I just realized that we probably haven't been updating the blog as often as we could've. But hopefully, we can shed some light on what to expect, and keep this updated frequently to keep you interested and in the loop.
When are new Chapters coming out?
As stated in the new release, the book's next chapter will be Chapter Four and hold your breath, you may see something coming up on Friday. Who knows 👀? Chapter Five might be published about one-in-a-half to two months from now, if we got some people writing it.
Will there be new faces?
First of all, props to MarkTwain2.0 for making these faces. The program she uses is actually harder than I thought, especially when you want to try and implement specific key features. Moving on, as stated in the previous update, a new face will be revealed to you guys with the release of Chapter Four. There will be more with the release of Chapter Five. The plan for face releases is to make them for our main characters, but sometimes we may put in some other key figures.
What's going on in the story so far?
(Seriously? Just read the book. *Sigh*) As of Chapter 3, Hale found out the location of her necklace. She tried to get it from Ryker, but ended up getting found out and now has to pay Ryker money. But instead, she's decided to hire people using the mysterious site, The Gray Law, to help her gain possession of her necklace. And perhaps kill Ryker too. You never know.
Thanks for your patience everyone!
-Burn It Down Blog