Estelle mumbled something and opened her eyes. "Huh? Even?" she said and then followed my gaze and spotted Megan standing there. She smiled meekly at her. "Oh, hello Meg…" she said and then turned her face away in embarrassment. Megan stood watching us in complete silence for a minute or so, then turned around and walked away without another word.
I was about to say something, or stand up when I felt Estelle’s hands crawl under my skirt. They found my thighs easily and tickled them. I looked at her. She kept looking directly into my eyes with a mischievous smile on her lips, while her fingers explored under my skirt. Her fingertips found my panties, and she caressed me through them.
"My, my…" she said. "You’re still soaking, Ally…" She rubbed me through the panties and my eyes closed and I arched my neck backward. I rocked my hips against her fingers. They felt so good down there. Her fingertips danced around and touched me everywhere. She got up to a sitting position and grabbed my waist.
"My turn, gorgeous," she said and pushed me down onto the couch. Estelle lowered me down and crawled on top of me. She kissed me and her tongue darted everywhere. "I can taste myself on your lips," she said and smiled at me.
"You’re so fucking sexy, you make me hot like nothing else…" It felt really good to be called that. I didn’t have time to ponder that much though, since she was apparently anxious to get to the good part and moved to my ears, nibbling my earlobes and licking them.
She pecked my neck and licked it all the way down to my shoulders. I shuddered and a quiet moan escaped my lips. She put her hands under my shirt and pulled it over my head. I struggled to free my hands and dropped the shirt behind me on the couch. When I looked back, she was watching my boobs, entranced.
"My god, you’re gorgeous," she said and ran her fingers on top of my bra. I shivered from the touch. I was too aroused and too eager to get to the better parts, that I reached behind my back and unclasped my bra, then threw it on the floor.
Estelle inhaled sharply, and I saw her eyes almost glaze over as she saw my boobs get released from their cloth prison. Her fingers beelined for my nipples and she teased them gently. I thought they were hard before, but oh boy, was I ever wrong. I arched my whole body and moaned hard. I lifted my butt higher and tried to grind it against the air, without much success.
"Eager, aren’t you?" She said, put her hand on the lower part of my belly, and pushed me down. She danced her fingers along my breasts, then down my sides and onto my legs. All the while she was kissing and licking my nipples and our eyes were locked once I straightened my body. She traced something onto my inner thighs with her fingers and I shuddered. I panted hard, it was like electric shocks were going through my body, sent by the tender touches of her fingertips.
"Estelle…!" I breathed out. My hands went to my hips, and I was pushing my panties off of me. "I want you… I want you badly… Fuck I, Estelle, please, fuck me…" I said.
I was completely entranced by her touches and her smile. She moved downward, lifted my legs on both of her shoulders, and smiled at me. I wrapped my legs around her neck and pushed her closer to me, closer to my anxiously waiting nub.
Estelle grabbed my ass and pulled me upwards, then kissed the top of my mound. My eyes rolled in my head and I squealed. I rocked my hips, trying to hit her, but she was just ever so slightly too far. She had stuck her tongue out and I managed to hit that a couple of times. It felt so incredibly good I thought my heart would burst out of my chest.
I grabbed my own boobs and teased my nipples. She kissed my thighs and made her way around me, being careful not to touch my drenched lips. It was oh so frustrating and I just wanted her to get me off. Then she bent slightly towards me again and licked my folds, all the way from up to the bottom. I breathed heavily, and I was gasping for air. My goddess, she was good at this.
Then she stuck her tongue inside of me and I thought I’d faint. I yelped loudly and squeezed my nipples hard. She licked me and then moved slightly upwards and kissed my waiting nub gently. Her tongue swirled around it, pushing and caressing it gently.
My legs spasmed and my hands flew to my sides and I grabbed a hold of something, maybe the blanket, maybe our clothes, maybe a pillow, I didn’t know nor care. Time and place ceased to exist for a while as she spent time on my nub with her tongue. Then I felt her insert her finger inside me gently. I moaned hard and loud and arched my whole body in response.
"Ally…" Estelle said, and I glanced at her. She lowered me back on the couch. She had her other hand down on her, her finger speeding in and out of her fast. "Wait for me, Ally…" she said. "I want to cum with you…" she breathed out and raised her leg over mine. She lowered herself onto me and rubbed her inner lips against mine.
I grinned against her like my life depended on it. I don’t know how long we continued that, but soon I heard her breathing quicken a lot and it became heavier like mine. My eyes rolled in my head again and I could feel my muscles starting their thing inside my hips. She held my other leg high, against her and rocked her hips against mine. Our lips squished together, juices mixed, scent melded. I felt the oncoming - unstoppable by now - end coming.
"Don’t… don’t stop," I said. "Estelle… Haa… Haa… Estelle..! Estelle!! I’m… Haa, Haa… I’m coming!!" I yelled, then screamed out loud as the orgasm took over my body. I felt like I was almost fainting. I felt Estelle shudder and quiver against me then she screamed too. We shook against each other, then I felt my strength leave my body and I slumped down, completely spent.
Estelle almost fell on top of me, her eyes closed, her face smiling contently. She snuggled closer to me and wrapped her hands around me, I wrapped mine over her. "You’re so very, very good, Estelle…" I said.
She kissed me, smiled at me, and kissed me again. "You make it so easy for me, you’re such a hot package, Ally…" she said, then leaned her head against mine and buried her face into my hair. "Be my girlfriend, Ally… I love you." she said.
If I had any more strength left, I would have jumped up and panicked, but I had none of it left. I just kissed her ear as best as I reached, "I love you, Estelle," I whispered into her ear. She purred against me and nuzzled my neck with her nose. Then we fell asleep.