“What does he mean to ignore it!?” Danny slammed his empty glass on the table. Rage and alcohol did not mix well together, especially with this one. Thomas hung his head in the palm of his hands, trembles of fear radiating from his body. “That arrogant bastard, who does he think he is?”
“He is your boss.” Cordelia simply observed as Danny requested more drinks from the bartender. Normally she restricted him from ingesting too much of the addictive substance, but it was something she refrained from doing that night. She had barely touched the single glass in front of her, already numb from the night’s event.
Danny clicked his tongue in annoyance, his eyes hazy from the alcohol. “Obviously he doesn’t care for us. We are just rats running in the hands of the government. No appreciation for the little people.”
Upon turning the letter carved in skin over to the chief, the six of them who were listed were called in for a meeting. It was brief and had done little to console them. Instructed to ignore the threatening letter for the time being, they were told to go about their daily duties and not to let it distract from their current work. Did the Chief have no concern for his officers and detectives? Cordelia knew that was not the case, but at the moment it still hurt to see little concern from their boss.
“W-what do you think it means by sins?” Thomas finally spoke, no doubt some liquid courage finally made its fill. “Why was I included?”
Some of the names made sense, others Cordelia could not understand what they had done to aggravate the beast. “This is a psychopath who murders for fun, our sins could simply be waking up in the morning.” Cordelia shook her head at her partner’s words. She knew it was not something that simple. There was something that he knew about all of them.
Dire secrets that none of them shared with each other. Ones that could very easily end their lives.
“This is unbearable, I need to go find a woman for the night.” Danny stood from the table, his balance slightly off.
Cordelia wrapped her hand around his wrist before he could leave. “I wouldn’t if I were you. You know better than me that the women of the Golden District are not to be messed with. They’ll clean you out before you even say ‘Hello’.”
He yanked his arm free, the movement causing more of his dark hair to become disheveled. “What are you, my mother?” With that he wandered off into the sea of people.
“Idiot.” She muttered, her gaze focusing on the one left to her side. “Listen, Thomas, I believe the Chief is coming up with a plan in the meantime. We just have to do what we can-”
“Do what we can? We have been trying that for two years. Two whole years and we have nothing. This man probably knows everything about us, where we live, our families, what times we use the bathroom! I can’t bring Lisa into this!” His fiancee. Her heart ached seeing him as distraught as he was. He wasn’t the lovable, confident, loose tongued friend she knew.
“These have been the first times that we have had any direct contact from him. This one letter will give us much more information on him than what any of his murders have. He opened a new door for us, whether it was intentional or not.” The contents of the letter scared her, the fears Thomas spoke of echoed in her mind. This was a shadow they were fighting. They knew nothing of him but it was apparent he knew about them. To what extent? That has yet to be discovered.
An arm slipped around her shoulder causing her to jump. A deep chuckle reached her ears as she locked eyes with a man she did not know. “Now sweet lady, it pains me to see you conversing with such a crybaby. Why don’t you come with me for the night?”
There was a reason she was heavily opposed to the Golden District. It was littered with drunken bodies, gambling, raging music and neon lights. The worst of all were the escorts. In most areas of Coppermine, prostitution was illegal, but the few blocks making up the Golden District was the one place one could advertise their services. Cordelia pushed the man away, flashing her badge in the process. “Unless you desire to be handcuffed to some rails and be imposed on by starved men, I don’t believe I am good business for you.”
The man grumbled a few words before scoping out for his next victim. Laughter rang out next to her as she downed the drink in front of her she had avoided for the night. “I would hope you don't use that line on possible suitors.”
“Oh please, what man would want me? All my dates beg me to leave the force because it's too dangerous to have children in my line of work.” Cordelia rolled her eyes as she signaled for another drink. “All men wish for is an heir like we are in the olden days. Pathetic.”
Thomas gently nudged her shoulder in a playful way, his mind seemingly forgotten about the terrible situation they were placed in. “You know many of the single officers on the force have taken a liking to you.” Cordelia furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at him in disbelief. “I am not joking. You are a strong woman, beautiful, and just the right amount of crazy.”
“I can show them real crazy if they want.”
“I don’t doubt it.” The two of them laughed as they watched the passing bodies of strangers. A night for them to indulge in drunken conversation until the sun rose in the morning. A night they all needed for they all knew chaos was arriving.