Alexius wobbled through the cobbled streets, holding a bottle of. . . . of. . . . what did he buy again? Oh, it doesn't matter what he drinks, does it? The cold wind brushed his flushed cheeks and a stray tear dripped down from his eye. It doesn't matter what he does now. The only person who would concerned for him, care for him, and love him is gone.
Oh, James, sweet, innocent James. He is now gone, dead, not alive, sleeping forever. His James was now ashes, drifting amongst the breeze, never to be seen again. So why should he care about what he drinks? Nothing mattered anymore. The only person who he lived for is dead and now here he is, yelling at the night sky like a mad-man. Well, he is a mad man. He's turned into a useless drunkard, a constant disappointment, a complete disaster.
Promises broken. Hearts shattered. What more should he suffer through?
I will stay with you forever, James had promised him once, his voice soft and gentle. I promise to never leave you.
Alexius laughed humorlessly.
Then where are you now? Why did you go on without me? You promised to stay.
Liars, that's what they were! They were all liars!
"James, you liar!" he screamed at the stars. "You god-damned liar!"
He collapsed to the ground next to the feet of a statue, sobbing and gasping.
"James, please come back to me love."
He could have sworn he heard the winds whisper, He will not come back.