I swiftly pick up the glass and beeline for the bar. The man watches me approach, an easy smile on his face, and I notice how professionally he's dressed. He's wearing blue khaki pants, hugging every aspect of his legs. A white, long-sleeved, collared shirt, with a darker brown colored vest, and a dark purple tie. His skin is a light brown, with a trimmed amount of facial hair. His hair is a dark brown, slightly wavy, parted to one side. He is, by far, the most attractive man I've seen today.
"You came to me, I was beginning to worry you might not." He says, still smiling at me as I stand next to him, leaning against the bar, so I'm still facing him.
"I had to at least thank you for the drink. And besides, a gorgeous man like yourself left unaccompanied? Now, that's a crying shame. Lucky for you, I'm generous with my company." I say, trying to imitate his handsome smile. He chuckles, resting his jaw on his knuckles and staring up at me with a captivated expression. "You're clever, aren't you?" he says.
"About time someone noticed." I say, beaming from ear to ear, trying not to let myself turn red at the sound of his voice. "Oh, I doubt I'm the first one. You're pretty hard to miss." His eyes travel the length of my body in a way that makes me feel...special. I feel pretty damn special right about now. "I'm Ian."
"Hi, Ian. As previously discussed, I'm clever." I say, still feeling euphoric from his previous examination. He holds out his hand and I slip mine into it. His palm enfolds mine, sending a tingle shooting through my arm. "What, no name?" He says, smiling brighter this time.
"I think I'll make you work for it." I say, smiling, still holding onto his hand. "And I'm enjoying doing just that. It's a pleasure to meet you." I release his hand begrudgingly and slide onto the stool next to him.
"What I'd like to know is what someone like yourself is doing here. You're clearly not from New York." "What gave me away? Was it my accent? Have a thing for midwesterners, do you, Ian?" Triniti's words about being able to seduce with my accent are pinging in my ear. "Your voice is lovely," I guess she was right. "but there's a little more to it than that. I'm not sure how to explain it. You just have an air about you, a certain radiance that doesn't feel weighed down by the city."
"You're full of compliments, aren't you?" I say, enjoying my time with him, more than anything I've experienced today. "Honestly, I had a run-in with someone earlier," I say, thinking back to the downright cruel student I met previously, the whole reason I came to this bar. She supposedly runs Harthwood, she's the typical, white, prissy, rich, entitled person you see in any high school chick-flick. "I'm, well, not easily rattled, but I guess I'm not used to people like that."
Ian's smile fades, his brows furrowing. "I know the type you're talking about, I see them quite frequently in my line of work. All that entitlement is the perfect recipe for a headache. I've gotten so used to people treating each other like verbal punching bags." His smile returns. "It's good to know there are still genuine people in the world."
"Is that why you're here drinking? Long day at work?" I say teasingly, trying to lighten the mood as he did. "This is more like...preventive medicine. I've been away for a while, spent some time in Belize, and I start back on the job bright and early tomorrow."
"Belize, huh? It must be tough getting back to work after being somewhere as beautiful as that." I say, completely and utterly enthralled with whatever he has to say next. "Actually, it's surprisingly easy. I love what I do. It lets me pursue my passions." He smiles, clearly proud of whatever his passions may be.
"Oh? Pray tell, what kind of passions might those be?" Him smiling has subconsciously made me do the same. Ian raises an eyebrow, mischief twinkling in his eye. Is he being coy with me? "What I'd like to know is what you were thinking about on your way to the bar earlier. You had a pensive look on your face. It looked like something was troubling you. I found myself wondering, 'What could be bothering that beautiful woman over there?'"
"Maybe I was thinking about the sexy stranger sitting over at the bar." I say, trying to subdue a smile. "I hope you're talking about me?" He says, smiling right back. "Who else could it be? I'm sitting next to you, aren't I? Something you'll learn about me, Ian, is that I'm very forward."
Ian chuckles, appreciative of my compliment and clinks his glass against mine. "Have I mentioned that you have a lovely smile?" Ian asks. "You know, I read a study that said what men find most attractive in a woman is her happiness..." I state, trailing off. "And what women find most attractive in men is their confidence. You wouldn't be talking about last month's edition of Insider, would you?"
"Well, it appears we share some common interests, Ian." I say, raising my glass. He smiles. "Well in that case, here's to getting to know one another better." I imitate his expression. "As long as you keep paying for the drinks." I clink my glass to his to the sound of Ian's easy laughter. Conversation flows between the two of us as the minutes turn into hours.
"....And then she threw the wine in my face, including the glass!" He finishes telling his story about a date gone sour quickly. "No! Just because you said the purse and jeans industry were teaming to rip off women?" A look of exasperated shock is present across my face. "Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I'm not taking it back. I even have the scar to prove it happened."
He leans closer, and I move in as well to see the small scar right below his lower lip. "Oh, wow, it's right there..." My voice is low as I unconsciously run my thumb over the scar. I freeze as Ian's breath hitches. My fingertip hovers over the soft skin of his lip, and his knee is now pressed against mine.
His breath ghosts over my lips, top-shelf whiskey and a hint of mint are imminent, as he's starting to lean in. I close the distance, and though my lips have barely brushed against his, it's like I've been hit by lightning. My entire body tingles with awareness of him as he gasps. He grabs my waist and is pulling me close. Heat floods through me, melting, lips parting in a moan. I match each stroke of Ian's tongue, tasting alcohol, feeling his warmth, and my head is swimming with the intensity of it all. I now break apart from him with a gasp, his gaze burning into mine. His hands are like fire against my waist.
"Did we just–in the middle of the bar–" I say, out of breath, in shock and dizzy, from what I could mark as one of the best kisses of my life. Ian leans in, brushing his lips just beneath my ear. Electricity zips down my spine. "I'd like to spend more time with you. Somewhere...private." He whispers. "Is this the part where you invite me home to your ultra-luxe apartment and we spend all night in the throes of fiery, sultry passion?" I ask, a smile at the corner of my lips. He inhales sharply, like he's already imagining every erotic thing he'd like to do to me.
"I don't know if I can wait that long. I want you all to myself, now." He reaches out to brush my hair away from my face, his hand sliding down to caress my cheek. His thumb runs softly across my bottom lip. "The question is...do you want me as much as I want you?" My heart is beating out of my chest, all too quickly, I reply with an outburst of "Now." Ian smirks, and my heart rate quickens. He takes my hand under the bar, his warm fingers closing around mine. "Come with me." He says a smile appears across his lips as he responds to my statement. "I intend to, in every way." I say, humor dripping from my words. He laughs, the sound unguarded and delighted. He then gives my hand a tug, and I slip off the stool and follow him.498Please respect copyright.PENANAI3nAJ9Tlck