Tom MacDonald 是位我很喜歡的饒舌歌手,而這首歌是感觸我最深的一首歌!
歌名:I wish
歌手:Tom MacDonald
發行時間:2019年 2月 1日
I wish I wasn't fat 我希望我不胖
I wish I wasn't gay 我希望我不是個同性戀
I wish I wasn't black 我希望我的膚色不是黑色的
I wish that I was brave 我希望我能勇敢
I wish, I wish, I wish with every candle on the cake 我希望,蛋糕上的每根蠟燭都能實現我的願望
That I could quit doin' these drugs, but I can't and I'm afraid 我希望我能遠離毒品,但我做不到,我好害怕
I wish that I was smart 我希望我是聰明的
I wish that I was rich 我希望我能變得富有
I wish it wasn't hard for me to grow up and forgive 我希望"長大"和"學會原諒"這兩件事對我來說不會很難
I wish that I could help 我希望我是有用的
I wish I wasn't sick 我希望我身體健康
I wish that I was Tom MacDonald, I'd be just like him 我希望我是Tom MacDonald,就像他一樣
I wish I wasn't sober 我希望我的意志不是清醒的
I miss it when the party wasn't over 我想念派對還沒結束的樣子
Happiness was right around the corner 到處都讓我感到快樂
Every single night was like the best one of our lives, now we're older 每個夜晚都是生命中最棒的時光,但我們現在已經老了
The good old days are out of reach, I wish that they were closer 美好的舊時光皆遙不可及,真希望它們能再靠近一點
I wish I wasn't anxious, and I wish I could fast forward 我不想再焦慮下去,希望我的時間能快進
And I wish that I could rewind, but they don't make that controller 也希望我的時間能倒帶,但沒有人創造這種遙控器
I wish the nights were longer, and I wish the days were shorter 我希望我的夜晚能持續的久一點
And I wish that I could sleep enough to maintain my composure 我希望我能有充足的睡眠以保持鎮定
I feel crazy, I wish that I was normal 我覺得我瘋了,我希望我是正常的
I wish that I could kill myself, but also be immortal 真想殺了我自己,但又希望我是永生的
Take me to the oracle, I heard that time is borrowed 帶我進入神諭的世界吧,聽說那裏的時間是可以借的
Can you give me back my yesterdays? I'll give you my tomorrows 可以把我過去的時光還給我嗎? 我可以付出我的未來
Forget all of my morals and just live like I cannot remember sorrow 把我心中所有的道德規範都忘了吧,這樣就可以活得像是不記得悲傷一樣
Before all of the tattoos and the cornrows 在滿身刺青和擁有這一頭雷鬼頭之前
I was different, I was happy, I was calmer, I was young and full of hormones 與現在的我不一樣,那時的我很開心,更平靜,年輕並渾身充滿荷爾蒙
Now I'm wishing for a time machine, I'd step into that portal and be gone 現在的我期待著時光機的出現,讓我能踏入時光機入口並消失回到過去
I wish on shooting stars, or were they satellites? 我對著流星許願,或者那其實是衛星?
Maybe they were too far, hey-oh-nah-nah 也許因為它們離我太遙遠了,以至於我分不清
I must've blown apart a million dandelions 我一定是把那數以百萬的蒲公英吹得太遠
Now they don't grow in my yard, hey-oh-nah-nah 以至於現在我的院子裡看不到它們的蹤跡
I wish I didn't care about the day that I'd be buried 希望我再也不在意被我埋藏在心中的那一天
Used to live like I was ready for it, always in a hurry 照著往常習慣的日子生活吧,總是那樣的匆忙
Now I'm worried, all my memories are blurry 現在我有點擔心,對我來說過去的回憶已經開始模糊了
I'm just barely turning 30, and the voices in my head are tryna hurt me 我才剛滿30歲,而腦海裡的聲音一直試圖傷害我
The choices that I made make me feel dirty, I was 25 at 13 過去我所做的選擇讓我感到卑鄙,我的13歲活得像25歲
I was smoking with the seniors, drinking beer and getting flirty 我和大人一起抽菸、喝啤酒並和女人調情
Now the Ativan ain't working, I need something even stronger 現在安定文(鎮靜安眠藥)對我來說已經無效了,我需要更強烈的東西
Give me childhood, my mother, and my father, and my sister 給我童年、我的母親、父親和我的妹妹
And a Christmas to make up for all the recent ones I missed 和一個聖誕節來補償最近我所失去的所有事物
While I'm touring the country for a living 在當我為了生計而到全國各處巡演時
Give me a hug, and a Nintendo, and a toy box in the closet 給我個擁抱、一個任天堂遊戲機和一櫃子的玩具吧
Give me everything I wish I had, oh wait, I think I got it 給我所有我所希望的吧...等等...我想我都有了
I'm a rapper like I always promised them I would accomplish 我是個說唱歌手,就像我總是向他們所承諾說我一定會達成的
This is awesome, man, I wish I had a friend to tell, I'd call him 這個感覺超讚的,真希望我有個能夠傾訴所有的朋友,我會打電話跟他分享
And I wonder if I jumped from here, if I'd survive the bottom 我想知道,如果我從這裡跳下去,並在掉下後能夠倖存
And would everyone believe me if I told'em I had fallen? 會有人相信我所說的,我曾在這裡跌落的這件事嗎?
I'ma jump 我要跳囉
I wish on shooting stars, or were they satellites? 我對著流星許願,或者那其實是衛星?
Maybe they were too far, hey-oh-nah-nah 也許因為它們離我太遙遠了,以至於我分不清
I must've blown apart a million dandelions 我一定是把那數以百萬的蒲公英吹得太遠
Now they don't grow in my yard, hey-oh-nah-nah 以至於現在我的院子裡看不到它們的蹤跡
I wish we were kids again 希望我們能再當一次小孩
Before everything was on Instagram, hey-oh 在所有事都被放到Instagram上前
The things were so simple then 那時的生活是多麼的簡單啊
Me, my tree fort, all of my friends 只有我、我的樹堡和我所有的朋友
Way back when on Beaver Driver 再回家時走過海狸大道
When the floor was lava, I could fly, hey-oh 我把地面想像成熔岩,而我可以飛越它
Wished I was big like them 真想回到那個年紀
Never thought I'd wanna be a kid again 回到那個從不會想到我還想當小孩的年紀
I wish on shooting stars, or were they satellites? 我對著流星許願,或者那其實是衛星?
Maybe they were too far, hey-oh-nah-nah 也許因為它們離我太遙遠了,以至於我分不清
I must've blown apart a million dandelions 我一定是把那數以百萬的蒲公英吹得太遠
Now they don't grow in my yard, hey-oh-nah-nah 以至於現在我的院子裡看不到它們的蹤跡
I wish on shooting stars, or were they satellites? 我對著流星許願,或者那其實是衛星?
Maybe they were too far, hey-oh-nah-nah 也許因為它們離我太遙遠了,以至於我分不清
I must've blown apart a million dandelions 我一定是把那數以百萬的蒲公英吹得太遠
Now they don't grow in my yard, hey-oh-nah-nah 以至於現在我的院子裡看不到它們的蹤跡
Music video's link: Tom MacDonald - "I Wish" - YouTube