"Wake up" Screeched my mother as she entered my almost empty room, my room was one of the most emptiest you could ever find, it only had a bed and a wardrobe. If you entered my older sister Anna's room you would find beauty products of all kinds, and different thing, she was the spoilt one.
I'd like to say my family is a happy normal family like any other but if I said that I wold be lying. You see, even though my sister has this screechy shrill voice and even though she fails almost all her exams, she's pretty so she's automatically my parents favourite.
I do have a brother who I absolutely love, his name is Rylan and he's 20 years old, he's the only one who actually cares about me. While my parents feed me and give me clothes they neglect me and sometimes, it just gets too much.
Another problem is I'm always constantly bullied, when Rylan was in school he kept protecting me but with him gone no one's stands up for me. Anna wouldn't dream of ruining her reputation as the popular queen bee of the school.
But I get it though, I get why I'm treated like this, I'm ugly. I like to think my hair is the best thing about me, but the people in school say my light brown hair looks like poop. My blue eyes always seemed to amaze me, but people in my school say they look dull and don't suit me. People say I'm too fat, that's why I only drink juices and eat fruit for breakfast and only a pice of fruit for both lunch and dinner, how I remember the smell and taste of toast. My parents don't really care what I eat, they haven't cared for a long time.
"Chelsea" Screeched my mother once again as she reentered my room, her curly brunette hair jumped up and down on her shoulders as she fumed and her us usually pale and smooth face urged red and wrinkly and she saw me in my bed.
"Get up" she Screeched raising the broom in her hands towards me threateningly, I held my hands in surrender and clumsily stumbled towards the bathroom.
I may feel hurt and pain but I always stay positive my grandma who I've always loved knew how my mum was treating me so when she died she made me promise to never lose my positivity, I didn't lose it, I wanted to respect get she was the only one who ever cared or is ever going care.
As I stared into the mirror I tried to forget my nightmare, well memories of school actually, memories where I'm being beat up and being called fat. I smile at the mirror and imagine my grandma staring back at me smiling, I continue to smile my jaw starts to hurt and I order how long I can keep this up until I Lose it and break down. "Why did you have to leave?" I asked the mirror and sighed as I started to get ready.
After 10 Minutes I'm all ready for school and head downstairs. Our house is pretty massive as both my parents have good jobs my father is a lawyer and my mother is a surgeon.
Anna scoffed at my outfit as she stared me up and down. I liked my outfit today, my hair was in my usual high pony, my face was makeup less and a gold necklace gifted by my grandma was adorned around my necck. My actually outfit consisted of a white and black checkered button up shirt, I wore black skinny jeans and a black Cardigan over my shirt and my black converses adorned my feet.
I stared at Anna's outfit and cringed, she was wearing one of the smallest dresses I'd ever seen. Her Breasts looked like they were about to spill put of her dress and the hem of her dress barely covered her buttocks. Her whole face looked disgusting with tons of make up. Her heels seemed so long and sharp they were like knives and her freakishly long toes could be seen from the peeptoes. Ugh.
My mum looked me up an down and looked at me with disappointment "is this how we raised you to be?" She asked as she gave Anna a smile and just stared at my mother in shock, are they seriously going to let her wear that outside, I looked to my.dad but he was also staring at me like my mother was, in disappointment.
I just glared at my whole family and we'd out of the house, they didn't call for me and the thing that hurt the most was the mocking laughter escaped their mouths.
I sighed as I saw the bus had left me, well not left it never comes here, the bullies threatened the bus driver if they ever came to this bus stop near my house something horrible would happened and Anna doesn't even have to go through this she has her own car.
I ran towards the direction of school as sudden rain poured from the sky, the whole school bullied, even the nerdy ones, I don't belong.
Before long I was stood in front of my school I clutched my books towards my chest, steadied my backpack in my shoulders lowered my head and entered the school.