the sound of a modern day train engine hummed threw the train cars. void of light and filled with what seemed like corpses hooked up to strange machinery. light beamed threw the windows of the train occasionally as the train continued moving. a small figure granted as they appeared to have been regaining some feeling in there hands there eyes opening subtly as they tried looking among the row of naked corpses and they being among them. they probably couldn't have been older then 13 and yet they seemed to be the first to regain conciosness.
the machine looked like a holster of a roller coaster but with some blank screen attached. the animated corpse fumbled with the machine trying to get loose. it seemed helpless till he placed his hand on the screen. after what appeared like a scan of the screen, the monitor read
applicant owner registered, no.13...approved. the machine resonated with steam as the harness suddely released the corpse from his holding. slowly they worked there way out of the harness. they tried to stand up but fell after into the seat across from them into a female corpse with clearly huge knockers. trying to support there weight they grabbed onto the corpses breast which seemed to squirt out a light blue substance. clumsy in trying to lift themselfs up they accidently touched the screen which clearly was holding the female corpse in place activating some sequence.
"applicant owner selection overriden. ownership protocal re-downloading" a needled arm dropped down before probing certain parts of the corpses body fiiling it with a clearly green substance. the screen displayed some form of loading screen before finally displaying a respond
"no. 26... approved". the female corpse stood from the harness clearly easier then they originally could the train still moving while two living corpse stood among each other naked among a cart of other naked corpses. confused with no clear identy the 2 could only only be recalled as 13 and 26.
13 gazed down the cart of the train clearly the two confused. 13 was suddenly scooped up by 26 before she walked forward oddly as if she instantly knew where to go. reaching the end of the cart before transitioning to the next one and then the next. this continued up until they reached a cart that seemed diffrent from the rest. clearly with more space and seemingly with more items as opposed to corpses perhaps they were items of the deceased?
" hold on... put me down i want to look around" 13 spoke. it was the first coherent thing he said since he was revived perhaps his mind was starting to regain proper focus.. the train cart was clearly some storage unit filled with chest and lockers fortunate to remain unlocked almost as if the person who put them here wasn't concerned with who they belonged to.
13 began sorting threw the storage units many of which contained clothes and trinkets this lead to 13 playing dress up for a while unaware of gender roles he equally ended up trying on clothes ment for men as well as women. it seemed for the first time 13 obtained a prefence of somekind, though he sported the verity in design choice that came with women clothing he perfered the simple sytle of men clothiing a little more
13 made a compramise doning on a gray T-shirt and a jackets he also doned on a skirt and underwear it was a strange combination that 13 wasn't too concerned about it at the time as ridiculous as it was at the time. looking over at 26 he could see that she had remained idle she was a female corpse clearly taller then even 13 perhaps twice his height if not less. she had a dark complexation. it wasn't clear what here face look like as it was covered with a bundle of hair. her breast were far larger then what a normal women would normally have and for some reason since her revival she had been dripping fluids .
26 seemed to out of place and though 13 didn't understand why there were things he believed he wanted to do to her body but couldn't understand what exactly he was imagining, much like 26 fluid situation it seemed 13 had been dealing with a boner of his own since the trip. confused he had just been ignoring it since he didn't know what to do with it at the time
currently he became concerned if he would even be able to find any clothes that would fit her everything so far appeared small in comparison, and then 13 stumbled on to something it seemed like a turtle neck but it had 2 clearly large holes in it even though there was no tears in it. it almost seemed to imply that the wholes were intentional. it was confusing and yet 13 didn't seem to have any other options .
it was unfortanate that this appeared to be the only thing that seemed to fit her and nothing else. the two faced each other " i feel like i need to say this... with or without that on ...your really attractive " 13 spoke out he didn't know what that probably ment to her but it was simple what came to mine. 26 was taken aback by 13's response. Though it would not be as startling as what 26 would respond with
" Is this your way of saying that you would like to have sex with me" 26 question. sex? was that, the thing 13 wanted to do did he want to have sex with this women?
" maybe... though im not sure what that is or what the word also curious where this thing were in is going"
13 turned his head to look down the cart before once again being scoped up again by 26. before whisper in 13's ear - "well when you do figure it out i will not mind if you wanted to have sex with me"
to be more clear, 13 knew what sex was just not the name for it. and even if he became aware of it, it was unlikely he would come out about it so boldly with his mind as clouded as it was even though the lower part of there body seemingly would love to.
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the two walked progressed threw the cart before they were able to reach what could be assumed to be the front of the train. before them was a black tall figure. they seemed to be controling the train oddly, dedicated to it as well
13 was the first to speak " who are you" the figure allowed a short pause before replying, " i am the conductor i both run and created this train... that said it is quite unusual for elements of the train to move on there own"
"are we not supposed be moving around?" 26 spoke, it was strange but besides the corpses from the previous cart it seemed no other form of life was on the train.
" no nothing like that. elements of the train simple don't normally move until they reach there stop in most cases they are simple put on the train or taken off once a stop it reached." the conductor spoke
" we should get off at the next stop then" 26 suggested. 13 vaguely agreed.
heading back the previous car they were able to find a seat where they would hopefully wait for the next time the train stopped...
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