278Please respect copyright.PENANAox8iNsuz1o
*Punch*278Please respect copyright.PENANAojMeaDcAn3
278Please respect copyright.PENANAMOVeJoeL93
I try my best to block or dodge Trevor’s blows but…I’m getting overwhelmed. The only reason why I’m still conscious is because of the lightning shock. Damn it, Nao had to fight this monster?
278Please respect copyright.PENANARwhpDRTVzA
278Please respect copyright.PENANA4XoHsQJBbx
How am I supposed to win without magic!
278Please respect copyright.PENANABuusVnkNgh
278Please respect copyright.PENANArmlsYTJVL1
“You seem to be struggling love.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAZRcs3X0KtF
278Please respect copyright.PENANAKdPIA1O0V6
Yeah, but I can take it. If Nao can, I’ll push through this new pain. I’ll find a way to fry this bastard.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAmNKU4w8sTH
278Please respect copyright.PENANAWBRceU2c4W
“Awwww, that’s my husband. Undying will and strength. But you might need some help.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANA3X2Cx5xAWn
What do yo-278Please respect copyright.PENANAcGvTqw5uX0
278Please respect copyright.PENANAhkS0qWtmx3
Trevor: “Come on Anthony, I had more fun with Nao. Stop shooting those fireworks and fight me like a man.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAgwnEelRtai
278Please respect copyright.PENANAptJZcEsv1A
Anthony: “Ahhh, my lover’s body feels soooo good.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAjuuYRQbJli
278Please respect copyright.PENANApNg3Ukmn0T
Trevor: “Wow, your voice. Why do you sound like a girl now?”
278Please respect copyright.PENANA6ecFp3bsBB
278Please respect copyright.PENANAi0IsAIHXUq
Anthony: “Don’t worry about that. You wanted a real fight right, how about you play with me for a while.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAyaBNenp0EY
278Please respect copyright.PENANAfVvpWtFKHL
My body is moving without my will now. It’s a puppet now, moved by the star I made vows with. She beckons Trevor to fight in a somewhat provocative way. I rather fight him myself, but I’ll do what I need to do. Go get him Artemis.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAnnApuMEq0f
278Please respect copyright.PENANAhdCpzLsnsu
Artemis: “Of course.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAXEY2EcAwYI
278Please respect copyright.PENANAsjFknHAxHt
Trevor: “Fine, let’s see what you’ve got.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAJxoMW9M1qs
278Please respect copyright.PENANABjVAtrjOk8
Trevor charges again with that same ungodly speed but Artemis simply smiles. She moves gracefully and counters Trevor’s straight with a backhand. It was…way too fast. Like 2 times as fast as
278Please respect copyright.PENANAVy9e06oUDB
Trevor: “!?”278Please respect copyright.PENANAJUgNymvoTY
278Please respect copyright.PENANAhh6QDr4rVC
Artemis: “It’s always nice to feel with one’s own body. The blood and broken bones.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAeKKoivsvzr
278Please respect copyright.PENANArH9J9U64Uf
Trevor: “The heck? That hurt…like a lot.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANADXJ8RLShfe
278Please respect copyright.PENANAQToFQIJwX2
Artemis: “I can’t manifest fully through my husband but that’s enough to discipline a child.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAL4uQNTW3z6
278Please respect copyright.PENANAxl6SdDi8Ev
Trevor: “Don’t get cocky, this is just the beginning.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAujUS4hlJsc
278Please respect copyright.PENANAXM6UpunuLG
Trevor blasts forward again but a bit slower. He keeps his eyes trained on Artemis, seeking any opening. But there are none, Artemis is a being far beyond either of us.
278Please respect copyright.PENANA09oEUuBamt
278Please respect copyright.PENANAwdNlgLgcBH
Trevor snarls impatiently and gives a swift kick to Artemis’s head but she simply catches it. Trevor jumps and kicks with the other leg only for white lightning to shield Artemis.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAiyvf8nTe42
*ZAPP*278Please respect copyright.PENANAZj21MohfiN
278Please respect copyright.PENANA9NuT96mRl5
Trevor: “Gahh!”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAqabvGEhZa1
278Please respect copyright.PENANAAB19MQukwx
Trevor convulses on the ground for a bit after Artemis lets his leg go.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAqx0ZUbKVej
278Please respect copyright.PENANAEVymSybI79
How did you do that? I thought magic didn’t work.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAlmZGhPfuaG
278Please respect copyright.PENANAq8s16Zx0DY
Artemis: “You’re thinking too simple love. You can harness electricity too and natural electricity is not magic. There’s a lot in this school.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAtzeHMsjehk
Oh, I se278Please respect copyright.PENANAVKO8WXsPD8
278Please respect copyright.PENANA8ANy0Rg0jN
*Punch*278Please respect copyright.PENANABwDelqZ39v
278Please respect copyright.PENANAeW5YWiQXHd
Artemis: “!”278Please respect copyright.PENANAHK4NJD7qr3
278Please respect copyright.PENANAAZENffeD2D
Artemis looks down at our stomach and sees Trevor’s fist buried inside. Artemis’ left eye twitches from the pain. Even now, Trevor’s hits are no joke. 278Please respect copyright.PENANAlj9AAtc0yc
278Please respect copyright.PENANA2drnWWMDk4
278Please respect copyright.PENANA2ZuOWoTMeY
Artemis: “Interesting, you should work out more love. Your defense is sad but I guess that can be cute too.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAa5nosyRZOm
278Please respect copyright.PENANAG4rcS0cgaK
Trevor: “So, you can’t…take a hit either. Better than before but…I can…see a way to win.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAs874pzvD4h
278Please respect copyright.PENANAMyTvZiZuQI
Artemis: “I’m surprised you can fight against electrocution.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAjwXGm0ipYw
278Please respect copyright.PENANAiuRENNCcYp
Trevor forces himself up and throws another barrage of blows at Artemis. Artemis shakes off the slight pain and dodges the blinding fast punches and kicks easily. She blocks several attacks and only counters with soft blows.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAymFRRlggOA
278Please respect copyright.PENANAtWoqVvGsdh
At first, I was confused. Why won’t she finish him? But I can feel why whenever she connects a hit. She’s enjoying this and wants to enjoy every moment, every splatter of blood and fracture. I want…to be like that.
278Please respect copyright.PENANA5oJLcxk8KW
278Please respect copyright.PENANAVZfqju3IBv
Artemis, how can you dodge those hits and counter so fast? I want to do that.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAAsLeYiKbuh
278Please respect copyright.PENANApr6Ar5jdJS
Artemis: “Because I can force our body to become lightning and attack using that power.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANA09wpaptHJV
278Please respect copyright.PENANAsItoIZKV2N
Artemis: “Don’t just use the lightning, become it. Do as I do, remember how your body moves.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAb6DTSZkLxx
278Please respect copyright.PENANAEldtaFuCZp
In that instant, she moves from defense to a savage assault. She unleashes dozens of lightning punches into Trevor’s body within a second. Each blow crackled with purple lightning and godly power. The sound of the thunder, swallowing out Trevor’s screams of pain. 278Please respect copyright.PENANAxnS3WjN2Bu
278Please respect copyright.PENANA3goaCWv613
Trevor: “*Pant* *Pant*”278Please respect copyright.PENANA3ViKa7wC3S
278Please respect copyright.PENANApYkfj0rQEl
Artemis: “You are durable, I’ll give you that. If you weren’t immune to my lightning, there would be nothing left of you.”278Please respect copyright.PENANAY6rXipwbeV
278Please respect copyright.PENANA1P5d5AeDt1
278Please respect copyright.PENANAX5pPw9wVvV
Trevor: “*Pant* I can…keep this up all day. How about you? Does this change…last forever?”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAxdQ7zhZFjW
278Please respect copyright.PENANAJjFvW9lUS9
Artemis: “Clever boy. I can’t keep doing these things in my husband’s body. It’s not fair to him. Better kill you quickly then so he can continue our bloodbath.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANA5bqfUSHRpX
Trevor: “!!”278Please respect copyright.PENANAc0tqm3oVVW
278Please respect copyright.PENANA67beDOqnV6
In a flash of purple, Artemis teleports in front of Trevor and snaps his left arm.278Please respect copyright.PENANAQ0HgETKqE5
278Please respect copyright.PENANAaPw5dzJsjK
Trevor: “GAHH!!”278Please respect copyright.PENANA0Yy3UnjoRW
278Please respect copyright.PENANAjpkW66Ccmo
Artemis: “That was a nice break. Now, what will you do without your arm?”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAy6YpwGZL1z
278Please respect copyright.PENANAAUtMsSwLqq
Trevor bites his lip and swings his other arm with all of his strength. But that means nothing to Artemis. She calmly dodges it and chops the center of his arm, breaking it.
278Please respect copyright.PENANA5a2HSmwdmh
278Please respect copyright.PENANAqEMo6BW4a1
This time Trevor holds back his screams but I can see it in his eyes. That sinking feeling in his soul. He lost and there’s nothing he can do. But he refuses to shed any tears in front of his enemy. The only thing he can’t refuse are his body’s screams.
278Please respect copyright.PENANA8ESvam5mdm
278Please respect copyright.PENANAdvlHfwSJnK
All the pain, burns, and broken bones catch up to him. He buckles under that pressure and falls to his knees.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAhDlMcVNLwL
278Please respect copyright.PENANAd0Ide8nEuF
Finally, the king kneels. And it’s all because of me, someone who he disregarded as an outcast and non-entity. But…it was actually Artemis who defeated him…
278Please respect copyright.PENANAHjaa4nKgB1
278Please respect copyright.PENANAgCJv6HUj5u
Artemis: “You break nice. I might have to play with you before letting the slaughter continue.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANA2CxK83g9wG
278Please respect copyright.PENANAEPzns8vzHd
Let me back in.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAAbOzT6fBKm
278Please respect copyright.PENANAFhWxWjJwPQ
Artemis: “Really? I was having so much fun.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAtq179e6l1M
278Please respect copyright.PENANA1c40vFXvpf
If he’s going to die, it should be by my hands.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAV8uHE678DQ
278Please respect copyright.PENANAniWSe2KlDA
Artemis: “Sure love, no problem. We’ll both reach a climax at the end anyway.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANA1xGrpzgqud
…278Please respect copyright.PENANAoi68qOeFXm
278Please respect copyright.PENANA1KiJxi6zFU
Anthony: “Now, I have you where I want you.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAtEtLho0MgN
278Please respect copyright.PENANAO6lBixGTc8
I remember Artemis’ teachings and close my eyes. I feel the potential power around the school and begin to pool it around me. I gather the electricity from the school and form a ball of lightning overhead. I’ll burn him until there’s nothing left! And it will be me who kills him, no one else!
278Please respect copyright.PENANA5PkeA6XUKq
*Smack*278Please respect copyright.PENANAhvnRgevsJO
278Please respect copyright.PENANAPRj3nLRNgn
Anthony: “What the…a shoe? Really?”
278Please respect copyright.PENANA5mXDunuxxm
278Please respect copyright.PENANANDyy8RliUn
I look at who threw it and again I’m surprised. Can she still see me after that bolt of lightning?
278Please respect copyright.PENANAmiJGS9epy6
278Please respect copyright.PENANAadlPJPOHf8
Deanna: “S-Stay away from him!”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAMMApNj9HdQ
278Please respect copyright.PENANAks6aK4BdIR
Anthony: “Stupid bitch, trying to act like you actually care about him.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAiMMmPG25kU
278Please respect copyright.PENANAdp90WgR8UP
I aim my blast at her instead. I should have killed her before but now’s a good time as any.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAMrdVtmj13a
278Please respect copyright.PENANAvj9SgrURe5
Deanna: “!”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAWpuuOmo7Hx
278Please respect copyright.PENANA2I2cTvyOmh
Trevor: “!!”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAXp3ry27eks
*BLAST*278Please respect copyright.PENANAih2bYbLopL
278Please respect copyright.PENANAW37yOXNnkD
Again? Why?!
278Please respect copyright.PENANAuqJk5BHWHS
278Please respect copyright.PENANAAFN0GYhp2m
Deanna: “T-Trevor!?”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAvuNRXBRqo8
278Please respect copyright.PENANAZ2NqVpmQUB
Trevor: “Damn…got me…good. Didn’t think…I’d go out like this.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAOQRnFNDZG9
278Please respect copyright.PENANAHSPzLWdC2k
Trevor…really jumped in front of that for…Deanna. He hated her, didn’t he!?
278Please respect copyright.PENANAvkD6ZSjJEg
278Please respect copyright.PENANAauJRNf5N4X
Anthony: “Don’t act like a hero now! You should have done that when me and my friends were treated like sub-humans!”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAjwQ6EOPSrz
278Please respect copyright.PENANAwUGwVfM0hR
Trevor: “Don’t…blame me…my body moved…on its own.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAF8qUDSsR48
278Please respect copyright.PENANAnll52LCMw0
Artemis: “It’s kind of cute. But it’s a pale copy of what we have. It offends me love, kill them.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANANQvBZ3phL0
Gladly!278Please respect copyright.PENANAjqp5qQ4q6m
278Please respect copyright.PENANACI0oUhuvmJ
Anthony: “You won’t be moving for long!”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAB8ivpv0GVE
278Please respect copyright.PENANAEMTBMILdXq
I gather even more electricity from the building making the lights flicker violently. I look at the two and once again I’m shocked. Deanna is now cradling Trevor’s broken body in her arm. And he looks…content with it?!
278Please respect copyright.PENANAEwj0MVqnhJ
278Please respect copyright.PENANAf0bbNRpl0B
The sight makes me sick…I aim the lightning ball at them. One shot and this corrupt hypocritical kingdom fall.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAJuYX5htnKP
278Please respect copyright.PENANATv6caaEQdu
Nao: “Anthony!”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAhw8dH9oR37
!!278Please respect copyright.PENANAE5NzoQaGPM
278Please respect copyright.PENANALkuXrddZay
Artemis: “That energy….”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAF7qdYiKfj8
278Please respect copyright.PENANALTUixULanp
I look to my left to see Nao bloody and panting hard. So Alyson was right, someone was stupid enough to try and capture him.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAKMSrS9aJUi
278Please respect copyright.PENANA6NFcsl2wD0
Anthony: “I’m glad you’re here Nao. I’m assuming that’s not your blood so you understand the feeling too right?”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAcIjgzo4ep8
278Please respect copyright.PENANAWSiKQbx6YI
Nao: “What are you doing!”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAoQunee2YAM
278Please respect copyright.PENANAQNVzPziPP1
Anthony: “I-I’m doing what we should be doing. You were wrong Nao, these bullies still came for us even after your beating. This is the only way!”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAMv4BPc2dvn
278Please respect copyright.PENANAQKbFubIZ1k
Nao: “But mass murder? I saw…those piles of ashes on my way here. This can’t be the right way!”
278Please respect copyright.PENANALjE5KJ68GH
278Please respect copyright.PENANACHZfQrTqoO
Anthony: “You’re one to talk. I see those bloody clothes, how many did you have to kill to get here? And if those rumors are right, you even killed Anton right?”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAct8QCrmHGo
Nao: “!!”278Please respect copyright.PENANASy8N7qaS2x
278Please respect copyright.PENANANJHlebj0BI
Anthony: “That’s the only time where change started to happen. I’m only finishing what you started.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAuIeFXDygUy
278Please respect copyright.PENANAQnAfwxyQAC
Artemis: “Enough talking my love. I want that book for a wedding gift.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAfU6N9umsZZ
278Please respect copyright.PENANAUCBKWqKV9J
That can be arranged. Especially since he’s too busy seeing everyone’s reaction to his past victories. Let me get him to come to me first though.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAPMXMgStrnT
278Please respect copyright.PENANAGYZimYLRxK
Artemis: “Hurry love, I’m hungry.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANArbULrtHcqR
278Please respect copyright.PENANA36xbgW3oeB
Nao: “…You’re right, I-I did kill Anton and his friend. But that was a mistake, don’t copy it. I don’t want to fight you Anthony. We’re supposed to be friends.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANA34z1lB7xrq
278Please respect copyright.PENANAkWtneVkTnY
Anthony: “…If you were, you wouldn’t try to leave us as soon as you got power. You wouldn’t have kept Anton a secret, that’s not what friends do. I wouldn’t leave my friends, keep secrets or change myself to be like these bastards.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAbKZcFsnNcd
278Please respect copyright.PENANAOjQufZDquT
I point the lightning ball at Alyson.
278Please respect copyright.PENANA356tdk4J9Q
278Please respect copyright.PENANAtVeDrbtJKd
Anthony: “Is it because of her?”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAvHMi6kJuJS
278Please respect copyright.PENANAWdMODn09E8
Nao: “Anthony!”
278Please respect copyright.PENANA4fCVTYNdLl
278Please respect copyright.PENANAUyECOuw5NT
Anthony: “So I gather you told her about your magic. But did you tell her about how you emotionally manipulated her as Alphon?
278Please respect copyright.PENANAIQOu0v5mkz
278Please respect copyright.PENANAZlCfQgGEcF
Alyson: “!!”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAnCqzNy1mxK
278Please respect copyright.PENANAzB2cBC2ttR
Nao: “!!”
278Please respect copyright.PENANA443eMvc6Gc
278Please respect copyright.PENANAtem3Kwlakm
Anthony: “She’s your sister Nao. Step or not, you shouldn’t abandon the cause just because of your misplaced feelings.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAjmKzY2sUWy
278Please respect copyright.PENANAdJob0LjuqV
Nao: “Alyson I-”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAFXHaTjq4dD
278Please respect copyright.PENANAF8atbTxM0J
Alyson: *Turns away*
278Please respect copyright.PENANAJIjaw0AhSk
278Please respect copyright.PENANA87MJ3fRZ59
Nao: “…”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAtHIHahl5Hd
278Please respect copyright.PENANAqyONfAGdte
Anthony: “As you can see, she won’t return those feelings. Your family doesn’t care about who you really are.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAD06xTxeoHg
278Please respect copyright.PENANAULo1XcmwLF
Anthony: “Turn back Nao, to your true self. You’re not like them and shape shift with some exercise won’t change that. Come back to your people. We’re all we got in this crazy world. Don’t abandon me.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAqE3FWsKiEL
278Please respect copyright.PENANALHqdUF6MRF
Nao: “…”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAdWpbyDjl5u
278Please respect copyright.PENANAqVIgRQnmGt
Nao shrinks back to his original size and finally, he can’t look down at me anymore. I take a glance at everyone’s faces darken at the realization. He’s not their hero but ours.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAW5zghQBbT5
278Please respect copyright.PENANAO3OFZZX82C
Yes, the only hope they had left is slowly walking toward me. The despair they’re feeling is not even half of what we have to go through.
278Please respect copyright.PENANALmcrF9JEPI
278Please respect copyright.PENANAnAuofLmLca
Artemis: “It’s beautiful my love. I can’t wait to kill them at the height of their fear.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAafSQALhPG2
278Please respect copyright.PENANAllg5LxDoWJ
278Please respect copyright.PENANAmvdWCLnlli
278Please respect copyright.PENANADvm5NWRn1Q
Now Nao is right in front of my hand. Take it Nao. Take it! Then I’ll take the power you abused and then I’ll be the one to give out scraps.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAQIFYDzqewP
278Please respect copyright.PENANA0VsH5fjQwe
Nao: “…I’m sorry Anthony, I guess we can’t be friends anymore.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAdHqQkaRPoY
278Please respect copyright.PENANAEwis1jiK2h
Anthony: “Huh?”
278Please respect copyright.PENANATa92GnO0th
278Please respect copyright.PENANA6BKV1CPjeS
I feel a heavy punch sink into my jaw which sends me flying back. For an instant, I was out cold but thanks to lightning shock, I regain consciousness. It hurt way more than what Trevor was throwing. As I was airborne I could tell why, his hands are a gorilla’s.
278Please respect copyright.PENANARyVw2SzSXS
278Please respect copyright.PENANADAqNRLq29g
I catch myself and prevent a nasty fall by landing on my knees.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAjXeE530WRF
278Please respect copyright.PENANArYcsyAVvW8
Nao: “I won’t go further down that path and I won’t let you kill any more people.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAIYhZT50HNw
278Please respect copyright.PENANAjrfnWo1h7q
So, you’re their hero…
278Please respect copyright.PENANAEG6vhxPVwl
278Please respect copyright.PENANAeZRCGC5lqW
Anthony: “Fine, I’ll do what I must.”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAHJFU1aCYNM
278Please respect copyright.PENANAqtpO09dXGY
Stay out of this fight Artemis, Nao is mine alone.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAKa8mUu87qh
278Please respect copyright.PENANA8xFPuyXwmB
Artemis: “Of course love, I’m looking forward to the show…”
278Please respect copyright.PENANAVestn68nbl
278Please respect copyright.PENANA3xPYdoKFae
We get in our battle stances and glare deep into each other. I’ll save you from nativity…even if I have to cripple you to do it.
278Please respect copyright.PENANAqDpds7tOUY
278Please respect copyright.PENANAewhVZTE7D6
Artemis: “The first mage battle in eons.”