“Haymitch!” His mother called across the fields, beckoning him inside. “Hurry up, it’s almost the Reaping!”
Haymitch turned, not wanting to go. This whole thing was unfair. His life was unfair.
”Haymitch!” She yelled again.
”I’m coming! I’m coming!” He finally shouted, running to the house.
“I need my little boys to look their best,” his mother said to herself as she adjusted his younger brother, Tom’s tie.
”We can’t look like slobs in front of the peacekeepers and reporters from the capital,” she turned to combing Haymitch’s crazy hair, trying to tame it. “Which is why you have to let me comb this mess.”
“Ugh, mom!” Haymitch protested, swatting her hand away.
”Haymitch…” she gently said, her eyebrows knit in concern.
She had always been an on edge woman, so whenever Haymitch protested to her, she would become quiet and concerned.
”Look, I’m sorry Mom, I just…” Haymitch didn’t know what to say. A million feelings filled his brain, confusing him.
“I know,” his mother gave him a smile, and he attempted one back.
”I need to see Carina,” Haymitch told her, heading for the door.
“Okay,” she replied, unsure. “Just make sure you’re not late to the Reaping.”
Haymitch nodded, then ran through the streets of District 12. He had to get to Carina to make sure she was safe. To make sure his girlfriend’s name wouldn’t be called this year.
“Carina!” Haymitch shouted as he slammed open the door. Carina’s mother jumped, letting out a quiet yelp.
But Carina was the only one who caught Haymitch’s eye. Her black hair stopped at her waist, braided down her back. She brushed her hands off on her dress as she stepped towards Haymitch.
”Haymitch?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at him panting in the doorway, out of breath from running across town.
”I just wanted to…see you.” Haymitch started to say, gripping her shoulders as he stared into her deep brown eyes.
”See me?”
”In case…” Haymitch trailed off, looking at her sad eyes, “In case I never see you again.”
”Oh,” Carina understood. “Oh, Haymitch…” she noticed his eyes begin to sparkle, and she became blurry as he looked at her through the tears.
”Haymitch…” Carina said into his shoulder as he hugged her tight, never wanting to let her go.
“I’ll be alright,” Carina assured him, “You don’t have to worry.”
But he did worry. She was 16 just like him. More chances for her to get picked.
Although her family didn’t let her sign up for the Tessera like Haymitch had, her name was still in there 6 times.
Haymitch’s name would be there 20 times. 20 times. Times had been hard, so he had entered for the Tessera since the moment he turned 12.
Now, those numbers piled on top of each other in a tower so high it might crush Haymitch.
Haymitch stood in the crowd of people, his foot tapping nervously on the ground as the Reaping began.
Everything around him felt numb, as the woman from the Capitol said it was finally time to draw the names.
”Ladies first,” she sang, dramatically putting her hand in the glass bowl of slips of paper.
Haymitch’s foot tapped faster and faster as he said in his mind, “Please don’t be Carina. Please don’t be Carina.”
“Maysilee Donner!” the woman said excitedly, and Haymitch let out a sigh of relief as the girl silently walked up to the stage, her face pinched in fear.
Carina would be safe. It would be alright.
”And now for the boys,” Haymitch didn’t hear her say, just glad Carina wouldn’t be in danger.
“Haymitch Abernathy,”
Haymitch looked up at the woman, holding the slip with his name on it high in the air.
“No,” Haymitch thought, “no, this could not be happening to me.”
”Haymitch Abernathy, please come to the stage.”
Haymitch finally began to make his way through the crowd, staring at the ground while he went.
As he walked onto the stage, his world crashed around him. The odds were never in your favor.