I woke up the next morning feeling wonderful. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Estelle's sleeping face. We were coiled together on the couch, our legs and bodies intertwined.
We were sleeping under a blanket, so either Estelle had woken up during the night, or Megan had come down and seen us - naked, again - on the couch and decided to cover us. I smiled at her and brushed a curl off of her eye. She opened her eyes slightly and smiled widely at me. I poked her nose gently.
"Good morning, girlfriend," I said to her, grinning. She squealed and grabbed me into a hug. I chuckled and kissed the top of her head.
"Well ain't that so cute," Megan said behind us. I glanced toward her. She was standing in the kitchen doorway and had her hands on her hips. She was smiling at us, so I guessed she had accepted the facts.
"Now get up and come eat breakfast before you start making noises again," she said and grinned at us. I just grinned back sheepishly and shrugged my shoulders. I looked back at Estelle, who just smiled too. We looked at each other and giggled. I guess we did make a lot of noise yesterday...
"Thank you, Megan," I said and looked at her again. She shook her head, smiled, and walked back into the kitchen. "I think we need a shower, Estelle," I said. She grinned at me and looked all too innocent.
"Whatever made you think so?" She said and chuckled. We were sticky from all the sweat and other bodily fluids from yesterday. "I don't even know where half of my clothes are." She said.
We got up from the sofa and looked around the room, both still completely naked. Even without the added haze of being horny as fuck, Estelle looked like a goddess. I do not know how I was so lucky to get someone like her caring about me that much.
But I had to admit I loved it. And I had to admit that my heart had jumped over to her and my expression turned sad when I realized once this situation was over, she’d be on a plane, thousands of miles from me to her home.
"What’s with that face, beautiful?" she asked and touched my cheek with her finger. I stepped closer and hugged her, our bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces.
"I just realized this is nothing but a fleeting moment and once this blows over, you’ll be back in the EU, thousands of miles from me and I cannot touch you or kiss you," I said and leaned my head against her. I felt her chuckle lightly, and she caressed the back of my head.
"About that…" she said and pushed me off gently and put her hands on my shoulders. "You know—"
"Get on with the plan and go take your shower!" Megan shouted from the kitchen. "And be quick. SEPARATE showers, you hear me! Do not go there together, I’m not waiting hours for your breakfast you horny bunnies!" she yelled. Estelle and I grinned at each other. She shrugged, mouthed ‘later’ to me, and hopped towards her room.
I couldn’t find mine or her clothes anywhere, so I guess Megan had collected them and thrown them to the laundry. I guess she wasn’t as disgusted about it as she initially appeared to be. I ran to my room and picked up some clothes, waited for Estelle to get out, and took my shower afterward.
We gathered around the kitchen table for breakfast, again. Megan seemed in good spirits. "What’s up, Megan?" I asked. "You seem to be feeling happier today. It’s nice to see you smile genuinely every now and then," I said. Megan looked at me and smiled slightly. She looked at both of us and her smile widened.
"I realized something," she said and leaned backward. "At first I thought I’d be losing a friend and a sister when you told me you have hooked up together. I know, it’s a stupid thing, but that’s where my brain went. No, don’t say anything. Let me finish. I have to admit seeing my little sister - who I’ve always thought being a child - having lesbian sex on my couch, with my best friend, I might add…
"And seeing said best friend squirm in the throes of orgasm was a bit too much to start. But once I got over it... well, I’m not losing any friends or sisters, am I? I mean, quite the contrary. You’re going to be wanting to be together, so I’ve actually gained a friend to spend time with when Este’s here.
"We haven’t before included you in it, Ally, but I guess we’re now going to be spending much more time together, the three of us - even if you two are going to want private time just the two of you. But then again, I have Thomas, so we can actually go on double dates and stuff. Once I figured that out, it actually became a positive change," she said.
And smiled at us. "Just, please, try to, you know, get to a slightly less public place next time, right?" she said and scowled at us with a smile. We looked at each other and just laughed. It was a good, friendly laugh and everything felt better afterward.
"Meg," Estelle said suddenly with a more serious expression. "You know already, but I guess I need to discuss the other thing we talked about. Even though it’s really sad, considering all of what happened here, I can’t be as depressed about it as I was. I’m actually looking forward to it," she said. Megan nodded at her.
"I told you things would turn out better," she said and smiled. "And yeah, I guessed that you’d see that in a different light now that Ally is involved," she said. "As a friend, it’s just a slight blow to my ego that I wasn’t enough for that, but I totally understand. Family and Love are different from friendship, however good that is," she said and grinned.
"What’s going on?" I asked. It had something to do with Estelle’s family, and it was not good, but I couldn’t figure out the specifics. I instinctually grabbed Estelle’s hand. She squeezed it hard and turned to look at me. There was a tear in her eye.
"My parents are divorcing…" she said quietly. "And it’s not pretty. There is yelling and fights and lawyers everywhere. Dad…" she said and took a deep breath. I squeezed her hand and shifted closer to her.
"Dad has been cheating on mom for years. It’s bad. It’s ugly. Mom’s broken, Dad’s sad. Nicolé came home from abroad just for this. Louis is with my aunt," she said and shuddered. I put my hand over her shoulder and squeezed her close. She leaned her head against me and nuzzled closer. "Dad’s moving out and he’s going to live with... with... that woman. That fucking family-destroyed. I—" she said and shivered. I kissed her hair.
"I’m here," I said and patted her lightly. "I can’t say it’s going to be okay, or that everything is going to be alright, but I’m here. I won’t leave you, Estelle," I said and meant every single word. I just realized it myself, but I couldn’t think of leaving her.
Somewhere during these few short days, I had fallen for her, completely. It was a scary, refreshing, and someway, Liberating feeling. I was completely hers now. I might be the top here, but if she asked, I would obey. I smiled widely and hugged her tightly. "I love you, Estelle," I said.
"Thank you, Ally…" she said. Then she straightened up and there was a smile on her lips. "But now that we’re... we’re together," she said and kissed me gently. "Now that I have you, the other part makes it so much better. I’m moving here, Ally. I’m moving to the US, to this same town, actually," she said, and I gasped. My heart jumped almost out of my throat and I yelped loudly.
"What!?" I exclaimed. "Here? We can… we can be together?! And we don’t have to live thousands of miles apart?" I said. She smiled at me wildly.
"Yeah… I will go home as planned if the situation allows it. I need to help mom pack and move, but we’ll be back in three months or so, that’s what mom said," she said. Three months? That will be hard, but infinitely better than forever.
"And Ally…" she said and smiled at me mischievously. "If the lawyers get the things right, mom promised me I’d get a place of my own. I’ll start working and I’m going to be living in my own apartment," she said and grinned. "I might need a roommate…" she said.
Okay, I admit it, I squealed loudly and jumped her. I kissed her face all over, enough so that Megan cleared her throat and scowled at us. We looked at her with sheepish smiles on our faces, both slightly blushing. It was bad for her family, but this was better than I had ever hoped.