Danila and Eryth rushed back to the village with the injured. As they arrived, Grevla and Heyt were also back and speaking with the monk and Daya.
Heyt noticed the four as they approached. She alerted the others and they quickly moved to where they were and helped them. "What happened?" The monk asked while the white-haired woman began healing them with her ability.
"We found them in the custody of four High knights," Eryth stated.
The Monk met eyes with Grevla who shook her head and continued to heal Blutox's wound.
"What are high knights doing in the woods?"
"How about you tell me what is happening? Like who exactly is Hex and the High Knights of Hex?"
The monk shut his eyes and sighed. "I was going to tell you but couldn't find the right time, but now's surely is the best time."
He started. "Hex is a powerful and dangerous man and a user of the Lost Act."
"The Lost Act?"
Monk Zumma nodded. "The lost act is a lost and forgotten act that allows the user to merge and consume other beings, giving them the acts, strength, and even memories of those they consume," he continued. "Hex uses this act and he has bound himself to his four generals… so unless these generals no longer breathe, no attack will work on his because of the domain shield around him."
"Do we just need to kill his generals and we will be able to kill this Hex guy?" Eryth asked.
"It's not as easy as you make it sound." The monk pointed at Uobleza and Blutox. "This was done by the High knights, beings following Hex's generals, now imagine how strong the generals are, or Hex himself."
The dark brown-haired man pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Well, we might wanna act fast, because those men are probably searching for this place as we speak."
"We still need more time before Daya can put up the domain shield, so we have to come up with a defense plan against these guys. If they are High knights, then a general must be with them."
Grevla finished healing the two and got up on her feet. "Were you able to catch their abilities?"
The dark brown-haired man nodded. "One of them is a Fire Elementalist and the other is… I think she was spitting acid…"
[Poison act]
"Yeah, she used the poison act. Not sure of the other two."
"Duplication and Shifting act," Blutox stated. "They are both menace together, we ran into them after killing three shadow beasts and they just… it was embarrassing."
The monk got up and started toward the woods. "Eryth, go with Daya and Heyt to help the villagers that can't fight into the underground area, the rest with me to the armory."
"There's an underground area?"
"Yes, below the library," Heyt replied.
"That's cool, let's get going then."
The monk added a few things before the two groups marched their separate ways to complete their task. The trio arrived at the village and announced the incoming evil, ushering them to pack their things and leave for the underground.
"Hey, Eryth, I need your help," Daya called out.
He stopped and turned his full attention to her. "Are you finally ready to forget your imaginary husband and…"
"Shut up," she chuckled. "Now's not the time to make those silly jokes."
"Fine fine… but you still haven't told me who your 'husband' is."
She shook her head and strode into the library with the dark brown-haired man following behind her.
They continued deeper into the library until they arrived at the front of a door then Daya stopped while backing Eryth.
"You okay?" He asked as he realized she wasn't moving.
The dark-haired woman turned to him with a dagger in her hand and tears rolling down her eyes. Eryth raised his brows as she extended her hand, moving the dagger up to his chest level.
"Kill me please."
"Huh?" The dark brown-haired man asked, utterly confused.
"You have to kill me before they get here, please, I don't want to lose my mind."
Eryth took the dagger from her hand and tossed it away then placed his hands on both her shoulders. "What are you saying, calm down and speak."
She let out a soft breath before speaking again. "Back in my hometown, when we were attacked by one of Hex's generals, I managed to convince the general to sign a contract with me… he will spare my husband and me, and let us flee on the condition that if we meet again, he will have control of my soul and I'll have to do whatever he asks."
"You have to kill me before he comes here, please… do this one thing, I don't want to lose myself."
Eryth sighed. "I will not."
She wiped her face and then held his palm, using her index finger to draw a circle on his palm multiple times while she spoke. "I told you I managed to convince him, that is because along with my Expansion act, I am also blessed with the ability to force people into making contracts with me," she continued. "Now I want you to kill me before the High knights arrive." She bit her finger and drew a circle with her blood on his palm.
"Again, I will not."
Her eyes widened in shock as she saw nothing happened. "Why isn't it working?"
Eryth shrugged before grabbing her hand. He opened her palm and began drawing a circle of his own while speaking. "Well, here's one of my own," he started. "I promise to protect you and keep you safe from whatever evil the enemy comes with."
Immediately he spewed the last words, a light appeared around her palm. Daya's eyes widened even more.
"What is happening?"
"Y---You also have the contracting ability."
"Really? I didn't know that."
She smiled. "Just add a condition to seal it in."
A mischievous grin appeared on Eryth's lips which made the dark-haired woman frown and begin shaking her head. "No, no don't say that, stop even thinking it."
"Fine fine, then… well err…" he paused. "On condition that you tell me if this your husband truly does exist." The light became brighter before fully disappearing.
Daya sighed and shook her head. "Very well then, if you must know then here it is…"
"After my husband and I escaped, he fell terribly ill and when monk Zumma checked, we found out that a Poison act was used on him."
"Oh…" Eryth realized.
She nodded. "Yep, he died."
Eryth raised his hand and rubbed the back of his dark brown hair. "I'm sorry. Hope he finds comfort with the gods?"
The expansion act user smiled and tapped his shoulder. "Don't let that change things between us," she added before turning towards the door. "Let's complete the task given to us, shall we."
The dark brown-haired man shook his head and sighed. "This sucks."
[You are a shithead]
"What the hell? You can hear me from that far????"