My dear reader,
Do you remember the moment we began our adventures together? I remember how excited you were as Watson's romantic prose drew you in to our little world at Baker Street. You would spend many hours within the pages of my adventures, reluctant to return to your own reality. I welcomed your company.
I felt a sense of great pride and joy when you applauded my efforts at a job well done. From then on a part of me wished that I would only succeed because I did not want to disappoint you. If I failed I thought you would lose faith in me. However, you proved me wrong. Despite my failings and the grief I have caused others, you had full confidence in me.
Just like our very own Dr. Watson, I became the recipient of your loyalty and friendship all of which was undeserving of me.
We all dreaded the moment the book would draw to a close because it signified the end of our time spent together and you would move on to other adventures with other people. Baker Street seemed to get a little more emptier without you dear reader.
I confess, I am not master of understanding and expressing emotion so I often appear cold and callous; a person incapable of feeling anything. You should know that I have always and still hold you in the highest regard.
Time has changed you dear friend. You have grown older and moved on and may have even forgotten me. But I will be the same man when you return; forever immortalized within the pages of my books.
When you decide to join me again I'll be here for you to relive the memories of time gone by. Once again I will become the hero who will chase the darkness away, the mentor who you will try to imitate and the friend who will defend you to the end because you, dear reader, are always welcome and have always counted.
Just remember that no matter where life may take you, no matter how much time has passed I will always remain
Very sincerely yours,
Sherlock Holmes
Note: Quite obviously it's Sherlock Holmes from the stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle writing to the reader as if they were a dear friend of his.