They said that GoldieLocks was the prettiest girl to ever roam the Wayfull Woods. She was so sweet and beautiful, no one ever thought to take a longer look at her motives. Whenever Goldi wanted something, she got it. And that's how GoldiLocks and the three bears all started...
"I'm hungry!" Yelled Goldie to her poor grandmother. "Make me some food, you old hag!"
Her grandma nearly fell over with fright. Goldie has that effect on people.
"Why... dear... I don't have any food here. You ate the last of it last night..." Her grandma flinched, awaiting Goldie's reaction.
"Okay." She said sweetly. "I'll go out in the woods to pick some berries! But I warn you, I'm not coming back." She smiled deviously at that, and her grandma let out a small sigh of relief.
So Goldie set off in the woods in search for food. Soon enough, she comes across the bear's cottage. She smiles to herself and walks right in. On table sit three abandoned bowls of porridge, as if the three bears left the house right when they saw her coming. Huh. She thought. Peculiar.
She seated herself in one of the chairs and began to eat the first bowl of porridge.
"Ow!! Too hot!" She said after she put the spoon into her mouth. She silently dripped a few drops of arsenic into the porridge.
"Ewww! Too cold." She said when she put the second spoon into her mouth. She, again, dripped a few drops of arsenic into the porridge.
"Ahhhhh, just right!" She exclaimed as she put the third spoonful into her mouth. Then she ate the whole thing.
After she was full, Goldie strolled into the living room to watch some TV. First, she sat in the big armchair in the middle.
"Ugh! Too big!" She said, and she got off the chair and lit it on fire.
"Ergh! Too wobbly!" She said as she got off of the chair on her left. She promptly set it on fire with the other chair's fumes.
"Oh! This little chair is just right!" She said as she sat down on the smallest chair. But Goldie is a little on the heavy side, so she broke the chair. Angry with the stupid broken chair, she lit it on fire too.
After all the mischief, she felt very tired. She walked up the stairs slowly and into the bedroom only to find the bedroom a complete mess! This will simply not do, She told herself. And GoldieLocks left the house charred and broken, and skipped home gleefully. Her mother welcomed Goldie back with open arms. People always said Goldie was just like her mother. Well, they were right in more ways than one...
The Bear family came back home from their hiding place fuming, but absolutely terrified. The famed GoldieLocks was not a sweet little girl. She was a professional assassin, but no, not one of the townspeople knew it. Because in their eyes, she would always be pretty little GoldieLocks.