is not about her. I treat Anna warmly. She’s a kind, sweet, and very beautiful girl. But… I’ve never considered her a partner for life and never been in love with her.”
“Have you never had a crush on her?”
“Nope… She’s like a sister or friend to me. But not a sweetheart, fiancée, or wife.”
“Have you always gotten along?”
“Yup, we got on well quickly when our parents introduced us to each other. Anna and I are the same age, we’ve known each other since our teenage years. We had the pleasure of spending time together.”
“Did you speak at your parents’ wish or at your wish?”
“Nope, sometimes we called each other and went somewhere. I always listened to her and gave her support, but she didn’t let me feel lonely. Our relationship didn’t change even when Mrs. Seymour agreed on the marriage of Anna and me with my father. Even when our parents reminded us that we’d have a wedding soon.”
“She has always gotten on badly with your brother?”
“Always. But Anna tried to be gentle and nice to Julian. She actually behaved well and never said a bad word about anyone. Even about that nasty bastard. Maybe, she has her own opinion, but she never showed her aggression to him openly.”
“And he?”
“He didn’t appreciate it and treated her coldly, but he pretended that he respected her deeply. But Julian behaved much better. He never raised a hand, insulted, or humiliated her. My brother was just cold and always spoke coldly.”
“Do you think he was happy with your marriage with Anna?”
“I can’t say anything. And I didn’t pay attention to his reaction. But I don’t exclude that he had plans for marriage with that girl.”
“So… You say your father and brother got loose after your mother’s death?”
“Yes. Julian showed the worst side of him.”
“And as I understand, did Anna’s relatives want to get Anna married to Julian, not knowing who he was?”
“No, they didn’t know. Though, they didn’t care about who he was. Those people needed a benefit. They worked together for many years and wanted to become a family.”
“Whose idea it was?”
“Oh, the grandparents of Anna and mine dreamed about it. They knew each other before we were born. And… Since it happened that Julian and I were born in the Potter family, and Anna was born in the Seymour family, they thought, ‘Why don’t we have a wedding of our children?’ And everybody got obsessed with this idea.”
“And was the wedding of your brother and Anna especially important to them?”
“I would say, yes. I mean, Father insisted upon it. He thought the time for Julian to get married had come. He was worried that girls did not want to speak to him. I mean, my brother can’t woo them. He thinks a girl must kiss the man’s legs and serve him like a dog when he gives her wads of money and buys expensive jewelry and clothes.”
“But what kind of miracle did help Mrs. Seymour make your father sure to agree with your marriage with Anna?”
“Honestly, I’m surprised, too. But Mrs. Seymour has always been able to speak well and find the right words. I guess she found some arguments that made Father sure I was better for Anna. Or… Father thought it didn’t matter who the daughter of the Seymours.”
“And nobody cared if you and Anna agreed to marry?”
“Right, they only heard themselves and each other. And I don’t know who had the worst situation: Anna or me. Father never listened to me and always told me to shut up and sit in a corner with a book in my hands. And Anna complained that nobody wanted to hear her. They always told her to be absolutely obedient. They reminded her that she must have behaved like a girl: shyly, quietly, and gently. They wanted to hear nothing about her wish to have some fun with her friends and thought she must’ve only thought of her studies and been the best at everything. And they got what they wanted before Anna became a teenager. She started to get sick of all of this. That girl wanted more freedom. But since nobody heard her, she started to rebel.”
“I understand her,” Daniel says thoughtfully. “I think the Seymours started to understand that they should’ve given Anna more freedom and let her decide what to do.”
“I don’t want to say bad things about them, but they’re guilty of their daughter’s departure from home. Those people were sure that they knew what she needed better. They didn’t care about her opinion. And one day, Anna decided to end all of this.”
“You shouldn’t blame Mr. and Mrs. Seymour for everything. They just listened to their parents, who listened to theirs. It was a vicious circle for the time being. Now the Seymours understand it and confess that they have been unhappy all their lives. They are kind of happy that Anna broke that chain.”
“Maybe, by the end of their lives, her relatives understood that they wanted something different. But it was too late to change something because life is gone.”
“I know.”
“Anyway, Anna is a good fellow. She became the first one, who didn’t let anyone decide who to live with and how. The attempt of the Seymours and the Potters to unite was a failure. And… To be honest, I’m happy it happened this way.”
“Are you happy that Anna didn’t have to live her life with someone she didn’t love?”
“I am. But her protests were good to me because my plans for the future weren’t ruined.”
“The plans for the wedding?”
“Honestly, I don’t actually want to marry in the next few years,” Ryan confesses quietly. “And I am not planning to have children yet. First, I’m too young for that. And second, I want to get a second education and find a job in my special.”
“Second education?”
“Yes. I don’t like my first education, and I decided to go to study what I wanted.”
“As I understand, the Seymours liked the fact that you are getting a second education.”
“Yeah. And Father used it and always praised me, telling his friends that I was smart and educated. He needed to show off because I was the only one in our family to have a high education. Father and Julian don’t have it. They barely graduated from school. I mean, my brother did, but Father was kicked out due to the low scores and terrible behavior. But only fewer people know it, and they don’t talk about it not to humiliate them.”
“That’s how…”
“I think Father hasn’t kicked me out because he often needs my knowledge. He always tells me to help him in his business. So, I help. Even if I’ve never heard thanks from him. I have to. If I’m kicked out of my home, I will have no place to go. I don’t have an apartment or job.”
“As I understand, does he make you study?”
“Not at all!” Ryan exclaims. “I love studying and discovering something new. But I have the strongest passion for astronomy, physics, and chemistry. And I adore mathematics.”
“What did you study and decide to study now?”
“My first education is an economist, but I’m going to become a chemist technician after getting a second one.”
“And where will you work after graduation?”
“I will try to work at a laboratory. If I can’t do that, I will go to work as a teacher of mathematics at a school or a university. I was invited to work as a teacher of mathematics or chemicals at a high school. My familiar is working there and says they lack teachers.”
“And you?”
“I said I needed to think. And I don’t want to decide anything until I get a second education.”
“Do you really understand mathematics and chemicals?”
“I would say, well. But having my knowledge is enough to give lessons to high school students.”
“Alright…” Daniel says nothing for two seconds and thinks about something. “By the way, I remembered how Anna said she didn’t like nerds.”
“I know,” Ryan smiles shyly. “No matter how amazing it is, Anna has always liked bad boys. Those, with whom you never feel bored Who are insolent and rough but tender and soft. She’s always said she felt bored with too good and educated guys.”
“I know.”
“I don’t know what you really are, but you seem to be the one that she finds perfect. You’re confident, you know who you are… You’re a little rough and insolent…”
“Everyone says it when they meet me for the first time,” Daniel smiles shyly. “But it doesn’t mean you should fear me. I can love, feel sorry, and be gentle, nice, and soft.”
“That’s why Anna got a love for you. She wanted a man, with whom she could feel like a little, unprotected girl. Who would always make her feel new emotions.”
“She told you that?”
“Yup. Anna has always been honest with me. Somehow, she honestly said she didn’t want to marry me because she didn’t consider me her man. And I didn’t hide my feelings. We’re just friends and have never felt sympathy for each other.”
“And did you hear about me from her?”
“Something from her, and something from my brother and father, who heard about you from the Seymours. Anna told me about many things related to you. And some time later, she promised to do her best to cancel our wedding and run away with you. I was happy but scared because I was afraid she’d be in trouble.”
“She had a strong motivation. A reluctance to live with someone she didn’t love. A fear of having to live with the one she is afraid of.”
“Anna understood that her life would’ve become hell if she’d gotten married to any members of the Potters.”
“But why? Why do those people hate her?”
“I don’t know, Daniel. I don’t also understand how they could hate such a wonderful girl. Julian has always been very cold to her, and Father has never liked her. He always tells the Seymours that he loves her like a daughter, but he actually despises that girl.”
“And she did not avoid the meeting with him.”
“Right. My father and brother decided to use the fact that she started to live with her father. They knew that if Anna was scared by the fact that something might happen to her parents, she’d be worried and do anything for their salvation. She’d even agree to get married to Julian.”
“And were those furious acts of beating a part of their plans?”
“No, I don’t think so. Father just needed to make her obedient and never resist. He also wanted to use her to blackmail her parents, whom he wanted to take revenge on.”
“Excuse me, Ryan, what can you say about Julian’s relationship with girls? He dated someone?”
“Yeah, but all the girls ran away from him quickly, not being able to bear his hard character. Julian is very aggressive and furious. It’s very easy to make him furious. Besides, my brother despises women. They are like servants to him. Cook something, wash clothes, iron them, get ready to have sex, give birth to a child, don’t whine, don't ask for anything…”
“Is it happening because his mother kept him on the leash?”
“Most likely. Mother knew he was an asshole and tried to change him, or at least hold him down a little. And Father was never tender to him. He often beat him and put him under terrible punishment. And he made it a cruel education for men. It was kind of fine. And Julian started to have the same opinion.”
“Yeah…” Daniel exhales sharply. “I’m not surprised…”
“Father treated me in the same way, but Mother never let him do it. She behaved differently toward me. Yes, that woman was never as tender to me as a girl. But I felt that my mother loved me. Thanks to her efforts, I didn’t become a bastard, who hated women and was ready to step over corpses to get something.”
“Some bastards understand only the power language.”
“Father tried to make Mother afraid of him and be his servant many times. But she immediately prevented it and kept him on a short leash. And father is a huge supporter of patriarchy and was furious because of his powerlessness. His powerlessness against the strong woman, who pronounced herself the head of the home and often used cruel punishments toward her older son and husband. Yes, it was super easy for her to grab a belt and beat the adult man with deafening shouts.”
“So, did they become like this because of that woman?”
“Julian and Father were snakes before.”
“Anyway, your mother was a smart woman. As smart as Anna, who managed to see those bastards through and did her best not to become a relative of theirs.”
“Anna has had an intellect since birth. She did understand what was good or bad without her parents. Though, a little rebellious girl lived inside her. That girl can’t be called too shy and cowardly. Vice versa, she’s very brave, curious, and confident.”
“She’s my perfection. Anna has everything that the girl of my dreams has. Quiet and shy, but sassy and seductive. Yes, we could sometimes fight because of something. But we never had super-hard conflicts with breaking kitchen utensils, pulling hair out, or beating each other. Anna and I could always find a compromise and didn’t make a great tragedy out of home conflicts. We just lived with the thought that everyone would get through that.”
“Anna doesn’t like scandals and gets upset when she fights and argues. But she has always had a point of view and may sometimes be absolutely sure about her decisions. Just like in the case of the escape. I tried to change her mind multiple times. But she was headstrong.”
“That’s right…”
“But she didn’t get rid of the problem. She just delayed the moment when it would become real. Anna would’ve had to run into Julian and his father early or late. And Father would’ve reached her parents and done something to them.”
“And unfortunately, it happened…” Daniel sighs tiredly. “When she lost the protection that I could’ve given her if I… Had not cheated against my wish…”
“You are not the one to blame, Daniel. Anna did go to live with her father, who wanted to see nothing and blindly believed Julian, who pretended to be a guardian angel.”
“No, Ryan, what happened is my fault. I’m the one to blame for the fact that Anna is now in the hospital. She is suffering because of me. If I hadn’t made the mistake, that girl would’ve been with me, under my protection. The protection of our friends and me.”
“Excuse me, did she never tell you about Julian, Father, and me and the story of the Potters and the Seymours?”
“I’ve said I barely knew that story. I only know that her family wanted to decide everything instead of her, and she felt like a stranger at their home, didn’t want to live and suffer from being married without love.”
“You could’ve really helped her if Julian or Father had found her much earlier. They have had a grudge against you since they found out that Anna ran away with you.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“But I’m sure you would’ve dealt with them. Besides, you have amazing friends, who would’ve helped you protect that girl.”
“I’m very lucky to have them,” Daniel cracks a smile. “And I can find no words to thank them for everything they’ve done to me.”
“And yeah, a little piece of advice… If you have to fight with my brother, don’t do it alone, not for anything. Ask your friends to help. If Julian has a gun that you cannot get, think you’re lost.”
“We understood that he was insecure without a gun. Julian is a coward, but he pretends to be cool. You know how scared he was after I came, and then my friends showed up.”
“But I do not advise you to be too confident. Maybe, Julian will be wild and have no mercy for you and your friends the next time. He lost to you today, and it might hurt him a lot.”
“Don’t worry, Ryan, I will deal with him,” Daniel replies confidently. “And I’ll do my best not to let that man come to Anna.”
“Julian doesn’t hold down his emotions and starts an open war with anyone, who stands in his way.”
“And your father?”
“Father is a little different. He is very calculating and vindictive and prefers acting secretly, without revealing his plans. He can easily hide his real emotions and show others. But Mrs. Seymour managed to see that he was fake. And Anna confessed that she felt discomfort when being next to my father.”
“He is quieter than your brother?”
“Slier, I think. Father can make people think he’s their close friend. And never guess he gets ready to do a bad thing to them. That man hates people quietly. Unlike Julian, who gets sick of having to smile at someone and pretend to be a gentleman.”
“Do you think your father planned to reveal his plans so early?” Daniel frowns slightly. “I mean… Could it happen that your brother revealed himself when Norman didn’t need it?”
“Yes, Father wanted to pretend to be good for the Seymours until the very end. But Julian got terribly sick of pretending to be good. And he was scared when Maximilian said he wanted to ask a psychologist for help.”
“I see…” Daniel pronounces thoughtfully, folding his hands on the table and locking his fingers tightly. “So, they couldn’t find out what that stinker wanted to do to Anna until the end…”
“At least, I warned Mrs. Seymour a long time ago. And as you understood, she didn’t like my brother and thought he was too cold and unpleasant. That woman didn’t want her daughter to marry Julian, but she couldn’t fight with the Potters. So, she had to do something.”
“Is Maximilian really as naive as Julian said?”
“Yes, he can be called a simpleton. But I think he didn’t just want to believe the man, whose family he had known for ages, could somehow mock his daughter. Maximilian considered himself a close friend of my father for a long time.”
“I get it. It’s really hard to realize it.”
“I thought they always got along well. But the relationship between the Potters and the Seymours got worse after Anna’s mother and father made a mistake, which became the reason why my father lost a lot of money. He was madly angry, but he decided not to ruin his relationship with the Seymours and to pretend that nothing happened. But that man got obsessed with revenge and said he would never forgive them for literally making the Potters bankrupt.”
“And how long ago did the conflict happen?”
“I don’t know, but it happened before they talked about Anna's wedding.”
“So, could the wedding be a part of his plan?”
“I don’t exclude it. He needed Anna for his revenge. He wanted to use her to revenge her parents.”
“It hurts that Mr. Seymour didn’t believe Anna until the very end and thought she suffered just because of her breakup with you. Many things wouldn’t have happened if he’d protected her.”
“I still don’t understand how he couldn’t see the sighs that his daughter gave him. Mr. Seymour should’ve known Anna would never lie and slander someone.”
“I think it was a good lesson for him. But looking at him, I can say that he is blaming himself for Anna’s problems.”
“He said mothers felt their children better. And maybe, that’s true. Women are more careful and insightful…”
“Although Anna’s mother seemed a cold and closed woman, she has always felt a strong connection with her daughter. It’s a mother’s instinct. Moreover, she said her daughter could’ve died because she was born too early. She was worried…”
“If not for the fear of Norman and her parents, she wouldn’t probably have let the wedding happen. And… Maybe, Mrs. Seymour would’ve let Anna date and befriend anyone she wanted.”
“She definitely liked you. And I’m sure that she’s going to beg her daughter to come back to you soon.”
“But she’ll hardly listen to her.”
“Who knows. But Anna was happy with you. I saw it in her eyes.”
“Persuading and making her do something would be bad now. Your brother regularly mocked her, made her listen to him, and acted like she was his property or a long-time wife.”
“Agree, but in this case, Anna’s parents would do it for her happiness and sake. They won’t make her do something by force, but they will softly hint that it will be better for her. But if you help them deal with Julian and my father, the Seymours will obviously do anything you ask them about.”
“We’ll live and see it,” Daniel shrugs. “I will say nothing. I will just do what I need and leave the Seymours’ lives with a quiet heart, at least for some time. As they say, I will not be gone. I have a younger sister, whom I must take care of, and a music band that I’ll always be loyal to. The guys and I worked too hard to make our dream come true.”
“It’s gonna be fine, I’m sure,” Ryan says confidently with a slight smile. “We are stronger together.”
“That’s right.”
“And as we met, I would like to thank you for coming into Anna’s life and canceling my wedding with her. I’m glad she was so determined, but I’m sorry that girl got into that terrible situation.”
“Well, thank you for not supporting your family’s wish to take revenge by using the innocent girl,” Daniel flashes a smile. “As people say, you can always find something good in anything bad.”
“I’m against any violence toward girls and would never do that. Even if a girl can protect herself, her offender may be two times stronger and crush her like a pea.”
“Me, too. My parents always told me that I must respect girls and have no right to raise a hand on them. Even when I shook them by the hair when I was a child, they kicked me enough. And when I hit a girl with a book on the head, I experienced a serious scandal.”
“That’s unforgivable for any decent man. My mother always told me that. And I listened to her because she said the right things.”
“I know that fighting with men is terrible, too. But I have to. I can’t stay aside when a bastard wants to hurt my friends or my beloved girl.”
“I actually try to avoid situations when someone wants to fight because I’ve never waved my hands, and I’m not sure if I can stand up for myself.”
“Instinct for self-preservation automatically works by itself in a dangerous situation. You can’t fight, but you learn it immediately. You’d do anything to save your life.”
“I don’t know, I’ve never fought with anyone. And I don’t want.”
“But I’ve fought like a million times in my life. Enemies and even friends…”
“I see…” Ryan glances aside. “You know, Daniel, I must confess that I like to talk to you. You’re a nice person to talk with.”
“Mr. Seymour always says the same,” Daniel smiles shyly. “When we met for the first time, he said I was very educated. But he doesn’t know I studied terribly at school, barely graduated from it, and didn’t go to a university.”
“Maybe. But you give the impression of a smart and educated man. You are not similar to cattle. You’re quite gentle and intelligent.”
“There are things I can be worthless at. But I don’t think I’m brainless.”
“Who cares if you have an education. A person may have three high educations, but these diplomas won’t make them smarter if they are as stupid as a sheep. I know a couple of people, who didn’t graduate from school but have a wonderful mind and excellent knowledge. And I know the one to be an absolute idiot with a diploma of a master.”
“I think I’m going to seem like an innocent angel after Julian to the Seymours. Who, however, will not pretend and will be the one he is.”
“But now they will understand who their daughter would feel better with.”
“I think they did.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which Ryan smiles slightly, making Daniel absolutely sure that he is not as terrible as his brother Julian and father Norman.
“You’re a good man, Daniel,” Ryan notices amicably. “Really. I’m gonna be honest: if you and Anna break up, I will be very sorry. I don’t know what happened to your relationship all this time, but I still remember what Anna felt when everything was getting started.”
“I repeat, I want to let Anna decide on our relationship’s future and accept any decision,” Daniel replies quietly.
“Here’s my advice: never give up and lose hope. Believe me, Anna won’t leave the fact that you saved her from Julian unnoticed. Maybe, you’ve heard it thousands of times, but those people do tell you the truth. And everybody appreciates the fact that you don’t leave Anna and help her, even if you may hear nothing good from her.”
“You’re right, many people have told me the same…” Daniel cracks a smile. “My friends had similar situations. They were close to breaking up with their girls. All of them said many bad words and blamed each other for any type of charge. But everything got better later, and now the guys are happy with those they love.”
“So, if those people say you have a chance, it’s true. If Anna is surrounded by care, loyalty, and love, she will quickly forget to think of being mad.”
“But she always said she’d never forgive a betrayer.”
“In your case, it can be excused. And actually, Anna is not a vindictive girl. I won’t be surprised if that girl says she forgives my brother for all the mockeries one day.”
“You think she can?” Daniel rounds his eyes.
“Maybe. But I don’t exclude that she can do this to make her life easier.”
“I don’t exclude it. Somehow, I had such a hard fight with some people that I struck them out of my life and was mad at them for a long time. But later, I met new people and got new hobbies and goals… And those events were forgotten… Now I feel nothing for the people, with whom I somehow fought in the past. I could say I let my offenses go… And I had no time to remember that.”
“Anyway, only Anna will decide,” Ryan shrugs. “But only one thing must not be changed – the wish to punish my brother and father. They deserve it.”
“Don’t you feel sorry for them? Just a little!”
“Nope… I don’t care that they’re my family. Why would I worry about those, who have always given a damn about me? If they don’t care, I want to do nothing for them. Moreover, I sometimes think they’re nobody to me. So to speak, found me on the street. I don’t feel like a part of the Potter family. My place is not with them…”
“And do you suffer from it?”
“I used to suffer, but now I accepted it. And I don’t even try to be nice to my father and brother. We’ve lived like strangers for a long time: I do my business, but they do their tricks.”
“It’s unpleasant for all of us to do that to your family, but they must pay for what they’ve done.”
“It’s okay,” Ryan replies amicably. “I’m at your side. After what Julian did to Anna, it’s more disgusting for me to think he's my brother. And I want him and Father to go to prison.”
“Don’t worry, we won’t refuse to punish those people, even if Anna minds it,” Daniel promises confidently.
“As I’ve said, you all can also count on me. I shall help you somehow… And I’ll do my best to learn more about the reasons for my mother’s death and find dirt on Father.” Ryan exhales sharply. “I must confess that Mr. Seymour’s words made me seriously reflect on the reason why Mother died so suddenly. I… I’m starting to understand that something is not right…”
“Thanks for helping, Ryan. Now we need to be all together. And if you find out your father really had to do with your mother’s death, I will be very sorry.”
“If Mother’s death is Father’s fault, I shall hate him until the end of my life. And I will have the pleasure of putting him in prison.”
“Norman will go to prison anyway. With Julian.”
“I hope…”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which Ryan throws his sad look aside for a moment.
“Oh, okay, I think I’ll go…” Ryan says thoughtfully, scratching the back of his head. “Sorry for bothering you… I kind of talked a lot…”
“It’s okay,” Daniel replies amicably with a slight smile. “Thanks for being my company.”
“Don’t hide what’s happening inside you from your friends. And remember that you must bring this case to an end.”
“Time will decide and show everything. Anyway, thanks for the support again. I feel better because I have the people, who are always ready to listen, understand and help me.”
“I’m glad I helped you.”
Ryan gets up slowly, takes his folder with papers, and claps Daniel on the shoulder, while the man takes his bottle of water.
“Goodbye,” Ryan pronounces amicably. “See you soon.”
Ryan turns around and leaves quietly, while Daniel watches him with sad eyes.
“Goodbye…” Daniel pronounces quietly.
A few seconds later, after Ryan leaves the cafeteria, Daniel leans back in the chair and exhales slowly, running his hand over his face and raising his head up with a feeling of some relief. Which is, however, not enough to really believe that his efforts will lead to something good.
“No matter how much you say everything’s gonna be fine, nobody can deny I screwed it up,” Daniel thinks with sadness in his eyes. “Everything could’ve been otherwise if not for that fucking amnesia, that bastard Wainwright, and that liar Blanca. Oh, fuck, what a bastard I was! I messed up everything and am now trying to be good. Ha! You’ll not be a hero for Anna, Daniel! She’ll leave you like an unnecessary doggy and tell you to go to the fuck. And she won’t even thank you after the story of the Potters ends.”
Daniel exhales quietly and runs his hands through his hair.
“Anyway, I must bring the case to an end. At least, I’d feel quieter if I knew the one I love was safe. And I’ll be happy that no bastard dares to hurt her. And she’ll start a new life… In which there won’t be me… There won’t be us… There won’t be everything we experienced.”
Daniel shakes his head and sits on the table for a few seconds, drinking the water from his bottle. Then the man decides to go to Cassidy’s room, tell her what happened, and give the young girl some attention that she lacked so badly for a long time.