This is my prologue for a story I am working on called Flairs. Flairs is about a group of teens who suddenly find themselves stuck in time, and go on a search for three different lockets that they believe will help them return to their lives. Each one of the teens has an individual talent called a Flair that helps move the group forward. But they only have so much Flair till they have used it up. Here is the prologue that I may or may not put into the actually story. All feedback is appreciated!
Two hundred years ago...
He raced across the jungle floor, jumping over roots that threaten to disrupt his plan. He would not fail. Too much was at stake. Lives have been spent on this journey, and he would not let them be in vain.
He shielded his eyes as he checked the sun. Face north was what the clue had said. But did he decipher it right? Could he had made another mistake?
Only one way to find out.
He continued his trek around the overgrown trees, careful to not disturb the life hidden in the forest.
He was being followed. He knew it. But he had to get to the temple before his time was spent.
Just then, it came into view.
The stones that held the temple wall were slowly crumbling from effect of the weather over the years.
He reached into his satchel and pulled out the drawing, sending a silent prayer of thanks to the woman who gave herself for the success of obtaining the picture.
He cautiously creeped up to the temple steps searching for the symbol.
Counting the third from the ground, he brushed his calloused fingers across the dusted surface. Finding the indentations, he blew the excess grime away.
A perfect match. He had done it.
He did not hesitate. Shoving the drawing back into his satchel, he scrambled around the temple to the west facing corner. He fell onto his knees pulling scrubs and weeds away from the temple wall.
The symbol was there, too! His blood flowed with adrenaline as he realized he was doing it! He was finding the last locket! Years of searching was finally paying off.
Dirt stuck under his fingernails as he dug into the moist earth. He breathed heavily from exhaustion but did not stop.
There! His knuckle scraped against wood. He dug with renewed strength till he could pry his fingers under the chest.
The roots of nearby plants moaned as he pulled the box to the level ground.
Brushing off the mud, he saw the symbol once more.
He opened the chest, hinges grinding in protest. The locket and chain sat at the bottom on top of rotting velvet.
He reached in and picked up the locket. Its metal was cold from years of hiding. He opened the locket and saw what he has been searching for. His mission was finally finished!
His head whipped around as he heard a branch snap under a foot. His eyes scanned the forest, searching for life.
Then he saw them.
With no time for thought, he placed his life's search back into the locket and closed it, hiding it back into the chest. He shoved the chest back into the ground, covering it with the dirt and plants he had dug up just moments ago.
Jumping up, he ran the opposite way he came, clutching his satchel to his chest. He glanced back at the temple wondering if he would ever come back.
He did not need to. He had found it. That was all that mattered.
He had only moments of relinquishing his success before an arrow scraped by his ear, burying itself in a tree, inches from his head.
It was not over yet.