(Y/N)= Your name
(F/F)= Favorite food
(F/S)= Favorite Song
(A/N)= Animal Name
(F/C)=Favorite Color
(Y/N) smashed the alarm clock. It was getting on her nerves. It was the first day of school. (Y/N) She hopped out of bed, took a shower, brushed her teeth and hair, and went downstairs. As she walked down, she smelled the best smell. The smell of her mom's delicious homemade pancakes. With chocolate chips inside! "Wow, mom these smell great!" (Y/N) exclaimed, "Thanks, sweetie. It's a new recipe, now go eat," her mom replied as she walked up the stairs.
(Y/N) gobbled the pancakes up, and then went back upstairs to pick out some clothes to wear. It was the first day, so she wanted to look unique, but not too much going on. She decided on a pink top with a black skirt. Not too much. She slipped on her clothes and looked at the time. 7:45. WAIT 7:45?
She ran out of the house just as the bus was leaving. She walked back in, and let her mom know she was leaving.
She ran as fast as she could out the house doors. It was a 10-minute walk from her house to the school.
~Time skip because I'm lazy~
(Y/N) arrived a Chaos high, her new school. She was hoping to meet some new friends. She started to walk to the office to get her schedule. "Hello, I'm new and I'm here to get my schedule," she asked politely. "First and Last name?" The Black cat asked. "(Y/N) the (A/N)." She replied. The cat nodded as she typed the letters into her computer and gave (Y/N) her schedule.
She had History first, unfortunately. She wasn't looking where she was going walking down the halls and she bumped into someone. That someone was a light blue hedgehog with red eyes. He blushed.
"Oh, sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going. That's my fault." He said.
"No, I wasn't either. My bad." You replied.
"So uh, what's your first class?" He asked.
"History," You replied.
"Yeah! Shadow and I are in that class!" He said.
"Who is Shadow?" You asked.
"Oh yeah, he's a friend. My name is Jay by the way."
"Well see ya!" He waved and walked off.
Shadow. What an interesting name. What was he gonna do, come out of the Shadows???
You continued to walk down the halls until you saw History class.
You walked into the classroom, to see Jay and a Black and red hedgehog talking. Jay waved at you and told you to sit next to him. The other hedgehog said nothing and sat back in his seat. You thought it was kinda rude, and decided to say something until Jay stopped you.
"He's not the social type." He said.
You nodded. Could the guy at least say 'Hi'?
A blue hedgehog and a red echidna came in and so did some other people.
"Hey, Sonic you never told me you had this class," Jay said.
"Well, it was unexpected. Who's this?" Sonic asked as he pointed at you.
"That's (Y/N). She's new." Jay replied.
Sonic nodded, and then the teacher came in.
"Hello, Class. My name is Miss. Hale. I will call one person up, that person has to share 3 facts about themself."
The class groaned.
"Mr. Shadow, come on up." Miss. Hale said.
Shadow sighed and walked up to the front of the class.
He grunted. "My Name is Shadow and I'm 18. I'm a senior as well."
One kid stud up. "Tell the class how emo you are!"
The teacher shushed the class and Shadow walked back to his seat. He glared at the kid. The kid gulped. What was this guy known for? Beating other children? You thought it was wrong but for some reason, you also thought he was hot.
What am I thinking? This guy was no good!
"(Y/N)? Come on up!" Miss. Hale motioned you towards the stage.
"Hi. My name is (Y/N), and I'm a junior and my favorite color is (F/C)." You said, shyly.
(Shadow p.o.v.)
"Hi. My name is (Y/N), and I'm a junior and my favorite color is (F/C)."
No what am I thinking? I have never talked to this girl, and I'm already saying things like this. Get yourself together, Shadow. She probably thought I was just some dude who beat kids up after school. Hell naw. That kid was gonna learn his lesson though.
(Y/N) walked off the stage with blush on her cheeks. Why am I pointing that out?
"Scourge! Come on up!" The teacher exclaimed.
Green boy walked up in front of the classroom, with that stupid ass stick in his mouth.
"My name is Scourge, and I'm a senior, also I love to play~" He said.
Hell no. How did the teacher not notice that?
"What games do you play Scourge?" The teacher asked.
"Fun games~" Green boy replied and walked off stage. This teacher was fucking deaf or something.
"Jay! Tell us about yourself!"
Jay walked up and I gave him a slap on the back. He smiled, and walked in front of the class.
"My name is Jay! I'm a Junior and I'm 17 years old, my favorite song is, Dreams of an absolution." He grinned.
What a guy. We've been friends since kindergarten. Sure he acts like Blue boy sometimes, but he's alright.
"Sonic! Come on up!" The teacher exclaimed.
Faker walked in front of the class.
"My name is Sonic! I'm a senior, and my favorite food is Chili dogs!" He put that cocky smile on his face.
(Y/N)'s p.o.v.)
I learned a lot about everyone, in History. Why did we do that In history? I think that teacher thought we were playing show and tell.
On my way to math class, I saw Scourge pinning a Pink hedgehog against the wall. He was gonna do something until,
"Hey! What are you doing to her?" I exclaimed. The pink hedgehog was crying, and Scourge licked his lips.
"I'm just playing a game. As I said, I love to have fun~" He replied.
You growled and distracted him while the pink hedgehog ran.
He scoffed and stared hard at you and then said,
"I'll give you a warning this time, but next time you cross my path, your dead meat." He said and walked off.
You rolled your eyes and walked to math class. None of your friends were there, but a Silver hedgehog and that pink hedgehog was.
You decided to sit next to the pink one since you saved her from Scourge.
"Class, my name is Dr. Eggman, and I am your teacher today. First I would like to do attendance." He said.
"Aym Rsoe." He called.
"Amy Rose." The pink hedgehog said, "Here."
"Silver! I'm here!"
He called everyone else's names, and one name caught your attention. Emerald. It was a pretty name.
"Since it is the first day, everyone can grab a laptop and play games or something. I don't have any lesson plans." Dr. Eggman said. The class cheered, and grabbed a laptop.
I immediately logged onto my favorite music site, and started listening to, Fist Bump by Douglas Robb, when Emerald and Amy came over.
"Hey! What's your name?" Emerald asked.
"(Y/N)," You replied.
"I'm Emerald and this is Amy." Emerald said.
"Thank you for saving me." Amy said.
"You're welcome. You guys know this song?" You asked.
"Yeah! That's actually my favorite." Emerald said.
"Never heard of it," Amy said.
You nodded and continued to listen.
Soon it was time to go to gym class.YouI quickly changed into my gym clothes and ran to the gym. I had on my running shoes, so You ran a lot faster than normal. Jay, another black and red hedgehog, Shadow, and Sonic were there, along with a yellow fox.
You walked up to them.
"Hi." You said.
The two-tailed fox waved, and the other black and red hedgehog also waved.
"Alright!" The gym teacher called.
"We are having a tournament. A racing tournament. This is how it works. I put 2 or 3 people aginst each other. They race and who ever get's 1st and Second place move on. 3rd loses. Got it?"
Everyone nodded.
"Sonic, Shadow, and Blaze!"
Blaze was a purple cat. She looked nervous.
"On your marks, get set, GO!" The gym teacher yelled.
Shadow and Sonic were going at the same speed, while Blaze was very far behind them. It was kinda sad. (XD)
A few seconds later, Sonic and Shadow were arguing about who got first.
"I WON!"
"NO, I DID!"
"NO ME!"
"Shadow, Sonic, and (Y/N)!"
You gulped. Sonic and Shadow smirked.
"You wanna win?" Sonic asked.
You nodded.
"Go as fast as you can." He replied and got into his racing position.
"On your marks, get set, GO!"
You ran as fast as you could. Of course, they were both in front of you, but you managed to get past Sonic by an inch. You passed the finish line.
The whole crowd seemed shocked.
Sonic and Shadow were shocked.
You were shocked. You had won a race against the fastest thing alive. Emerald came running in late. The coach explained to her what had just happened and what we were doing.
Her eyes went wide as she stared at you.
"Shadow, (Y/N), and Emerald!"
Emerald looked at Shadow, and tapped his back,
"Good luck."
She looked at you, "Good luck, to both of you, because I'm about to win this."
"On your marks, get set, GO!"
Emerald raced past both of you, Shadow was still in front of you, and you were a few inches behind Emerald. Then they both passed the finish line. You were kinda disappointed, and proud at the same time. You had beat the Fastest thing alive. That was crazy.
"Shadow, Emerald, and Shade! Last round!"
Shade walked up to Shadow and said, "Good luck bro." She smiled at Emerald and said, "Good luck, because both of you are slow compared to me." She got in her position.
"On your marks, get set, GO!"
They raced around the court, in about 2 seconds with a tie.
Shade looked surprised, and Shadow and Emerald look well, disappointed.
The coach looked shocked, and so did the crowd.
"Well that's the end of class, you are dismissed for lunch."
We walked out of the gym, to the locker rooms to take showers. After you came out, you headed to the cafeteria, where you saw Jay, and his friends sitting at a table. He waved to you, and you came over.
You brought your own lunch, you had a salad. (._.)
"So, what happened in gym?" Jay asked.
"So, like Shadow, Shade, and Emerald had to race and it was a tie. Also! (Y/N) beat Sonic in a race." Tails exclaimed.
"We don't talk about that." Sonic replied. "I was just not fast enough." He smiled. You smiled back. This was a good day of school.
~Time skip because I'm lazy~
The bell rang, and you were dismissed from math class. Sonic had made Shadow walk you home, for some reason.
It was a silent walk until he said, "You're faster than I thought."
"Well, I was in my running shoes."
He nodded. "Is this your stop?"
"Yes. Thank you."
He nodded again and started to walk off. You waved, and you closed the door to your house. He was kinda cute.
No (Y/N) stop thinking like this.
You decided to watch tv to let the time pass.
~3 hours later~
You had just hopped out of a fresh shower and put on your pajamas. Now you were laying in your bed drifting off to sleep.