A small child sits alone on a swing in front of a huge mansion. Only it isn't a mansion it's an orphanage. Where all the other kids are in bright colors singing and laughing. Adeline wears a far away look and dark colors. She also has a deep scar across her eye. The young girl had gone threw so much yet so little of life. After a long days play everyone except Adeline and a few of the older kids went to bed. Adeline silently went over to the garden. It was close to midnight at the time. The only time the black rose would bloom. She didn't expect it when the older kids shuved her into the thorns of the Bush. Some of them reopened the wound across her eye. The kids were gone as quickly as they came. However Adeline could now open her eyes unlike before. An old woman walked or I should say floated over to Adeline. Heaven or hell Adeline asks heaven hopefully the woman replies. The woman takes Adeline's hand and as the she fades away the word heaven appears in the mist. You see Adeline knew that she would eventually see the ghosts because she knew she wasn't human.