Bethany's outside with Lindsey, him teaching her boxing. Inside, Noah is preparing dinner as it's almost sundown, Gideon and Lyla assisting him.
Evelyn's sitting down at the table, playing a board game with Paisley. Slate is beside them, but not engaging.
"What is it, Slate?" She responds, not looking up from the game.
"Where are you all from?"
"We're from Quantuamn. It's a city a few hours back from here." Noah speaks up, explaining. "Where are you guys from?"
"Uh, Hope-Thorn I think."
"Wait. The Tomorrow Party, they occupied there. They did this?" Evelyn asks.
"Uh..." Slate trails off.
"Evelyn, maybe drop it after what they've been through. The truth is really fucked up and it's probably something we don't want the answer to."
"What I did was fucked up to. It's no better."
"But you all didn't set out to do what happened to Slate and his friends."
"What did you do? You said you we're government." Slate finally interrupts. "Did you kill people?"
"We never killed anyone, we just dropped the ball. Police, Fire, Paramedic responded to the impending situation in Quantuamn. It had been slowly going on three days before shit officially broke down.
There was the reports of frenzied, violent behavior in others coming from surrounding towns and cities on the news, but we mostly kept it on the lowdown as to not cause a widespread panic as we didn't know people we're dying and waking up again as zombies till it officially broke out.
Some people from surrounding areas ran into Quantuamn for obvious reasons, but there was no help. It overwhelmed us, some people hiding being bitten and it took Quantumn down.
The city is crawling with dead now, it's dangerous there. Government members, we went into hiding.
We saved ourselves selfishly abandoned the public who really needed us. I spent years hiding underground in like this furnished looking bunker with others just like me, but food, medicine and other supplies we're scarce.
A fluffy pink rug on the floor doesn't make up for it and the overwhelming thoughts and feelings that we ran, leaving people to die really got me.
I snuck out, wanting to die. I was kind of suicidal then, and I managed to make contact with Lindsey, Noah and... Opal. I went to school with them, but we had been long distant from each other and they came and saved me...
We got out of Qunatuamn, piled in this RV and left."
"Where's Opal now? She's not with you guys."
Noah slides a photo out of his back pocket, showing Slate. It's Opal hugging Noah. She has ashy skin, raven hair in a plait, green eyes.
"Is she your girlfriend?"
"God, no. No, she was more like my sister. We weren't related, but she was like my sister and my best friend.
She sacrified herself to save Evelyn, pushing Evelyn out of the way when we we're trying to get out of Quantuamn. We we're outside of Quantuamn and went in to get her."
"She got bit?"
"Uh, I guess you could say that..."
"A pack of zombies tore her apart." Evelyn joins in, cutting Noah off. "I mean, like, really tore her apart, she-"
"I'm here!" Paisley screams.
"Evelyn! You're scaring her! Stop! Slate may be able to take, but she doesn't have to!" Noah yells at her.
Paisley starts crying and runs off to the bedroom, crying. "Paisley. Paisley!" Lyla calls out, going after her. Gideon follows them to the bedroom.
"Shit. Slate, I'm sorry-" Evelyn begins.
"You're pregnant and I'm 99% sure it's not Noah's. You and Lindsey? No way." Slate responds.
"It may not be mine, but I'm going to raise that child like it is." Noah answers.
"That's why you left the underground bunker situation you had going." Slate points out.
"...Yes. Can we not talk about it anymore?"
When they hear a scream, two screams.
"Beth!" Slate yells, running to the door, but Noah pulls him back. "You do that again, and I put this bullet through your skull." Slate threatens, raising his gun, it pressed against Noah's temple.
"What's going on?!" Gideon asks, busting through the bedroom door. "Evelyn!" Paisley cries out, running to her and she pulls Paisley onto her lap, hugging her.
"Slate, don't! It if wasn't for them taking us, we wouldn't he here right now!" Lyla yells at him.
"If you want to shoot me, Slate. Go ahead, I'm not afraid to die." Noah responds, not moving from Slate's gun resting against his temple. "But you will have to live with yourself and this if you pull that trigger and if you have any compassion left for other people, would you really went to leave a pregnant woman alone without her boyfriend, a kid without a dad.
Do you remember your parents? Does living without knowing them-"
Slate clicks the safety on, removing the gun away when they hear a few gun shots, the RV door flies open a moment later, a bloodied Lindsey stumbling in with a bloodeied Bethany in his arms.
"I need fucking help and no one came to help!" Lindsey yells at them when they hear another scream, Evelyn leaning over in pain, Paisley jumping off her lap, a gush of water racing.
She looks up at Noah, breathing deeply.
"Oh, fuck." Is the words out of his mouth. "Gideon, get the first aid kit, now."
Gideon rushes into the bedroom's small bathroom to find it. "Lidnsey, Bethany, take a seat up the front." Noah orders and Lindsey shakily walks over, sitting and places Bethany down beside him.
"Uh, Evelyn, lay down." Lyla begs, helping her to lay down on the table, Paisley hanging around, peering at them. "I'm not a doctor, but there was a woman, Ester. She was a doctor, and she showed me some stuff. Can I have a look?" Lyla explains.
June nods despretly, them screams a little bit.
"Okay, she's started giving birth. Looks like maybe 5-6cm? I think it's a matter of hours."
"Ow! Ow, it feels like a bowling ball!" June screams.
"It's going to feel like that, it's a baby-"
Gideon runs back into the room with the first aid kit. "What if she needs a c-section? What if the baby gets stuck?"
"I don't want to die!" June screams when they hear some banging on the exterior door of the RV, Lindsey standing up and opening a small side window at the front, aiming his gun out and shooting a few zombies.
"Hey! We need fucking help up here to!" Lindsey yells at them.
"Lindsey, she's going into Labour-" Noah try's to tell him when Lindsey takes a raspy breath, holding up his left arm, showing a huge zombie bite.
"Shit!" Noah yells back. Lidnsey turns around, roughly pulling off Beth's right boot, her sock and throws it. They see it's split down the middle and there is her bite just above the ankle.
"Oh, we're fucked. Really fucked." Gideon murmurs, dropping the first aid kit to the floor having just walked back into the room.