Dad was telling me that Mom went to the research laboratory and was inseminated with the “seed from a dog.” He continued to say that I inherited gens or whatever from the dog. This meant that I was now growing dog ears and a tail. I was partly puppy and part human. The doctor at the research institute knew this and thought that he owned me. He wanted me to live in the bunker, where I most likely would be treated as a pet. He also was afraid that they would just experiment on me. Dad would not allow this. This is why he bought me to the cabin, where the research would not find me. He was also afraid of what society would think when they knew “of my condition”. We would have to hide here until we had a plan of what we would do.
I told Dad that I needed to be alone. I went outside and hid under a tree. This was a lot of information. In a way, it was too much information. I felt so stupid. In a way, I knew that something was wrong with me. Why could I not see that it was puppy ears and a puppy tail? In a way, there was no way I could know. The simple fact is that I must have been the only child in the world that was half puppy. There was no way I could ever know that I was born because some institute did an experiment. I wanted to scream and cry. I was the result of an experiment, and I would look like a human puppy for the rest of my life.
Then it hit me! I realized that Dad was not my dad. My real dad was some dog at the institute. This was a scary thought and it made me think that all this must be a bad dream. It also made me realize that the Dad I thought I had was never my dad. He was an imposter. It made me think that my family was not really a family. We just pretended to be a family. Dad pretended to be my Dad. How could he not know that mom was involved in some strange experiment? It showed that mom and dad were not as close as I thought. Either Dad knew or they kept secrets from each other.
There was not much to do at the cabin. Dad cooked and did things like cut wood. I helped to keep it clean. Dad tried being the way he always was, but I was in no mood to speak. I was mad and afraid. I will admit that I felt sorry for myself. Would you not feel sorry if you found out you were a half dog? Would you not be afraid of what your future would be or could you ever be accepted in society?
I was not so stupid that I knew people would consider me a freak, a mutant and a mistake. It made me also think if I was human. Did I have a majority of puppy DNA and was I just an animal that Dad would have as a pet? Would I end up eating dog food and having to wear a collar? All these thoughts were so bizarre and hard to believe. I also wondered if there were others like me. How many women did the research institute experiment on?
When Dad was out cutting wood, I tried to phone Catherine. I needed someone to talk with. When she answered, I told her where I was and not to be worried. I tried telling her that we were hiding. When she asked why I could no longer speak. I started crying on the telephone. I was too afraid of what she would do if she knew what was happening to me. I was also ashamed. At any rate, I could not talk as I just cried and cried. I could hear Catherine try to console me and tell me that she would be visiting me.
I did not get a chance to answer, as Dad slammed the phone down. He got mad at me as he said, that I should have remembered the rules, and one rule was not to use the phone. I snapped back at Dad and told him he could not hide me for the rest of my life. I had a right to speak with Catherine. Besides that, he had no right to decide over me. He was not my Dad and I was not his pet. I could see that this hurt Dad a lot, as he went silent and went outside to continue cutting wood.
Dad and I did not talk after my outburst. He did his things and I did my things. I did feel bad about what I said to him. I was so confused and afraid. It was impossible to understand that I was an experiment puppy. I knew that Dad loved me so much, and he hid me here to protect me. In a way, I should not have been mad at him. It should be my mother that I should blame. She is the one that allowed the institute to experiment on her. She is the reason why I was now a freak of nature. The more I thought about it, the angrier I became. I did not ask to be half puppy! I wanted to be human! I did not think that I would ever forgive mom again. I was unsure about what my relationship with my dad would be. After all, he was not my Dad. What was he so?
Dad tried speaking with me and telling me that he could understand in a way how I felt. He wanted me to remember that he may not be my biological Dad, but in his heart and mind, he would always be my Dad. He wanted me to remember that he loved me. I think that Dad was trying to be nice, as he said that we should invite my mother and Catherine to visit us. I was silent for a while after this. I did not want to say something that I would later regret. After I thought for a while, I said in a low voice that I did not want Catherine to see me this way. I also never wanted to see my mom again. This made Dad sigh and he started to cook.
A week or so went and Dad and I were still not speaking with each other. I was not bored at the cabin. I loved being in nature. I started to accept that I could never live a normal life. My puppy ears were now fully grown. It was strange when I looked in the mirror. I looked like any other boy, but my ears were now puppy ones and I could wag my tail. The fur on my ears and tail was so soft. I also had some puppy instincts. I could smell much better and I could hear things that no other boy would ever hear. This made exploring nature much more interesting. There were so many things that I could experience. I tried to look at the positive side of things, but at times I was reminded that I was not a normal boy. This was like when my mom tried to ring me and speak with me on the telephone. I would hear Dad arguing with her blaming her for everything and at the same time, he would tell me that Mom wanted to speak with me.
I refused to speak with my mom every time I was offered the chance to do so. Dad tried encouraging me to make peace with her. I would snap back and ask him why I should forgive her if he would not. Despite that I tried to accept this new life being hidden in a cabin in the middle of the woods, I was constantly reminded of my situation. I was becoming an angry child, and this led to me feeling more and more sorry for myself.
It was one of the times when my mom wanted to speak to me and I refused. I told Dad that I wanted to be alone. I said this quite often. I curled up in my bed and cried myself to sleep. When I woke up Catherine was sitting on the edge of my bed. I started to panic and told her that she could not see me. I did not want her to see what I was. I jumped from the bed and ran to the tree I usually hid under. I started to remember the good times that Catherine and I had together. I remembered that we agreed that we would always be best friends. We were soul mates. The problem was that I was a normal human boy when we agreed on being soul mates. I had no clue as to what I was now. I was ashamed that she had now seen me. What would she think of me now?
Catherine found me and sat down next to me. The only thing she said was that it would hurt her if I continued to run away from her and hide. Then for some time, we just sat there and said nothing. I did not know what to say or do. I felt so ashamed. Catherine now could see that I was a boy puppy. I whimpered and told her that she now knew the truth. She now could see I was a result of an experiment. I would understand if she no longer wanted to be friends.
Catherine laughed and then got serious as she said, “Stop being so daft. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. I suspected that something strange was happening when you started getting puppy ears and a tail. Now we know why. Do you think that I am so shallow that I would no longer be your friend? I know what is in your heart. We will always be friends. I do not care how you were created or what you look like. I am so proud you are my soul mate!”
Catherine explained that I was not human or a dog. I had the best from both worlds. She thought that this did not make me a freak or a misfit. It made me special and unique. I looked at her and smiled. If she could accept me, then I should start accepting myself. I should start seeing the strong sides of being both a human and a puppy. It meant that I had to start being proud of who I was. If Catherine could accept me, then society should be able to accept me. Besides all of this, we both agreed that I was not the only experiment that took place. There must be other children like me out there somewhere.
Catherine was allowed to stay with me for a few days. She kept assuring me that there was nothing wrong with me and that I was very special and unique. We had fun together, and it was as if we were on a summer camp and not hiding. It was sad when Catherine had to go home. Dad did allow us to phone each other every day. I was lucky that I had such a good friend. I also guessed that Dad invited Catherine to the cabin to cheer me up and help me to accept the situation that I was in.
A few days after Catherine left, Dad asked me if I hated him. He reminded me that hatred causes only pain, and is like cancer, eating at one's soul. Hatred does not solve anything. He also thought that self-pity was dangerous as it just led to tears and unhappiness. The best way to deal with a crisis is to hold one's head high, love one's self and be brave. Dad reminded me that he may not be my real Dad, but he has loved me since the day I was born. He will continue to love me and consider himself my father.
I hugged Dad and told him that it took some time, but I accepted what I am. This was true. Since Catherine came, I have slowly started to smile once again and be happy. I was unique and society may never accept this. I had the challenge to find my place and role in my life. I told Dad that he is my Dad. He had been in my life since I was born. If I was to find my purpose in society, I could not do it alone. I loved Dad and I loved mom. We both agreed that we should allow mom to come to the cabin.
Then Dad suggested that we go on a hike. This hike was different. I was very hyper and dad found it hard to keep up with me. I tried to explain the new scents that I experienced as well as the sounds. Dad was impressed that I could experience things that he could not. I was smiling and excited. I knew there was hope for the future. I knew I could find happiness.
As we were walking back to the Cabin, I told Dad to stop. I could smell some strange things and I could hear men talking about me. We hid behind a bush as we saw some men searching the cabin and waiting for me.
Continued in Experiment Puppy II