No Plagiarism!pZfdfwer44zuGkBt1cO6posted on PENANA Do you ever feel like you're at the edge8964 copyright protection777PENANAFZCEg3IUYy 維尼
At the brink8964 copyright protection777PENANA303MyvskJm 維尼
One step away from breaking8964 copyright protection777PENANAhcA2cN7vo9 維尼
Cracking8964 copyright protection777PENANAy4GQxA9ES4 維尼
Do you ever just want to let go8964 copyright protection777PENANAl1Dzk7nZXy 維尼
End everything8964 copyright protection777PENANAQsH3TZvW8m 維尼
Drop off the face of the Earth8964 copyright protection777PENANAQFE0yOIN6z 維尼
And just let yourself be split open8964 copyright protection777PENANAC612DTrnIX 維尼
Feel you’re muscles tighten and stretch8964 copyright protection777PENANAOh7qjcqTDE 維尼
Feel the wind in you’re hair8964 copyright protection777PENANAmagHBSHom9 維尼
Do you ever feel the world crushing down on your shoulders8964 copyright protection777PENANASdXOcvVdfw 維尼
And you’re struggling to hold on8964 copyright protection777PENANAdf36z9Yp8Y 維尼
Do you ever feel yourself slipping8964 copyright protection777PENANAzuL9EfxORl 維尼
Holding on with a slackned grip8964 copyright protection777PENANAG6FYDzZLSd 維尼
To something you can’t seem to comprehend8964 copyright protection777PENANANs52mQFgli 維尼
And you wonder ‘why should I care to hold on?’8964 copyright protection777PENANAtZ0dQsvev6 維尼
Do you ever feel dead8964 copyright protection777PENANAh6fgINaEPV 維尼
Alive physically8964 copyright protection777PENANANronljtZDH 維尼
Done mentally8964 copyright protection777PENANAoQwbF35nuv 維尼
Dead emotionally8964 copyright protection777PENANAmwHl4kM41M 維尼
Do you ever feel your feet hovering over the edge8964 copyright protection777PENANAB8k7n5Ucag 維尼
Awaiting the drop of no return8964 copyright protection777PENANAFKJoQN8hWj 維尼
Do you ever feel your heart screaming8964 copyright protection777PENANAei1Udn5O2h 維尼
But you’re mind pleading8964 copyright protection777PENANAk3h3MvPGIC 維尼
Do you ever feel like breaking down8964 copyright protection777PENANAu1ulPiYUTS 維尼
Letting yourself be split open for all to see8964 copyright protection777PENANA6PtIx1vFQr 維尼
Release the pent up rage8964 copyright protection777PENANAdld7oT3tas 維尼
Sadness8964 copyright protection777PENANAI6cQMasJRU 維尼
Despair8964 copyright protection777PENANA120JNzenrt 維尼
Do you keep it inside8964 copyright protection777PENANAXNVJB8ozhp 維尼
Like I8964 copyright protection777PENANARmVAXYj0P0 維尼
Do you keep it locked away for none to see8964 copyright protection777PENANAKVFRbvBDD8 維尼
And smile anyway8964 copyright protection777PENANAE5ZH0XDdqg 維尼
Despite your feelings8964 copyright protection777PENANA534z3Z4V8I 維尼
…….I’m breaking8964 copyright protection777PENANAzkGL2Iaw4a 維尼
Deep down8964 copyright protection777PENANAu8t1DWtPkH 維尼
And I know8964 copyright protection777PENANAGD4F3VgDjt 維尼
Somewhere out there8964 copyright protection777PENANAshN0DE7rXP 維尼
Someone else is too.8964 copyright protection777PENANAFZl8TQeE3W 維尼