This is a story that goes back into the mid-1700s there lied a maiden her hair black, her skin soft. She worked for Mrs. Burns, a wealthy old woman who was far too old to do that things for herself. The maiden’s name was Hannah Sverynska born of Russian and American parents, her father was Russian and her mother was American. Hannah was a slender but strong woman, she did things like using the wheelbarrow and shoveling out Mrs. Burn's garden. She also scrubbed the floors spotless, and Mrs. Burns in returns gave Hannah a room to sleep in. One night Hannah went to go to the bathroom when she saw this beautiful black veil she had to have it, Hannah avoided the bathroom and went straight into Mrs. Burn's room. She looked over at the empty side of Mrs. Burn's bed and saw a pillow. Hannah was thinking if she killed Mrs. Burns, this house along with that veil will be hers. Hannah thought for a second, and she reached for the pillow, she covered Mrs. Burn's face with the pillow and sat on it. She sat there until the sun rose, and she pulled the pillow off Mrs. Burn's face to make sure she was dead. Hannah grabbed a knife from the kitchen and struck it across Mrs. Burn's throat. Hannah then dragged Mrs. Burn's body into the cellar and threw it into the furnace. The police did a welfare check in the old woman, but Hannah told her she had been gone for three days with a man. The police thanked Hannah for her time, Hannah was known as the maiden with the black veil, and anyone who crossed paths with her were never seen again.