To: the contest holder
I hope you don't mind but there is another lgbtq+ themed contest and I am planning to upload this same thing on that because the themes are the same. Is this considered unfair or cheating? If it is, I will remove it from the other contest and keep it only on this one and write another one for the other contest.
From: Esfandiar C. Hale
* cursing, make-out scenes ** * *
248Please respect copyright.PENANASqB2m0ovhF
I looked towards where Lucian, my best-friend since childhood, leaned against a locker. My heart beat wildly as he looked towards my way, a smirk growing on his handsome face.
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I walked towards the coal-haired boy but stopped in my tracks when some girl threw herself over Lucian. I clenched my fists and tried to bury my jealousy and disgust at the sight. I only became even more pissed off when Lucian wrapped a sly arm around the girl’s waist.
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“Lucian,” I hissed in annoyance, storming over to them. “Come on. Let’s go.”
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He only raised an eye-brow at my visible displeasure but gave in and followed me down the hallways of our school.
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“What’s up with you?” Lucian asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAcUIJiyzr3z
“Nothing,” I snapped back.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAzII5SH14pE
Nothing. Haha. I wish it was nothing!I have a fucking crush on you! That’s what's up!
Lucian suddenly took hold of my wrist and spun me around to face him.
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“Ethan! What’s wrong?” He asked, this time actually looking worried. “Did I do something wrong?”
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I softened a little, feeling guilty. It’s not Lucian’s fault I have a stupid, hopless crush on him for a few seven years. “N-nothing. Just a bit cranky today.” I tried to get my wrist out of his tight grip but he wouldn’t budge, instead tightening it even more.
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“Lucian, let go of me,” I said lightly. “Nothing’s wrong. You know I get sour.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANACtkRuY2Lxh
“Yeah, but there’s a reason why you’re sour,” he reasoned.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAbGDAMm4eZ6
“Well, I can be sour whenever the hell I want to,” I said. “Now let go of my hand shit-head.”
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Lucian looked unconvinced but didn’t push further and dropped my hand.
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“Okay then,” Lucian said hesitantly. I smiled softly.
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“I’m fine Lucian,” I reassured him. “Now come on! We have to get to class!”
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He let himself get dragged by me through the hallways. I suddenly let go of him and said, “Last one to class is straight!” And then I took off like my mom is chasing me with her belt.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA6yBX018eaC
“You cheating son of a bitch!” Lucian screamed, running after me. It was no secret to the school that I was gay and that he was bisexual. Sometimes people stared at us in disgust and confusion, like we were some alien species. I just didn’t understand why, because we were human just like them.
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Lucian and I burst into the classroom, almost breaking the poor door, and we collapsed on our seats breathing heavily.
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“I definitely won that,” I said, panting like a dog.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAhfrJEkBMgE
“Boy, you wish,” he said. “Cheater.” We both exploded in hysterics and we fell to the floor clutching our stomachs. I didn’t even know what was so funny. All I knew was that everything becomes a hundred times funnier when you’re with your best friend.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA14S5h5KNga
I looked up from where I was crouching on the floor to see Lucian, a thin coat of sweat covering his cedar brown skin, a gorgeous smile on his god-like face. I could feel a blush rising on my cheeks and I looked down, trying to hide it.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAqcYV0rwEhU
A hand took hold of my chin and tilted my face upwards, making me look into Lucian’s azure eyes. I stared closely at him and noticed an adorable, tiny, black mole on the side of his eye.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA4Xuorc1ANj
Since when did he have a mole?
248Please respect copyright.PENANAbHKiyW6vl0
“You have a mole,” I blurted out. “You look cute with it.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAJm1HMlBba7
He smiled softly. “Do I?”
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I nodded, “I noticed it just now.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAwVrZJSof6K
He hummed in thought, staring into me. “I’ve always wondered what colour your eye actually was,” he mumbled. “They’re always so dark so I couldn’t figure it out. Now I know what the colour is.”
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“Well, what colour is it then?” I asked, a small blush rising into my cheek. I looked away from his gaze, feeling slightly embarrassed.
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He turned my face back towards him, forcing me to look at him.
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“Blue,” he answered. He smiled at me, his eyes darkening a little. “A deep, deep blue.”
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The door slammed open, breaking our moment.
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Was that even a moment?
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Our Maths teacher, Mr. I-forgot-his-name stormed in, looking grumpy as ever and slammed his books down on the table.
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He wrote down something on the board.
Page 158 -Ex 19A - Questions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. . . . . . . 40
248Please respect copyright.PENANAOnf1RjxW8l
The teacher turned towards us, “Do this and don’t bother me! Also, Lucian, Ethan! Get up from the floor!”
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We rolled our eyes and got up, sitting in our seats and opening our books. It was only two minutes and both of us were already waving our white flags. We decided to eat our food without the teacher noticing us.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA9PpeerrD4J
“Hey,” I whispered to Lucian, whose mouth is currently filled with Nutella pancakes. “What’s the teacher’s name again?”
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“Mr. Tandy.”
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“Mr. Sandy?” I whispered, mimicking his lips with a raised eyebrow.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAJLFBT0Yu0F
Lucian slapped his forehead and repeated, “Mr. Tandy.”
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“Mr. Dandy?” I tried again.
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He groaned in annoyance and gritted out, “T-A-N-D-Y.”
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My mouth formed an O-shape and nodded at him. I coughed loudly to get the teacher’s attention. Lucian looked at me, confused at what I was upto.
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“Um, sir, can my friend and I go to the sickroom? We’re not feeling well. I feel like I’m about to throw up.”
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A look of understanding settled in Lucian’s eyes. “Yeah, I think we drank that expired milk in the morning.”
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The teacher narrowed his eyes on the both of us. I put my acting skills to use and pretended to look uncomfortable, timidly rubbing my abdomen to get the effect right.
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“Fine,” the teacher grumbled. “Get out of here.”
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I sneakily grinned at Lucian and winked at him. I took his hand and both of us slowly limped out of the class. I turned to face the teacher and said, “Thank you Mr. D-A-N-D-Y.” Lucian muffled a laugh-shriek and hauled me out of the room.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAN1lHWZWPMe
As soon as we were out we ran through the hallways until we were outside the school. We hid behind a wall so the gate-guard couldn't see us and we slipped past him and scaled the walls of the school easily. After all, practice makes perfect.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAkHlVfRMIkW
We got into my car which was parked near the wall we just jumped off, in case of emergencies. Lucian got into the driver’s seat and I got into the passenger seat. We stared at each other in silence. We lasted for about seven seconds before we both burst into laughter.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAhxRr4MqgaV
“Why the fuck would you call him Mr. D-A-N-D-Y?” he screeched at me. I wanted to say something but I kept on gasping and bursting into laughter. “You fucking dumbass!”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAfWIzogtPxx
“B-but you said-” I spluttered, trying to get out a proper sentence. “Y-you said t-that was-” I let out a scream as I remembered the teacher’s face. “-you said that was h-his name!”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAvYbJf29NgJ
“Oh Holy mother of all things gay!” my idiot exclaimed. “I was spelling it out for you! AND I SAID MR. T-A-N-D-Y!”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAhYsDwgEcnm
“How the heck was I supposed to know that!” I yelled back.
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“I don’t if you’ve heard about it but there’s this thing called a brain–”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAb7pAB0Oflc
“Yeah, I know what that is, but mine doesn’t work!”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAcuX33h9P67
“I doubt you had one in the first place!”
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We ended up laughing for thirty minutes. My eyes were puffy and filled with tears by the time we stopped our fit.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAowVKA0WrtE
“Oh gosh,” I murmured, sinking into the seat, thankful that my lungs are working again. My mind was messed up with all that bullshit from before and I accidentally uttered, “I fucking love you.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAhone3U91m3
My eyes widened at what I said. I slowly turned in fear to see Lucian, his face similarly filled with shock. I waited for his reaction, dread slowly filling me. I let out a small exhale of relief when he smiled slowly. “I love you too bro.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANArgfAiWX4P4
Bro. Did I just get bro-zoned? My heart broke into tiny pieces knowing that my love for him and his love for me are two very different things. I shakily smiled and leaned my head against the window as he drove through the streets endlessly, with no direction in mind.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAgNz9OmzfI0
Yes, I loved him like a best-friend, but I knew what I felt for him. He was more than just a best-friend for me. No, it wasn’t some silly crush, I realised. I’m in love with him.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA0DfUp1YucB
I didn’t know why. I didn’t know how. I just knew. I knew I loved him from his coal hair to the tip of his toes. I knew I loved his laugh. I knew I loved his adorable smile. I knew I loved his stupid jokes. I knew I loved his obsession with Nutella and his blabbering and that amazed look on his face when he sees fish or something he likes.
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I. . . . I knew then, that my heart belonged to him. He held it in his hand but he didn’t even know it.
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I wanted to tell him, I really did, but I was a coward. I didn’t want to lose what we had. I treasured what we were. So I silently gave him permission to break my heart as he pleases, even if he didn’t know it.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAQDh9UhXXKP
I turned to see Lucian’s face, now a calm and content look, as he drove through the familiar streets we always drove through when we ditched classes together. Even if I wasn’t in love with him romantically, I still would gladly walk through hell for that man. He would and will always be my best-friend. Nothing and no one would ever change that.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA5LXrUwarRF
“Hey, Ethan?” Lucian called, glancing at me before looking back at the road.
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“Y-yeah?” I mumbled, breaking out of my thoughts.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA2DK04AKEHn
“What are you thinking in that pretty little head of yours?” he asked, his lips tilting upwards in a small smile.
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“Don’t even ask,” I replied, grinning at him. “You’d lose your remaining two brain cells trying to comprehend my wise, philosophical thoughts in that peanut-sized brain of yours.”
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“At Least I have a brain,” he muttered.
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“You heard nothing,” And then he smoothly changed the subject saying, “Also, Kasha’s having a party tonight. You comin’?”
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“You ask that as if you’re giving me a choice. If I refuse, you’d still drag me to that god-forsaken party anyway.”
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Lucian cackled and said, “You know me so well darling.”
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I made a face at the darling even though I was blushing a little.
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“But you’re blushing,” he pointed out.
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“No, you’re just hallucinating like usual.”
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We laughed and bickered all the way home. But my heart was heavy as the back of my mind kept reminding me that Lucian is never going to love me back the way I do.
* * *
I sighed, standing next to Lucian, dressed in black pants and a dark-red button down shirt.
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“This place is colossal,” I said, entering the mansion and looking around the dancing people and loud music.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAUDIIGiMx1k
“I know right? Come on, let’s go get a drink.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAAsF4dU4m1T
“You know my tolerance is shit Luce.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAPWJ6AxAKjK
“Yeah, pretty much non-existent when you think about it.”
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I rolled my eyes at him. He entwined my hand with him and dragged me to the bar. He never let go of my hand as he ordered mildly-strong cocktails. He sat down on the stool and pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arm around my waist.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAI3hWpAvqdr
“What the-” I stuttered. “What are you doing?”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAelnADOpp8b
“Sitting,” he replied. “Why are you so embarrassed? We do this all the time.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAcVysznTK24
He was right, we did but it’s kind of different now. My stomach felt as if butterflies were stuck in them or something and my cheeks felt like they were burning. It felt weird. But it was a weird nice. But I felt scared too. When our drinks came I didn’t hesitate to down it in one go. Not a good idea as I almost choked. I let out a raspy sound as I placed my cup back on the table, the bartender re-filling it immediately.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA8ODNEv15Mi
“Drink it slowly,” Lucian said, his breath fanning my ear. I shivered at the feeling. I took my drink and drank it slowly this time. Some of the tension I didn’t even notice I had, eased from my shoulders.
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“There we go,” Lucian crooned at me. “Loosen up Ethan, it’s a party.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANANtI7hleOj8
“Okay,” I nodded, feeling breathless. And the both of us drank. Three cups turning into five. Five turns into I-can’t-even-remember and then we were on the dance floor. My arms around Lucian’s neck and his hands on my hips. We swayed to the music. One thing about Kasha was that she’s lesbian and homophobic people were out of her list so her parties were always nice and safe.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAZyd4qDtFcP
I tilted my neck to look up at Lucian, feeling drunk. Everything was so woozy and wobbly and nothing made sense. “You fucking jerk,” I told him.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA9pOXaeLLPN
He chuckled, looking only slightly tipsy. “What did I do now?”
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I glared up at him, his hands tightening on my hips as my legs started to feel shaky. “What did you do?” I asked incredulously. “You made me fall in love with you! And not how bros do! I fucking love you! I fucking love you so much, it’s so hard not to kiss you! And you don’t love me back! You don’t even know how I feel!”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAHl0C2hlASw
I was down-right sobbing now. I couldn’t give a single fuck. He doesn’t love me back and that was all that mattered. I cried softly, letting my hands fall from his shoulders.
“You- You. . . l-love me?” I heard him ask in a shaky voice.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAA3EKsmZVIg
I choked on a laugh. . . or was it a sob? I leaned my head on his shoulder, letting my tears fall on his shirt. I felt tired. Very, very tired. And sleepy. And fucking heart-broken.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA22gfBPlgAu
“Yeah,” I whispered. “I love you so much.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANA32w1yp7M0N
My heart ripped when Lucian didn’t answer. He only swung his arm under my legs and placed his other arm behind my back, carrying me in his arms. I felt him say something to someone and we were out into the night, the cold wind touching my teary face. My eyes started drooping and I silently cried myself to sleep in his arms.
* * *
I woke up the next day, feeling like someone slammed my head on a desk and repeatedly kept on whopping my head with a metal spatula, drowning me and then throwing me into a bed. I looked around to see I was in Lucian’s bed.
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“Holy Goddess of lesbians,” I groaned. I was still in my outfit from yesterday but my socks and shoes were removed. The first three buttons of my shirt were unbuttoned but other than that, nothing else.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAgLZZfRejhT
The smell of pancakes wafted through the air and into my nose. I looked around and saw the beautiful, lovely, fascinating, pain-killers. I quickly swallowed them with some water and got out of the bed, holding the wall for balance. I walked into the bathroom and showered quickly.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAHhMI2IDVm3
I felt like I wasn’t remembering something. I remembered drinking, a lot, and then Lucian dragging me to the dance floor and. . . then. . . ugh! I can’t remember!
248Please respect copyright.PENANAlpZLGN8JSu
Damn, that alcohol really got to me.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA9KPKsnWuvm
I changed into some comfy clothes and I walked downstairs, still feeling as if something wasn’t right.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAFlB387WCnG
I saw Lucian plating the pancakes and pouring gallons of Nutella on them.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAY35440ZP4G
“Hey Luce!” I greeted him, with a smile.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAUKTDtPLBvQ
He returned my smile, a bit tight-lipped. “Hey, good morning.” An unsure, questioning look was in his eyes.
248Please respect copyright.PENANARTZdPSL3WL
“What’s wrong?” I asked in confusion. I walked towards the fridge to get some orange juice.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAbAtEZGJBBe
“You really don’t remember?” he asked, sounding frustrated and disappointed. But why was he like this? I poured juice into the glass and lifted it up.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA2bLbA8pSQd
“Remember wha–”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAwD9dM3OdHg
A flurry of memories hit me in the head and I slammed my glass on the table, some of the juice spilling onto the marble top. My whole body started trembling and I leaned onto the countertop for support. My breathing started to elevate a little, I could feel my eyes darting back and forth.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAFpPhNogxUw
“L-Lucian, I- I-” I sputtered, not knowing what to say. Should I lie?
248Please respect copyright.PENANABZTSyC4QXL
Yes, I should.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA4ebwPMMmmQ
“I was drunk!” I yelled, interrupting whatever he was going to say, “I- I- didn’t mean what I said! I was- I was not in a clear mind! It was just- It was the alcohol. I- I’m not- I’m not in love with you?” I mumbled the last part, sounding unconvinced myself.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA4ARCqgFW9O
I had to get out of here real quick until I could formulate a convincing lie and a proper plan. I wordlessly speed-walked to the door and just as my hand was on the door knob I was spinned around by my shoulders and pinned to the wooden surface. I didn’t look up, avoiding Lucian’s eyes.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA8HpUsf0R8W
“You were drunk,” he said, gripping my jaw hard and making me look at him. “But you weren’t that drunk. You knew damn well what you were saying and it wasn’t your tongue or the alcohol doing shit. Don’t lie to me, Ethan.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAPhtNm1OGU7
“I’m not lying,” I choked out.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAIm3npa8rPl
“But your fingers always twitch when you’re lying,” he pointed out smugly. I glanced down to see my fingers were indeed shaking, violently. “Don’t you dare lie to me Ethan, I’ve been your best-friend for ten years. I know you.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAmulfHdEwop
I clenched my fists and let out a shaky breath, deciding to give up. I might as well do it here and now so that I could end this shit-show of me hopelessly loving him and him not even knowing it.
248Please respect copyright.PENANALVXrKTJS4B
“Fine,” I breathed. “Fine. I do love you. Have been for seven whole years. I meant what I said.” I looked up at him, staring into those pretty eyes. “I meant each and every single word. I fucking love you Lucian.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAv46og1wtYG
Those eyes looked startled and. . . . happy? I don’t even know anymore.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAhcMLDATYfb
“Look, I understand if you’re weirded out or something,” I began, “but please Lucian, don’t leave me. I only have you, I don’t want to lose you. I love you, romantically, yes, but I also love you because you’re my best-friend and I–”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAtWRxxyPP4F
I was cut off by Lucian kissing me on the lips. I let out a surprised yelp and tried to push him away but he only grabbed my hands and pinned them beside my head.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA0iDAyOesDj
What is happening? Did I get so wasted yesterday that I died and now I’m in heaven? Oh Lord, heaven feels so nice—
248Please respect copyright.PENANALGGG8rj1d2
My internal crisis was interrupted by Lucian licking my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I gave in to him and opened my mouth, feeling his tongue entwine with mine. I responded back to the kiss with equal passion, ripping my wrists off his hold and gripping the soft hair at the back of his head. One of my hands went to his shoulders and pushed him closer to me, my back pressed against the door.
248Please respect copyright.PENANADtBjY0ytUv
We broke the kiss to get enough air and breathed hard, our exhales coming out in harsh pants.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAuqYPU8vU8g
I leaned my head against the door, clenching my eyes shut, “Fuck, shit, give me a minute. I can’t think straight.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAcQB7xc7K5V
Lucian let out a small laugh, “Yeah, no shit sherlock. You’re gay as a fucking pancake. You’re bendy and you taste nice.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAjFAA2rUXLV
We both burst into hysterical laughter, collapsing to the floor, still holding each other. We laugh a lot.
248Please respect copyright.PENANA06z6Ka1SKl
“Does this mean you like me back?” I asked with hope.
248Please respect copyright.PENANALjepZEuXCc
“Boy, I don’t like you,” he replied. My heart stopped beating. “I fucking love you!” Holy fuck, I died for a second there.
248Please respect copyright.PENANATMSkKW5RFR
A bright grin was etched on his face and I grinned with him, unable to stop myself.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAixutl7ZajJ
He loves me back.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAfgdzWZNiH2
I grabbed his neck and kissed him again, this time slow and sweet. I felt like I was still drunk when he kissed me back. This man’s gonna kill me.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAGdBc9V2Rxg
“I love you best boy friend,” I said.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAbdVq2eb42x
“What?” he asked in amusement.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAyWNVoNlld3
“Boyfriend and best-friend and bam! Best boy friend!”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAyOEYiSxOu2
He laughed and looked at me with so much love in his eyes and he replied, “I love you too, best boy friend.”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAeFa1UYRc8o
I felt so fucking HAPPY! It’s like I was gonna burst out of joy and I love it. I really, really love it. Just as much as I love Lucian.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAvGEIwptGhX
“Um, Ethan?” Lucian asked.
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248Please respect copyright.PENANAckBSDNtRwM
“Like, uh, no homo though, right?”
248Please respect copyright.PENANAmltFOzf0eR
I stared at him, gawking, but he started laughing like a choking pterodactyl and I joined him a few moments later. Even if we love each other romantically, one thing will stay the same. Lucian is my annoying best-friend and I fucking love him.
248Please respect copyright.PENANARAHRBpjqug
Hm, guess that’s two things.
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248Please respect copyright.PENANAUYY1MdGkVD