When we are broken and sad, we feel hollow inside. The pain doesn't go away we just make a room for it. We just cry and cry when we are alone cause we aren't living in fairytales where happy ever after exists. The room we create insides hears all our screaming and cries that no one else can hear. You know what we all know the results but we are still those failures, losers and motherfucking idiots who trust people. We can't stick our shit together with us because we are stupid cause we think if we are loyal, if we are good to them , if we love them, if we trust them then they are supposed to do the same but you know WHAT? nothing goes the same.. they do the opposite.. they make you feel miserable.
Yes, I am sad! Tired of life!
I am at that point of my life where i don't hate anymore. They suck. I want myself not to care anymore BUT i do care.. i fucking do care and i hate this. Sometimes I think that if i can't make myself happy than what in life i can do.
You know that feeling? when you're alive but you are also dead. YOU LOOK ALIVE BUT YOU ARE DEAD INSIDE.
Everyone thinks they know us but in real they don't. They can't hear our 3 am cries, those feelings, emotions, those ocean of tears, that pain which is drowning us.. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US....but they would say oh sweetie you don't know but we care about you.
I can not see! What?
I just wanted to know that which care they are talking about. Like literally i can not see it. I guess you say that caring is something when we are sick and are medicated, when we want money and we are given, we want food and we are given. YOU THINK THIS IS CARE??
If this is care than I don't want it!
This is not what you think it is.. WHAT YOU DO IS PAMPARING! pamparing isn't care.
The reality is that they can not see that we are sick inside and sick of all this drama that is going on everyday! This trauma effects us so bad!
we are also humans, we can not be PERFECT! you want us to be perfect children. Now everyday storm is rising inside of us. Don't you see our worlds colliding? It's getting harder to breathe and it hurts deep inside.
why do you overthink? you are young
lol, why do you ask this even if you know the answer. you made me do this and now you are asking me why??
just let us be who we are.. its what you really need to understand and i hope so hard for the pain to go away. It is torturing us and we can mot breathe so we cry and cry and want to just get it out. Tell me why you are putting pressure on us and everyday you cause us harm that is the reason why we feel so lonely even though you hold us in you arms!