I was reading in the libary when the explosion hit. Whisper had magicked in some spell tomes for me to read so I could learn more about the origins of witchcraft and magic in general. He'd cleverly disguised the books as ordinary novels, ensuring that anyone else saw them as nothing more than what they appeared on the surface, up to and including if they took the tome and flicked through some pages - to them, they'd be flicking through the pages of an ordinary novel and not a book that would have outed me in seconds the moment any of Sienna's pack saw it in my hands. 143Please respect copyright.PENANA3FqYT0tyvB
Whisper himself was dozing on the hearth rug, flanks moving in and out gently. He always took the form of a black wolf whenever he manifested himself, because, in his words, a black cat was yesterday's news - black wolves were apparently all the rage. But deep down, there was the worry that choosing a black cat as his physical form would damn me just as surely as if my captors saw a spellbook in my hands. Wolves could manifest themselves separately from their humans, so at least in that, I was safe.
Then Sienna stalked in, eyes blazing. Whisper got to his paws and moved between her and I, hackles rising. Werewolves generally had dire wolves as their companions - about the same size as ordinary wolves, but with more massive jaws and teeth - but Whisper chose the form of a greatwolf; twice the size and weight of a dire wolf, and he presented one hell of an intimidating spectacle, judging by the way Sienna's face went pale. Candy's wolf Chaser was also a greatwolf, a rare sight among packs these days, and I thanked the gods greatwolves were a rare, but recognisable sight - Whisper would have been outed for that in a heartbeat. I also thanked the gods Sienna took his warning seriously, but that didn't stop the glare from resurfacing. "I'm going to tear your throat out, bitch," she warned. "I don't know what you've done, but you'll undo it before I rip you to shreds like the misbegotten mutt you are."
I took a deep breath to calm myself. "I haven't done anything, Luna," I said, using her title as she'd ordered me to do the day I was brought here. "I'm sorry if you feel I've 'done' something, but I've been locked up in this part of the palace for months. How could I reach you to do anything?"
Sienna's glare deepened. But she still refused to go around Whisper, who looked ready to tear her throat out on the spot. "You've cursed me to be barren," she snapped. "I've had sex with my mate for months, and we still haven't conceived! You must have done something to stop Zach's seed from taking, and I swear to God I am about ready to ignore Father's orders and gut you on the spot!"
"I haven't cursed you, Luna," I said as calmly as I could manage. I didn't want her to have a cub with Zach - his or her fate in Wanda's hands was a sickening thing to contemplate - but I'd never have even dreamed of trying to interfere with you and your mate."
"You have," Sienna insisted. In one swift movement, she seized a vase and smashed it against the edge of the table. Priceless china tumbled to the floor, and she took a menacing step forward, the sharp fragment in her hand pointing menacingly at Whisper, who began to growl. "Undo it," Sienna snapped, "or I'll slit your wolf's throat here and now."
Something in me snapped. Without thought for what might come afterwards, I merged my form with Whisper's and lunged, knocking Sienna to the floor and sending the broken bit of china spinning out of her grasp. Her eyes were wide and frightened as I glared at her, a low growl rumbling in my chest. Greatwolves were also three times as strong as dire wolves; Sienna had no chance at pushing me aside. 'I'm only going to say this once,' I said. 'I had nothing to do with you being unable to conceive. Even if I had the power to do so, I wouldn't use it, because I am a decent person. You might not think of me that way, but I've got a heart. Now drop it before I forget myself and tear your throat out on the spot!'
Sienna took a deep breath, and sudden tears filled her eyes. I kept my guard up, not wanting to be lured in by crocodile tears, but as she lay there, Whisper spoke up. 'She's scared,' he said. 'Wanda has her on a tight leash, and has been threatening her with all kinds of unpleasant punishments if she doesn't produce a cub soon. I think it's Sienna who's holding back the process; she doesn't want to lose a cub to Wanda's wiles.'
Whisper was very good at telling a person's motivations; he had a bullshit meter which out-bullshit-metered even the most savvy of werewolves, and I was inclined to trust his judgement. So I climbed off Sienna, and when I shifted back to human form, I offered her a hand up. She took it, and I led her to a chair. "I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't mean to scare you."
Sienna sniffed and wiped her eyes. "You don't know what it's like," she said in a low voice. "Wanda is watching me night and day - I can feel her in my mind, and no matter what I try, I can't shut her out. That's why I came in here yelling - this library is the only place where I can throw up a block so she can't get to me. Father is a believer in witchcraft, and he keeps tomes of magic lore which create a forcefield not even the strongest and most powerful werewolf can break." She managed a weak smile. "That was an impressive pin down, by the way."143Please respect copyright.PENANAXTAalXEa5N
Once Whisper confirmed this was the truth, I gave Sienna a smile of my own. "Whisper's a greatwolf," I said. "Candy's wolf is the same - they're rare as hen's teeth, but they can pack an almighty wallop when you push them."
"It helped give the image I needed to send to Wanda," Sienna admitted, rubbing her chest gingerly. "Oof. I guess I deserved it, in a way. I haven't been very nice to you, and I'm sorry. Wanda doesn't like any of you, and poor Zach is a tool in her hands. I never wanted a part of this, but Wanda's got tabs on me in more than just one way." She took a deep breath. "You see, I'm actually your half-sister on your father's side; he had a liasion with a female two years before he met your mum, and I was the result. Father hated that I was a half-witch, and to make up for his treatment of me, he spoilt me rotten in hopes that I'd forget how cold he is to me on a daily basis.
"But Wanda was even angrier. She hates your dad for being a half-breed in her eyes, but at the same time, she coveted me, just as she coveted Zach, you, and our siblings. You've probably guessed why Wanda wants us so much; we're all witches, or have witch-blood, and she wants to breed our cubs to produce a child strong enough to help her establish a new kingdom of sorts. Stonehenge is the former seat of the unified magic races, and Wanda wants to create a new race that will help her take over the world, or some such nonsense. But only witches can rule there, so she's told me, and in order to get perfect witches, she wanted to breed Zach and I together, and then use our cub to start her perfect lineage."
I shivered. "Damn, that's messed up," I said, horrified.
Sienna gave me a weak smile. "I've been stalling her for as long as I can, but she's getting really mad at me, and she's threatened to have my half-siblings taken and bred with males and females of her choosing against their will."
"We can't let her do that," I said firmly. "And in order to do that, we need to get back to Reading. Can you sneak the three of us out? My pack's not as strong, but Zach, myself and the triplets are all full witches. We can create a shield strong enough to repel any of Wanda's efforts to seize us, and our parents will raise holy hell to protect us."
"I can wrangle something," Sienna said. She firmed her shoulders. "I know you've no real reason to like me, and I sure as hell don't blame you. I'll spend the rest of my life making this up to you, no matter what it takes."
I put a hand on her arm. "I'll take you at face value, for now," I said. "If you turn on me again, though, I won't hesitate; I will rip your throat out, and strangle Wanda with your guts. You're treading on thin ice, and my trust is a commodity you're going to have to earn."
"That's fair enough," Sienna agreed. "Leave it with me; I'll have something ready by tomorrow."143Please respect copyright.PENANARMVtzUloYi
'I don't trust her,' I said to Whisper once the door had closed behind her.
'I don't blame you,' Whisper admitted. 'She's telling the truth about your grandmother's ambitions, but she's leaving out too much for my liking. Go with caution; I can jump into the breach as needed, and it won't be pretty if I have to do so should Sienna turn around and stab us in the back. I've spent thousands of years holding back so I don't hurt people, but if Sienna does us a wrong turn, I won't be held responsible.'143Please respect copyright.PENANAalJyw5p0wW
This both frightened and comforted me. 'I'll leave it in your hands,' I said. 'And I won't hold it against you if you do have to unleash hell's fury on Sienna. But if we get out of this alive, you're going to have to spill the beans, mister.'
'Consider the beans spilt,' Whisper promised.