14 Tehn 428
138Please respect copyright.PENANAK9lola1oiu
I reached the edge of Blackroot Forest a few moments ago. I will wait until morning to begin my journey through it, to find the Violet Rose needed for the medicine, that will cure my people of the strange plague that has befallen us.
138Please respect copyright.PENANA1Ce3qOlH18
The sickness starts off as an unusual black mark somewhere on your body. It then slowly grows in size until it covers the entire body. The infected will go mad and start attacking anything on sight. Once they have lost their mind, the cure will not work. The sickness is contagious, although we haven’t figured out how it spreads.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAnBaIrXsgHJ
If you are reading this now that means the sickness has taken me, and I am possibly dead. I too am infected, however, I am the only one willing to travel to the forest to get the needed ingredients. Please tell Aeryn that I love her and that I am sorry for what I have done. I can be a better person.
138Please respect copyright.PENANA8MmMuqUXEC
Here is the recipe for the medicine:
138Please respect copyright.PENANAnLWY4dFtzd
- 3 petals from a Violet Rose
- 6 pinches of Angel Rue
- 8 teaspoons of Spring Creeper
- Enough clean spring water to fill a small pan
138Please respect copyright.PENANA7CYku0leIX
Chop up the rose petals and put them in a cup.
138Please respect copyright.PENANA0MX9Sr2zQJ
Add the Angel Rue a little at a time. Mix the two up with a bit of the spring water to make a paste.
138Please respect copyright.PENANArXDPDfPFwK
Fill a pan with clean river water. Add the paste to the water and bring everything to a boil for five minutes. Remove it from the fire and drain the liquid into a separate container, dispose of any leftover solids.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAUK8Gr6A0Fr
Put the liquid back into the pan and add the Spring Creeper. Let it boil for 5 more minutes then remove from the fire and wait for it to cool.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAf5u3ZzqUks
Drink the god awful medicine, and wait.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAhiL3zDVdy3
15 Tehn 428
138Please respect copyright.PENANAWSxOEfk6Rt
Morning is here, and the forest is silent. It is very unnerving, but this is what I must do for my people. The forest is said to be fairly small, but few people have made it out alive. I will continue writing for as long as I can during the trip.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAZcfa7P0SFH
138Please respect copyright.PENANAoEm6jikk4k
The forest seems very calm and peaceful, but I have heard things scurrying around me. I stopped after a bit when I found a stream; the water was cool; I ate a little and then packed up and kept on my journey. I have not found the roses I am looking for.
138Please respect copyright.PENANATcDqcivVOZ
138Please respect copyright.PENANArsvSIL5zRw
I have stopped traveling for the night, and I hope to find the ingredients I need tomorrow. The sickness has completely covered my right leg and foot. I’m not too worried, it seems I still have about a month before the sickness consumes me. I will eat, drink, and rest next to a large tree tonight, and start up again early tomorrow.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAXKhGEX5rVN
This tree makes me feel uncomfortable, but the area around the tree is open, and a perfect spot to camp for the night.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAP5Cgdt1hEk
My edits:
I have stopped traveling for the night; I hope to find the ingredients I need tomorrow. The sickness has completely covered my right leg and foot. I’m not too worried, it seems I still have about a month before the sickness consumes me. I will eat, drink, and rest next to a large tree tonight and start up again early tomorrow.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAWEQA8Zl6LQ
This tree makes me feel uncomfortable but the area around the tree is open - a perfect spot to camp for the night.
138Please respect copyright.PENANABT7efY903w
16 Tehn 428
138Please respect copyright.PENANAGkt5oybTAj
I did not sleep well last night. I had strange dreams and could hear what sounded like whispering in the forest. I could not understand what was being said; It didn’t sound friendly, whatever it was.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAGgljz7JbNF
138Please respect copyright.PENANAXl1m3McGss
I began searching again today; I found spots where roses had been growing. Sadly, none were there. I’m worried that I may not find any. I have a feeling someone or something is watching me. I can feel it..
138Please respect copyright.PENANA8pMsRnDx7d
138Please respect copyright.PENANADUXi4iIGeU
I came across more empty rose bushes. Hopefully, I can find some full bushes tomorrow. If not, I may have to go home empty-handed.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAJscYU6x8aQ
17 Tehn 428
138Please respect copyright.PENANAytVyeTSRX5
More voices throughout the night. This time I could almost understand some words. Just a few here and there, although one word stuck out: “infected”. I will continue my search today. I pray to the gods I find the roses I need.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAgLuHgd3Q3C
138Please respect copyright.PENANAcHuLFPVBpw
I think I might be going in circles. Everything seems familiar but I can’t be sure. I have to find these roses for my people - I MUST find them.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAaGTi3GI9Vq
138Please respect copyright.PENANAlZlLdiiyRd
I have concluded that I am going in circles. I am going to go a different direction in the morning. I don’t know how I got so turned around... however, I am more determined to find these roses now. I hope I can get some rest tonight.
138Please respect copyright.PENANApY9UIyROL3
18 Tehn 428
138Please respect copyright.PENANAohdpSSSupx
I didn't have time to write in the journal this morning. As soon as I got up, I packed my things and started moving. Something very large tore through my camp last night, however, when I awoke I did not find any tracks.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAYLy9vBJfxg
138Please respect copyright.PENANAPx8IFDeUQP
I injured myself today; I saw the roses and wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. I fell into a small gully and broke my leg. I had to set my leg and bandage it.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAF7oYyTe46H
I have found some roses now so I must make my camp here for a few days.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAlb0JjCcdMT
138Please respect copyright.PENANA0TKPcSnhRL
19 Tehn 428
138Please respect copyright.PENANAQ55BYIzsBP
I have a bit of a fever due to my leg and possibly the sickness. But I was able to get the petals needed, albeit with some scratches from the thorns. I have what I need and that’s all that matters.
138Please respect copyright.PENANA0WnNvG8vps
Tomorrow I will attempt to make my way out of the forest and hopefully get to my people. This trip feels endless.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAlJa75rr1YE
138Please respect copyright.PENANAca5F6rfCTF
The sickness seems to spread quicker here than it did back home. When I first contracted it a month ago it started around the heel of my foot, now is covers my entire lower body.
138Please respect copyright.PENANARtuePQPXFm
I made some medicine I’ll be taking tonight, hopefully it works... however, I still have my leg to deal with.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAbWrWUXzrmX
“Hey Emil, come look at this poor guy,” the man said as he lay the body down on the ground. (are they carrying the body?) “I’m going to pray for him and bury the body.”
138Please respect copyright.PENANAbhN8UyEGKu
“Jarrod, be careful you don’t know what happened to him,” Emil said as he walked up.
138Please respect copyright.PENANA0pGcTcZ3so
“What's this?” Jarrod muttered as he picked up the journal.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAN4gT3CIiE0
He opened the journal to the first page and tilted his head to the side like a curious pup. "This can't be right, his first entry was written five hundred years ago. There is no way he would look this preserved, especially the journal."
138Please respect copyright.PENANASZ6TqP1OWP
Jarrod began reading the entry aloud:
138Please respect copyright.PENANA8i4VeZyPv5
"14 Tehn 428
138Please respect copyright.PENANAKbnoodbTKE
I reached the edge of Blackroot Forest a few moments ago, but I will wait until morning to begin my journey through it to find the Violet Rose needed for the medicine that will cure my people of the strange plague that has befallen us...
138Please respect copyright.PENANA26R3jOf7NV
...Drink the god awful medicine, and wait."
138Please respect copyright.PENANApz9mxRZpJd
He closed the book and quickly backed away from the body. “Sickness... I remember hearing about a plague that hit a village about the time this journal entry was written but it was cured! Why was he way out here if they had the cure?”
138Please respect copyright.PENANAinpfF0cQBn
Jarrod reopened the journal, “Wait, why would he take this? This wasn’t the cure. I’m not sure what this is for but this wasn’t the cure for the sickness they had.”
138Please respect copyright.PENANANpIqp13FsL
Emil shrugged, “Who knows? Why not finish reading the journal and find out."
138Please respect copyright.PENANAoCEM0S7v0I
"Yeah, I suppose you're right." Jarrod continued reading the journal entries until they began turning to gibberish.
138Please respect copyright.PENANATVoykjQVoI
Neither of them noticed when the man lying on the ground opened his eyes.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAQNtfEjC9wW
Five days ago...
138Please respect copyright.PENANARarZ1m0LPI
14 Tehn 428
138Please respect copyright.PENANAJebFf2wptK
I reached the edge of Blackroot Forest a few moments ago. I will wait until morning to begin my journey through it, to find the Violet Rose needed for the medicine, that will cure my people of the strange plague that has befallen us...
138Please respect copyright.PENANAWeJuvmbXEm
...Drink the god awful medicine, and wait.
138Please respect copyright.PENANATBpFFpAXTt
15 Tehn 428
138Please respect copyright.PENANAmid7OV0nvr
Morning is here...
138Please respect copyright.PENANAw3WpAzQEfi
...and start up again early tomorrow.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAcOYo4RFGtZ
16 Tehn 428
138Please respect copyright.PENANAvjw0RSTz00
I did not sleep well last night because of strange dreams, and the surrounding whispers. I could not understand what was being said. It didn’t sound friendly, whatever it was...
138Please respect copyright.PENANAPR6F9ZocLi
//The man stands up, and begins pacing back and forth. "I have to find the roses, I must. I have to get back to my people, my family. I have to prove to them that I am worthy." He says to himself.//
138Please respect copyright.PENANAxiCeklaBRy
...I've been feeling like someone or something has been watching me. I haven't seen anything, but I have felt it...
138Please respect copyright.PENANArwEmPcaLSj
...have some that I can buy.
138Please respect copyright.PENANANvAQarKEoJ
//He doesn't know does he?
138Please respect copyright.PENANAbfDC53Q4p9
No, he doesn't, he doesn't know that the sickness is getting worse, and he's starting to go mad.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAtLlGq1DYSL
He's INFECTED, he's the reason that his people are sick. They exiled him, because he was using dark magic. His soul is corrupted, he will never rest.//
138Please respect copyright.PENANAaBZX4vfXfA
17 Tehn 428
138Please respect copyright.PENANAsPcVw0P33V
More voices throughout the night, except this time I could almost make some words out. Just a few here and there, one word stuck out, “infected”. I will continue my search today, I pray to the gods I find the roses I need.
138Please respect copyright.PENANABa06C25uZa
138Please respect copyright.PENANAK2inYUPGcM
I think I might be going in circles, I’m not sure though. Everything seems familiar, but I can’t be sure. I have to find these roses for my people, I MUST find them. //I MUST MUST MUST...//
138Please respect copyright.PENANAx1oNU8V4xh
138Please respect copyright.PENANALq58x3zkgy
I have concluded that I am going in circles.
138Please respect copyright.PENANA41bs2Yww1g
138Please respect copyright.PENANAkLpdWc9dtv
I am going to go a different direction in the morning. I don’t know how, but I missed it,
138Please respect copyright.PENANAe2og73KOVY
138Please respect copyright.PENANAsUklYt2eJ4
I am determined to find these roses now. Hopefully, I can get some rest tonight.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAEPCfdOMH2g
//He woke up a couple hours after lying down, and in an almost trance like way destroyed his camp. Kicking at the small campfire, breaking and tearing things around his camp. And then almost as quickly as he got up, he went back to sleep.//
138Please respect copyright.PENANADsCHhYpZrZ
18 Tehn 428
138Please respect copyright.PENANAWIcqXr7ozg
I didn't have time to write in the journal this morning. As soon as I got up, I packed my things and started moving. Something very large tore through my camp last night. The strange thing is when I got up to pack there were no tracks.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAt08Hu9dQb5
138Please respect copyright.PENANAJFkhezidzb
I injured myself today; I saw the roses, and wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, so I fell into a small gully, broke my leg and some bone came out. I had to set my leg and bandage it. The roses are right there though, so I must make my camp here for a few days.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAbAyNCcY7cF
19 Tehn 428
138Please respect copyright.PENANAuaTT0fIMV7
I have a bit of a fever due to my leg and possibly the sickness. But I was able to get the petals needed, along with some scratches. But I have what I need, and that’s all that matters. Tomorrow I will attempt to make my way out of the forest and hopefully get to my people. It’s going to be an endless trip.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAIT93rOFmW4
138Please respect copyright.PENANAxwKv6hlpYd
The sickness seems to spread quicker here than it did back home. When I first contracted it a month ago, it started around the heel of my foot. Now my lower body is completely covered.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAtIzc90dWSk
I made some medicine to take, I’ll be taking it tonight, hopefully it works. I still have my leg to deal with though.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAPV3vvP7ukG
//As evening draws near, he drinks the medicine. As he drinks, he fights with his body to keep it down. The moment he finishes it, he passes out, falls to the ground, and the sickness continues its course until he is now taken over. He wakes up in the morning as he hears something walking towards him, so he closes his eyes, and waits.//
138Please respect copyright.PENANAdK7M8azWy5
"Hey Emil, come look at this poor guy"...