"Where am I?" Adreanna breathed. She looked around. The bed was warm and soft.
She stared at the cat on the table beside her.
"You're awake!" He exclaimed. The door flew open to reveal another witch. She was far older than Adreanna, carrying herself with a grace that reminded her of Sidero.
"You're awake I see."
"What happened? Who are you?"
"I am the High Priestess of the Hadeans. When you killed...him, his power over us vanished. Your magic brought you here, and we tried our best to save you."
Adreanna nodded. This was too much to take in. She sighed, getting up and stretching her wings.
She turned to the mirror. Two beautiful, black raven wings protruded from her shoulder. Strange, radiant orange flames licked at their edges.
They didn't hurt. In fact, it was like they weren't there at all. She flapped her newfound wings, nearly falling as she propelled herself near the ceiling.
She was dressed in a white robe, her skin bright and soft. Barely stopping her panicked heart, she descended. If the High Priestess was shocked, she didn't mention it. Instead, she looked at Adreanna, nodding in satisfaction.
"You know, they'll be looking to you now." She informed her. Adreanna nodded.
She was the first witch to have ever killed a god. A god-slayer. A beacon of hope. She took a few moments to truly feel the bliss of her newfound strength. But than the High Priestess spoke, shattering the tranquility.
"Listen, Adreanna Lucian. I don't know you, and I don't care. Just remember, if you mess this up, I will kill you." She scowled.
Thanks for ruining the moment. Why are all you High Priestesses absolute bitches?
Adreanna smiled, the flames only now beginning to warm up as she replied.
"I'd like to see you try."
With that, the priestess left. Adreanna laid down her head. So much had changed.
She had wings now. Wings were the symbol of the divine, the ascension of humanity to godhood.
But she had powers of her own. She didn't draw them from worship.
She wasn't a witch, but she wasn't a god either.
So what am I?
"What do you plan on doing now?" Styx asked. Adreanna considered it. These witches needed a guide, someone to aid them. This world was dying, she knew that. But could she restore it herself?
"Look at this, Styx." She said, turning her attention to the single window in the room. Below, thousands of souls all stood in solemn silence. They were waiting. For her.
"Millions of souls, all willing to fight for me. All willing to help me. Don't you think I should try?"
"I think...I will follow you, whatever your choice. Till the ends of the Earth." He smiled, flying up onto her shoulder. She smiled back. She'd made her choice.
As she stared out into the world below, only one thought flowed through her mind.
I am Adreanna Lucian, and I will restore order to this world.
Whatever it takes.